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1Shinigami[puppet] Empty Shinigami[puppet] Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:19 am



Name: Shinigami (Shin for short){I}
Rank: A
Primary Use: Offensive, Defensive
Description: Shin is a pure white(paint) puppet with hollow eyes and weapons for hands. It wears a complete black outfit that consists a black hat, overcoat, pants, and shoes. It has pale white hair that matches his metal, and deep inside it's head it has two rubies for eyes(these shine in the right lighting to scare opponents).
Devices: Originally made of wood XIII has replaced almost every part of the puppets body with Titanium to make it strong and light for it's size. The strings are retractable, and allow the user to pull the puppet back without leaving annoying string trails. The hands have been replaced with a hook(left) and a short sword(right) allowing him to cut up opponents even more. On chest of the puppet there are four mechanisms that open up into segments to allow him to use his chakra shield. The puppet is somewhat difficult to use, but in the hands of an experienced user it can be manipulated to move almost as fluently as a human with one finger. This puppet moves extremely fast when being used by thirteen comparable to some of the fastest ninjas. Shin always seems to be on thirteens person not in a scroll he wears it on his back or under his shoulder it does not matter they are generally together.

Weapons: short sword
Type Of Weapon: short sword
Rank: C
Elemental Alignment: /
Ability/Function: self-explanatory
Close/Long Range: close/far
Appearance: A razor sharp steal sword(1 3/4 of a foot) that is polished to a beautiful shine.
History: the sword that is attacked to Shins right hand.

Type Of Weapon: Hook
Elemental Alignment: /
Close/Long Range: close/ long
Appearance: a razor sharp steal hook that is polished to a beautiful shine.
History: The hook attached to shins left hand

Type Of Weapon: sharp string
Rank: B
Elemental Alignment:/
Ability/Function: controls puppets and cuts down opponents
Close/Long Range: short/long
Appearance: At first glance it looks like regular string but if one looks closely they can see that the strands are sharp enough to cut a person to bits. The strings are slightly thinner than the common commodity and rather flat this leaves two sides; the dull side and the sharp side. With he slightest twitch an experienced user can turn their strings into a dangerous cutting tool that can paint a battlefield red.
History: puppet string

Name: Mechanical Light Shield
Type Of Weapon: Sheild
Rank: B
Elemental Alignment:/
Ability/Function: blocks attacks
Close/Long Range:/
Appearance: This chakra shield can be installed in any puppet. A mechanism inside the puppet opens into a couple of segments, through which the user radiates their chakra. The chakra spreads out like a thin film and turns into a protective sheet, blocking all physical attacks and some techniques. The sheild can block attacks that are B and lower. A will be blocked but will break the shield, and S will destroy the sheild and possibly damage the puppet. The shield drains 10 chakra per post.

Last edited by Norahike on Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:22 pm; edited 10 times in total

2Shinigami[puppet] Empty Re: Shinigami[puppet] Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:46 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

back of the puppet there are four mechanisms that opens up into segments to allow him to use his chakra shield these allow shin to be turned into a giant shield

This... sentence makes no sense. Just... what? Solid shield or chakra based shield. Pick one please.

Type Of Weapon: short sword
Rank: C
Elemental Alignment: /
Ability/Function: it cuts
Close/Long Range: close/far
Appearance: a razor sharp steal sword(1 3/4 of a foot) that is polished to a beautiful shine
History: it is a sword that is attacked to Shins right hand

Type Of Weapon: Hook
Elemental Alignment: /
Ability/Function: cuts and hooks
Close/Long Range: close/ long
Appearance: a razor sharp steal hook tat is polished to a beautiful shine
History: a hook attached to shins left hand

Type Of Weapon: sharp string
Rank: B
Elemental Alignment:/
Ability/Function: it cuts
Close/Long Range: short/long
Appearance: a first glance it looks like regular string but if one looks closely hey can see that the strands a sharp enough to cut a person to bits
History: puppet string

This needs to be redone. Complete sentences and all that; make sure that you're using proper verbs and what not.

3Shinigami[puppet] Empty Re: Shinigami[puppet] Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:05 am



On chest of the puppet there are four mechanisms that open up into segments to allow him to use his chakra shield.
I reworked everything. However, I do have a jutsu that explains the segments better.

4Shinigami[puppet] Empty Re: Shinigami[puppet] Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:35 pm




5Shinigami[puppet] Empty Re: Shinigami[puppet] Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:21 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Type Of Weapon:
Rank: C
Elemental Alignment: /
Ability/Function: self-explanatory
Close/Long Range: close/far
Appearance: A razor sharp steal sword(1 3/4 of a foot) that is polished to a beautiful shine.
History: the sword that is attacked to Shins right hand.

You tell me what's missing here.

Otherwise... this should be approvable.

6Shinigami[puppet] Empty Re: Shinigami[puppet] Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:23 pm



alright done i have no idea where that went

7Shinigami[puppet] Empty Re: Shinigami[puppet] Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:19 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Approved. Enjoy that free puppet.

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