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Our task:

Rippa was already camped out in the forest as it were. His training with Sousetsu was progressing but He couldn't help but feel it wasn't moving fast enough. After all his life was in danger every moment that passed. Or so he believed anyway. He didn't have any proof and so far Sousetsu had been willing to train him without digging into his reasoning. But he could not expect the Hokage to stay next to him indefinitely and spend day after day training him. He did have Kage duties to attend to after all. However he still felt vulnerable out there all alone. Even with the sun nearing noon and the clearing he was camped out in seemingly void of enemies he couldn't help but feel overly aware of everything. A splash in the waterfall from a fish, The branches and leaves shifting in the slight breeze. The smell of an animal passing close by. He was hyper aware of it all. Still he took in a deep breath and focused himself. Calming his mind and forcing himself to think on his training. Remembering each lesson he had learned. The feint, the area of control, all of it seemed to flood towards him as a huge lesson but he was not to be dismayed by it. Instead his mind picked it apart piece by piece.

He did this for a good couple of hours until the sun had hit the noon spot when he heard it. The fluttering of wings. He looked up to see a hawk descending on his location. At first he wondered why a bird of prey would approach anything his size, An attack from someone maybe? Could this be an explosion delivery method? If so it was incredibly clever. But even as he suspected it the bird changed course and landed on a branch nearby. Not within blasting radius. He could see a small scroll tied to it's talons. A messenger hawk. It was a risk but he doubted many shinobi were capable of tracking a hawk. Nor would many dare to track a hawk sent from the Hokage. Except most of his enemies. He would be on guard about it but he suspected that since only Sousetsu knew of his location that the message was from him. Quietly Rippa shifted to his feet and moved over to the hawk as it watched him. His blue eyes to its golden stare. It was trained though and once he got close enough it lifted it's talon to offer the message. Looking away as if not wanting to see someone touching it's royal leg. Rippa actually smiled at that before collecting the message. Ignoring the bird as it took off once more. Likely to hunt before returning to its perch.

Rippa unfurled the scroll and quickly read it's contents. Apparently Sousetsu needed him for a mission. Some unsavory characters were attacking travelers and caravans along the border. And the military needed help dealing with it. Along with the notice came a little extra message. Rippa was not expected to handle it alone. In fact Sousetsu was sending someone he trusted more then almost anyone else. His captain of the medical division, Chisaki Senju. She apparently was informed of the camp location and would meet up with him there and lead the mission. That last little bit of another person being informed of his camp location made him a little perturbed. But he would deal with it as it came. Still memories of goals he once had at joining the medical division seemed like just that, Memories. he was a very good medic but now he could feel a darkness in his heart. Perhaps that was what had transformed Risu into Lamya. A girl who once claimed to love him to have stabbed him with a Kunai for just approaching her from behind. His hand ran over his gut as if he could still feel the scar. Either way he was being told to go on a mission and was expecting his team lead soon. He needed to prepare for her arrival.

He moved over to the water and stripped down to his birthday suit before jumping in. Making sure to bathe somewhat in case a woman was offended by the smell of him sweating from all that training. Sousetsu had never seemed to mind but not everyone was Sousetsu. He bathed quickly as he was unsure how far behind the hawk the woman was before he emerged from the water glistening in the sunlight. It was cold but he would bare with it. Still Rippa wasn't as thin as he had once been. His shoulders were broader and his muscles were incredibly well defined. Though little pink scars littered him here and there. Wounds he had been quick to heal once upon a time. The freshest one was still a little pink on his stomach. He had already taken the liberty to heal his bruises from the training sessions. Still he dressed into his black pants and black socks. Slipping into his combat boots and then his black tank top. His Silver necklace with the angel wings had never left his neck. His black fingerless gloves slipped over his hands and then his red knee length leather coat was slipped into as well. His Konoha headband stitched into the left shoulder. His white hair he left to dangle freely about his face but out of his eyes. One scroll was slipped into the pocket of his coat He had no weapons as of yet. Not even a Kunai. He had always focused on his Ninjutsu up until then. He eyed the sword shaped branch Sousetsu had made for him out of chakra but decided against it. The weapon was for training not actual combat. Still since he was fully dressed he turned and watched the tree's in the direction of Konoha. His ears listening for the sounds of approach. His senses still hyper aware as he waited. She or someone should be coming soon. And he was to follow her lead. Likely she already knew of him since he closed down his free clinic his patients would of had to go elsewhere for help. He felt bad for his patients but he was sure the Konoha medical division could handle it.




Another usual day of the same old business. Chisaki sat up in bed somewhat later in the day than she normally would. Usually, Chisaki would wake up at roughly seven in order to get to the hospital on time for her usual medical duties, however today she was off-duty from the hospital, a day without stepping foot into the hospital was certainly an interesting one. Sighing , Chisaki stretched before looking around her bedroom, blinking her eyes rapidly to get them to focus. Sou had already left the day, that much was apparent by the fact his side of the bed was ruffled and he was no where to be seen. These days, he was always out early and gone for quite a while which was understandable. Chisaki didn't mind at all, she knew what she had been getting into when she had started dating such an influential man. Sitting up in bed, the covers fell off her body to expose her naked form, at least the top half anyway. With her free hand, she rubbed the remainder of the sleep from her eyes. Swinging her legs off the bed, she stood up with a yawn. Walking over to the floor, she scooped up one of Sou's shirts from the night before, slipping it over her head until she was wearing it. Chisaki breathed in the familiar scent that lingered on his clothes, bringing a warm smile to her face. Chisaki pushed open the door to their bedroom before winding her way down the staircase that was just down the hall onto the ground floor.

Chisaki's bare feet made little noise, so the silence in the household was audible. Continuing to walk, Chisaki hummed somewhat as she arrived at the front door. Opening it, she retrieved a newspaper and several other letters before heading inside. Walking back into the kitchen, Chisaki idly threw the letters onto one of the counters, before grabbing a cup from the side and placing it into the coffee machine which she then turned on. As the coffee machine whirred in the background, Chisaki leaned on the counter, still holding the newspaper. Outside, the weather was pleasant as was expected of Konoha. The sun beat its way down onto her garden she noted with a smile, her plants would love it. Behind her, the coffee machine dinged. Picking up the cup again and her newspaper, Chisaki clad only in Sou's long sleeved white shirt headed out of the kitchen and into the living room. Sitting down on one of the many seats, she placed the mug down as she flicked open the newspaper. The paper was still running Sou's promotion interestingly and there were a few other tidbits she read. Sipping the coffee occasionally, Chisaki continued to read it. Not that much was going on in the village it seemed, so the paper didn't prove to be that interesting a read. Folding up the newspaper and placing it on the coffee table, Chisaki picked up her now empty coffee cup and then proceeded to return to the kitchen.

As she washed the cup and returned it to its rightful place in the cupboard, Chisaki's eye passed over the letters. Nothing of much interest, just the bills and a few others random letters. Then one caught her eye, this one had the official seal of the village on its back. Chisaki frowned as she took the envelope with her up to her study. Once there, she rifled through her desk until she found her letter opener. With delicate care she pried open the letter and read through its contents. Sighing somewhat, Chisaki placed the letter down. It would appear as though her day off from work wouldn't be so simple as she had been called out for shinobi work. Normally Chisaki didn't go on missions due to her work in the hospital but it seemed as though they desperately needed her help for a matter off national security. Hugging herself, Chisaki looked out of the window before sighing again. Heading out off the study Chisaki entered her bathroom and turned the shower on. Chisaki carefully took the shirt off, placing it in the washing basket before entering the shower itself. Bathing, Chisaki washed herself in scents off lilac and jade. Sighing, she exited the shower and walked naked back into the hall and then her bedroom. Once in the bedroom, Chisaki passed through yet another door into a wardrobe. Many different outfits, mostly female but with a few male ones could be found in there. Chisaki dressed in her usual shinobi attire (See avatar) Over the top, she slipped on her snow white medical corps doctors coat. She then proceeded to pull on her gloves with a sigh. As she headed out of her wardrobe and room her heels clacked as she walked down the stairs, through another hallway and out into the world.

The Senju compound was fairly quiet, with most people either at work or out in the village. A few faces greeted Chisaki who smiled and nodded and response as the few Senju around called out to their matriarch. Meandering through the village, Chisaki clasped her hands behind her back until the passed through the village gates and was out in the forests from which Konoha got its name sake. An interesting thing about this forest was the fact that her direct ancestor, Hashirama Senju had produced this forest with a jutsu only their clan could utilize. Smiling with respect for her ancestor, she picked up the pace somewhat as she weaved her way through the forest. Even in heels, Chisaki flawlessly managed to walk through the many roots and trees in the woods. Eventually, she saw a figure in a clearing. No doubt this was the man she had been assigned to complete the job with. Chisaki didn't doubt she could have most likely done this mission herself, she even bet he could have completed it without her so why had their higher ups assigned them this job together.... Sighing, Chisaki passed silently through the clearing. Clasping her hands once more behind her back she gave him a friendly smile. "You must be Rippa... I'm Chisaki Senju, and I do believe we have some men to slay." Blunt and too the point, the opinion Chisaki always took on missions. As she finished speaking, a snow white owl descended from the trees and landed on her shoulder, she paid it no mind as she eyed up the man before her.

525 used for Perception D-3 ---> C
654 left over

Endurance trained to E-3
234 left over

Last edited by Chisaki on Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total



Rippa watched as a woman approached. He immediately noticed the white medical divisions coat with the captain label on it. So this was the woman who had beaten him to his once upon a time dream. He remembered being eager to join up with that division up until recently. His fathers death had changed him and his priorities. He had only just recently let go of his rule on doing sever harm unto others. His clinic closed down and his uncle closing in on him. It was only a matter of time until that man found him. At least if it was true that he was working with Enaka then locating him was soon to arrive. He was growing more anxious every day. With Sousetsu elsewhere he felt vulnerable. But now with this woman here he felt a little less alone. Though at first glance she didn't appear to be much of a threat. He had been wrong before though. And she was a Senju and a captain that came highly recommended from Sousetsu himself. If anything the woman simply didn't appear dangerous. Unlike Rippa himself. Rippa appeared to be a deal more frightening then he had been only a couple of months before.

Rippa had begun to gain weight rapidly with muscle growth. His once frail form had given away to muscles stacked together like building blocks. His body had grown into near a masters level. And he made no effort to trim down. His shirt seemed a little stretched out from it but aside from that he was still fairly comfortable. Still his eyes seemed to be a cold blue like frozen water instead of the warm sky blue they used to be. And his aura seemed to be dripping with blood instead of a warm healing energy. He had changed drastically after his fathers death. After all He was managing to keep in on sousetsu's sword training. He was the reason Sousetsu had been away for hours after all. The two of them had been sparring and getting a feel for how to wield a blade for some time. Not that he was Rippa's only individual trying to instruct him. Still something about Rippa's stance indicated that if he was to be crossed then a darker world was right around the corner. As if something in his chakra, A monster of sorts caked in blood resided within him

Still he nodded to her and turned away. He noted the owl that landed on her shoulder but only briefly. It didn't matter much in the grand scheme of it all. A breeze passed as he looked up to the sky to judge the time. He knew the approximate area they were likely to run into the bandits and it was some distance away. He ran some thoughts through his mind before he turned back to look at her and spoke. His voice was the sound of someone angry but slowly breaking apart. As if he was purposefully throwing out his soul. And so he was if he intended to kill his own uncle. But for killing his father the man would pay.

"The groups pattern indicates they will be North east of us. Closer to the border then we are by some measure. But they will be moving north west if they don't change their attack patterns. If we move in from due north of our position and then cut east we should make their camp by nightfall. At which point we can exterminate them quickly and hopefully without much of a fight. If you have any comments then make them while we move. If that owl is for anything more then a fashion statement we can use it as a scout to get a better fix on a location and avoid walking into an ambush."

And with that he turned and began to walk away from her heading north. His gaze rising to the sky to get his bearings before heading almost exactly north. He would of preferred taking prisoners just a while ago. But now he wanted to kill them. Filthy bandits were in need of exterminating just like vermin. And he would kill them like rats too.




Chisaki patiently waited, before nodding somewhat. On her shoulder, Tomomi took flight high into the sky, without a word. Chisaki knew that he had already figured out Rippa's request and was doing as he asked. While she stood there patiently, two brown tawny owls descended from the canopy. Without a word, they pulled off Chisaki's white medical coat, and then seemingly vanished into the vast undergrowth once more. Chisaki was wearing her shinobi attire beneath her medical coat (See avatar) Chisaki folded her arms and stood there silently for a while, allowing the many sounds of nature to surround her. Birds were chirping peacefully, unaware of the bandits that had dared threaten the security of Konohagakure's borders. The leaves seemed to whisper words in an ancient language as a gentle breeze coaxed them into speaking. The wisdom of the ancient oak trees was lost to humans, but nature answered the call nevertheless. Chisaki's consciousness was dragged back into reality as her partner for this mission began to speak. Chisaki patiently listened, not troubling herself to reply. As he stopped speaking, she nodded somewhat and spoke in return "Tomomi has already began to look for their location, and he should be back any moment with that information" Chisaki waited again before Rippa nodded and began to head in the direction he had assumed the bandits were. While they were both walking, Chisaki felt a slight pressure on her right shoulder as Tomomi landed and spoke in his usual formal and proper tone "The bandits are a few kilometers in the direction you are currently heading, you shall run into them in about ten minutes I'd wager if you continue along this path. They've made a camp but I only three of them are there, the other three are on patrol I'd wager "

Chisaki nodded and quietly thanked him under her breath as the pair silently advanced forward through the wood, on higher alert than they had been previously. As they walked, Chisaki had time to think about what she knew about her partner. Rippa was a member of the Chi clan, who were notorious for their use of the Blood Release, which widely revolved around large explosions and jutsu very similar to the Suiton techniques she utilized except with blood as the water. Rippa himself was slightly older than Chisaki, yet he was also a Special Jounin. Sou had mentioned him in passing a couple of times, but that was all that Chisaki knew about him. For a brief second, Chisaki's eyes illuminated yellow before returning to their natural state. She sighed inwardly, and Tomomi turned his head to look at her with mild concern. The Demon Factor had finally managed to unseal itself within her. As a child, Chisaki had displayed the traits of one who had the power to utilize the underworld and the many demons it carried, yet only now as a shinobi was her true power awakening. It had been a week ago or so that Chisaki had discovered the unchained demon now resting in her heart, turning it blacker by the second She had been in this very wood, a couple of miles east from where they were now. Under a full moon, an eclipsed one as well, Chisaki had discovered the demonic horror she could change into. A few hours after that and she had learned to hide it and even control the transformations, yet the yellow eye thing remained beyond her control, and had left very tiny flecks of yellow in her natural iris. While it posed absolutely no issues to her health, it worried Chisaki nevertheless.

Tomomi looked sidelong at her for a while longer as the party continued to travel north to find the camp. Tomomi had said that because she was learning to master Senjutsu, the nature chakra around her must have weakened her bodies natural immunity to the Demon Factor, and that only by discovering the talents of the Sages could she hope to master the dark limpet on her soul. While they walked, Chisaki spoke in a somewhat hushed down "If we take out the camp first, we can then split up and hunt down the others" Sounding sure of her plan, Tomomi nodded absentmindedly along with her. The pair continued to walk in silence, constantly vigilant for the enemy. Eventually, they arrived at a clearing in the woods. A small makeshift camp could be seen ahead of them. Chisaki hurriedly stalked forward, hiding herself behind a tree, hoping Rippa did the same. Tomomi took one look at the immediate danger before taking flight, he was a thinker not a fighter. Sighing, Chisaki hissed at Rippa, speaking in hushed tones. "Promise me you won't freak out, okay?..." Chisaki had discovered that she felt significantly more powerful if she unleashed the Demon Factor, so she saw no reason as to hold back now. "Be ready, on my mark" Chisaki closed her eyes for a few short seconds, before opening the now perfectly yellow eyes. Her voice was significantly deeper, sounding like pure hatred that echoed through her vocal cords "Satan Soul: Demonic Body Reversal" A crack like a whip sounded throughout the area as she said this. Chisaki's skin began to immediately change, turning purple and gaining intricate markings. Her hair was freed from its ponytail, turning blood red and seeming to get even more voluminous. Black horns grew from her scalp as well. Then, her clothes seemingly melded into the shadows, revealing the attire that came with the transformation. Two wings could then be seen tightly folded on Chisaki's back. Unfazed by all this, Chisaki turned her bare foot towards the enemy, crouching and placing a hand on the ground. Concentrating her chakra, Chisaki molded the roots of the nearby trees to come under her demonic command. They obeyed instantly, and beneath the three men in the camp roots erupted from the ground, suspending them in mid-air. Chisaki spoke in the same tone as earlier "Go!"

1044 WC
Endurance up to D-2
19 left over


Last edited by Chisaki on Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:53 am; edited 1 time in total



Rippa watched as the owl took off. That was certainly a useful thing to have on your side. A bird made an excellent scout so long as it wasn't targeted. Getting the enemy positions before engaging them was always useful. It allowed for better planning and a more successful strike. He might look into that himself later. But for now they had a job to do. Still he watched with raised eyebrows over his shoulder as owls removed her coat. What was her connection with those things? Were they summons or was she like the Inuzuka? He hadn't sensed or noticed any summoning going on so that was likely out. Had she really gone through the trouble to train owls just to take off her coat? Or was this some strange jutsu connection? Either way so long as she wasn't a target he didn't need to concern himself with it. She would just be more useful then he had anticipated. And he had plenty of time to ask Sousetsu questions later if he still cared by then. Usually he would of been eager to learn and friendly. But anger towards his enemies was driving him down a dark path. And while before he had been against killing anyone. Now he seemed eager to do just that. Eager to wipe them out.

Still as they traveled he listened to her sigh. She seemed to be deep in thought about something or another. He wondered how much Sou had told her about him, Or even how much Sousetsu even knew. Not that Rippa had any proof yet anyway. Not towards his uncle or Enaka. But he knew they were after his life. Too much led to that. He had missed the yellow eye color changes entirely as he pressed forward. The camp was closer now as Chisaki spoke up. She wanted to hit the camp and take out the others first. Really he wanted to wipe them all out with the same jutsu. One he had not yet used. But it was perhaps the most damaging one in his arsenal. Still he paused as she told him not to freak out. That was certainly and odd remark. He rose his eyebrows and turned to look at her as he form began to alter. Her voice changing as she shifted entirely. He had not known Senju to be capable of such a transformation. But either way it was not the most attractive of changes. Still he noted it and figured he would inquire to Sousetsu about that as well later. There was no need for idle conversation when out for blood. But the crack sound that came with it had to have acted like an alarm to the enemy. He sighed at that and prepared to counter what ever defense the men had cooked up.

Still he watched as roots ripped up out of the ground and seemed to writhe and grab the men within the camp. Like fodder to the slaughter they hung there struggling. He didn't need the command to go and handle it but he heard it anyway and responded quickly. His speed was somewhat of a burst as he launched for the position to under the three targets. Landing as if casual about it. His mouth pushed out as suddenly he blew out a red mist over the three men. The sudden smell of blood filling the air. But Rippa focused his chakra as the men struggled and the mist seemed to peel away. And finally gained form. Above him and pointed at the three men were a thousand needles of blood. Quietly Rippa raised his hand and with a snap of his fingers the hovering needles of blood slammed into the three men. One needle didn't do much damage but that many needles slammed into only three targets. The blood poured and dripped down the vines like faucets had just been turned on. The blood soaked bodies bleeding from hundred of puncture wounds. They would die from blood loss in seconds. But rippa just stood there watching them gurgle out the last of their life as their blood pooled around him. it seemed for a moment that he had missed the patrol returning to see their comrades dying horribly. But as they charged him he turned his head to look at them and raised one hand. Two fingers pointed at the charging men with his thumb lifted. And then he dropped his thumb and suddenly the blood from his previous victims took shape in under a second. A massive shark crashed into the remaining three men with a huge amount of force before driving them into the ground and leaving a drag mark through the earth. The blood finally fading into a pool around them as even the bodies were a heap of mangled and broken parts. But possibly still alive even though they had taken the full brunt of it. Calmly Rippa turned away and bowed his head to Chisaki. The smell of all that blood and the horrendous use of it was likely why he was calm in the presence of her jutsu. He was used to horrors. Still he spoke quietly and politely.

"The enemy has been dealt with Ma'am. I feel it should be up to you whether to leave any survivors or not. May I be excused?"

2673/2500 mission complete
173 words remaining.

Jutsu and chakra:



Chisaki released her hand from the floor, causing the roots that were underground to return to their additional positions. Sighing somewhat, a deep reverberating noise, she looked over at the carnage that Rippa had displayed while dispersing the enemies that had presented themselves to them. Certainly, the show of power was impressive, if somewhat over the top. Perhaps he felt the need to demonstrate his power? She didn't quite know, but she didn't require the effort, she already respected the Chi's power. It was no mystery that herself, Risu and Rippa here were the three most promising and up and coming shinobi in the village. With their other Sannin gone, those three were the only ones who stood a chance of getting that acclaimed title should they so choose to go after it. If Chisaki was awarded the accolade, she would take it certainly but she would pin all her goals on that singular title. Sighing again in a similar fashion, Chisaki broke free from the canopy of leaves and stalked forwards, a positively dark aura rippling out from her, darker than the blood on the ground. After a moment, she nodded towards Rippa before speaking in the same guttural and power-hungry sounding voice "Go, I shall take care of matters here" Chisaki spread her wings and glided forwards, not bothering to walk she landed by one of the few survivors or Rippa's brutal attack. He was positively coated in blood. Chisaki hovered a few inches above the ground at this point, her dark shadow cast over the mans body. Her eyes, two glowing orbs among the see of reds and purples that made up Konoha's She-Devil. Chisaki made a choice at that moment, to control the demon within her, she would avatar both the light and the dark. On the ground, the man stood cowering as she pondered his fate. Her bare feet touched the ground as she quit hovering, placing both her hands on the side of the mans face. A comforting smile crossed her face for a moment, seeming to easy the singular survivor in the carnage. Chisaki made a tutting noise, before leaning in. With a tongue like a viper, she whispered words of poison into his head "It was foolish of you to come here, your life is forfeit."

With a violent twist, Chisaki snapped the mans neck. Just like that, the last light of hope vanished from the mans eyes, like blowing out a candle. Standing, Chisaki surveyed the campsite with a bored expression. The Demon Factor had the side affect of toying with her personality in a strange sense, causing vicious behavior to come out. Chisaki stood there for a moment, before turning her head skywards. Without bothering to move, Chisaki's form began to revert. The process went significantly quicker than last time, as all of her features morphed back into the kindhearted individual who shared her body with a demon. Sighing, the markings on her face and the yellow eyes were the last thing to go, as she turned and sprang into the woods, heading home with another mission complete.

536 WC



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