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Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi jumped from tree to tree in am attempt to capture the trouble maker, The man he was in pursuit of had just stolen from a vendor in the market district and takumi was in hot pursuit. The man was a petty criminal and obliviously this was not his first time at stealing. Most first time offenders hesitate even for a brief moment before they do the crime but this made had no hesitation in his actions.

Takumi saw the man slowing down and stopping near Gisei lake. Takumi jumped down behind him without him knowing a hit him in the back of the neck knocking him unconscious. It was a trick he learned in the ANBU to subdue any unwilling parties that needed to be captured. He knew the man would not wake up for quite a while as the person usually does not wake up for a few hours. So takumi decided to take a break and relax for a little while.

Taku sat back against a boulder and soaked up the sun, it was a rather nice day the sun was high in the sky, The birds were chirping, The wind was blowing just enough to move taku's hair, The flowing water was crashing down from the waterfall above creating a ever fine mist that would keep taku cool while he relaxed. It was a good day to be a shinobi.

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

It had been a long, and boring day for fact, each day was the same. Dull and indifferent. For Raishi, everything that had seemed to excite him, or give him the slightest spark of anxiety had faded away. The battles he had fought in Kirigakure were a cause of this , for after that adventure, everything that had seemed even slightly excited to him, he now saw in a dull and boring light. Nothing could surpass the thrill of war.

In order to escape the heat that was the source of his daily discomfort at home, Raishi had headed out to the cool Gisei Lake, hoping to relax for the whole day. He lay down close to the lake for hours, reflecting about the dullness of his life, when suddenly, he heard the all too familiar sound of a hit to the head. He sat up sluggishly, smiling at a seemingly familiar man, standing over a knocked out body. Raishi couldn't help but laugh to himself a little...just one hit to the head and he's out cold?

"Nice hit," he said to the man in a friendly tone, as he lay back down on the moist grass.



Gisei Lake was known to be the Hidden Rock village's source of water.  The very thing that kept the village alive.  Food could be found elsewhere, but without the water that this lake provided just how long could the village survive on its own?  Motoichi stood on the edge of a cliff, overlooking the forty foot plunge to the lake as he considered this question.

Surely, there were other sources of water to be found.  Most of the earth's fresh water was hidden underground to begin with.  Though so far it seemed none had been found in the area.  That is, if the area had been checked for hidden aquifers.  Motoichi assured himself that this fact was definitely looked at.  And besides, Gisei Lake was only one of many sources of water.  It just happened that this was the most important.

He slowly undid his kataginu, allowing his chest to breathe as it fell to the ground.  The wind rushing by his face demanded that he let his hair out of it's usual ponytail and so he let it flow.  Just how wide and deep was Gisei Lake?  Motoichi began to wonder.  To be the biggest and best source of water for such a large village such as the Hidden Rock, he understood that it must be massive.  His curiosity feeding him copious amounts of intrigue, he looked about him and noticed no one else was around the cliff to stop him.

Carefully, Motoichi pulled off his hakama pants and left his sandals next to his kataginu.  Raising his hands to his sides like wings, he leapt forward.  Somersaulting in the air, he felt like a bird.  Twisting his body downwards, the wind so intense now as his hair flew brilliantly behind him.  Coming up to the water's surface, Motoichi's hands met together.  Outstretched and with open hands, he dived into the water.  The sudden rush of the cold water sent a shockwave through his body has he sunk deeper into the lake's depths.

With slow and even strokes he swam his way in the lake staying submerged beneath the water's surface.  He wanted to see the lake's inner beauty.  All around him were various fish, and lots of plant life.  It was an extraordinary sight to behold.  The rocks that lay underneath were shiny and had many flat edges.  Swimming for a closer look, Motoichi discovered crystals had formed in spots all around the lake's floor.  He continued gazing for a few moments when he felt a pain in his lungs.  It was time to breathe again.

He raced forward to the top and took a breath, noticing that not too far were three men along the shore.  Two were laying along the shore and the third rested against a boulder.  Intrigued yet again, Motoichi swam up to shore to meet the individuals.  As he came up to them, he squeezed out the water from his hair and waved to them.

"Why hello there!" he called out, jovially.  Looking over them again now that he was closer.  One of the men was familiar to him and was soon recognized as his sensei.  "Ah, Sensei Takumi!  What brings you here?"

Motoichi was completely unaware that his undergarments had come off during his cliff dive and that he was in fact naked, wearing only the bandages wrapped around his abdomen.

Post: 568
Trained Speed from D-1 to D-2 400/400
168 words left

Last edited by Motoichi on Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi had not noticed the other person when he arrived, which obviously he was not initially here to relax but to catch a crook. Takumi smiled and said "Thanks, my shinobi training was not for nothing i can assure you of that". Takumi said with a half smile, He was about to sit back and began to relax again when he heard a familiar voice. "Why hello there!" when takumi looked up he saw one of the genin from team two. His team to be more specific, "Ah, Sensei Takumi! What brings you here?". Taku chuckled a little and said "Oh just working" pointing to the knocked out individual that he had tracked here. Takumi noticing that the older male was not wearing any under clothing he smacked his forehead and said "Motoichi please tell me you lost your shorts in the water and you didn't intentionally jump in the water naked". If the genin had not already caught on takumi pointed at his feet so the man would look down.

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

"Thanks, my shinobi training was not for nothing i can assure you of that"

Raishi smiled, his eyes closed, deep in a state of relaxation and utter laziness. Of course, the man was a shinobi. It seemed only logical. Raishi couldn't help but release a brief sigh as he realised that he hadn't trained at all for so long. He'd just been like a slab of stone for the past few weeks...just wearing away. Past feelings of worthlessness, and his inner fears of his insignificant existence began to creep up on him, clawing at his heart. I really need to stop living like this...

His stream of thoughts were brought to an abrupt end as he heard a loud splash, from the lake. Raishi's eyes shot open immediately, more out of reflex than anything, searching lazily for the cause of the disturbance to his relaxation.  In front of him was a young man, wet and...naked? The kid walked with such confidence as he approached the two men, and Raishi realised that he was in fact unaware of his nudity. Raishi smiled to himself, looking away from the young man.

"Looks like you forgot something," Raishi said lightly to him. He couldn't help but notice that the young man and the other, Takumi he had called him, knew each other; Takumi was his sensei. I used to have a team..Raishi thought to himself sadly as the cool wind kissed his cheeks, grasped by memories of what seemed to be such a distant past.



Motoichi stood proudly before his sensei and the other man.  That is, until he heard their response to his arrival.  At first he had wondered why both of them had turned their heads slightly away from him but then their words hit him.  Immediately he turned his attention to his waist and saw the problem.

He was naked.

Quickly, Motoichi sat down in the water, letting only his stomach protrude out of the water.  "I am so sorry!  It seems that I lost my underwear during my swim.

He took the time he had now that an awkward moment had arisen to see what his sensei had pointed to.  The third man he had seen laying on the shore seemed to be knocked out cold.  Being so close to his sensei and judging from Takumi's slight chuckle, it appeared that he was the reason for the man's unconscious state.  Motoichi only responded with an audible note of recognition to his sensei's work.

"I beg your pardon," said Motoichi, he turned to address the only other unfamiliar face that had also pointed out his nudity.  "I don't believe we've met, my name is Mitarashi Motoichi.  A pleasure to meet another shinobi of the village."

Post: 208
376 words left
Total: 776

Last edited by Motoichi on Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi sat back and chuckled a bit before saying "It's fine motoichi" He continued to soak in the scenery. The green grass, the blue sky, and cool water spraying in the air. It was quiet relaxing over all. After a few moments he looked back at the new waist deep motoichi and said "So what brings you here Motoichi?".

OOC: Sorry it's so short making it a 3 AM and my brain is barely able to make complete thoughts right now, my other posts will be longer.

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi couldn't help but laugh at this young individual who had been oblivious to his nudity, although he wasn't laughing at the young man as a mean of teasing him, he was merely laughing at the the idea that a person would be unaware concerning something as crucial as ones nudity! He kept his laughs as quiet as possible, hoping not to pass across the wrong message to the other men in the lake. He hard as the nude young man introduced himself as Mitarashi Motoichi. An interesting name...Raishi thought to himself, as he had never heard about the Mitarashi clan before. He needed to do more studying..

"The pleasure is all mine Motoichi. My name is Kanetsu, Raishi"

He spoke in a friendly tone, with a light smile as he spoke. Takumi then addressed Motoichi after this, and Raishi's mind drifted off into space as he began to think about ways to make this little encounter worthwhile.

Total wordcount: 623
Unused: 223
OOC:I'm really sorry about the extremely late post. I thought I had replied already x_x any chance we could turn this into a sparring session?

Last edited by Raishi Kanetsu on Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:15 am; edited 1 time in total



Motoichi could only laugh along with the white haired man who introduced himself as Raishi Kanetsu.  Now fully aware of being naked, he kept his body hidden beneath the water, thankful that the water wasn't translucent enough to make out his nudity.  It was quite the situation he found himself, with his clothes so far away and him being so naked.  If he had been alone, it would've been a simple flicker away to get back to his clothes but after meeting with this gentleman and his sensei, Motoichi found himself in quite the predicament.

"Well, Sensei, I was just up at the cliff face admiring the view and then wondered how deep the lake was after seeing how wide it's expanse is."  Then he saw it.  His answer to his nudity.  "Oh, and if you could give me the clothes of that guy you knocked out, Sensei, it would really help me out.  I mean, he doesn't really need them anymore, does he?"

Motoichi chuckled a bit, one hand reaching around to the back of his head as he laughed off his question, hoping to lighten the strangeness of his request.  "See, my dry clothes are back up on the cliff.."

This was definitely not how he had wanted to meet with Takumi.  It was now the second time he was a mess in front of him.  The first being covered in dog piss after struggling to catch two brown labradors that had gotten loose in the park.  Now there was no telling what Takumi thought of him, and just thinking about what Takumi's opinion of him was enough to rattle Motoichi.

Not only his sensei, but also another shinobi of the village was witnessing the amazing Motoichi's plight.  It would only be a matter of time before word spread about how ridiculous of a shinobi he was.  Still, it would be best if he was underestimated than overestimated as his father always said.  However, the feeling in the pit of Motoichi's stomach made him wish he was one of those ninja that were overestimated.

"And what brings you here, Raishi of the Kanetsu clan?" Motoichi turned his head back to the white haired man.  "I figured your clan were more about the volcano scene rather than hanging around a lake of water."

Post: 391
767 words
Trained Speed from D-2 to D-3 450/450
217 leftover
Total: 1167

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu


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