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1Pals'R'Us [No Kill, Training,Open] Empty Pals'R'Us [No Kill, Training,Open] Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:22 pm



Tonight Kaneda was feeling adventurous, he heard a rumor that the only toy store in the village would have strange happenings on full moons. Villagers that lived near the toy store had even reported hearing strange noises such as children shrieking and loud thumping, the store owner had even reported that the store would be trashed upon his arrival on some mornings. Kaneda found this strange but also extremely exciting of a prospect for his adventure. He packed his backpack with gelatin-free marshmallows and a whistle in case he was attacked by a doll or something of that nature, he also packed a single flashlight. Stepping out of his single roomed apartment and bounding outside of the complex he took in the a deep breath of the crisp night air he looked at the sky and admired the stars, the cosmos where so fascinating to him. Deciding that time was of the essence Kaneda had begun to make his way through the empty streets. This was something sinister to the stillness of this evening the moon shone brightly but the street lights were flickering so he could only make out shapes, every small alley way could be a dangerous situation he took that into account and stuck to the main roads rather than the shortcuts he was accustomed to, he walked by the village's local watering hole; he hated the sounds of the drunk blubbering shinobi and villagers alike he found drinking to be a unsavory act his mother was a bit of a party animal back when she was still with him, he quickly shoved those thoughts out of his mind tonight he was out and about he was going to have a fun evening....hopefully.

WC: 289

2Pals'R'Us [No Kill, Training,Open] Empty Re: Pals'R'Us [No Kill, Training,Open] Sat Jul 26, 2014 5:39 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The night was young, the boy was young, the blood was fresh and the boy was fresh. The young blonde drew his sword from the side of his kimono he got from the market place as he was wearing some make up as he appeared more like a girl than anything else. His hair was blown by the wind as he walked with his sword at his side patroling the streets and keeping the village safe. After some time he noticed someone did not pay attention when they said do not walk alone at night, yes he was doing the same but he was a high ranking shinobi who could easily take care of himself. The boy he was following seemed to be admiring the stars which was rather dangerous, the boy was full of holes in a figurative sense. Silently tailing the boy as he now hid within the dark dark shadows of the buildings.

Meanwhile overhead some drunk people were playing on the roof and laughing as they drank their sake. The one fat drunk guy said, "Oh there is some cute kid walking all alone in the streets again, how much you think we can get for him?", the other thin man with strange glasses then said, "I would say may 5000 ryo, depends if his been used yet or not". The fat guy took another gulp of his large beer guord then spoke again. "Well you better sober up, and keep an eye on him, i will take a short cut and capture him when he reaches our watering hole." The thin man nodded as he kept an eye on the kid.

This was bad and as the boy seemed to head to the watering hole avoiding the side streets, but stupidly following the main street to his impending doom. With the blonde kids good hearing he decided to take care of the nuisance. As soon as the fat guy left he appeared behind the thin man blind siding him as he slashed the back and then followed with a swift beheading of his target as the thin man died without even knowing what happened. As the glasses had fallen off the look of confusion was on the dead man's face.

Meanwhile the boy had finally reached the watering hole, from which the big ass fat drunkard rose up from the water and greeted the young boy. "Hey!!! How would you like to come with me" as the fat man grinned, there was a beautiful girl who also rose from the water, like a beautiful kunoichi samurai her blade beautifully slicing the water apart as she or more to the point he stabbed his sword deep into the mans open mouth then kicked the fat bastard back into the watering hole where his fat body floated off. The kid then stood before the other kid in all his glory with the kimono appearing to be a yukata worn by girls as the sword was already out of view. The moonlight shining upon her like she was an angel, even though she was he. The boy now met a beautiful girl who had also met someone else they both knew, but in her girl voice she said to him. "Hi, I'm Aura, are you okay?"

Words = 562

OOC Comment:

3Pals'R'Us [No Kill, Training,Open] Empty Re: Pals'R'Us [No Kill, Training,Open] Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:18 pm



"Hey!!! How would you like to come with me" a  fat man who seemingly appeared out of no where mused. The pig had a messy beard with articles of food still attached to it, he also had a grease covered white beater his stomach was hairy and hung out obscenely, he wore pants that were not okay for an obese gentlemen to wear; Kaneda had imagined that his ass cheeks would be hanging out of the back of his pants the thought almost made him vomit, gagging his nostrils were assaulted by the scent of raw sewage and sake. Kaneda looked up to the man giving him a homo erotic smile his teeth were crooked and covered in a layer of greenish grime. Kandea had enough of this man and decided that he should dispel him qucikly. In that instance a beautiful young lady materialized out of seemingly no where, 'She's a Cutie!' Kaneda thought to himself he was going to impress her with his taijutsu prowess. Kaneda had started getting into his muay thai stance when he saw the pretty girl make a blazing fast movement then kick the man he fell and stayed down. Kaneda found this extremely kinky this turned him on this chick was a hottie, he quickly trotted over to the blonde girl in the kimono and introduced himself "Hi i'm Kaneda Sarutobi, who are you?" he added with a wink.


4Pals'R'Us [No Kill, Training,Open] Empty Re: Pals'R'Us [No Kill, Training,Open] Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:13 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The boy decided to take some weird stance, he could not remember it but it was moo something or other taijutsu art maybe. That or the boy was frightened and decided to make something up so he could run away. The boy performed some weird trotting motion towards him and introduced himself as Sarutobi Kaneda and asked who he was with a wink. He took a sigh and repeated a second time to the boy known as Kaneda, which sounded like the name of a place and not a person. "I am Aura, i am not new here, but could you be careful next time?".

The stance of a girl from some kind of Yakuza clan holding out the sword which came into view again. The blonde who moved her left hand showing for him to duck as the light cast a shadow closing in on the poor little Kaneda boy. The apparent cute little girl Aura was prepared to end it in a single strike, as this could be a test for the young Kaneda or maybe it was a trap. Could this girl have saved him in order to trap him as a trap that baits him towards the darkness while hiding in the moonlight. There was no clear thoughts as to what was planned, but the girl known as Aura did motion for him to come closer before running away.

Words = 563 + 236 = 799
Training Strength C3 to B = 700/700

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