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1Water Park Tranquility [Ryuujin/private] Empty Water Park Tranquility [Ryuujin/private] Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:44 am

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo was excited to be able to come out and relax at a water park as the chuumin exams were going on. With all the attention on the genin taking the exams, Keigo only thought about relaxation and what better way to relax and have a bit of fun then going to a water park. He had accidentally found the water park while he was exploring the foreign country. So many people from different countries just to see the exams amazed Keigo, since this was the first time he actually attended an exam event. Keigo knew his friends were also participating and wished them the best hoping after the exams they come back chuunin just like him. For the mean time Keigo headed toward the water park in his blue swimming trunks. The view was amazing leaving Keigo in aww. So many things to do at the water park it was hard to chose what to do. Keigo walked around just looking around wondering what should he ride first, such a difficult choice indeed. "Hmm what should I ride first or maybe I should just take a dip in the pool." While Keigo was thinking he noticed some people starring at him most likely because of the tattoo on his face, but what could you expect with something that noticeable on your face. It didn't bother Keigo since he was used to it anyway. Keigo saw a giant waterslide in the distance that looked fun. Keigo made his way toward the slide watching others go down the slide and falling in the pool at the end of the slide.

"That looks really fun" Keigo made his way to the top of the slide and quickly enjoyed the view, before sliding down the slide to splash in the pool at the end. Keigo brought his head above the water liking the feel of the cool water all over his skin. "Sucks Daichi couldn't be here to enjoy this with me."  




Ryuu was so very excited to be here. It was the second time Ryuu expressed that thought and he had a feeling it wouldn't be the last. He had heard many good things about Takigakure including things about the attractions they offered and now, finally, he would be able to sample one of them. So here he was at the Raging Waterfalls and all he saw was water (which wass expected of course since it is a water park)...lots of water themed games and rides were here and Ryuu couldn't wait to get started. And Ryuu already knew what he would be sampling last. He would be trying "The Great Falls" which was the world's largest water based roller coaster. This was going to be so funtastic.
Kai hadn't bothered to come what with her dislike of water so it was just Ryuu and Mr. Whiskers. For a while he had just stared at all the wondrous sites that he saw before he began to chatter at Mr. Whiskers about any and everything that came to mind about the place. As he walked and chattered to Mr. Whiskers people stared and Ryuu couldn't help but wonder about the number of people that had come here. All, or well most of them, were here for the chunin exams and Ryuu thought it was nice how so many people from different countries were here. And the best thing was was that he could make friends outside of Konoha. He wanted at least one or two friends from each country and a wanderer. Even if that meant he had to stalk them like some kind of creep.

Ryuu stared at the rides. The first one he noticed was the roller coaster. It was so huge and Ryuu stared at it in awe. For a minute he considered going on that first but stood strong. That ride was the last thing he would try. Ryuu then stared at the other rides and considered which one he should ride. Then he thought of the perfect way to choose (excluding the roller coaster).
"Eenie, meenie, miney, moe. Catch a tiger by it's toe. If he hollers, let him go. Eenie, meenie, miney, moe."
Ryuu stared at what his finger was pointing at. A water slide. Ryuu grinned and, cuddling Mr. Whiskers to his chest, made his way to it. He watched as other people slid down it and fell into the water and by the time it was his turn he was bouncing up and down. Ryuu's turn came and he slid down to the pool...and fell on top of someone.

words: 444

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo was enjoying himself at the pool no worries nothing but the sense of relaxation and water touching his skin. Keigo felt better because of the dip and was glad he came to this foreign land to enjoy the competition and the people itself. As he was standing in the pool Keigo felt something hit his back side for a split second then next he found himself under water with a body that had crashed on top of him. The impact knocked the wind out of him and to make matters worse he was under water. Keigo scrambled to find the surface of the water to find some air. As Keigo regained his composure he quickly rose to the surface with the water dripping all through his hair messing with his vision. Keigo looked around searching for what had knocked him over. Keigo was mad and e!barrased as people had starred at him and some laughing as well. This was the first time Keigo had been so embarrassed in public and he didn't want any attention drawn toward him at all, but that turned out a failure. Keigo wiped his face with his hand not really getting any water off of his face. As he continued to look around he noticed a person still under water. Keigo was a bit freaked out because it had been a few seconds and the person was still under. Keigo quickly grabbed the person to vent his frustrations and to his surprise it was a girl with purple hair and eyes, but as Keigo continued to analyze the girl he noticed the girl wasn't a girl but a guy. "What the hell"

Keigo was a bit shocked with himself confusing a guy as a girl, but couldn't deny that this guy did look like a girl to him at first site. Keigo scratched his head wanting to punch the boy, but he seemed like a nice person and of course what had happened was an accident. "I know you didn't mean to knock me over, but you really embarrassed me and I want to punch you right now, but I will let it go." Keigo turned around to to leave the pool, because he to embarrassed to stay in the area and decided he should find something else to do.




Ryuu fell into the water, slightly out of it and wondering what exactly had he knocked into as he clutched Mr. Whiskers to his chest. He stared under the water imagining akk kinds of things that he might hit into. He knew he needed to get out of the water and check but the water felt so nice as it covered his entire body. Ryuu opened his eyes and marveled at how the water looked. In the water, the way the sun hit the water made everything look shiny. He was so entranced by it that for a moment he forgot he needed to come up for air and that he had knocked into something.

Suddenly he was grabbed and Ryuujin yelled in shock except no sound came from his mouth. Looking at what pulled him up he found himself face to face with a boy with brown hair and blue eyes. No wait. Ryuy rubbed his eyes. A boy with blue hair and brown eyes, he quickly corrected himself in his mind. He wondered if staying under the water had confused him so. Ryuu continued to stare at the boy's hair. It was slightly fascinating to him and he felt the urge to touch it. His eyes moved up and down the boy's body. Tall. That was pretty much all he could think off. Tall and blue. Ryuu stared at the boy wistfully( 'he wanted to grow tall too') before fully focusing on the boy himself. He could see that the blue haired boy's mouth was moving but couldn't really hear anything until his ears finally tuned in to what the boy was saying.

"...really embarrassed me and I want to punch you right now, but I will let it go."
Now Ryuu was really confused. Punch him? Ryuu? But they had just met? He turned to Mr. Whiskers to complain about how unfair that was before it clicked. This was what he had fell on when he came out of the slide. He watched as the boy turned to leave and he looked at Mr. Whiskers.
"Well I suppose I should apologize, right? It's the right thing to do and when Mom hears about this and finds out I didn't apologize I'll get into trouble." Mr. Whiskers stared at him and Ryuu stared back before sighing.
Ryuu turned back to the blue haired boy, grabbing onto his arm.
"Wait..wait! Please don't go. Sorry I didn't catch most of what you were saying but you were what I fell onto right? If so, I'm really, really, sorry. Really, really, really times infinity sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you. Please forgive me." Ryuu clasped his hands and stared hard at the blue-haired boy, trying to telepathically impress onto him his regret. Ryuu thought it was working since he wasn't suddenly punched or anything like that.
Then a brilliant idea arose from his mind and he smiled.
"I know what to do to make you feel better. Here! Cuddle him and the love and happiness that's in him will pass on to you." Ryuu cuddled into Mr. Whiskers thinking about what he loved and what made him happy before holding out his teddy bear to the boy.

In his mind Ryuu was already planning all sorts of stuff to do to show his regret. He would give the blue haired boy ('I really can't keep calling him that so I'm gonna call him Blu') a shiny or some shinies and then he would feed him. But the quality and quantity of the shiny would depend on whether the boy cuddled Mr. Whiskers or not. This was a test he usually used on a person to see if they were worthy of him doing things for them in the future. Secretly, Ryuu hoped he would cuddle Mr. Whiskers so that he could befriend the boy then borrow some of his hair, though he would do so anyways even if he didn't cuddle. It would just mean extra work to get the boy's hair.

words: 690

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo caught in his own emotions was very upset. He did have a short temper, but never wanted that to be a reason for situations to get out of hand especially when it involved him. He came to this country to enjoy the variety of site it offered and the exams. He didn't want to cause a scene just because of an accident. He planned to leave the pool to find something else to do and cool his head. Maybe he should have stayed outside the pool and the accident would have never happened, so then he could still be in the pool and watch as someone different then himself get blind sided. That was a big maybe since it was already to late to think about a different scenario. Keigo planned to get out of the pool, but he felt someone grab his arm, so he turned to see the guy that fell on him. Guess he wanted to apologize to keigo for his action.

"Wait..wait! Please don't go. Sorry I didn't catch most of what you were saying but you were what I fell onto right? If so, I'm really, really, sorry. Really, really, really times infinity sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you. Please forgive me." Keigo starred at the boy thinking the apology seemed genuine. Keigo couldn't stay mad a person that put such effort to apologize to him. It was a very interesting apology, but one indeed he had to accept. He wanted to tell him it was fine, but in that instant the boy offered keigo his teddy bear. The time it took keigo to figure out what had just happened he also had a thought "Where the hell did that teddy come from?" Keigo left his train of thought to focus back on reality. Keigo starred at the bear as the boy told him cuddling with it will make him feel happy. Keigo felt weird hugging a teddy bear in the middle of the pool especially with a crowd of people around as well. Keigo slowly pushed the bear away from him " Umm its OK I accept your apology no harm done, but one question why do you have a teddy bear with you at a public pool?" Keigo was strangely eager to hear his answer.




Ryuujin cheered. The blue haired boy had hugged Mr. Whiskers. He was perfect. Blue hair shall soon be his. He gave an evil laugh in his mind and Ryuu would have continued doing so if Blu hadn't interrupted him.

" Umm its OK I accept your apology no harm done, but one question why do you have a teddy bear with you at a public pool?"

Ryuu grinned at him. He had accepted his apology. This boy was absolutely perfect. He had blue hair, he had hugged his teddy and he had accepted his apology. Clearly they were meant to be best friends.
Then the boy's question registered in his head. He scoffed. What a ridiculous thing to ask? Ryuu shook his head and made a 'tsk tsk' sound.
"Aaah my dear blue haired new best friend, the question isn't why I have a Mr. Whiskers at a public pool, it's why you don't have one. He's my best best friend along with my Ninneko partner Kai. Kai didn't come today though because she doesn't like water but you would love her and she would love you too my new best friend." Ryuu beamed at Blu.

"Oh before I forget!" Ryuu opened Mr. Whiskers and took out a gem and handed it to Blu.
"That's called a Benitoite. It has the same colour as your hair I think. It's yours now 'cause you hugged Mr. Whiskers which means you are a very nice person. Oh, what's your name? I'm Ryuujin but you can call me Ryuu. I've been calling you Blu in my head for a while now."
Ryuu stared at Blu expectantly. This was test number two. The purpose was to see if Blu could keep up with his chatter which was what he did whenever he met someone for the first time. Ryuu, though, was sure he would pass. He had very lovely blue hair after all.

words: 331

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo Uchiha

"Aaah my dear blue haired new best friend, the question isn't why I have a Mr. Whiskers at a public pool, it's why you don't have one. He's my best best friend along with my Ninneko partner Kai. Kai didn't come today though because she doesn't like water but you would love her and she would love you too my new best friend."  Keigo eyebrows rose in confusion. He was trying to figure out why this person was calling him new best friend. He didn't really do anything in particular he had thought. This person was becomimg even stranger as the two continued to interact with one another. Keigo wanted to interrupt this guy mid sentence about the bestfriend thing but Keigo was completely caught within his pace. "This guy has a strange aura" Keigo seemed to like the aura that was coming from this person. With out realizing it Keigo was offered a strange blue gem.

The surprises just keep coming at Keigo today. This person definitely was different from anyone he has ever met before. Keigo looked at the gem and it looked very nice, but Keigo didn't feel comfortable enough to take such an item from someone. Keigo also found out his new nickname bluu which didn't seem much of a nickname. Before Keigo could refuse the offer he learned of the persons' name it was ryuujin.  "No thanks ryuujin it seems very valuable you should keep it." Keigo was a bit interested to learn more about the person. "Hey ryuujin want to hangout a bit longer with me."




Ryuu stared at Bluu for the longest time before grinning.
"Of course I want to hang out, Bluu." He nodded his head while he tried to drop the gem in Bluu's clothing.
His new best friend was being very stubborn about the gem thing but Ryuu could be more stubborn than anybody and he wasn't going to let Bluu go without the gem.
"Bluu, I don't give away my gems without being sure if I actually want to do so, so if I say that you should have a gem you should take it and you love it so here you go."
Then he smiled and cuddled Mr. Whiskers to his chest as he stared at Bluu. And he stared. He didn't move and he didn't speak. Then he squealed and hugged Bluu to his chest.
"So adorable..."
After the little hugging session Ryuu wondered out loud where they would go to next.

words: 158
total words:1623

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