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1Morning Exercise (Open/Training/No Kill) Empty Morning Exercise (Open/Training/No Kill) Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:40 pm



The Konoha's dense forest, where large, wild, blood thirsty creatures resided. Speaking of a blood thirsty creature, a large snake zipped forward with what appeared to be a man on top of it with a large grin. "Come on! You can do it! I'm right here on your back, see~?" Aethir encouraged the animal as he stomped on it's back lightly, the snake swiftly coiling around to attempt to devour the ronin. However, he quickly leaped up and landed on the snake's head, it's eyes searching rapidly before spotting the ronin leaning over, just to wave to it. "Yoohoo~" Aethir smiled, the snake lunging forward suddenly, causing the ronin to fall off the head. As he landed, he waited for the snake to come around once again. As it did, he grinned, the snake lunging forward to snag the ronin successfully...or so it thought. The snake increased the strength of it's mouth, crushing the 'bones' of a wooden tree trunk. The snake then shook it's head, being deceived as it continued it's quick slithering, the ronin on the back of the snake running incredibly fast. 'My own personal treadmill...' he commented mentally before spotting the snake lunging at him from across it's own body. He leaped high and landed on a new part of it's back, sprinting in the opposite direction of it's new direction.

After what had to be at least an hour of running like this, Aethir smiled, hopping into the air and off the snake's back, watching as the snake came slithering over to him. "And now our usual goodbye kiss..." Aethir commented as the snake lunged forward, only to be kicked with Aethir's vertically rising foot. The snake hissed as it stopped it's slithering, eyeing the ronin before withdrawing somewhere into the forest. "And that, ladies and gentlemen..." he bowed to no one in particularly, "Is my morning exercise...Phew, let's take a rest..." he sighed, sitting on the ground as he took in the peaceful atmosphere of the forest around him.

Word Count: 352



BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. As Antanas shot out of his bed at the speed of a bullet, he slams his fist down on the deviating monster that was haunting his dreams. "Got you, alarm clock." Antanas chuckles as he gets ready for training. "Hmmph. Considering I will be running a lot, I should probably put on something light..." Antanas says as he puts on running sandals, his normal shorts, and a white shirt with the Kimura logo on the back. "Looks good!" Antanas says, smiling in the mirror. "Time to do some training with Aethir." Antanas heads out the door, running straight for the forest of Konoha. "This looks simple enough, I just need to find him." Jumping from tree to tree, Antanas notices an area in the forest where large thumps and loud cracking sounds are coming from. 'I'll bet he is there...' Antanas thinks to himself as he moves in closer from the treetops. As Antanas makes it to the area he hopes Aethir was talking about, he notices something peculiar. "Is that a... giant snake?!" Antanas yells as he sees something small... a person! Riding on top of this massive snake! "What the hell is that guy doing!" Antanas yells as he jumps down from the trees, seeing who this madman is. To his surprise, it was none other than his teacher, Aethir. He then got off of the snake, and Antanas heard him say to the snake, as if the snake understood, "And now our usual goodbye kiss..." before Aethir kicked the snake right in it's menacing face. The massive animal then slithered back into the forest where it had come from. Jumping down and sitting next to Aethir, Antanas said to him, "Am I here to be chased by a snake?" The excitement of training soon becoming with fear of getting eaten alive.

[310 Words Total]



Aethir raised an eyebrow as someone came down from a tree, looking over to a familiar boy... Antanas. 'Huh... So he showed up...' Aethir eyed the boy with a dull look on his face. He spoke of being chased by a snake, Aethir grinning. "Eh. Eventually, when I think you're fast enough physically and mentally..." Aethir shrugged, looking round the forest. "Eh... How about something slow? Like..." the ronin looked up, noticing a huge black mass staring down at them. "Ah, my gorilla friend!" Aethir smiled, the giant black mass falling onto the ground, causing the earth below it to shake and crumble a bit. With a roar, the large gorilla began to charge right at the two, swinging one of it's large arm horizontally. Aethir smiled, waved, and quickly leaped high into a tree near him. "Whoops~! Angered the gorilla~!" Aethir laughed, eyeing the boy to see if he could react fast enough. While high in the tree, Aethir began to slowly observe the area around the, seeing a large centipede far off in the distance. 'Maybe I'll have him run from that next... If he doesn't get smashed to a bloody pulp...' he sighed, smiling down to the boy with a smile that contained zero malice or malicious intent...

Word Count: 567



"Am I going to be chased by a snake?" Antanas asked, looking at Aethir. "Eh. Eventually, when I think you're fast enough physically and mentally..." Aethir says to Antanas, appearing to look right through him "Eh... How about something slow? Like..." Just as he said that, a huge black abomination comes flying down from a tree above.  "Ah, my gorilla friend!" Aethir says, jumping away and leaving Antanas with this beast. "Whoops~! Angered the gorilla~!" Aethir said, seeming to giggle as he spoke. "Are you kidding me?!" Antanas yells more at the ape than Aethir, and starts to run as fast as he possibly could from this hulking beast that was chasing after him. 'Okay. So he can run... climb... bah! I'll bet he can swim too!' Antanas screams in his head, once again frowning upon his terrible luck. Suddenly, Antanas is struck by an idea. As he is running from the monkey, he picks up a stone about the size of a pool-ball, and begins to channel his chalkra through it. 'Just in case that ape creature gets me...' Antanas throws the stone somewhat behind him, and watches as the ape runs over it without noticing. Looping around an especially thick tree, Antanas begins to run back where he had started, cursing the damned Ronin who set him up to this task. As he runs past Aethir, almost out of breath he yells, "So is this what you meant by your 'True Methods'!?"

[557 Words Total]



The ronin smiled away as he watched the poor boy get chased by the gorilla. With every move he made, the gorilla attempted to smash him, Aethir nodding. 'Well he's not nearly fast enough for a snake...Maybe a spider...And possibly a centipede.' Aethir shrugged with a smile, listening as the boy began to shout at him, asking if this is his training method. 'Not even close...' Aethir shrugged as the boy continued to flee from the chasing gorilla. With a yawn, Aethir leaned back onto the tree he was on, lying where he was as he began to relax his eyes. "You go ahead! I'll...." he yawned again, closing his eyes and rolling them around behind his eyelids, getting comfortable in the tree. 'He'll live. I think...' he yawned once more, inhaling deeply before exhaling, hearing the gorilla rush past under him, Aethir sure the boy will still survive. But just to be safe, Aethir slowly opened one eye to keep an eye on him, to save the poor boy when things get out of hand.

Word Count: 748



As Antanas sped past Aethir, the Ronin just laid back and closed his eyes. "Fine! I'll make you watch!" Antanas yelled to him as he ran full force to the ape. Before he was 5 meters away from the ape, he substituted with the rock that he had placed earlier. Sucking in his breath, Antanas smacked his chest a couple times and spit out a stream of mud in the path the giant ape was running. Running to his left as not to get hit by the sliding ape, Antanas watches as the ape trips, and slides into a tree. Smashing it's head on the tree pretty badly, Antanas couldn't tell if it was going to leave, or getting even angrier.


[681 Words Total]



Aethir's half closed eyes opened, staring at the boy use some sort of ...mud jutsu. 'Doton...? Hmm...' Aethir eyed the jutsu, waiting for some sort of after effect...but all it did was cause the gorilla to slide into a tree. 'Must be a low level jutsu...Hmph...' Aethir shrugged, getting ready to lay back down. "Hey, hold on..." Aethir blinked, rising and staring at the boy. It didn't occur to him until now that the boy had used the substitution jutsu, along with a doton jutsu. 'This is no ordinary boy then... He's a ninja.' he eyed him for a moment before yawning again. 'A slow one' he stretched as he yawned again. "Nothing to worry about yet..." The ronin rested on the tree limb, staring down at the ape as it slowly rose, eyeing at what Aethir now knew to be a ninja. The gorilla puffed hot air through it's nose, slowly inching away, breaking into a very slow run due to it's bulky body.

With this being done, Aethir shrugged as he hopped down the tree. "Not bad...not bad...A little dirty fighting, but eh..." Aethir smiled, watching where he stepped as he approached the ninja. "Be right back." he nodded, the ronin bursting into a quick sprint, leaving Antanas where he was. As he ran, he spotted the large centipede usually clinging on it's usual tree. "Hey!" Aethir smiled to the centipede as it didn't react at first. "Heeeeeeey!!" The centipede slowly crawled around the tree, it's antennas wiggling around in response.

With a long...long...bit of coxing, Aethir was now on the back of the giant crawling centipede. As Antanas came back in sight, Aethir waved to the boy as the centipede hissed loudly, it's antennas whipping around angrily. "Oh~? You're upset that some new person's in your forest~? Darn! And here I thought we'd just go out for a friendly ride together for old times sake! Ah well...better get that person!" Aethir patted the centipede before leaping back into he tree, smiling to Antanas. "I don't mean to alarm you, but a giant centipede is not happy that you wandered into it's forest..." The ronin kicked back, snickering, "You handle that now~..." he said, keeping his eyes open for this one. There was a chance that Aethir would have to save the ninja due to it have legs capable of gripping even the slipperiest ground... The centipede hissed as it approached the unfamiliar ninja, ready to bite and devour him like a fruit on a tree...

Word Count: 1189



The giant ape that Antanas had just scared away flared it's nostrils and left. "Hah! Piece of cake!" Antanas yelled to Aethir, who wasn't where he was. 'Where did that weirdo go...' Antanas asks himself as he hears a loud scurrying sound. Looking for the sound, Antanas spotted Aethir. On a giant centipede. "I don't mean to alarm you, but a giant centipede is not happy that you wandered into it's forest..." Aethir kicked the back of the centipede, sending it on a stampede towards Antanas. "Thanks for that!" Antanas sarcastically screams to the Ronin, who is smiling up on his tree. 'But if this is how he got to his speed...' Antanas is thinking as he begins to run once again, 'Then I'd better give this next one all I've got!' Antanas then picks up another rock, infusing his chalkra with it, only this time he sticks into his pocket. Antanas takes a deep breath, and begins to run as hard as he can as he begins to gather oil in his mouth and lungs.


[863 Words Total]



The centipede continues to give chase, Aethir eyeing the two as the insect began to grow closer, it's multiple legs propelling it faster than what the boy could run. "Well this could be bad..." Aethir gulped, smiling as the boy continued to run. He slowly sat up as he saw the centipede his, attempting to smack the boy with it's antennas. The antennas had prickly spikes that would paralyze anyone who were hit with it, numbing their body... 'If the antennas touch him, he's as good as gone...' Aethir said, slowly entering into a crouched position. 'If you're going to prove me and my methods wrong, you better do it now, kid...' Aethir inhaled then exhaled, slowly putting his hands together, preparing a jutsu that should be awfully familiar with this centipede... The lightning javelin... He waited however, not wanting to just rush in and save someone who claimed that they can take care of themselves. 'Any time...How the hell do senseis do it...?' he eyed the ninja with anticipation. The centipede hissed once more, it's right antenna being whipped at the boy, close enough to hit if he didn't dodge... And if he didn't dodge, he'd be paralyzed. The ronin was ready to enter when things appeared to be...grim.

Word Count: 1409



Antanas was ready for his next attack. Gulping down his fears, he sees a single gnarly, spiked antenna fly past his face. "That looks like it could be bad..." He thinks aloud as the antenna tries to get him. 'Well, time to try out this new Technique...' Antanas thinks, gaining confidence needed,  he threw the stone slightly ahead of him, and ten meters into the air. "Here we go!" he yells at the top of his lungs. "Fire Release: Shadow Flame bullet!" he immediately saying this ridiculous jutsu name he created just then, as it sounded like something a child would say. Almost an instant later, Antanas substitutes with the stone, leaving the giant centipede to bat at the rock. Expelling and igniting the giant glob of oil he had been saving in his lungs directly from the centipedes head down to the lower part of its torso. Hearing the horrid burning and sizzles from the second degree burn he just landed on this monster, in mid-air he unsheathed his Katar, and sliced a 3/4 inch deep cut down the remaining part of the centipede. Hearing the deafening shrieks from the burning centipede, Antanas hurriedly climbs the first tree he sees, to make sure the centipede is done with all of it's attacks. After wiping away his sweat from his forehead, still tasting adrenaline in the back of his throat, he calls to Aethir, "Was that what I was supposed to do?" Smiling, he then teases, "Because I just did one hell of a good job."


[1122 Words Total]



As the centipede hissed, it quickly slammed hit's antennas into the ground, shoveling dirt on top of the oil fire, smothering it. Of course the damage was done, it at least began it's healing process by coating itself... Stick it's antennas into the air, it tried to search for the boy, locating his position...but eventually crawling away. 'And Katon too...What else does this kid know...?' Aethir eyed the boy with a frown before smiling. "Huh...I didn't expect you to have that up you sleeve." he commented before standing and looking over to the boy. "I think that'll cover morning exercises for today. I'm starved..." Aethir commented, falling to the ground. As he landed, a light growl came from the tree he was in, a black large cat, a panther, coming around and staring at him with slit eyes. "Ahh, hey there!" he smiled, extending his hand slowly as the panther eyed him before purring at his scratching. As the panther's head was up, it opened it's half closed golden eyes to stare at a strange in it's woods. It quickly roared, zipping past Aethir, up the tree, and nearly clawed at the boy if the ronin hadn't used his speed to grab the panther.  

"Hey now...Let's go for a walk... Come on~..." the panther roared, swiping it's claws close to the boy's face before Aethir leaped away with the panther, landing and putting it on the ground. The panther, as if complaining, roared at the smiling ronin. "You'll get him tomorrow. Promise, he's your dinner." he nodded, the panther eyeing the ronin silently before turning to the boy to growl one last time, soon darting off at a speed of thirteen meters per second, almost as fast as the ronin himself. "Always has a temper..." he sighed, looking up to Antanas with a smile. "That...was your final exam. To be as fast as that panther. It REALLY doesn't like intruders..." Aethir nodded as he said this. "But hey, I'm going to leave the forest. You're welcome to stay and practice more if you want...but...I won't be here to save you if you do!" he laughed, walking off. "Hell, maybe spend the night here. That works~" he smiled, purposely walking slowly, as if wanting to hear the ninja say he was coming with him, out of the forest.

Word count: 1822



After burning this centipede, which begins to get an odd goo around itself, as if it is healing, walks its huge, gross body back to the large tree where Aethir had got it. Just as the Ronin climbed down from his tree and laid on the ground, strangely petting a black panther. Growling, the panther then shot towards Antanas, climbing the tree at around thirteen meters per second. Zipping up the tree a little faster than the panther, Aethir grabs the panther while his claws scratch inches away from Antanas' face. "T..thankss...." Antanas whispers as his eyes grow to the size of saucers. "That...was your final exam. To be as fast as that panther. It REALLY doesn't like intruders..." Aethir, who saved him from the panther's attack said, "But hey, I'm going to leave the forest. You're welcome to stay and practice more if you want...but...I won't be here to save you if you do!" he laughed, walking away from Antanas before he got a chance to reply. Aethir had said "Hell, maybe spend the night here. That works~" Definitely not wanting to spend his night in this forest of hell, Antanas calls out to him, "Hey Aethir! Do you mind if I tag along?" Not accepting no as an answer, Antanas hops down from the tree and begins follows the Ronin out of the forest. "I'm pretty hungry." Antanas complains rubbing his growling stomach, "Would you like to go out to eat somewhere?" He asks with a twang of hopefulness resonating off of his voice and a look of happiness on his sweaty face.

[1397 Words Total]



Aethir smiled to the boy as he came to his side, speaking of food. "Mm....I could go for some steak..." Aethir smiled, popping a random strawberry into his mouth. He walked with the boy as they exited the forest, bright sunshine beaming down upon him as took a deep breath. "Well'p! I don't know about you, but I'll be heading over there, grabbing a bite, and taking a nap at my place..." Aethir said as he felt slightly...tired for some reason. 'Must be my illness again...Damn...Must've raised my heart rate too much...'Aethir winced before inhaling. He slowly looked over to the ninja with a serious look on his face. 'But this ninja...he's got some skill, I'll give him that...' he smiled, slowly inhaling once more before exhaling, his illness slowly vanishing, making himself scarce. Feeling better, Aethir smiled wider to the ninja."Hey Antanas, I'm going to go on ahead, alright? I'll wait outside." he smiled to the boy before looking at the town on the horizon. Aethir sighed before his stomach practically commanded him to sprint forward, heading RIGHT for that steak house...

Word Count: 2020
Strength D-1 -> C 1375/1375
Reaction Time: C-1 -> C-2 600/600

[Exit Thread]



"Would you like to go out to eat somewhere?" Is what Antanas asked, prompting Aethir to respond by wanting to go to a steak house. "Well'p! I don't know about you, but I'll be heading over there, grabbing a bite, and taking a nap at my place..." Aethir was saying to Antanas, before getting rather pale and looked sickly. "Are you alright?" Antanas asks the ronin, seemingly not paying a attention due to his heavy breathing. Aethir had looked at Antanas for a second, then smiled. "Hey Antanas, I'm going to go on ahead, alright? I'll wait outside." "Okay I'll try to keep u--" Before Antanas could finish his sentence, Aethir began to do his fast running once again. Running as fast as he was being chased by Konoha's forest animals, he runs after Aethir, practically tasting the steak in his mouth. 'Maybe I should train in the forest once again tomorrow...' he thinks as the steak house comes in view, his mouth watering.

Leave Thread
SPD D -> D-3 (1175/1175)
END E-3 -> D (300/300)
93 Words Remaining
[1568 Words Total]

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