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Sweet, delicious, nearly undefined, goodness... So rich and creamy as it nearly melted in her mouth.




Swallow. A whine proceeded the last finishing of the last bite of the cupcake goodness she had awarded herself with. That had been a rather fine, delicious treat for a goal well done, if she did say so herself; and she did. It had been a very lovely cup cake with just the right amount of frosting; chocolate for the cake itself, and lovely butter scotch frosting on top of that. It even had little white and black sprinkles to boot. It. Was. Excellent. And it was gone. Utterly. Completely. Gone.

She sighed and shook her head. "Well, I should get back to work, then, I guess." She walked her way back up the street, moving herself around the now bustling street. It was funny how only an hour earlier the streets were all but empty, but now? It was almost hard to walk with all the pushing and shoving that was going on. People stepping on others, bumping into them. It was almost like a riot; but it was nothing more than people rushing to and from work; grabbing groceries, or breakfast. Or perhaps they were just bored. She didn't know. She didn't care. They weren't her problem. So long as none of them bumped into her, or knocked her over, she could honestly care less.

Soon she was out of the surrounding masses and back to the hotel she had called home since arriving to Konoha, how long ago? Hell, she didn't care by this point; she'd be leaving soon enough. She walked up the halls of the hotel, going over the jutsu she knew she would need to study on before the physical practice of it; she had already grabbed the books earlier; having left the entire stack on the night stand of the overly large bed she had been given.

She stopped outside of her room, inserted the key into the lock, and gave the door handle a turn. Upon hearing the click she pushed the door opened, stepping into the darkness. She shut the door behind her, drowning the room in the blackness. But, she knew it well enough by now to know that five steps forward, and one to the right would leave her to the desk with the lamp. She reached out her hand after taking the required steps and found the coldness of the lamp; and more importantly the switch. She flicked it on, dousing the room in a pale but slightly bright light. Enough to read by at least.




It was the only sound that indicated she was moving across the room; in the general direction of the night stand that held the several books she would need to read. She sat herself down on the bed, shoving a pillow up against the wooden headboard of her bed. She unattached her scythe from her back, placing it on the bed, before she plopped down and rested her back against the pillow. She reached over, grabbing one of the many books she had wanted to read in an attempt to make learning this jutsu far easier.


She would pause, red eyes skimming the page, absorbing the knowledge she was reading. Each page being memorized without trouble. When she was finished with that page she would turn to another...


More reading, more knowledge. 'This jutsu won't be so hard, after all...', she thought to himself as she turned another page.

She followed this same process through each book. Flipping from one page to another, reading a bit to see if the page contained the valuable information she needed; if it did she would stop and read more in depth, sometimes reading it several times to make sure it was saved perfectly to memory.

From one book to another, until all five were finished, and with them a good six hours had passed. But, she had more than enough knowledge now stored to memory. The only question that remained was where she was going to go to learn this jutsu. She could go back to the place she had gone earlier that morning to practice; but he didn't feel like navigating her way through all of those people in the market again. In truth, she could keep to the roofs and avoid them...but meh. Somewhere new was preferred.

She stood up with a stretch and a yawn, glancing at the clock. It was almost noon. Joy. She strapped the scythe she borrowed from a family member back onto her back, the cloth wrapping once more down the blade to act as a sheath of sorts. She walked across the room, the same tap, tap, tap, as before echoing in the otherwise silent room.

After exiting the room she walked down the hotel's hallway and back outside; this time into the bright noon sun. She headed off in another direction; towards a training area she had passed a few days prior. It took her several minutes to reach there; and she was glad to find that it was completely empty. Sweet, it was always nice when people were gone for lunch; she wouldn't need long. She just had to make sure that she had this down; one shot was all she needed.

She moved her form to one of the nearby training dummies, unstrapping her blade from her back; the cloth falling away to reveal the black and silver edged blade. She gave a swing of her brorrowed scythe; letting forth a burst of Fuuton chakra. It burst forth in a ball of sorts; a sphere of destructive wind blades that locked onto the target - the dummy - and began to rip it to shreds.

This was good, but she also needed to see what this was going to do at a much farther distance. With the slash, the spacial rend is mobile; cutting up and through everything in its path to the intended target - another dummy much farther away. Even as it approaches the target, the sphere grew larger, swallowing all that is in its path, including a smaller dummy that had just happened to be in its way. That was something to note; anything caught in this attack will be carried with it, being repeatedly cut until the the intended target was hit.

That.. had worked quite well. A lot better in fact than she had originally planned. The cloth stretched down, wrapping around the blade again before she replaced it on her back. With a yawn she walked out of the training area, fully satisfied with her training's success. Her footfalls were all that could be heard as he headed for that cup cake stand she had visited earlier...




Maybe they had some cup cakes with marble frosting; she especially enjoyed those. Or maybe just pure vanillia. Time would tell what cupcake she would get once she reached the stand...




Step by step...

March, march, march...

Boom, headshot.

Open me:

Reaction Time Training:

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