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1Wind Glide [Open/Training] Empty Wind Glide [Open/Training] Fri Aug 15, 2014 10:29 am

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Soaring through the sky and overlooking the beautiful waterfalls that marked Takigakure. Smiling, enjoying the rare leisure. Sprouting to beyond his arm span were blue wings. Cutting through the air with grace were the wings. Other than the infrequent dip, the flight was immensely tranquil. So tranquil, at times it felt like cinderblocks were being hung from his eye lids. The knife that continued to cut the string was the sights and sounds. Flowing with a majestic azure glow, so beautiful, yet crashing with bone chipping capability. Kenji decided to leave the calm gliding behind and get into some more exhilarating gliding. He latched onto the handles that were placed around his chest, and began spin. Having mastered Fuuton he understood how air resistance worked and in turn felt comfortable. Since Kenji had been wind gliding for approximately an hour, he felt it was time for a break. The wings contracted and Kenji began his plummet towards the ground. His target was a grassy patch of land nearby a waterfall. Swoosh. Blasting down at an alarming rate, Kenji summoned plate of swirling wind that slowed him down considerably and throw him into a quadruple back flip before landing on the grass.

The 20 square foot patch of land was adjacent to a tower of rock that led up to a plateau. Other than, the patch of land was surrounded by water. About 30 feet across the water was a waterfall. With haste Kenji swung off his back pack. As soon as he opened the bag, it was like his favorite snack began to glow. After a few twitches of his fingers he grabbed the granola bar. The grass invited his backside to sit down. For a while Kenji simply sat and twirled the wrapped granola bar through his fingers. Kenji was hopeful that he would be able to go back into the skies before having to venture back home. This was truly a treat, traveling… just to travel… no mission… nearly surreal, but Kenji was never the type to not take advantage of a good thing. Kenji removed his gloves of reflection, placing them on the grass next to him. Now he could really enjoy his granola. It was in a mystery pack, so he didn’t know what flavor granola bar it was. He opened it slowly… “Oh no, it’s Coconut Raspberry Rush.” He shrugged and began to scoff the granola bar down, quickly following it with a drink of water.

Learning Summoning: 413

Last edited by Kenji Chikara on Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:51 am; edited 1 time in total

2Wind Glide [Open/Training] Empty Re: Wind Glide [Open/Training] Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:55 am

Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki


The genin rushed through the forward, the breeze a gentle sensation on his face, he had been in the water country for a while now and so far it haven’t disappointed. Although he is dismayed that he didn’t get a chance to sign up for the chunin exams. Despite this though, the boy had taken the time to see the sights and experience the grand country. He was almost jealous of Takigakure, its vast waterfalls makes the waters of the fire country look like dwarfs in comparison.

In his travels through the forest, he thought he caught a glimpse of something with azure wings in the sky, but he just thought it was probably nothing until he saw the same figure plummeting back down to the earth.  He skidded to a halt, breathless and pondered if he should go investigate for the sake of sating his curiosity, or turn back and return from when he came.

The Uchiha is a curious child though, so he continued on until he reached the edge of the water fall at the top, the water crashed down below with ferocity. From here he spotted the Sannin, apparently eating a candy bar. He wasn’t sure what flavour exactly and it was crucial for him to know. In fact the boy didn’t even have to know who the stranger is, as far as he’s concerned the man is just a wanderer, possibly a trader but Kenji’s demeanour made him think otherwise.

Should he observe for a little bit? Just to see what happens? ‘I kind of want to know who he is…’ thought Masaaki, in the end his curiosity won out so he moved from the water fall to the patch of land, he formed the hand seals of the Boar and the hare before he blended into the shadow of the tower of the rock. Making himself visibly hidden, but likely not for long.

WC: 319/1000

3Wind Glide [Open/Training] Empty Re: Wind Glide [Open/Training] Wed Sep 03, 2014 12:08 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji wished that the water would do a faster job of ridding his mouth of the horrid taste. Why does Benito always put the ones I hate in my granola package. I swear he's gonna... Kenji's thoughts were interrupted. Scanning the area, everything appeared to be normal, Darn shinobi paranoia. After ruling out the presence of someone, Kenji stood up and stretched. His eyes became fixed on the pillar of rock that was near him on the patch of land. The tower bore many breaks in it, but they seemed to form an image. Kenji was too close to make it out. What is that? Strained beyond belief. Processing information that couldn't be. Is that... syrup??? He was positive. There was syrup oozing from the cracks of the tower of earth. Kenji took several steps back, and was able to make out what the image was. The image was a tree. A tree  had appeared to be chiseled into the tower, and now syrup was flowing out of it. All of a sudden, the rate of flow increased dramatically, and it was now dripping excessively onto the patch of land.

You have to be kidding me... this can not get any weirder. As the syrup created sticky puddles on the ground, a figure began to emerge from the ground. 

"What happened to my nice quiet vacation?" Kenji said aloud.


"Kenji, you're back so soon. We sure have been getting all the productivity we can out of you. That S rank mission was handled brilliantly, and you did a great job taking the lead with the ANBU unit. So... I know you've been wanting a break." Kenji raised his hand to stop the Chief Taskmaster of Kumogakure. 

"It's my job, my duty, my responsibility. I appreciate your consideration for my durability, but it is unnecessary." 

"Good! We need you on another assignment." 

Kenji's face grew pale. 

"Takigakure is your next destination, but don't fret. Your assignment will not start until a few days after your arrival. All the shinobi villages are being represent by security at this years Chuunin Exams in Takigakure... well we need someone as well."

"Chief, I am the Sannin of Kumogakure. My skills are needed to protect people that are fragile to the balance of our government. The people that are working to stop corruption. I have no business chaperoning a bunch of play-fights."

"You've been in the field so long, you have forgotten such subtle political implications as these. The Chuunin exams are as much a political matter as it is an event of promotion. We are not sure what the trouble is, but we need you to gather intel on all operations going on. Yes you are our Sannin, and you are our best at gathering information and espionage. We just want to assure that nothing out of the ordinary or nothing that is dangerous to our government is going on. The Chuunin exams in the past have been known to be home to scheming."

Disbelief was brimming from Kenji. "I'll begin my journey immediately."

End of Flashback:

Kenji's short vacation was looking to be more interesting than he had liked. He wanted quiet, gliding, and granola bars. Instead he had syrup oozing from rocks with trees carved in them, and people emerging from shadows.

The features of the person was just starting to become distinctive.

Learning Summoning: 987

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