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1Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:57 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu finally arrived at the village gates. The sun shone brightly in the sky while the wind carried a gentle and cool breeze. A rather beautiful day. The clouds were scarce leaving an open blue sky with many birds chirping their songs of nature. A fitting welcome for the Senju back home. He stood tall with his black sleeveless jumpsuit accompanied by bandages wrapped around his wrists, a white cloth that acted like a thin scarf and a white bandanna emblazoned with the Senju symbol to give the white haired male some recognition. Although this outfit was somewhat new from his travels, he wondered if the people would recognize him.

Walking the streets of the leaf village he nodded at a few of the leaf's villagers around his age of the early twenties who greeted him back with a formal bow. Some nudged others and pointed to his general direction before bowing also. It seemed he was remembered. Children ran around with their imaginations and their mothers running after them frantically. It was quite a pleasant sight to behold that the village was well taken care of in his absence. The further he walked-the more he was recognized. He tried to give off his infamous grin but was unsure of what the village had thought of him as he left so frequently.

He arrived to a stall in the centre of the market, he needed food for his home after all. The vendor turned his gaze to assist him before rubbing his eyes in disbelief. Another smile was worn. It appeared that this man was also happy to see him. Sousetsu bowed humbly before requesting certain vegetables and meats to be purchased. The exchange was complete but the owner wished to give him the contents for free. Sousetsu insisted that he couldn't and also handed him a little extra for what it was worth.

He turned around to see a sweet shop, one he was familiar with when he had a sweet-tooth from time to time. It was also a place where he would have gotten treats for those who listened to his stories or to his squad members before he ventured forth. A small group of three children rushed to his leg, gripping it and pulling at his clothes. He looked down. They smiled back at him with such warmth that he had to return that smile. "You're back! Tell us another story!" a little girl exclaimed. Sousetsu looked up, trying to find the little girl's mother to which his search was soon rewarded. The mother smiled at her daughter and him. He had told her stories before. The same group in fact. Each time he left the village he had stories for many of the population, even for the older generation.

"I promise I will, little one. First I need to take care of a few things!" he spoke smoothly and patted her head. He then looked up at the sweet vendor and ordered a few treats for the children before sending them on their way. They were saddened by his lack of storytelling but happy that they were treated nonetheless. He sighed. It was nice to see the simple things such as a visit to the market and smiling faces on days like this. His travels were something he did not seek willingly but was glad to be in the place he called home.

2Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:59 pm



Chisaki sighed with content as she woke up that morning. Her new bedroom was airy, yet, well furnished at the same time. She adored her new home, just as much as her previous one. Chisaki still held the keys to her old home and her new one. Sighing with contentedness, she sat up to begin her day. Chisaki relished mornings like these. Her new bed was set directly in the center of the floor, with drapes as well. The Senju symbol emblazoned the wall behind her bed. Chisaki quietly walked over to the small door set in the wall and flung it open. Chisaki walked out onto a large balcony. Her bedroom was at the back off her house. Below her window, she admired the beautiful garden that was blooming. Flowers of every colour grew peacefully there, while a small river lazily meandered through the whole arrangement. Chisaki had instantly turned this place into one full of nature, where everything flourished, just as her people did. Sighing, she walked back into her bedroom. Bird song flew around her bedroom, the chirping calming to the ear. This morning was to be savored, and Chisaki intended to do just that.

Strolling back into her bedroom, she slipped off her night clothes as she went. Naked, she strolled into her bathroom and stood under the shower. This room was spacious, and black tiles covered the room. Chisaki turned a switch on the wall, and warm water gushed out off the shower head. Relishing in the water, Chisaki bathed in scents of jade and other complimenting scents. Chisaki let the torrent of water wash over her, as she cleaned every inch of her body. Sighing again with contentedness, Chisaki shut off the waters flow. Smelling a lot better, Chisaki dried herself with a towel. She next slipped on a fluffy green robe, and walked back into her bedroom. Quietly, she sat down in front of her vanity and began to make herself up. Calmly, and humming somewhat, Chisaki brushed her hair until it rippled down her back like a pool of dark gems. Nodding somewhat at her reflection, Chisaki dressed in her usual attire. Heading downstairs, Chisaki smiled as she exited her home.

Her new home was impressive, large and sat at the back of the Senju compound. Chisaki Senju was the matriarch of the entire Senju clan. She smiled at people as she gently strolled through the compound, heading to a small building set just a ways off. There, she met with the elders of the clan. They were her advisers in most matters. Today, they discussed almost everything. From economy to clan relations. Chisaki left a few hours later, and the sun was truly high in the sky by now.

Chisaki walked through the Senju compound once more, leaves dancing around her as the sunlight pierced through the canopy above. Everywhere in the compound, nature blossomed. Smiling, Chisaki headed out off her compound and into the rest of the village. There, she strolled through the markets. Several men and women called out her name, and she greeted each of them with kind words and soft smiles. Then eventually, she spotted a somewhat familiar face. Through the crowds, Sousetsu Senju could be seen. He was a legend, both in their clan and outside it. Had he not left the village, he might be in her place. Feeling obligated and intrigued, Chisaki weaved through the crowd and to Sousetsu. She smiled at him, and spoke "Hello, Sousetsu, a pleasure to see you home safely. I'm Chisaki Senju, current head of our clan, welcome back. How fared your travels?" When first greeting people, Chisaki would always be formal at first, easing into a more relaxed state later. On her finger, a ring baring the Senju crest could be seen, a small emerald marking its location.

3Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:41 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu watched as the children skipped merrily along with their parents, embracing the treats within their grasp. As their giggles grew ever more faint the Senju gazed into the clouds once more. The sky, a perfect azure blue that resembled the colour of the Sannin, continued to give off a cool and tranquil feeling to the beast. All was calm. All was right once again. The clouds moved slowly across the canvas that was the sky and proceeded without covering the suns rays which gave off the radiating heat. A smile was worn on his face before he brought his head back to eye level. He looked at the sweet vendor once more and decided to throw in a little extra on top of the price of the goods that was just purchased for the little ones. As he insisted, the man had no choice but to accept with gratitude, formally bowing to the Senju to which he did so in return. Maybe he was not a beast. Maybe it depended on which way you looked at Sousetsu for he was known to be noble, rational, and kind at heart to the people he knew and loved. Which was the village hidden in the leaves.

He looked down to see if he needed any more goods to purchase and upon further inspection it appeared he did not. He let out a small sigh. 'I suppose I could still look around for a short while. After all, it has been a while...' he convinced himself. Before long, he heard a voice that addressed him. "Hello, Sousetsu, a pleasure to see you home safely. I'm Chisaki Senju, current head of our clan, welcome back. How fared your travels?" Sousetsu's eyes widened slightly. Another female head of the clan? He had not seen that for some time, not since Kyo. It peaked his interest and so turned to formally introduce himself before the new head.

As his head swiftly moved, his heart had felt as though it skipped a beat. The woman before him possessed ink black hair which flowed so gracefully as it dangled in the breeze. Her eyes were a shade of blue, deeper than any ocean but still let the light shine through. The rest of her body seemed to have vanished as her mere profile was enough to have the Sannin's eyes transfixed for which felt like a lifetime. "Beautiful..." he spoke softly before shaking his head for a split moment and swallowing wholesome, clearing his throat to continue his speech. "I seen many... Beautiful creatures and scenery." he covered his tracks. Without thought, the man before her reached out slowly to place his hand through her hair before moving it behind her ear. "During all my travels I have not seen anything as beautiful your hair though." he spoke back to his regular self.

With sudden realization, he gazed at her and back to where his hand was before slowly bringing it back to his side and bowing before her. "Forgive me. I was too forward." he calmly spoke as he collected his thoughts. He was never one to be lost in thought. This was a first for Sousetsu but it seemed like hours had passed before he could turn his gaze back to the woman. He returned to his stoic stance, folding his arms yet this time his head was turned to the side as he beginning to show signs of rosy cheeks. Was he embarrassed that his mind wandered for the moment that was now gone, or for the forward move that he had just made. He never liked being rude, despised it in fact and punished many who had been rude to him in the past. But what had just happened? "It's nice to meet you, Chisaki..." he hesitated to say as he turned back to face her.

4Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Thu Jun 19, 2014 8:09 am



Chisaki watched as the people of Konoha went about their lives. Men and women from all different age ranges could be seen, laughing and conversing with each other. While it was not all laughter, it still warmed her heart to see her village prosper so much. She was aware of the stereotype of her village, that they were all soft and other things like that, however Chisaki never found that to be true in any case. They were kind, true, but Chisaki knew herself at times they could be ruthless. Adopting this train of thought was most likely a direct result of the war with Seven Bells. In that war, Chisaki had fought and killed. Frowning somewhat at the thought, Chisaki turned her attention back to the task at hand.

Sousetsu could be considered many things she guessed, looking at him. A killer yet a friend nevertheless. She knew he was powerful, she could practically feel the power radiating off of him. Tall, muscular from years of training with a blade. He could be eye-catching to some, Chisaki could quite literally see women staring at him all over the market, yet not to her. Chisaki had never been one for relationships, in any respect whatsoever. While she was aware that most men viewed her in the same light, Chisaki rarely looked that way back. Breaking through the barricades around her would no doubt prove to be a difficult task for anyone that attempted thusly. Chisaki smiled at Sousetsu as he fumbled over his words, her teeth like white sentinels in a uniform line. Chisaki's hair gently swayed in the wind, sending the dark ripples tumbling lazily through the air. Chisaki clasped her hands behind her back, as her eyes, like two sets of black onyx shined brightly out at the world, curiosity aflame in her eyes. To the untrained eye, her frame seemed delicate, however to a shinobi's eye they could see the power that resided there.

Beautiful, was the word Sousetsu decided was the most appropriate at the current moment in time. Chisaki smiled still, letting him catch his train of thought and cover his tracks. Chisaki had seen this flustered look many a time, so she naturally wait until he caught himself up. "Your words are too kind, Sousetsu. I'm sure the creatures were beautiful indeed" Chisaki kept an eye on his hand that seemed determined to creep up and weave its way through her river hair. Chisaki pretended not to notice the hand, however if it did touch her there would be questions. Instead she watched the muscular man. He would be somewhat older than Chisaki, though not by much. Yes, she could understand this man somewhat, and why women gave him a second glance. When he tried to apologize, Chisaki smiled and spoke "Do not apologize, there is nothing to be sorry about" It was true, he had done nothing wrong. His thoughts were his own, and she wouldn't try to change them for anything. Nodding somewhat, she looked at his purchases for a moment before speaking again "I see you're stocking up. Your home was kept clean, naturally, the Senju will be dying to see you again" Sousetsu and Chisaki were related in one way, by clan. Relative wise, they were very very distanced on their blood lines. Chisaki smiled and turned around, and looked over her shoulder at him "I intended to head back to the compound, would you care to join me?" Chisaki turned and continued walking nevertheless, he could follow her or continue shopping.

5Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Thu Jun 19, 2014 8:52 am

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

As his gaze found its way back to the female Senju before him, he noticed the stance that she had taken. Her arms tied together behind herself and a smile that could light up any dark place. Chisaki smiled and spoke "Do not apologize, there is nothing to be sorry about" Her words seemed to kind for Sousetsu, not fully grasping the concept that he was forgiven. What was this feeling? A ninja, brought up in a life of death and tragic losses, seemed to forget his very profession with this woman. Instead, when he looked at her he felt as though he was watching nature, possibly his favourite past-time, which offered the beauty of the world when left alone. The many trees that hosted homes for the wildlife, the waters that carried the source of life in this world, this woman gave off the same feeling Sousetsu had for them. He began to show his own pearly whites as a small grin appeared on his face. It really did seem that today was a beautiful day.

With a small nod, Chisaki began to speak once more. "I see you're stocking up. Your home was kept clean, naturally, the Senju will be dying to see you again" it appeared that she noticed the conspicuous bags of groceries and other goods that Sousetsu had simply forgotten he was holding in the heat of the moment. It also dawned on him that the Senju were still unaware of his arrival. He was planning on going there eventually, wondering how it was left without his authority but with a woman such as Chisaki, he could not see much problems occurring. she then spoke of returning to the compound and that the Sannin could join her in the short travel there. With another small swallow and clearing his throat he nodded and agreed to this rather enticing offer. He looked around himself once again, nodding to the vendor nearby who did so in return before adjusting the bags to his comfort and walking alongside the female Senju, accompanying her to the compound.

For a short moment, Sousetsu continued to observe his surroundings and noticed a few minor changes since his departure. New signs on a few restaurants, restored plants on the windowsills of the many buildings, and the new wildlife that flew through the air. Their songs of nature carried through the wind and accompanied the two also in their travels. "So... How is everything? With my absence that is. You find any trouble with your position as head?" he asked curiously and trying to assure his conscience that it was indeed left in good hands. There was also one other thing that sprung to mind. He was still a carer, a legal guardian to another Senju. He could only hope that he was doing well. Keeping his studies up to date and training the way his new sensei's ordered him to. He was an obedient child before he left, not questioning his elders, yet he still needed to work on his mannerisms. The more he thought about it, the more he grew worrisome. Turning to face Chisaki it seemed his troubles simply washed away once again. His mind ceased to operate, like a spell was cast on him each time he looked at her. He mouth slowly opened before he closed it once more. He was not officially back to work yet though and this woman seemed to peak his interest far more than anything else he encountered since his arrival. "Would you care to have a meal with me?" he spoke before thinking once more. His eyes shot open once again. Where was this coming from!?

6Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Thu Jun 19, 2014 9:37 am



Chisaki wandered through the village, with Sousetsu at her arm. There was a respectful distance between the pair, yet close enough that to some they could appear as friends. Chisaki guessed the could become friends, if they talked more often. Friendships? That was strange... Chisaki never usually considered friendships this early on, it was peculiar that she was doing it now. Were her thoughts tripping over some unseen obstacle? Some unseen feeling? That would all be revealed later on after some careful consideration. All around Konoha, nature blossomed as did its people. Flowers of all different kinds bloomed there, sending vibrant hues all over the place. Chisaki adored nature, in all its forms. Even as a Senju, she stood out for the fact. Her garden, full of rare breeds of flowers she had bred were a legend in the flora world. Chisaki sighed once more with contentedness, as the pair meandered through the village. Chisaki looked sideways at Sousetsu. He seemed locked in his thoughts, a peaceful look drifted over his face as Chisaki's gaze lingered on his face. His face was defined, yet kind nevertheless. Pleasant to look at, at any rate. Sighing in the same fashion again, Chisaki looked up. Not a cloud marred the sky that day, and the azure skies stretched as far as the human eye could see. It was a warm day today, the sun sent rays of warmth throughout the entire village. Smiling somewhat, Chisaki closed her eyes as the warmth of the sun spread through her, to every fingertip and every other inch of her body, it made her shudder with delight.

Chisaki looked again at Sousetsu as he posed a question to her. Chisaki, smiled, and spoke in return. "My position has been relatively easy to maintain. After leading the Medical Corps, the clan didn't seem so large an obstacle. I have big shoes to fill, but I will try my hardest to allow our people to flourish." It was true. Chisaki's line was directly related to Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage, so naturally she had filled in extremely well at leading their people to one of peace and prosperity. Chisaki continued to walk side by side with Sousetsu, a ordinary day thus far. However, it would seem her day was about to get a whole lot more hectic. Sousetsu, a man she had just met, had asked her out for dinner. Chisaki didn't falter in her steps, though a small flush coloured her complexion. Why was she blushing? It was just a question asked between two friends, it wasn't like they were going out on a date... Or were they? After some brief consideration, Chisaki nodded and smiled at Sousetsu.

"I'd love that, come to my house later on, alright? Brace yourself, our people await" Chisaki nodded somewhat at him, before they passed through the archway into the compound. All around, the Senju were heard. They yelled, and their voice were joyous, one voice, a male one, called out "It's him! Sousetsu's back, and there's Chisaki with him!" Chisaki smiled and shook hands, laughing at jokes and consoling others as she carved a path for her and Sousetsu through the crowd. Laughing somewhat, she stopped by his door, and whispered to him "See you soon" she stood up on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek. Chisaki then wove her way through the crowds and back to her home, closing the door behind her. It was time for her to get ready.

7Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Thu Jun 19, 2014 11:47 am

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

His first question was soon answered as she seemed to fit the role comfortably well. She also mentioned that she led the Leaf villages medical corps. Beautiful and smart it appeared. She would continue to say that all of her efforts were not going to waste, she was rather encouraging to listen to Sousetsu thought. She was what the clan needed. A role model with so much to offer. She seemed to glow almost in the sunlight, giving off a warm and vibrant hue that attracted the Sannin more as each moment passed. Then came his second question. She seemed to be embarrassed? Or was she blushing? It was soon answered as she gave off another sweet smile and a nod. "I'd love that, come to my house later on, alright? Brace yourself, our people await." and so they did. The Senju gathered from their homes and it seemed to be the only thing that could distract him from Chisaki at this moment. The many people rejoiced in their return. Sousetsu was simply taken aback by the sheer overwhelming emotions of happiness and joy of the people. They too, were happy even though he left without much of a goodbye. Was this the power of the title 'Sannin' or simply the effect he had on the Senju that he had grown up with.

He shook a few of the men's hands and bowed formally to some of the others and women also. It appeared as though Chisaki was escorting him through the crowd as his feet did not seem to stop but follow in her footsteps. He grinned to each person he passed and giggled at some others. Children ran behind them to which he ruffled the hairs on their head with another wide grin and giggle. It surely was a privileged to be back to the place he called home. They soon arrived to his home. Blinking briefly, he turned his gaze back to the head of the clan and smiled as she said that she would see him soon. Of course, she was talking about the meal that she had accepted which was another privilege he endured. He could not stop thinking however, with the phrase 'I'd love that,' what did that mean? Was she feeling the same way as Sousetsu or was she happy to sit with the Sannin?

Before he knew it, a kiss was warming his cheek for a slight moment. Another wave of rosy cheeks fell on his face before he looked at her making her way through the crowd and off into the distance. The sounds of the many questions, laughing and the many cheers seemed to fade away as she did. His eyes still transfixed on her before coming back to reality, facing the crowd of Senju. He giggled while scratching the back of his head, his eyes closed as the questions began flow in his direction. He could not answer but he could give some sort of speech for his absence. And so he did. "I must apologize for my sudden leave. I will not try to justify this with personal reasons and so I can only beg for your forgiveness." he bowed before the many men and woman and children alike. They stood there, blankly, unknowing what to make of this. His formalities were well known but for a man of his stature to beg forgiveness to those under was something not commonly found. He returned his gaze only to find that they too were bowing. He was forgiven. They stood firmly and assured him that he was not to worry. They were a strong clan and were in good hands. They spoke highly of Chisaki, just as he suspected which led him to grin once more.

Before the crowd dispersed entirely, Sousetsu approached a woman he was familiar with and asked her, "Excuse me, but could you tell me where Miss Chisaki resides?" She happily answered in full detail to which he smiled in return. He entered his home and it appeared to be well taken care of in his absence. He proceeded to put the groceries in their respected places and he could only watch the clock as time went by. He made his way to the restroom, where he took a long shower at room temperature to pass more time and prepare himself for the times ahead. He then found himself putting on spare clothes that remained in his closet. His sense of smell had told him that they were recently cleaned and gave off a rather pleasant fragrance. It was good to be home. The time was almost nigh, when Sousetsu began to make his way to Chisaki's residence. Reaching the door he assured himself that he was no longer wearing his headband and wraps along his wrists. He wanted to look presentable after all. He then noticed the many variations of flora within her garden. Beautiful to look at and reminded him of the many places where his journey had taken him. Placing his hands together, he molded chakra and presented himself with a small bundle of flowers that he had came across from his journeys. They did not seem to be mimicking any of the wildlife that were in this garden and so he could only hope that she would appreciate them as much as she did. With a deep sigh, he knocked on the door.

8Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Thu Jun 19, 2014 1:33 pm



Chisaki sighed as she leaned against her door as it quietly closed behind her. Her thoughts were racing, and her heart raced with them. The clan was in an uproar outside, a happy uproar however. Chisaki could hear each one of them , their voice chanting in unison. Chisaki knew that Sousetsu was well known in the village, but the amount of adoration that he was shown was truly a marvel in itself. Chisaki smiled, and stood up. She took off her high heels by the door, and slipped into her house, bare footed. The wood beneath her feet was smooth, polished and allowed her to neatly walk across it. Chisaki walked down the hallway, and into a large open planned room. In on half of the room, a spacious living room could be seen, with several comfortable green sofas that one could sink into with comfort. A fireplace, unlit, dominated most of the wall by the sofas. A dining area stood to the other side, with an equally large kitchen. The place was modern and well furnished, fitting for the head of the clan. In the center of the floor, a spiral staircase carved of wood wound its way up into the ceiling where it vanished onto the next floor. Chisaki ascended these stairs, and onto the second floor. Several doors led off this main hallway, Chisaki headed down to one of them. In this room, a larger bathroom was found. This one had the same black tiles as her own bathroom, except this one had a large bath set into the floor, a mirror that covered one wall and several other items. Chisaki gently padded over to the bath, and turned several switches. Warm water gushed out off the faucets, causing a cascade of water to begin filling the bath. Chisaki then proceeded to fill the bath with several scents from around the bathroom, causing a floral scent to fill the air. Chisaki waited until the bath was full, before slipping out of her clothes. They tumbled to the floor in a heap by her feet. Gently, Chisaki descended the marble steps into her bath and sank beneath its surface. This bath was exceedingly deep, with a seat around the rim. Chisaki sat under the water, holding her breath, something she had mastered over the years. Sunlight danced over the water and the soapy bubbles, causing a perfect spectrum of colour to seek her out under the waters surface. Chisaki resurfaced and took a lungful of air into her lungs. Smiling with a small giggle, she sat at the edge of the bath and let her thoughts wash over her.

Before she knew it, however, she heard a knocking at her door. Blinking in shock, she quickly got out off the bath and checked the clock on the far wall.... She had fallen asleep! Quickly, she lunged for the towel and dried the excess water of her skin and from the back of the door she took her dark blue robe and slipped it on, the bath had begun draining the water away. Her hair fell wet behind her, and hung there, heavy with the absorbed liquid. Quickly, Chisaki headed downstairs and stopped before the door. Somewhat timidly, she pulled open the door and smiled shyly up at Sousetsu. He was dressed, looking rather dashing with some gorgeous flowers for her, with a small she mumbled "Sou... I'm sorry, I fell asleep, come in...." Chisaki lead him inside, and gently shut the door behind him. She sighed with a slight flush at him, tall and lean still, and dressed up, looking just as timid as she was. Gently, she took his hand and lead him upstairs. In her bedroom, some sofas could be found, Chisaki waved at them, releasing his hand and speaking "Sorry, about my attire.... Make yourself comfortable" she smiled shyly at him again before disappearing through a side door, into her walk in closest. Luckily, everything she needed to finish getting ready could be found in here. Out of her many dresses she picked out a dress. It was snowy white, with the leg cut to reveal some flesh. Chisaki sat down in front of her vanity, and did her hair and with very limited make-up she finished that. Carefully, she slipped into the dress and checked her reflection in the mirror. Nodding somewhat, she slipped on a pair of white high heels and walked out of the closest to stand in her bedroom. The moonlight danced into her bedroom from her windows and the door to her balcony, making her glow in the moonlight. Sighing, she looked for Sou and said "So, ready?"


9Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Thu Jun 19, 2014 2:43 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

As the door open Sousetsu face dropped slightly before his eyes raised it back up. Chisaki was wearing a dark blue robe and her hair was wet, obviously not ready. She quickly told him that she had fell asleep to which left Sousetsu within his constant speechless state before nodding. "Sorry if I arrived too early, Chisaki." he managed to blurt out, still feeling a little speechless. She also possessed a flushed face, no doubt this would have been embarrassing for her. She took his hand and lead him to the bedroom where furniture could be found. Sousetsu took note of what he could see on their way and still analysed as he entered the room. The female Senju apologized once again but this time it was about her attire. She looked rather ravishing to Sousetsu although it might have been inappropriate for meeting someone for the first time. She also told Sousetsu to make himself comfortable. Something that the Senju was having trouble with this woman for the majority of the day. He smiled and nodded letting her be on her way to ready herself the night ahead. He sat down on a nearby green sofa. The flowers remained in his possession however and needed some water to provide the flora with the necessary nutrients.

He looked at them to keep his mind occupied, where he was most comfortable. The deep blue hue given off of one of the flowers reminded him of her. The petals overlapped and the stem withheld other buds and mildly sharp thorns. He looked at this flower as if he was looking for an answer, but he did not know the question. Was Chisaki different from others? Of course she was. Sousetsu never had this problem with any others. Her beauty seemed unmatched in his eyes. With a wave of his free hand, water formed within his palm, then he placed the flora on top the water as his hand acted as a vase. "So, ready?" the familiar voice called to him. Turning his attention, it was confirmed that it really was unmatched. He shot up from his seat and looked the woman up and down before him. His eyes widened once again, "Yeah... You look... A-Amazing." She glowed in the moonlight as it bounced off of her, radiating her very essence.

His eyes began to glimmer in the moonlight also, like a child being overlooked by the moon itself, wondering in awe of its presence. He could rarely tell if his mouth was gawking half of the time as his lower half seemed heavier than ever. He looked down to his hand as he realized he was still gripping the flowers that resided in the water of his palm. "These are for you..." he finally offered as he approached her. The closer he got, the more his heart began to beat faster. As they were face to face, he looked down at the flowers and back up to the deep blue eyes, losing himself once more. Yet again, he could not tell if his mouth was open or closed. He clenched his jaw to make sure that it was firmly shut and swallowed wholly. A grin was beginning to emerge. He was feeling happy for once in a long time. The day grew more and more perfect each minute that passed him by. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. It was a lingering kiss however, remaining on her cheek for a short moment before he came back to his senses once more. He went back to facing her once more. "I'm sorry. I just... needed to do that." he apologized once more.

10Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:08 am



Chisaki stood there for a while, admiring the man before her. Behind Chisaki, the open door to the balcony framed her in perfect moonlight, causing the white dress to seamlessly glow against her skin, which radiated somewhat as well. The man before her seemed somewhat relaxed, calm. Sousetsu just looked like her belonged in her bedroom.... What were these thoughts? Chisaki was used to her heart and sense of logicality, not the other way around. Her heart was racing at this current moment, and it seemed to pulsing to the words, Sou, Sou, Sou Chisaki sighed and shuddered somewhat. Not out of the cold, it wasn't cold in her bedroom as the night was as warm as the day had been. A gentle breeze stirred Chisaki's dress, causing the fine white silk to spin through the air as if it was light as air. Sighing somewhat, she watched Sou approach. All his muscles worked in perfect synchronization as he moved, Chisaki could see that much under his clothing. It made her sigh inwardly, not out of exasperation either. When he kissed her on the cheek she felt as though it was meant to be, and sighed somewhat in the similar fashion, it was a sigh of longing at any rate.

However when he moved back and apologized she pouted and said "You missed, my lips are here numb skull" Chisaki reached up and and laced her hands around his neck, he was taller than she was, and she didn't mind that. Pulling herself up to him, she kissed him lightly on the lips, holding it for a moment. Sighing contently, she released his lips from her own and took his hand in her own, squeezing it "There might be more of that later... After you take me out for dinner" Her eyes quickly flickered over to her bed, before she winked at Sou. Gently, she pulled him along after her. She took the flowers from his hand, releasing his fingers from them carefully, she smelled them and smiled up at Sou, as she wound her way downstairs and opened her door, she tossed the flowers into her front garden. Surprisingly, as they hit the dirt,the flowers rooted there and became a part of her garden, the powers of a Senju were at work here. She gave Sou a small smile, before leading him off towards the village, their hands still intertwined.

The village was just as alive now as it had been in the day, although the scenery was quite different. Fireflies danced through the air, sending little dots of yellow dancing around. The lamps had been lit, casting pools of light around. Couples, men and women all paraded through the streets. Some were intoxicated and on the verge of passing out. Others were like them, couples out for a wonderful meal. The night was young, and so were they. But what were they exactly? They certainly weren't friends that much was certain, but were they truly a couple? Only time would tell, and she guessed she'd have her answer by tomorrow morning. Carefully, Chisaki led Sou into a finer part of town, were the refined peoples did eat that night. She led him inside, still tightly holding his hand, before smiling at the waiter. Naturally, he blushed and led them to a private booth, deep within the restaurant, it even had doors for ultimate privacy. The general theme of this restaurant was refined. The furniture was well kept, and the decor very floral, perfect for the Senju pair. Chisaki sighed as she sat down, finally releasing his hand.

11Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:18 am

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

After giving away another apology something unexpected had happened. Something that even Sousetsu had not anticipated but only wished could happen. She gave an adorable pout followed by words that he would not soon forget. "You missed, my lips are here numb skull" and just like that, their lips touched. They were soft to the Sannin and as it occurred he felt as if their hearts were beating in synchronization with one another. His eyes closed as he savoured every spec of the moment even if it did not last long. His right arm gripped the flowers as he held her lower back while his left dispelled the water before it caressed her neck, all while her arms were wrapped around his. Their hands then met one another as the kiss faded into a cherished memory, holding tightly. She then spoke of more to come as she hinted towards the bed across the room and sealing it with a wink. Sousetsu stood blankly for a split moment before grinning towards her shyly. Was this meeting linked to Sousetsu's future timeline? Was there a future between the two? She took the flowers from his hand and inhaled their scent before smiling back at up at him. It was then that he knew that he truly wanted her in his future.

Following in her footsteps as she led the Sannin outside hand in hand, Sousetsu felt an wave of emotions crashing but one stood higher than the rest. The door opened and the flowers found their way to join the others in the garden as they seemed to mold into the soil next to its new neighbours. Another smile was given as he returned one of his own in return before they made their way into the village with their hands keeping their bonds. Before long, they came across many other couples who appeared to be invisible to the Senju before he had met Chisaki. Drunkards breezed passed them and went on their merry way. It seemed everyone was happy this fine night. His gaze kept wandering from the many lights the village had to offer in the moonlit sky and then back to Chisaki, smiling each time he did. Her skin was smooth, he could feel it in his hand, a warm loving hand connected to his. They soon arrived into a more refined part the village had to offer with quite an establishment they entered. Her hand squeezed tighter. It was good gesture that one of his journeys had taught him, 'In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond. So hold the hand of the person whom you love rather than expecting them to hold yours...' And so, he held tighter also.

The waiter blushed at Chisaki before looking at Sousetsu with a small sense of shock spreading across his face before addressing them to their assigned table. It was discreet, a private booth with closed doors. The decor was astonishing to the eyes with flora and well kept furniture to set the mood between the Senju. They sat, and as they did their hands finally let go of one another. Sousetsu watched as her hand returned to her own space but smiled that she was that comfortable to do so in the first place. He watched her as she observed the surroundings. The hair that he adored was still as beautiful as before in the lighting and her lips enticing as ever. He swallowed once again before turning his gaze elsewhere, observing the surroundings himself. He could not stop the rush of emotions however. He needed to tell her but when was the right time? The waiter arrived with a beverage of water for each of the Senju and left the menu on the table before them, leaving them to decide before he returned. Analyzing the water, Sousetsu watched a the vapour turned to water as it dripped over the edge.

The ice would inevitably melt within the glass and this told Sousetsu to not leave things too late, or like the ice, Chisaki would be gone also. Would it be wise to just be forward and say it? They already shared their kiss with one another and hinted that more was to come. Would it really be a bad idea? He cleared his throat with a small cough before swallowing. "Chisaki..." he said as the nerves began to creep up in his stomach. He had already got this far, he might as well finish what he started. "I know we only met today... But I knew from the moment I laid my eyes on you..." his mind went blank once again. His eyes transfixed in hers. Her smile lightened any dark space, her eyes deeper than the ocean, and her hair that caught Sousetsu's attention at first glance, seemed to make everything easier surprisingly. "I think I'm in love with you..." he finally finished. His mind and heart raced together. He could not think straight once more. Never had those words escaped his lips and all he wondered was if it was a mistake to say such things on the same day that he had met her. He could not change the past however. What was said was now in stone. He would have to accept anything she had to say about this for better or for worse. Sousetsu's wave of emotions were crashing once more and fear was now rivaling love as they stood hand in hand. His head tilted to the side as he tried to look away, afraid of rejection, his now flushed as his eyes wandered, leaving his ears to deal with the rest.

12Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:25 pm



Chisaki sighed, a look of utter contentedness washing over her face. Her entire body seemed to relax as they both sat down, seemingly melting into her chair. Smiling somewhat, she relaxed to the extreme, while remaining formal nevertheless. The booth was spacious, that much was certain. Flowers were found seemingly everywhere throughout the room, though none of them could compare to the flowers the Senju were known for growing. Smiling somewhat, despite herself, Chisaki looked over at Sou. Once more, she felt her heart flutter in a similar fashion as it had done earlier. Smiling somewhat, Chisaki decided it was time to orchestrate her thoughts and feelings into a wonderful symphony. Wonderful, hm... Sousetsu... Who was he to her right now? It was quite obvious that by now they were not friends, not in the slightest, they had quickly moved passed that stage. It was a bit rushed, but she didn't mind that much, at all. Chisaki smiled, as the waiter returned, and gave each of them a small glass of water, he then handed the menus to each of them. Chisaki graciously thanked the waiter, as she began to read through the menus. Smiling, she ordered something simple, a salad, before the waiter waltzed away, and a nice serving of champagne. Chisaki sipped the water with a small smile, enjoying it's cool refreshing taste. Water had always been one of the main tools Chisaki had used as a shinobi, never really relying much on her other two elements despite being a Senju. Smiling somewhat, Chisaki turned attention back onto Sousetsu.

He was talking again, in that voice that just made you lean in and listen. Listening to him, she knew one thing for absolute certain, she wanted to hear that voice for the rest of her life. Smiling, a true smile now, she listened intently to Sousetsu, hanging onto every single word. "Chisaki..." Yes, that was her. The way he said her name enticed every fiber in her body like no man had ever managed to before. Shuddering inwardly, she continued to listen to Sousetsu, her eyes sparkling with her hair in perfect unison. "I know we only met today... But I knew from the moment I laid my eyes on you..." Perhaps it was bad that they had only met that day, did they honestly know each other enough for such commitments? Her thoughts were driven out of her mind with his next words, words that would seal her to him, putting her under his spell of utter delight. "I think I'm in love with you..." Chisaki breathed in, and everything in the world seemed to release the tension. Love... What was love? To Chisaki, love was the flower you've got to let grow. Flowers... The beginning of all new things, and Chisaki may not have been the wisest, but she knew one thing for sure, she wanted to nurture this flower. "Oh Sou... I love you too" Chisaki closed the distance between them, forever it seemed like, sealing their commitment with a kiss. Well, they at least knew the answer to what they were: A couple.

This kiss awoke something within Chisaki, something she didn't know was there until now. A fire, blazing somewhere deep within her heart, a fire that ignited at the thought of this powerful man before her. Love truly was fire, and Chisaki intended to let it blaze. Chisaki only separated the kiss when she was forced to, by the waitress returning with their food and champagne. Smiling, she bowed herself out. Chisaki knew all the members of staff in this restaurant, she was responsible for its foundation after all, a fact she kept quiet. Smiling, a shy yet tender smile, Chisaki kissed Sou once more, lightly on the cheek, before beginning to eat. Between each mouthful, she looked up at Sousetsu, smiling. Pausing, Chisaki reached over and opened the champagne bottle from its small ice bucket. It popped, making Chisaki giggle somewhat, before she poured out the pair some delicious champagne. Continuing to eat, and drink, in a very graceful manner, Chisaki thought that this day had been perfect.

Sighing, she finished her meal and pushed the plate back. Standing, she strode over to Sou and took his hand, pulling him up. Before she left, she placed the money on the table before slipping out, her hands intertwined with his. Gently, they both weaved their way back through the streets, back to the Senju compound. A lot of the people from earlier had already headed home, but a few drunkards still wandered the streets. No one was out this late at night, and a peace had settled over the entire compound as the Senju people slept. Chisaki smiled, as she lead Sou back to her home. In her front garden, two of the flowers had intertwined from their rapid growth. Smiling more at this, Chisaki pushed open the door, closing it behind them and kicking of her high heels by the door. Gently, Chisaki led him over to the fire place, and pushed him into one of the couches nearby, rather playfully, with a small giggle as she did so. As she went about her home. Chisaki quietly closed all the windows and their respective shutters. Chisaki's feet made barely any noise against the wooden floor. Before her large fire place, an equally large rug could be seen, that was soft underfoot. Chisaki lit a match, and tossed it into the fire, causing it to roar into life, sending warm shadows over the room. Sighing, Chisaki sat next to Sou, pressing her body into his, lifting her bare feet onto the chair with her. Sighing, she rested her head on his shoulder. The fire cast the pair into warm shadows that stretched around the entire room. "You know... I hear a bed shared between a couple makes for a much more entertaining night, or we can do it right here..." The way entertaining rolled off her tongue, was very suggestive indeed, somewhat out of her character but she knew she wanted this man more than she did any other.

13Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:36 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

"Oh Sou... I love you too" his ears twitched. His eyes opened slightly wider as he was now face to face with the woman with mutual feelings. The distance soon grew closer between the two Senju. Another kiss found its way to each others lips which Sousetsu accepted intimately, placing his hand on her neck like he did before, thumb rubbing across her check gently before brushing her hair back behind her ear. Time seemed to stop around Sousetsu and his now partner, to him only they existed. That was soon changed however as the meal came to disturb their intimacy. The waitress bowed as she left yet a grin was still worn on his face. He had done it. He spilled the bottle of feelings that he kept inside and Chisaki accepted them. In fact, she felt the same which was more than Sousetsu could have asked for. As his grin widened another peck was given to his cheek. He touched the area where the kiss resided for a short moment and looked back at Chisaki with another grin. Maybe his smile could lighten the darker areas at this point.

As each mouthful was consumed they smiled at each other, chewing softly. The female Senju then continued to accompany their meal with a champagne bottle straight from the ice bucket that kept it cool and began to unscrew the contents. 'Pop' and the bottle was now ready to serve the two. With a cheers, Sousetsu savoured each moment and thought about the entire day thus far. It was beautiful, he met someone who shared the same feelings as himself. It was perfect. The meal was finished, and quite appetizing at that. With plates to the side Sousetsu's hand was taken by the woman in hers and as they made their way our the Sannin placed money on the same table as Chisaki, unaware that she had done the same as he was lost in thought once more. A nice tip indeed. The walk home was calming. Their hands locked into one another's as they passed a few drunk civilians as they walked to their respective homes also. Arriving at Chisaki's residence, they entered and immediately kicked off their footwear before heading into another room where they found a fireplace.

With a light shove given by the woman before him, Sousetsu landed softly into a seat. Her giggle was infectious as Sousetsu mimicked her before watching make the room a little more private. A rather large rug was placed before the fireplace Sousetsu had noticed before Chisaki lit the open fire. The flame revealed another romantic mood set within their area. The flames roared as the open fire caused the shadows to come out from hiding. The female Senju sighed and set next to Sou and rested her head on his shoulder as her body pressed onto his. He looked down and smiled at her, it seemed that was all he could do around her. There were no troublesome thoughts, no need of urgency in any other matter. All that mattered to him was that she was there. "You know... I hear a bed shared between a couple makes for a much more entertaining night, or we can do it right here..." she spoke with great intentions. The Sannin's eyebrows raised, a very flattering idea. He giggled before sitting up, bringing her up also, before placing his hand behind her head and lying her flat on the sofa. "Why not both?" he responded with confidence, grinning at the remark. He began removing his attire while leaning into her, kissing her tenderly once again.

The next morning. Sousetsu awoke to the side of Chisaki in her bed. She was still asleep. He could do nothing but admire her as the sun kissed her skin, and like the sun, he planted his own kiss onto her forehead. He left the bed silently, still naked from the previous night and proceeded to make his way downstairs. He smiled as he entered her kitchen and began to prepare a breakfast for her in the comfort in her own bed. He found various fruits, yogurts and pancake mix. Before long, he had made pancakes with a touch of cinnamon topped of with some cream and a strawberry as a centerpiece to the composition of food. In his other hand, he had a bowl of mixed fruits smothered in yogurt. As he overlooked her, he smiled once more before kissing her cheek to wake her up. Still naked, he presented the food; "I hope you don't mind, I used some food to make breakfast in bed." he continued, offering her the small meal to start her day. "How about my place next time?" he giggled as he meant the food but realized that he was without clothes.

14Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:34 pm



Another perfect day in paradise. Chisaki awoke in the day at some point, she honestly wasn't sure what the exact time was but it didn't honestly matter that much now did it? Chisaki awoke with the sunshine streaming through her windows, the same as it had been yesterday. But that was were the similarities with the day before ended. Chisaki blearily opened her eyes, and yawned. Chisaki sat up in her bed, looking around her bedroom. What seemed to empty the day before now seemed filled, as a the other half of her had been found. Chisaki looked around again, and noted the trail of male clothing on her floor, it served to bring a smile to her face. The white sheets of Chisaki's bed released their grip on her skin. She was naked, clearly, that much could be seen about her right now. Her skin, glowed softly as it radiated the sunlight that poured into the room. Then, her door quietly opened, and Chisaki felt her insides clench in the most wonderful way. There, in her doorway, her man stood. Last night, and early that morning, Chisaki had felt out each of his muscles individually, feeling out the man who stood before her. Impressive, that was a word that described that toned body of his, it brought a gentle smile to her face as he approached her. He banished any last thoughts of sleep from her mind with a kiss, that electrified every part of her body. Moaning, very quietly under his lips, she pouted somewhat as he pulled away. Smiling, with her right hand she traced his body, feeling each one of his abdominal muscles individually. Then, she pulled back her hand as her face lit up, he'd made her breakfast in bed. "I hope you don't mind, I used some food to make breakfast in bed." His voice spoke out, and he laughed somewhat. His laugh was innocent in a way, yet rough from hurts long since gone by. Chisaki would heal those pains, with time "What's mine is yours, my love" she heard herself say, unknowingly in a way. Chisaki knew she meant that, from the bottom of her heart she meant that. He'd nestled within her heart, and she felt safe whenever he was around. Chisaki took the plate from him, her smile growing, she pulled his naked form onto the bed with her, kissing him again, once more before beginning to eat. The meal was gorgeous, he really could cook. It turned out he was skilled with his hands in more ways than one. Brief memories of last night flashed through her mind as she chewed, and they made her ache for him all over again "How about my place next time?" Chisaki nodded somewhat, her mind lost in this culinary delight. Eventually, she finished eating her meal. She slid the plate onto her bedside table, before saying "I do believe we need a bath, and I don't care if you say no" Chisaki giggled very lightly. Untangling her legs from her bed, she stood up, her naked form glowing in the sunlight. Chisaki admired the naked man on her bed, considering sitting back down, before shaking her head somewhat. She took his hands in hers, and led him down the hallway.

Her bathroom was the same as it had been yesterday, nothing had changed in that respect. Other than the man who was stood besides her. Squeezing his hand, she let go of him and sat on the rim of her bath. Gracefully, she turned the taps as hot water gushed out of the faucet. Chisaki didn't add as many scents as last time, just a very delicate one that filled the room with a nature-like smell, and the bath with a nice layer of bubbles. Taking his hand again, she led him into her bath. Their naked forms sank beneath the water. Chisaki sighed contentedly as the warm water rushed over her skin. Chisaki sat Sou down, in a similar fashion to the night before, only this time Chisaki sat on his lap, facing towards him, she pulled him in for another kiss, this one lasting longer, before eventually she released him, and simply leaned her head against his chest, tilting it to the side so her cheek rested on his chest she then whispered, delicately in the steamy room "I hope this moment never ends... I want to stay with you, this way, forever...." She sighed against him, letting all her muscles lean against him. This was simply perfect.



Last edited by Chisaki on Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:00 am; edited 2 times in total

15Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:42 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu now sat on the bed outside of the covers as he accompanied Chisaki with her morning meal. Looking at her she seemed to enjoy it which made Sousetsu glad that his cooking skills were adequate to her liking. He smiled at her as he took a strawberry that was covered partly in yogurt as he nibbled away at the juices it contained. He giggled slightly as he remembered the night he had just shared with the Senju before him. His thoughts reminded him that her body was warm and welcoming with small signs of vapor from the two. She had many succulent curves that the Senju would not forget during the time the two became one. As the meal was finished, the eating utensils were moved to the bedside table. "I do believe we need a bath, and I don't care if you say no." she continued with a small giggle. Sousetsu let out a small short laugh as he was merely informed that he had no choice in the matter. Chisaki rose so that Sousetsu could see her full body one more time, radiating in the sun light. His hand was taken once more and they headed down the hallway.

When they arrived, Sousetsu stood behind her as she gracefully turned to adjust the temperature of the water and added a sweet aroma which reminded Sousetsu of spring time. His eyes closed as he embraced the scent with a deep inhale through his nose and a small sigh to follow. His eyes opened and he could not help but bite his bottom lip slightly as he watched some sort of goddess before him. His hands were taken once more as he was being led into the water as her bewitching beauty acted like a siren that he could not ignore. As he was sat down, Chisaki sat on his lap facing him. He found it hard keeping his hands to himself as they found their way to her hips, caressing them, before he was pulled in for another kiss that lasted some time as there were no distractions to disrupt them. The sense of blood rushing in his loins seemed to visit him again but kept it at bay as best he could, no doubt it would not go unnoticed however.

Her head now lay to rest on his chest with her breasts accompanying his abdomen. "I hope this moment never ends... I want to stay with you, this way, forever...." she sighed over him. It could not be denied that Sousetsu felt the same way and so he placed his right hand on her lower back while the left brushed through her dark hair. It still seemed unrealistic to Sousetsu that she had felt this way about him. It was too hard to wrap his belief around it but he would not question it. He had no reason to. It did happen and he was happier than he had been in a long, long time. All these years as a ninja of the hidden leaf village could wear down a mans spirit. It was only natural that he would find something he could settle down with and cherish, and it was Chisaki. "We can relive it over... and over... and over again." he assured her as he stroked her hair in between his sentence. His other hand seemed to continue to caress her lower back before moving to her hips and finally her thigh.

His mind was at ease, he could rest as a rather large weight seemed to remove itself from his shoulders. He let out a small sigh of relief before looking down at the Senju's beauty. He removed his hand that stroked her hair and emerged it within the water before bringing it back to the surface and let the water trickle down the back of her head. He pondered on what Chisaki was doing during his travels and why they never really crossed paths before now. "It seems the years have been good to you." Sousetsu grinned as the statement complimented her experience and her looks but also disguised itself as a question to get to know this woman a little better. After all, if they were to be together, then shouldn't they learn about each other? He sat up and took her with him so that she sat on his lap like before. The blood rush still lingering somewhat in his loins. He submerged his hand once again and placed it over her shoulder and let the water trickle down and passed her breasts as he analysed each part of the bare naked flesh before him. Again, he heard the siren calls and decided it would have been more to her liking if he kissed her as she explained. He started with the neck, spending a short moment there before moving down to her shoulder and finally her breasts before looking back up at her to seal her conversation with another long and heart-felt kiss.

16Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:52 am



Chisaki sighed, utterly at peace with the world right now. Chisaki had always been kind-hearted, gentle, resorting only to violence when she thought it necessary, or for training. Chisaki rested her head on Sousetsu's chest, her breasts rubbing against him under the waters surface. She listened to the rhythmical beat of his heart. It beat quietly under her ear, steadily. Chisaki knew she could listen to his heart all day, knowing it beat in time with her own. Chisaki's eyes closed after a short period of time, she wasn't asleep, merely content with all that existed around her in the world. Seconds seemed to stretch into hours, the suns position constantly shifting in the sky, sending the shadows dancing across the room. Morning soon lapsed into afternoon, with the two sat there in perfect harmony. Chisaki eventually felt words, and her mind snapped instantly to attention for they were the words of Sou, her lover. "It seems the years have been good to you." It made Chisaki blush somewhat, but she sat up never the less. She could feel the blood pulsing through his member. Smiling somewhat, she spoke back "They have.... I have only been outside the Village a few times, and one of them was to war... Other than that, I've been here, learning Senjutsu and leading our clan and the Medical Corp-" Her words would cut short, however, by Sou's lips. Smiling somewhat, as best she could, Chisaki returned his passionate kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer into her, her hips gyrating against his.

Time passed, a long pleasurable time, and the water eventually got cold. Chisaki sighed once more, before standing up. The water trickled down off her body, droplets racing each other to see which one could reach the water below. Smiling somewhat, she bent over and kissed Sou lightly, before draining the bath. She walked over to the back of the bathroom door, and pulled off her robe. She slipped it over her skin, hiding her flesh from view. She also picked up a towel, and threw it at Sou with a playful giggle. Opening the door, she headed out of the bathroom and back to their bedroom. Carefully, she collected Sou's clothes from the various places they lay around the room. Making the bed, she neatly placed the pile of clothes onto the bed. Chisaki walked over to her walk in closest and disappeared inside. Dressing, she put on her regular clothes (See avatar) and sighed somewhat as she put in her earrings and brushed the knots out of her hair. Smiling at her reflection, she headed back into her bedroom. Quietly, she opened all the curtains in her room, and flung open the door to the balcony, allowing sunlight to once more beam into the room and illuminate it in natural light. Chisaki headed out onto her balcony, before vaulting the railing. Briefly, she tumbled through the air before gracefully landing among her flowers. Smiling, she breathed in the scents of nature as birdsong flew around the back garden. This garden was completely walled off, and was rather spacious in all honesty. Chisaki looked back towards the house, looking at the door that led into her kitchen. Chisaki weaved her way through the flowers, watering and nurturing them as she went. Eventually, she came to sit under a large sakura tree. Sitting down, she looked up at the pink flowers in bloom, before looking back to their house, she briefly called out Sou's name.


Last edited by Chisaki on Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:01 am; edited 3 times in total

17Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Sat Jun 21, 2014 1:35 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

As the day moved on so did the sun to reach its peak in the sky. The afternoon was greeted and the morning said its goodbye. Time was such a fickle thing and grew even more so when Sousetsu was around Chisaki. They had rested in the water for what seemed like hours before the female finally emerged letting the water pour down her form, kissing Sousetsu once again before she drained the bathtubs contents. Sousetsu stood, it was understandable that their wash was long finished and the day could not be spent there as much as he would have liked to. He went over to the sink and turned the faucet to which he then used his palms to cup the water before splashing over his face. He turned and heard a slight giggle as a towel was tossed in his direction. He caught it with another grin as he looked Chisaki up and down in her robe, still radiant as ever. She then left Sousetsu to dry off and so he did as he ruffled his hair with the towel and made his way down his entire body. As he was now dry, he returned to the bedroom to find his clothes from the previous night ready for him.

As he fitted his clothes and was adjusting his attire, he watched the woman let the sunlight seep through entirely as the curtains were drawn and the sun lit up the room to its full potential. Her clothes were rather formal but still pleasing to the eye as he gazed at her. She then approached the balcony and vaulted to the level below leaving Sousetsu to finish getting himself gathered and collected. He walked over slowly as he was ready and opened his eyes while letting out a relieving stretch as he looked over the Senju compound. It was as peaceful as ever. The many wildlife that resided within the area composed their daily composition of the sounds of nature. He turned his head, inspecting the room as he did so to make sure he did not miss anything. He had found the eating utensils that was used before their wash and took it upon himself to bring the remains down to the kitchen to wash up.

As the water rushed across the plate, bowl and other items he began to scrub so that they would return to their clean state. He looked out the window before him and noticed that Chisaki was now watering her many plants within the garden. He could tell from simply looking at this what type of person she was. Loving, caring, innocent, respectful, the list continued. He smiled to himself. He thought that there was no more need for fighting. He was more than content with her. Why should he have to go back to the life he lead after this day? He could always train as it hurt nobody but helped himself but as for battle... It then dawned on him that Chisaki spoke that was in the previous war. The one Sousetsu refused to partake in. What if something had happened to her there? They would never have met. This day would have been like any other, Chisaki non-existent in his timeline. He shuddered slightly at the thought before shaking it off as the last piece was washed and placed to the side.

He lifted a small kitchen cloth and began drying, lost in thought once more. She was also studying Senjutsu, something the Sannin kept secret about himself leaving only the Hokage and his close friend Mitsuo within that knowledge. So she was to be a sage like Sousetsu someday it seemed. He inhaled deeply and let out a small sigh, it did have its disadvantages, he could only hope she would be careful with her training. She also spoke of leading the medical corps, a well respective position in his eyes. She seemed to have it all; the looks, the brain, the talent. Simply remarkable. Before long, he could hear her voice calling for him and so he proceeded to find her without question. He found her beneath a sakura tree. She sat surrounded by some petals that fell from the tree which complimented her being by her side. He approached her, looking around the garden as he did to see the impressive and well taken care contents of many flora that surrounded them. He moved down to his knees before her and looked at her curiously. "What is it, Chisaki?" he asked in a light voice, trying to keep her content in his presence.

18Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:09 pm



Dozing slightly under the tree, Chisaki allowed her thoughts to wander down the ever spiraling path that was her life. A lot had happened in the past few days, more than she had originally anticipated or planned for. However, Chisaki often found that the most unplanned and surprising things turned into the most beautiful of all. Around her, petals danced off the tree from the slight breeze that washed through the area. Despite being in the middle of the Senju compound, this place was completely serene, silent almost. It was calming serenity that could not often be found in the world of a shinobi. It was these moments that Chisaki savored the most in the world. Resting her head against the trunk of the tree, she sighed as a feeling of contentedness washed over her once more. Sunlight streamed through the canopy above her head sending shadows dancing away from her. The breeze blew a few more pink petals around her, each one of them flying away into the blue sky above her. Smiling, Chisaki opened her eyes to watch the progress of the petals across the sky, before turning her head back to the house, where a certain Sousetsu's was emerging.

Chisaki stood, brushing the loose petals and grains of dirt off her clothes. Smiling widely at Sou, she moved over to him. Not saying a word to answer his question yet, she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned up on her tip toes and kissed him, as they had done so much over the past few hours. Eventually, she released him from her lips and smiled at him "I missed you is all, but I need to be heading off to work at the hospital.... You can stay here if you want, rest up or move over some of your things here, this house is just as much mine as it is yours my love" Chisaki kissed him one more time, before pressing a small key chain into his hand, on it were several keys "I'll see you later okay?" She smiled, hugged him and kissed him one last time. Heading back through the house was quick, her heels clicking against her wood floor, looking back to the house one last time, she headed out for her days work.

Today wouldn't be about Senju duties, they were covered, right now she would be heading to her work at the hospital. With a smile on her face, and the sun paling in comparison to her radiant beauty, she continued to walk through the compound, her hands clasped behind her back still. As she walked, a few of the Senju called out her name, she turned and greeted them all equally, never stopping while she walked however. Eventually, she was in the village. Smiling somewhat, the day was fairly similar to how it had been the previous day. Children ran around, squealing in delight. Adults chatted all around, and a few Konoha shinobi could be found. The general mood of the village was happy, it reflected Chisaki's own mood well. Time passed as she continued to walk through the village, her heels clacking against the stone as she walked. Eventually, she arrived at the hospital. The doors slid open to admit her. The nurse behind the reception desk smiled and greeted her, Chisaki inclined her head and continued on to her office. Once there, she exchanged her blazer for a bright white medical coat. Smiling at the familiar fabric, she walked out of her spacious office and into the depths of the hospital.

A few hours later, it was just after midday and Chisaki was once more in her office. So far today, she had helped roughly ten people with varying problems of different difficulties. Right now, she was sat behind her desk, her swivel chair looking out the window. A few more hours and she could return to Sou's side, the thought made her smile grow ever larger as she waited. Her next patient would be here in about half an hour, so she sat there and rested, watching Konoha move by outside the glass.


Last edited by Chisaki on Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:02 am; edited 4 times in total

19Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:18 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

As his question was asked he was greeted with open arms as they wrapped around his neck once again. Her soft lips connected to his once again as her toes helped her reach, a cute remark that Sousetsu would not soon grow tired of. Smiles were worn on both Senju's as they released their lips from one another, "I missed you is all, but I need to be heading off to work at the hospital.... You can stay here if you want, rest up or move over some of your things here, this house is just as much mine as it is yours my love" she spoke with such kind words. That one night seemed to have changed both of their worlds, but for the better in his eyes. Another kiss was received before a key chain had found its way into the Sannin's hand. It must have been the set to her house. She told him that they would see each other later which left Sousetsu's smile to drop over time. He watched as she graciously made her way down the street, off to work in the hospital to take care of those in need. How much kindness could one woman have? Nothing but care for others and creating deep connections with the man who thought was not possible for himself.

Sousetsu lay down where she had sat. Laying out flat, he watched as the petals from the Sakura gradually fell all around him and finally thought as she left his sight. He could think clearly now, but could think about her... Every detail refreshed over and over in his mind as his smile grew wider. What felt like minutes turned to hours as he rested beneath the sakura tree with the keys held close to his heart within his palm as he did so. He could not help feel on edge however about the war that she partook in. Nightmares seemed to creep within his mind, lingering dark thoughts trying to engulf him. He was not there. He could not save her. If only he was there... He awoke. Sitting upright with a small feel for cold sweat the dark thoughts faded into the back of his mind. He looked down and noticed he was still holding the keys, and tightly at that. His mouth tightened as did his jaw before he emerged from the ground and to his feet. He had made his decision.

Walking down the streets of the Senju compound he soon found his home and entered. He looked around the house for belongings he could bring to his lovers home. The sentiment was great that she had offered and so he felt obliged to at least keep a few spare clothes at hers. After looking around some more he found the mannequin that held his armour emblazoned with the Senju symbol with a distinctive white fur collar. This armour was constructed from numerous blue metal plates, formed into multiple protective guards along the wearers body, in particular: chest, waist, shoulders and upper arms. It held his pride and told many stories of the Sannin. Maybe it was meaningful enough to him to bring it over as a good gesture? Beside the mannequin, his blade was mounted on the wall. The high-frequency blade, a sword that resonates at high frequencies, raising its temperature, thereby increasing its cutting ability. The sharpened edge and point used for lethal attacks, and the blunt edge used as a clubbing weapon used predominantly by the Senju's higher ranking shinobi. These were all he had. These possessions were his life.

It was settled. He began by packing a bag filled with spare clothes so that he could stay at Chisaki's with no worry of running out. While he was there he decided to change from his formal/casual clothing from last night to his usual attire of a black sleeveless jumpsuit and placed the bandages he grew accustomed to over his wrists and topping it all off with the white headband that held the Senju insignia. With his belongings at his side, he opened the front door and called to nearby neighbours so that they could help him carry what he could not. A young man took his blade while another took the short mannequin that also held his armour. "Where are you going, Sousetsu?" the young man asked. He grinned as he turned his head to answer, "To Miss Chisaki's." Their eyes widened as they were shocked with disbelief. They congratulated him on his new found relationship and explained their jealously mildly, to which he laughed in return. "She really is beautiful... And, she's the first person who has ever stopped me from thinking straight..." The young men looked at the Sannin. They were well aware of Chisaki's mesmerizing beauty, but not to the point where even Sousetsu's thoughts became unclear. His logic was legend on the battlefield, a true tactician. Chisaki was truly, the first person to stop his thoughts in its tracks.

Once they arrived, the young men left his stuff at the door before parting ways. With a formal bow, Sousetsu thanked the two as they left. He went inside and placed his clothes within a drawer in the bedroom and placed his armour and weapon by the balcony for the time being. He went outside once more to embrace the weather as the sun bounced off everything it could. A breeze was felt and the headbands loose ends flew wildly within it. With a deep sigh, he longed for her return. He wanted her to be at his side once more. He wanted to feel the sweet ecstasy that was Chisaki. With another grin, he tightened his headband and wrist wrap before making his way to the garden where she had left him. Leaping onto his hands, he began pressing down. Each press-up tested his strength as his feet were held in the air. He would continue to do so until he had finally reached one hundred before retrieving the blade from the house and taking it outside also. Two water clones were summoned before him, also wielding the high frequency blade, set in a stance ready to attack the Senju. "Don't hold back..." he spoke, readying himself for the attacks that were now underway.

20Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:41 am



Chisaki sighed somewhat as she stood up from her chair. Carefully, she walked back through the hospital to another room. The room looked somewhat similar to a reception area, except a large board on the wall. On said board, the names of all the hospital staff could be found, with a list of their jobs for the day to be found on it. Chisaki looked somewhat exasperated as she looked at the jobs she had left for the day. Several operations, along with a couple of check-ups. The operations were later on which was lucky, however the check-ups were right now. With another small sigh, Chisaki headed out of the room and down a corridor. Down several flights of stairs to the second floor, she headed into a small room. A small bed was found there, along with a desk with a chair. The desk held on its surface several medical tools like a stethoscope. Sitting down at the desk, Chisaki briefly checked over the patients files before smiling as the patient walked in. A young woman, and by the looks of it several months pregnant. Chisaki smiled politely at the woman, before the check-up began.

Roughly two hours later, Chisaki emerged from the check-up room with a small sigh. Stretching, she walked out of the check-up room and down a corridor. Opening a double door, with a sign above it saying "trauma ward" Chisaki sighed and continued along. Next, she headed into a small changing room where she changed into her full doctors ensemble. Pulling on her gloves she walked out of the room and into a room where a patient was already sedated on the operating table. A small "beep... beep..." could be heard from the heart rate monitor as Chisaki nodded at some of the assembled medical staff. This man was a shinobi, it was evident by his physique. He had punctured a lung and several other important arteries. This would prove to be tedious. Another few hours later, and after a lot of chakra use, Chisaki and a few others had stabilized the shinobi's condition and healed most of his injuries. Chisaki changed and washed her hands, and smiled. Her day was finally done. Chisaki returned to her office, and collected her blazer. She decided to take her white doctors coat home with her to be washed. Chisaki smiled at the receptionist as she wandered out of the hospital, the automatic door admitting her to the outside world. Sighing in the fresh air, Chisaki smiled upward at the sky. The sun was setting in the sky, causing a dull orange to be cast over the entire world. Chisaki watched as a few fireflies danced across the twilight's sky. Chisaki watched them for a moment, before walking away from the hospital for another days work completed. The inner workings of the Hidden Leaf had always interested Chisaki. Almost everyone in the village relied on another for a piece of work. For example, the carpenter relied on her hospital to save his son from an illness who could in turn become a doctor one day. It was fascinating to observe this circle, and Chisaki saw the circle of life progress almost every day. Smiling, Chisaki rushed on her way home.

Finally, after several hours apart she could return to Sousetsu. Her smile broadened at the very thought of it. Her heels let out a hurried clacking against the paving stones below her. Her blazer was folded out behind her, as her white doctors coat billowed out behind her, sending small rays of white reflected sunlight across the area. Slowing herself somewhat as she arrived in the Senju compound, she smiled as she walked through the entrance. Nodding to the guards, Chisaki meandered her way through the vast amount of nature and houses that dotted the Senju compound. Arriving at her front door, Chisaki unlocked her door and pushed through the front door. Smiling somewhat, she hung her blazer up at the front door. Walking through her house, her heels letting out a dull clicking noise against the wooden floor, she arrived at the back door to her garden, pushing it open, she leaned in the door frame to look out at Sousetsu. Smiling, she called his name out.


Last edited by Chisaki on Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:02 am; edited 4 times in total

21Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Empty Re: Warm Shadows [Chisaki/Invite] Wed Jun 25, 2014 10:35 am

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Time seemed to stand still for a split moment as the two clones were already leaping through the air and slashing down horizontally at the Sannin, aiming for his neck on each side. His eyes appeared to frantically look between the two as his moment in time began to revert back to its usual manner and the two opposing clones were back to their incredible speed. In an instant, Sousetsu disappeared and reappeared to where the clones once stood, with his blade in hand already on the counter attack, slashing down on the right side of one clone. The other clone swiftly swung his blade to defend its partner, parrying the attack so that Sousetsu's weapon bounced away as a result. They readied with their stances once more. Their eyes grew cold as they treated this battle like any other, like a life was on the line. It was no holds barred, all out kenjutsu attacks continued with their swift movements, attacking while the original Sannin parried and blocked all that came his way. Like most swordsman, the Senju had a blind spot, and he knew the clones were reaching their way around it.

One of the water clones appeared behind the Senju as the other went all out to his front. He cocked his head behind him as the blades crossed, coming into a deadlock with one another, yet his mind wandered to the rear for the assault. He pushed off the clone before him, averting his blade to the rear attack and parrying it, forcing the clone to back off a short distance. Sweat began to trickle down underneath his headband as the two opponents remained quite cool. It was quite the challenge to Sousetsu taking on two opponents at once, those opponents being himself rendered him a little overwhelmed however. He took a deep breath and imagined Chisaki at the war once again. The very thought sent his blood to a boil as those who dared attack her would surely deal with the Azure Beast one way or another. Like a beast, he would hunt his prey, ripping their flesh from their bones if he was left alone with them, letting them cry for help as he but knew none would come, or dare to. He would not play with his food like most animals, he had the mercy to kill when he was given the chance. And so he channeled his rage.

His eyes opened, letting the image fade as his mind became clear once more. His teeth, almost grinding against each other, and his clenched jaw had revealed his thoughts. The two clones hastily prepared for their defense, planting their feet firmly on the ground with their weapons held tightly. He dashed. The clones swung their blades as Sousetsu appeared kneeling behind them. Water spewed from the side of ones torso while the others arm spewed its contents also. Within an instant the clones retreated with a puff of smoke. Sousetsu acknowledged that clones were not the full power of the original, but he was confident in their abilities with a blade in their hands, the same blade that he possessed. He removed the sheath from his waist that dangled around his lower back and placed his weapon within it, carrying it instead of placing back where it belonged. He knelt down on both knees, with the katana laying across them. His tilted his head downwards, eyes closed, and thoughts wandering once more. He envisioned that Chisaki was now safe from harm. He smiled warmly as he seen her smile once again.

He then heard the familiar voice, but not in his mind, she was calling for him. He opened his eyes. The skies were growing darker, greeting the evening as the afternoon began to subside. He walked towards the back of the house where she stood waiting for him. His feelings resurfaced as he seen her in person once again. A warm sense of kindness entered him, his hatred faded, and his mind went blank before her. "Good evening, Miss Chisaki." he smiled as he approached her and placed his hand on her left cheek as he gave a lingering kiss on there other. "How was your day? Good, I hope..." he spoke with sincerity and a smooth voice. He removed his shoes as he entered the home and placed his blade to the side of the room, out of the way so that no accidents could happen. Looking at the hilt, he remembered that he did do as she said before she left and moved some of his belongings to keep at Chisaki's home. "Oh...I brought some things over... if that is all right?" he spoke once more wondering if he had crossed a boundary, rubbing his arm in the process.

Words: 8532

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