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1A New Day (Lelouch, No Kill) Empty A New Day (Lelouch, No Kill) Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:57 am

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko was slightly bored. He had been training constantly as he always did, and he knew it was for a good cause. He was getting stronger, and he was getting stronger really really fast. Despite this, it kind of felt like there was no relevance to it anymore. He had his goals set and he really really wanted to achieve. Training had always been fun to him and it always would be, but he just needed a break. He wanted to see something. Do something different. Have some fun. He wanted to venture out . Do something new. See a part of Konoha that he hadn't seen before. He just wanted to see something different. He felt like he was trapped. Toshiko didn't want to feel that anymore.

He woke up early in the morning, and then left his home and went out onto the streets of Konoha. Everything was the way it had always been. The streets were occupied by the same people, with the same stores, the same everything. Toshiko was going to take a different route around this time. He took to the roof, and then jumped from roof to roof instead of using the regular road. He made it to a power line pole, and jumped to it, sitting down on it and then taking a view of the entire village. This was something beautiful. Something that he could actually get used to seeing everyday.

Word Count: 240

2A New Day (Lelouch, No Kill) Empty Re: A New Day (Lelouch, No Kill) Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:55 am

Hyūga, Lelouch

Hyūga, Lelouch

" FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" The crowd would yell out loudly, grown but yet still childish, the man was busy attending a bar fight. Two big security guards against him and his best friend Jacob he knew for a bit. Once the first guard threw the first blow, he ducked and smack him in the face once he had a clean shot. His friend Jacob was getting beat into a pulp he really didn't have the gift Lelouch had. Placing both hands at the end of a wooden harden stick that was shaped like a pole. Lelouch would charge up behind the man and whack upside the head. Once the fight was over, Lelouch would laugh. He was pissed drunk. But what can he say? it was his day! and he was having so much fun. fighting, drinking, laughing. Jacob was out cold on the ground. Nothing much Lelouch would do for him but bring the party god home. Placing him on his shoulders, the man would walk away as if nothing happened. " Alright. I've had enough. " He stumbled, trying to keep himself up right, it was pretty hard due to how drunk he was but, he could bare.


" ah!" He silently stated to himself, he was cleaning his wounds from last night brawl. " How drunk was I?" Looking into the mirror, he noticed he had an black eye, few cuts in his face, a cut open index finger knuckle that was jsut on his right hand. Getting ready, the man had no time. He took off the clothing he was currently wearing just to take a bath so he clean off the drunken smell. After his bath he freshen up. Fixing his hair and other thing. His clothing was pressed and waiting for him on the bed. A black shirt, some black jean shorts. and some black sandals. He had a pair of sunglasses that he would wear to hide his black eye. Fully dressed, the boy would sigh in agreement. Rushing down the stairs, he grabbed a piece of bread and a water bottle. His apartment keys a pack of cigarette's and his ninja pouch and headband. Once his attire was on, his headband would be placed on his forehead. the pack of cigarette's was pushed inside his pockets and the bread would be consumed. Continuing out the door, he would lock it. Leaving straight out from the area. He wondered if jacob was okay? did his headache beat his? not for sure. But Lelouch didn't care, instead, he was worrying about his training today. He wasn't to for sure if he could even take a punch or even throw one. The pain was real from last night? but he was an shinobi, it was pretty much nothing to him. Walking down the street, citizens was already busy. working, playing, enjoying the konohagakure life. It was pretty fun seeing that awkwardly.

Stepping to the next block, the man wasn't to for sure just yet. But he knew where he was going. Attending his own business was the main thing for now. He didn't want to attract any type of attention towards himself. He hated smiling while messed up. Just makes him wanna beat the hell outta something.


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