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Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

ANBU Intelligance Assistance A-Rank:

The young boy was a bit tired he just recently had a small little fight with a strong bandit warrior in an interrogation. He wondered why interrogations had so much violence in them, what happened to talking them into submission or just finding their loved ones. Not one of them could do that since you knew you could not trust the military at times. As he was just trying to start releasing a strange girl in a mask popped up not saying a word. She was with the ANBU and would be assisting him in the serveilance, but in exchange for the help he would get paid and be allowed to do as he wants as long as he gets the mission done. He looked at her for a while then finally nodded after reading the mission through very carefully.

They headed out silently and it was clear she was nearly as young as him, as they went through the forest to finally reach the river they took out the map. According to the map the hideout was approximately an hours walk away which meant they had lots of time to recover their chakra as they went there. He did not say a word just looking suspiciously towards her every now and then. The girl finally spoke with a deep throat voice which was definitely an effect of the mask.

"You do not look like a shinobi of the seven swords to me". He just kept walking ignoring her as she got a bit annoyed as she then spoke again. "We got a whole hour until we get there, you could at least say something before we start the mission." He sighed before saying, "We still have to find the hideout and unlike you i do not have some special clothing to hide me from the guards. So i have to figure out a way inside that will not make them suspicious." The girl was quiet when she realised how serious this kid was with his work, she was expecting one of two things from a shinobi of the seven swords. She was expecting a large tall man with a mask around his mouth, a giant sword and some awesome abs. The second possiibility was that he would be some playful genius who was cool calm and collected which is what he seemed to be. Deep down inside her fan girl voice wanted to shout out, but her training kept that at bay.

About half an hour had passed as she was getting bored, the young little blonde boy with his hair blowing in the wind dressed casually in some ordinary kid's clothes a loose t-shirt and a shorts with his feet inside some soft sandals. She wondered why he was dressed so plain and did not seem like he had any weapons on him at all but he did have a few scrolls on him. She began to wonder what kind of swordsman walks around without swords.

Words = 500/2500
Chakra = 340/340

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

They were near to the location as they looked ahead there was a large mansion with about fifty guards covering the entire perimeter, there was no way they could just waltz in there. He looked towards her as she looked towards him as he finally spoke again. "Could you take off the mask, you can change your face but we need to get in there". The girl was a bit hesitant when she spoke to him and then replied. "I can sneak into that place easily, i do not even need you for this mission." He then sighed as he looked down and then looked away from her. "Then get going, i am doing my mission and you can do yours " The stubborn tone in his voice as he was upset heading towards the compound unarmed and in ordinary clothes which under better inspection were actually more similar to rags. She felt bad about it, but she was a true ANBU she could not just remove her mask whenever she felt like it.

All alone with his mission still underway, the young little blonde boy went and walked right towards the front gate slowly. He walked with an annoyed look on his face as he had forgotten to eat before taking on this mission, or to be more correct he ate earlier but after doing his previous mission his stomach was pretty empty now. When he finally got to the gate the guards were shouting that it was private property but the boy just collapsed. The guards were a bit confused when finally one of them said. "The poor kid, maybe we can help him out?" As the other man spoke up in a harsh voice to reply saying, "We can not really help him out, so he will either become a bandit or slave if we take him in." One woman was looking out from the balcony of the mansion as she was keeping an eye on her men with her zooming lens. When she spotted the young boy she knew she wanted him for herself, her little bandit boy as she thought to herself. Little did the young boy know his plan was not going according to plan.

Words = 500 + 370 = 870/2500
Chakra = 340/340

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The woman immediately called to one of her servants and told them to bring the child to her. She wanted to personally take him in and make him one of her children, she was the main ruler of this mansion as the servant ran as fast as she could. Her maid outfit looked a bit out dated as the guards looked back with smiles, before the largest of the guards blocked her path. "What is it, maid..." in the most condescending and insulting ways the man could say it, his deep barbarian voice not allowing any confusion as to how she was to be degraded before them. The other guys whispered about how their captain went over board the whole time when it came to things like this.

As the young little boy was regaining consciousness feeling like he went a bit overboard with how hungry he was suppose to be, feeling rather drained as he just said softly. "Where am I?" as they looked back as the man gave a serious look, the maid passed him swiftly and lifted up the boy into her arms as the man then spoke again. "Where are you taking that child, he has trespassed on our territory and is now our property. Do not tell me a maid is going to just take this child as if you have any power here". The man was standing strong until sweat dripped from his cheek as the women appeared from the shadows. "We know you are strong and that we need you, but this child has been selected by the Empress". The man just nodded as he signaled for the men to disperse.

Meanwhile on the other end of the mansion where it was guarded far less than the main entrance the young ANBU girl was making her way into the mansion as she found an open window, she had infiltrated the building successfully but as she looked around she noticed that there were a lot of foot prints. She would not be able to cover this whole area that easily so she would have to be more careful as she camouflaged herself to the walls as she moved silently and carefully deeper into the mansion. Meanwhile the young boy was carried away by the four mysterious women who were all elite maids who seemed more like shinobi. As they finally reached the dining hall where they placed the boy at a small round table before a strange woman. All four of them bowed while the poor ordinary maid servant was still running back to the mansion.

The Captain of the Guard was a bit upset but he knew that he could not fight against the chain of command. The chain was also a line where he stood as the front line, these assassin-like elite servants were the back line and finally the one who guarded the Empress appeared and said. "Welcome to the Kazuma Mansion" as the boy just sat their looking on a bit tired and a bit shocked and confused. "Hi?"

Words = 870 + 510 = 1380/2500

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The woman looked the boy up and down as if studying him intensely, the young boy began to blush as he was only planning to infiltrate the place and now people were looking at him again. Even at the hot springs or the noodle shops something about him always made the women like that. Sometimes though the men would also react like that which just seemed weird. As he stood there spacing out she reached out to him slowly with her hand as he instinctively backed away, he did not know why he did that as the chair gave way with the back of his head hitting the floor as he fell. He flinched and gave a very soft wine as tears were building up, while he could endure pain he only did that when he was in combat mode. In his training he was once taught that a shinobi has three modes he must be able to perform, natural mode where you just be yourself without trying to control too much, combat mode where you toughen up and hide most emotions and focus on the battle and survival mode where you do not care about tactics other than surviving at any cost. Right now he was in a cross between natural and survival mode, as he was trying not to cry which was hard when he was not focused on battle.

The woman smiled at him then looked to her elite maid servants and said, "Tell Mira to hurry up we need her first aid and do not waste anytime." The Empress moved over towards the young boy as she reached out a second time and said, "Do not be scared i will not let them turn you into a tool or some low ranked bandit errand boy, you can become one of my children if you will let me ". He was a bit confused as she just out right was trying to adopt him right then and there, what did he get himself into.

Meanwhile the young ANBU woman was placing surveylance in some of the plants she passed in the hallways, the place was rather big as she finally entered her first room still stealthed, she could not get deeper into this room as she noticed various sensors. She hid some serveylance in a small blind spot as she covered it with a coating that would not be noticable unless the mansion hired high ranking shinobi to get the job done. She sighed and then said , "I hope his okay".

Words = 1380 + 423 = 1803/2500

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

As he looked to the side he said softly, "I know she does not really care what happens to me, but i have a mom out there somewhere". What he said was true in the sense that his mother knew he was strong enough to take care of himself, and he actually did lose track of where his mom went last hearing about her in some Strip Club. As the woman was nearly pushed to tears she grabbed hold of the young boy in her embrace as she hugged him, he felt like he was going to cry right then and there as he sniffed a bit. He missed the embrace of his mother and was becoming a bit homesick, but he knew that shinobi had to be able to live away from home. Using his emotions he began to cry as he hugged her close, since his emotions were real the elite maid assassins did not pick up on the fact that the child was a shinobi. He then placed a small serveilance bug on the woman's back as he then said, "Why would anyone want a useless child like me?" as he kept the emotional state he was in.

He was brutally honest while concealing the main purpose of his visit as the woman sensed he was hiding something, but ignored it due to her own maternal desires. She had not received a cute boy who did not seem to have any battle scars or signs of harsh training, which was a testament to the great treatment he always got at hospitals. While he did not place serveilance on the entire place, the convenience of the fact that he could bug her now was in itself more than enough since she was the head of this estate.

Meanwhile back deeper inside the mansion the ANBU girl came across a vault, she took notes and placed one information scroll that concealed itself near the entrance before she fled that location. She then dashed and stopped when she noticed a strong chakra, five strong chakras to be exact. Masking her own chakra she slipped into the location to see that one of those five chakras belonged to the small boy, she realised that with those four elites having chakra similar to the small boy who was assisting her. She knew then and there that they could not just simply escape, unless he was let go. It was tough, but when she learnt the situation she was left with only one option...

The young boy then spoke again, "Is it okay for me to stay here?" as he asked that while slowly indicating secretly while fidgeting with his feet that she should go away. His perception was extremely skilled and if the four assassins were not solely focused on him they would notice too. He knew they were assassins after watching their movements and learning. He assisted her in planting serveilance and it was time for her to get a move on. How he would escape was up to him alone.

Words = 1803 + 511 = 2314/2500

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The empress looked down on the boy and then spoke, "You may stay here as long as you like, let me take you to your room". She took his hand as he nearly pulled away from her, she felt his uneasyness mistaking it for fear that she may hurt him rather than fear of her finding out why he was there. As she guided him through the halls the elite assassins following closely behind as the ANBU member escaped to report the success of the mission as she decided to believe in the small boy.

He was guided to a room with a small bed, a chest of drawers and a few small weapons that were more like toys. She then looked down and spoke in a voice that came out really emotional. "I wish you could stay here forever, but i know that your mother must be missing you. When you do need to leave one day or anything ever happens i would like you to be able to call this your second home. What is your name my child?" as he looked to her and quickly told her, "My name is Aura". He then looked to the side, "My friends call me Yuu though..." as she smiled and he went to sleep having sent a mail that was coded looking like an ordinary letter to his mother, it was actually information on the location of the serveilance he placed in the hall ways and his room before he went to sleep. The assassins did not trust him, but the empress said something after he went to sleep. "One day that boy may be your new master" as the assassin's looked on shocked while the night creeped in on them the moonlight shining down on this mysterious day.

Words = 2314 + 300 = 2500/2500 + 114 excess
Training Endurance C3 to B = 340(previous thread) + 114 = 454/700

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