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1Freedom [Regeru | Training | Invite only] Empty Freedom [Regeru | Training | Invite only] Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:56 am



Well now.. it was time to stop being lazy. The male had several ideas in his mind for new techniques, but an idea was useless until it stopped being an idea and became reality. And so... now. Now as the time, this was the place, and in his mind, he could do fucking anything once the lines between ideas and reality were blurred.

The predawn silence was quite nice, especially for this time of the year. It was still cool this early in the morning the predators of the night were hunkering down in their respective nests, preparing to sleep through the day. The fauna of the day were stirring, silently thanking whatever god that watched over them that they made it through another night. At least, that is what the male believed.

It was in the middle of a clearing in which the male sat, cross-legged. He was dressed for training, very different that his formal wear; a ragged shorts over bare feet. He was shirtless at the moment; the morning wind was feeling really good to him. Besides, he liked to practice his techniques with little restrictions before testing them in combat. Nearby, a sword lay waiting wrapped in white bandages and was almost as tall as he was. His skin seemed to shine in the dim lighting, casting low light on the grass around him.

Violet eyes were closed to the world, his mind lost in quiet meditation. In his mind, he was seated in a vast cathedral. The world around him was pitch black, save for a single candle. As Jin focused on that candle, the flame split itself into two. As the male watched, those two flames split themselves into four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two. On and on the flames split and multiplied, increasing until they became a roaring flame, threatening to burn down the cathedral. And through all this, the male did not move, watching the location of the initial candle.

This fire... this fire is out of control. Burn this place, burn this place!

He wasn’t afraid; this fire. It was his own fears, and for Jin, fear had no place in his mind, in his life. He would not allow it. No, he would rather die than let fear stop him. So long as the male conquered his mind, the world was nothing to him; a mere prison to house, restrict and bind the weak, those unable to break themselves free of all restraints. He would not be one of those people.

The world is not my prison. The world is my weapon, and I am the master. I will not bow; I will control and weild the world with the finesse of a surgeon and the strength of a madman.

In the real world, the body stirred, slowly climbing to his feet. Those violet eyes opened to the world, determination forming in them. His right hand opened, and almost instantly, the comforting feel and weight of the Buster filled it. As the bandages fell away from the sword, the male focused his chakra, pictured out his intentions, and made them a reality. At his mental command, his chakra left his body, and bent reality around his body, giving birth to what should not have been there, what should have been impossible to force into reality; several beings created from his chakra, the very mystical force that gave his body life. There were five in number, each one identical to the male in every way, save for their strength. Their strength was not his equal; not yet. In time, as the truth was realized, they themselves would equal his power. But everything happened in due time. Right now, the focus was something else; there was still the matter of forcing several ideas to become a reality....

But for the moment, he would wait patiently; someone in particular was bound to show up...

649/750 = Reaction D

145/150 Chakra

Jutsu used:



"This sucks..." a sigh came from the same voice, orange (and somewhat trademarked to this person~) spiked hair bouncing along as this boy, Regeru, traveled down a road of Konoha. "I lost my sword..." he sighed, scratching his head. "And my bag....and my goggles...and..." he continued to list off things verbally, the boy counting off things with his fingers. He then couldn't help but remember what happened to his stuff...or rather, how he 'lost' it...


"So kid, you see that sea over there with a 'C' in it? Yeah, that sea has a sea of treasure that starts with a 'C' like crown, see? So you see what I'm seeing mentally?! We gotta go fishing in that sea so that I can see, and you can see the 'C' named sea of treasures, got it?!" A dirty looking man smiled, Regeru blinked and soon turning to look at...trees. "But I don't see any sea over there, or anything that starts with a 'C'. All I see is a sea of trees, unless some trees are named with the letter 'C' ...?" he scratched his head, eyeing the trees in front of him. "But I do see a sea of trees if that's what you mean, old man. I mean...I'd like to see the treasure too, but I just don't see what you're seeing in this sea, sir..." Regeru slowly turned to see...the man missing now. He shrugged, reaching for his bag and sword, but noticed that they were gone... "UM....U-Uh oh..." the young Gekido child looked around, his tail raising in alarm as he searched around the area quickly, sighing loudly as he sat where he stuff was. The old man had done something that did in fact start with a 'C' ...conned him...


The poor boy, wandering as he was lost in thought, ended up in a place he had not intended to be. But either way, he sighed, rubbing his forehead, feeling a bit angry at the Konoha and himself for falling for such a stupid trick. However, he wasn't COMPLETELY left without. Of course he had no money, but still he had the three shurikens in his pocket along with one kunai...if you'd count those as something... His money was in the bag, which...was taken. He did still have his slightly heavy weighted clothing, pieces of fake metal weighing him down slightly on his gloves and shoes. "UGH! Wait until I find that dirty old man!!" Regeru said, not liking to be bested through a challenge of wits.

Regeru, finally noticing that someone else was here, stared silently as he had his usual sour pouting face on. He noticed the man going to get his sword, this just upsetting Regeru even more. 'Well HE gets to keep his sword...' he sighed, eyeing the person enviously. He then gasped as he saw beings coming out of almost nowhere, standing near the man. "Hey...What's he- ..." the Gekido rubbed his eyes, not yet being able to sleep since he lost his stuff the other day. He blinked, still staring at everything going on. He casually walked over to the person who appeared to be focused intensely, his orange tail swishing around as he stood in the open, looking at the male with his huge blue eyes. As he saw the male closer, he noticed that he looked...oddly familiar. Very very familiar to the boy actually. 'Well that's strange...He looks like- ...But what would he be doing here? Nah...' Regeru shrugged the thought away. Of course, being how he is, he just flat out asked the familiar man... "If you die, can I have you sword, mister? I lost mine." he blinked, staring at the person before him with a SERIOUS look on his face, trying to figure out where he's seen him before...

Word Count: 657

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