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Orochi Enaka

Orochi Enaka

Ouroboros compound-Orochi Estate-few hours earlier

The man known as Orochi Enaka, Regent of the Ouroboros clan and member of the Advisory council of Konoha, was strolling through the garden of his family's estate, taking small sips from his expensive porcelain cup filled with a smooth-tasting Ceylon tea, his personal favorite,  while looking at that very day's sunset. In his other hand, he was carrying a letter written by Itsukushi Hataro, his lieutenant and most trustworthy subordinate.

The letter contained some information on the young man going by the name Hyuga Rinshi, who was placed in his care during the mission by the hokage himself. By only thinking about that man, Enaka stopped for a moment, the cup of tea almost shattering in his tightening grip. It was obvious that Enaka felt no love or friendship for the man, while his loyalty was at best to be called shallow.

"That stubborn pacifist," The rather handsome man sighed, while returning his attention to the paper he was holding. "Sending me some brat from the hyuga clan simply because he does not trust my intentions. I'd say well played, but the game hasn't even started yet."

When suddenly a woman walked into the garden, flipping her long blonde hairs behind her shoulders at no avail, as there was a soft breeze constatly blowing through it, Enaka's eyes went towards the exit of the garden, where he saw another visitor complete with an entire Konohagakure standard outfit, though still wearing sunglasses and a formfitting sleeved shirt which covered the man's entire face besides the hair, ears and eyes.

Hataro and Myra had arrived, not wearing their uniforms from their respective divisions or their uniform of the Black ANBU, but simply the uniform of a regular shinobi of their village, which all in all wasn't a bad thought, given the fact that they were having a third member with them who they could not grant the knowledge on Enaka's actual plans and his involvement with the darkness of the village.

"So Myra, anything new this morning," Enaka would muse, after having taken a last sip of his cup of tea, handing it to a servant, who was quick to come and collect the cup when the Ouroboros regent made a simple sign. "We should be meeting our final member for this mission in a few minutes at the main gates, so let's not dawdle, shall we."

Slightly peeved, the blonde woman simply nodded and turned around, walking towards the mysterious looking man at the exit of the garden, waiting until their leader would decide to join them and go to the main gates.

Enaka, dressed in a black kimono with purple lining, a black, custom Konoha flack-jacket with three silver chains from his collar to his shoulder guard and a black leather belt with two pouches at his sides, put the letter into his jacket and decided to go to the main gates with Myra and Hataro a few minutes later, keen on seeing what kind of person this young Hyuga member would be.




Rinshi had awoken bright early this morning after a mission briefing with Sousetsu the day before, so much had gone on within the few months.   This day began like any other, the clouds glided across the sky like figure skaters.  The sun shone so radiant on the hidden leaf village, and the citizens enjoyed every minute of the day.  Rinshi would spend the early morning running his errands, then get to his main objective meeting up with a few local Jounin, to escort one of the government officials.  Earlier in the week he got ahold of the information, and was suppose to ship out today.  The official in question was a man he was not familiar with, mainly because he steered away from politics.  Orochi Enaka, the only information that he received was that the man as Ex-Anbu and an Excellent Medic.  The former hokage Mitsuhide had strangely disappeared and left no trace of his whereabouts.  Maybe the pressure was to much for him, after all he was just as young as Rinshi himself.  

Taking the time to dress himself accordingly he retrieved a pair of black combat boots throwing them behind him.  Grabbing a black thermal shirt with a Hyuga symbol patch on each arm.  After pulling the thermal over his head he pulled on a green flak jacket, leaving it unzipped.  Grabbing a pair of heavy flared blue pants with one pouch attached to his backside as well as one on his lower left thigh.  He pulled them up his toned legs and fastened them around his waist.  He pulled on his black boots tucking the ends of his pants carefully in each one boot before tying them.  Rinshi grabbed a pair of black fingerless gloves with metal plating over the forehand, he took the time to stock his pouches with all he would need.

Rinshi exited his home heading for the rendezvous point near the northern gate, not far from his home.  Hoping to beat Enaka to the meeting place, he threw his hand into his pocket this mission was a make it or break it mission.  Enaka would possibly pose as a foreign diplomat, they were to visit Iwagakure to address certain matters with the newly appointed Tsuchikage.  Rinshi reached the rendezvous moments later and a few minutes passed before he saw three figures approaching.  The appearance of the third was to well hidden due to the fact, they walked behind the other two figures.  As they came closer he could make out the front two.  The one on the left was a woman, she had long blonde hair and she wore a standard issue Jounin outfit wit flak jacket.  The one on the right had no distinctive features, he wore black sunglasses and had black hair.  A bit gloomy aren't we...  

Rinshi approached the three and now had a clearer view of the third figure, it was a man of middle-age and pale skin.  Summing it up this man was Enaka, he was dressed in a black kimono with purple lining, a black, custom Konoha flack-jacket with three silver chains from his collar to his shoulder guard and a black leather belt with two pouches at his sides.  The man was prepared just as well as himself, though he gave Rinshi almost an eerie vibe and his two guards were suspicious to him.  But who was Rinshi to pass judgement, though he was being rude contemplating thought.  Greetings sir.  My name is Rinshi Hyuga, I presume you are Orochi Enaka and these are my temporary squad-mates, Hataro and Myra.  As you know I am to be sure to escort you to Iwagakure within the Country of Earth.  Now shall we push on to our destination."
Words: 625
Travel to Iwagakure: COMPLETE

Orochi Enaka

Orochi Enaka

While making his way to the gates, Enaka had already seen the white-haired boy from afar, a young man who certainly seemed different from the rest of his clan when it came to appearance, but nonetheless a hyuga, part of the clan which had accused him of murdering three of their kin. However, his arguments were overwhelming and the case was dropped, little did the council or anyone else for that matter, know that the accusation was in a way correct, three of their kin had died because of an order he gave, but they never thought beyond the idea that he had killed them, what a pitiful show for a clan which always announced themselves as konoha's most noble and most powerful clan.

When the three came closer to the boy, Myra turned aside, hating to show her extensive scar to some randomly assigned stranger. Hataro seemingly ignored the kid, turning around straight in front of Rinshi to wait for Enaka, who seemingly didn't even care more about who was in his team compared to his two subordinates.

"Hmm, Hyuga Rinshi," The man sighed, while going through his black hair with a finely manicured hand. Giving a warm, bright and friendly smile towards the young man. "Do realize your only use to me would be your Byakugan. It is not you who's escorting us, young man, it is I who has to escort and practically babysit you, but thank you for your cooperation nonetheless."

This very act showed how good Enaka was in hiding his own emotions, as he gave the young man no warm welcome, but somehow smiled as if his words WERE a warm welcome or rather a warmer welcome than what he would've given if he wasn't stuck with that young man on behalf of that despicable Hokage.

"Yes indeed," Enaka muttered, when Hataro and Myra had already taken up the front. "Let's get ourselves to Iwa to have a heart to heart with the Tsuchikage."

337/859 travel to Iwa complete



Usually to get respect you must give respect, and by the looks of things Enaka was not taught that as a child.  The first remark Enaka made, regarding the only services he could provide were his Byakugan made him feel uneasy.  It was no surprise people took an interest to the power created by the Hyuga clan.  The Byakugan being the second strongest doujutsu in the world had its perks.  The Gentle Fist style complimented by the Byakugan was the parent of the signature Reverse Palm Rotation technique, mastered by only a handful of the clan.  The second remark Rinshi did not take a liking to was the reference of him babysitting a child.  Sure Rinshi was young he'd just turned twenty-one a month ago, he surely was no longer a child.  Among most Special Jounin he displayed the most discipline and maturity of all...aside from when he is drinking.  It took every little bit of strength from punching Enaka directly into his jaw.  Rinshi collected himself as he began falling behind the others to cover the rear Rinshi became a bit suspicious of the three now.  It was under Sousetsus' direct order that he keep watch over him at all times, now he understood why.

The man was to headstrong he appeared to like playing mind games on others, though his fashion sense was credible Rinshi could only ponder how his mind worked.  Rinshi pressed forward after Enaka hoping to get him to Iwagakure as quickly as possible, he hated this guy and would be happy once this mission was over.  The very thought made Rinshi question Enaka's earlier statement.

" is I who has to escort and practically babysit you, but thank you for your cooperation nonetheless."

Rinshi continued on faking his positive attitude until they reached Iwagakure, So a blonde narssicist, a silent creep, and a politician.  Boy I sure need to speak to Sousetsu about a promotion...

[size=13]Training: Speed B-1 to B-3
1392/1700 + 325/1700
1717/1700 Training Complete[/spoiler]

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