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The Tumultuous Trip ( Plot | Training | OPEN ) Advent10
Chuunin Exam Saga
Book 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: The Tumultuous Trip.
Training: 777/words | 750/required
Perception: E-0 > D

Solemn clouds hung overhead, threatening to release their sorrowful tears over the coastline of the land hidden in mist. Yet still, the sun dared peak between the small breaks in cloud cover, and further inland the sky broke free of that depressingly grey hue in favor of a cheerful blue. For a moment Oomi grew jealous of her father and all the others back in Kirigakure unburdened by the heavy cloud cover. The sound of water crashing against the docks drew her attention back to the sea. It danced angrily about vessels and wooden docks. It battered the coastline, rock and sand both feeling its wrath. Yet, there was a strange serenity about it all as ships pulled closer and the docks became crowded. The chaos that was ensuing seemed so organized – everyone knowing their place and the thing that was required of them. All the while Oomi stood there as still as one of the many pillars that lined that docks themselves. People moved around her mumbling their frustrations with her being in the way as they did. She’d only shake her head and continue at her task; waiting. Soon enough someone would arrive, her father had promised that much.
Just hours ago Adechi Harou, Oomi’s father, and the owner of Misty Antiques, the shop beneath their home, had woken his daughter up early this morning. The reason being he’d gotten word that there was a rare artifact to be found somewhere between Kirigakure’s own docks and a fishing town about twenty miles up the coast or so. Somewhere in that expanse of beach, cliff, and forest there was said to be a collection of stones hidden away. As the story went, pirates from the far east had stashed these rare stones away in a cave that line in the cliff face with intent to retrieve them one day. Those pirates never returned and the stones were forgotten. However, a foreigner from those far eastern lands had recently lost his life in pursuit of those very stones. The loss of life made the myth of them seem a little more real. This inevitably leads to questioning why the man would send his own daughter. Easily answered with the realization that the man who’d come in pursuit of those famed stones was not a shinobi. He didn’t possess the skills nor talents that even the lowest of the Kirigakure Shinobi did. However, the danger still very real Harou had elected to send help Oomi’s way. With the promise of pay, of course in the form of any insignificant item they might want from the store and a bit of Ryo (collected by post).
“Move girl!” One of the sailors finally exclaimed at the statue of a young woman, a snarl riding on the tail of his words. He didn’t bother to wait to see if she would listen, instead bumping her and continuing onward. Oomi didn’t seem fazed by it, at least not at first. “Oi!” She called out when the man was no more than four or five steps away. He turned, his face twisted with anger. “Move!” He shouted again. ”You shut your face and apologize for bumping me!” she growled, pointing an angry finger in the man’s direction. He reacted with silence and a wave of dismissal. A mistake on his part. Oomi darted forward, far faster than he expected and a clean right hook found his face. The man stumbled back, having been caught off guard. “Bitch!” He yelped as he reached out to grasp at Oomi’s throat, yet the girl was already gone from that place. She’d dipped low and swung her right leg outward to take his feet from under him and plant the poor fisherman on his back. That done she stood over him triumphantly, waggling a finger in his face ”Now apologize!” She snarled and the man obliged. No point in continuing a fight with a little girl, much less one of those damned shinobi. He was just justifying the fact that he’d gotten his ass kicked by a little girl.
The situation dealt with Oomi went back to waiting for her back-up, growing ever more impatient as each second passed. In truth, she’d not been here waiting for very long. Had she not been so hasty to leave for the coastline she might not have had to wait at all. Yet, she’d not acknowledge that truth. It would be, whoever, showed up’s fault for making her wait. Arms folded beneath the ample swell of her chest and she leaned back against one of the tall posts that lined the dock. ”Wonder who daddy found…” She whispered to herself.



The dock was a bustle as usual for the day. Even with Oomi there it was time to see people doing hard labor. Each individual striving to earn his keep one way or another. No slackers to be found on the docks. Even the captains were already plotting their next course and prepping for rations and stocking up for the trip. It was a busy world at the docks and everything to be so crowded and harsh. The fight itself had only attracted some attention and a few laughs or jests towards the man. And even then people were quick to get back to work. There was money to be made after all. But no man was there without having some history of time spent on the sea. All weathered individuals aside from Oomi herself. Still the bustle went back to normal as people just avoided her after that. It wasn't worth the time spent or a tongue lashing from the captain for a dock hand to waste too much time ignoring his job. But there were things to stop even the busy docks. Things in Kiri that men knew better then to cross. And so the busy docks was about to change.

One of the men on the ship looked out to the water. What he saw made him ring the bell on the ship quickly and call out to the captain. This of course drew the attention of the other ships and their crew. Usually that bell was to signal an approaching reef or some danger to the ship. All eyes looked around but it was impossible to miss what the crew member saw. Mist was rolling in like a thick white wave. Rolling over itself as it approached. The air felt warmer suddenly as the Mist seemed to roll against the ships. Like thin white tendrils it clutched at the wood and metal bindings. Slowly hiding even the water from the dock. And the dock workers themselves were already moving about the docks and moving into their ships or off the docks entirely. This mist was something they had seen before. And they were not eager to be caught in it again. Something like a shade moved in the mist approaching from the water itself. A grizzled captain approached Oomi as he was on his way out of the docks. He looked down at her before he spoke.

"Ye should be on yer way lass. It ain't right what that boy is like. He ain't so much a man as an evil spirit. It's best if ye just not be here when he hits the dock. Aye?"

The captain was already leaving though. He had been there before when those mists came in. And he had the scar to prove it. Not that payment hadn't been left for any taken goods. But he was not eager to be near something that felt like that again. A moment passed after the captain left. The mist hung heavily and cut off the vision more then a few feet away. No one spoke on board the ships. But the end of the dock creaked. Slowly a shadow moved along through the mist. It seemed to cling to him. It was like the mist hugged the boy himself like a thing of its own nature. Something cold filled the warm air. Not as in the chilly kind of cold. But like something unnatural was watching. The hairs on the back of the neck standing up. Slowly the shade began to take more form. And soon a boy emerged. His clothing was grey like the mists and that was how he blended in so well. His white hair shifted about shoulder length. He was small but something was off. It suddenly became apparent that he wasn't just wearing grey clothes. He was armed. On his right waist was a rapier. His left side held a cutlass. A pair of rather large swords crossed his back and Shuriken lined his shoulders. A kunai was strapped to the back of his neck and more Kunai were strapped to his thighs. Senbon attached to his sleeves. Scrolls were strapped to the front of his clothing and flash and smoke bombs were stuffed into his pockets. But aside from the arsenal he held his eyes were the strange part. The held a grey color. Like he was but a dead body in the mist. Assuming Oomi had not left yet he would stop about 5 meters from her. His voice was cold and void of emotion as he spoke.

"You did not leave like the others. Did they not warn you of me? Or do you not fear what the mist hides?"




The Tumultuous Trip ( Plot | Training | OPEN ) Advent10
Chuunin Exam Saga
Book 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: The Tumultuous Trip.
Post 1;Training: 777/words | 750/required
Perception: E-0 > D
Post 2;Training: 858/words | 725/required
Speed: D-0 > D-2

Not much time had passed and already her question was forgotten. Perhaps, she’d even forgotten that she was waiting for someone. Chocolate eyes wandered about the docks watching the sailors go about their tasks as they prepared to set sail ahead of a coming storm and others prepared to hunker down for it. Oomi herself had seemed to cease existing in their eyes for the most part – no doubt none thought it worth the trouble to tell her to move again. Not to mention they’d only be wasting their time and inviting the captains whip. And so there Oomi stood, leaned against one of the mighty poles that lined the dock she’d chosen as her place to wait. Her arms were still folded across her body, sitting impatiently, despite her having forgotten what it was she was waiting for, for the moment.

The sudden noise of an alarm started the girl, even made her jump a little in surprise. Though she quickly settled when she realized where the noise had come from. It took her a moment longer to take note of the mist that approached them, of the thing that the sailors dared not test. It was an eerie mass off in the distance for the time being. A mist that seemed far more foreboding than it should have been. Yet, the idea that a boy might be hidden within it escaped the young kunoichi. Instead, she’d assume that the added commotion was for fear that the mist would make their work all the more harder. He stood up straight, leaving her pillar behind to turn and gaze at the mist as it approached. “What’s so scary about that?” She murmured. As if he’d heard her a grizzled captain spoke as he passed by. A warning fell from his lips; of a boy that was worthy of fright.

Oomi scoffed and a wicked half smile crept across her face. Any boy strong enough to frighten grown men was definitely worth meeting. Then again… in her opinion sailors scared easily. Not that they didn’t have reason to be as superstituous as they were, but… The young woman’s eyes narrowed as she stared into the mist searching for any sign of what might lie behind its thick veil. After a while of this, and the good captains departure finally Oomi’s eyes fell upon the silhouette of a young man. Or at least she assumed it was a young man, despite the extra appendages it appeared he had.

Closer still the apparition came and yet Oomi didn’t budge, perhaps partially out of fear herself though she’d never admit it. A thought crossed her mind, an unrelated memory that seemed just as possible in this moment as it had been unlikely then. Her thoughts wandered to her battle so long ago with an Uzumaki. There’d been mention of the boy’s likeness to a demon, to an evil spirit. The boy she’d fought so long ago in the woods… She wondered if it could be him. Yet, the thought was dashed at the realization that that same boy had been present during her ordeal with the Krakken, that he’d even rescued her from certain death. Surely, he’d not become this beast that scared the sailors, had he? Her answer would come in the form of an unfamiliar voice. A voice that cut through the chill of something less than savory like a hot knife through butter only to shake Oomi’s bones.

She smiled, forced and obviously fake. Words would follow that. A plethora of them that seemed to come without pause enough for the person she was speaking to get a word in edge wise. “Should I be?” She asked. A step was taken forward in an attempt to better see the boy, but she dared not take another for the moment when she was met with failure. “Warning-shorming, I wanted to see what had their panties in a bunch.” The young woman added with a feigned chuckle. “So, what… did you come to slaughter everyone and now I have to stop you with all my awesomeness?” More bravado meant to hide her growing fear. “Or are you just some creepy guy that likes to be creepy all the time?” Her mind wandered to Wolfgang and she wondered what had come of he and the cloak he’d given her. “Or maybe daddy sent you.” Finally she remembered that was why she’d been waiting here. Hopefully the later was right. A fight with this guy would only prove itself more dangerous than she was willing to deal with at the moment. It was hard enough to see him standing still, she could only imagine how much harder that task might be if he were in motion.

Regardless the girl prepared herself for the worst. Her body tensed, and muscles waited at the ready. Her eyes searched the frame she could make out, looking for any sign that he might be hostile. Yet, she’d not activated any jutsu. Not yet. Far better it be to conserve her chakra until it was needed. She had no idea what this guy was capable of after all.



Sero would watch her for a time. His grey gaze seemed to hold no truth or lies within them. They simply watched her with no sense of thought behind them. Or so it appeared. But something about his gaze was a little deceptive. While it seemed to hide behind his flat expression it was like looking at a viper. Even as the mist seemed to curl around him and occasionally parts of him would fade in and out of vision it seemed so unreal. Something was off. What kind of man commanded such presence? Yet alone a boy? It was then that Sero took a step forward. His every step like a blade drawing ever closer. As if some how just by being so close he was consuming the soul. The air was warm but his gaze was colder then the waters in winter. His movements left himself prepared to strike or defend any of a dozen different ways. He wasn't even close enough yet but it was like he already had the blades on him pressed to her throat. The feel of the pressure. The smell of the rust on the blades. The tickle of a line of blood trickling from the thinnest of cuts. It was easy to imagine him slicing the throat. His presence dripped with killing instinct.

However he walked past her and moved over to one of the stands. He reached into his pocket and slid a few ryo onto the prep station. In total it counted for the cost of the can of bait and fishing wire he grabbed. He was just shopping? Even with such a mundane task it felt like he had just walked through a battlefield with blood dripping from his hands. Still he turned and moved further down the dock a little ways away from her now. But even with the distance it still felt like he was at her throat. A beast or a monster. He was typically referred to as either. But for the moment he was looking for a new fishing pole. One he would leave compensation for of course. Still he spoke in response to her after a silence stretched on. Quieter then a graveyard. Not a soul besides him and her stirred. The sailors refused to speak. They just waited for the mist to go away. Memories still livid within them. They would not risk it again.

"Creepy is a word given to those who cause others discomfort. I don't care if those around me are comfortable. As for slaughtering everyone I hope it won't come to that. Even with the misunderstanding last time I left them all alive. I think they prefer the docks not soaked in blood. And I know of no one that is referred to as daddy. But if you wish to do battle. I have time to oblige you. If not I shall leave once my business is finished. Do not challenge me and we will not have any quarrel girl."

D ~> D-1, 325/325
D-1 ~> D-2, 400/400.
D-2 ~> D-3, 450/450
118 remaining.

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