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You might as well call him a homeless person since he always hung out on the streets of Konoha. That, or a street vermin since ONCE AGAIN...Aethir was sitting on a bench in front of a random goods shop, people coming in and out of it, walking past the shop even. This shop sold practically anything, from clothes to ...hell, strawberry flavored candy. Speaking of strawberry flavored candy, Aethir was devouring some candy he had bought earlier, taking up the whole bench by lying horizontally. "Huh..." Aethir stared at the lollipop he was licking, smiling wide. "Strawberry candy. That's...amazing." He licked the candy once more, sighing happily. "What will they think of next I wonder..."

Resting on his stomach was a bag of different flavored candy, making a spotted rainbow from the different flavor colors inside the bag. "Strawberry chocolate?" Aethir tilted his head, biting the lollipop now, munching and grinding the candy to sugary dust. "Strawberry chocolate... Pink strawberry chocolate... Hmm... Strawberry...white chocolate...Oh yes..." The ronin snickered, laughing to himself for a moment before shrugging. "It's probably in the works for all I know." Aethir grabbed hold of the bag, securing it by twisting it around his hand. "Now then...what will I do today is the question?" he sighed, sitting straight up now on the bench. He felt the wind blow past him as he began to lose himself in his thoughts.

Word Count: 240

2Strawberry candy. That's...amazing. [Open/No kill] Empty That's my candy. Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:44 pm



Antanas wakes up and looks out his window. "It's a really nice day outside..." he tells his mother, "I'm going outside." she nods to him, and he puts on his Kimura shirt, his shorts, and ties his Forehead Protector around his bicep. Antanas always wonders why they are called forehead protectors when most people don't wear them on their foreheads. While contemplating this, Antanas starts to stroll down the street. He notices a tree that looks very tempting to climb, and tries to climb it. When grabbing the first branch, he pulls himself up, grabs the next one and pulls himself up once again. "I am Konohana's best tree climber!" Antanas tells himself. As his says this, the branch he is standing on snaps and he begins to plummet towards the ground. He braces himself for impact, and hears a loud thump as he lands in the grass. "Luckily I landed in this grass!" he said as he patted the grass. Just then, as if his luck wasn't already bad enough, a branch fell down and hit him on the head. Done with this tree of misfortune, Antanas decides to head to the marketplace.

Antanas is strolling from the tree that had damaged him, rubbing his head and looking around for something that looks interesting. When he checks his pockets, he notices that he only has 10 Ryo on hand. "First the tree now this..." he mumbles, cursing his luck. As Antanas walks on, he sees the most beautiful site ever. He was so happy his luck was finally turning around. Sitting on a bench, he sees a man holding a bag of the sweetest strawberry candy in the entire village. Antanas' mouth watering, he begins to sneak his way behind the bench. The man appears to be lost in thought. The man sits up, and Antanas seizes his opportunity. Antanas jumps over the bench, grabs candy out of the bag, popping a few in his mouth as he lands. Upon landing, he realizes that he should probably get out of there. Running back the way he came, Antanas savors the sugary strawberry treats he had just gotten this day.

(360 Words)



It didn't hit Aethir that his bag had been stolen until he reached for another candy, spotting the hand that now lacked the candy bag. "This act of treason..." Aethir's voice was lower, nearly demonic as he glared at the kid taking his strawberry candy, "MEANS EXECUTION!!" And in a blink of an eye, Aethir was gone, suddenly bursting at a speed of sixteen(16) meters per second. Within the seconds it took for him to reach the boy, he would snatch the bag back. There was no if, ands, or buts about him taking back the bag, simply because his speed would allow this. With the bag in hand, Aethir would dart further down the road, finally creating a dust cloud from attempting to stop. When he did stop, his eyes would have the look of a wild savage starved demon, glaring at the boy as if it was his meal. However, once Aethir popped another strawberry candy into his mouth...

"Ohhhhh god~ ..." Aethir smiled happily, his face returning to look at least a bit human, his voice back to it's usual high pitch. He squirmed where he was standing, hugging himself as the flavor teased him with the taste of strawberries..."Hello! Did you want some candy?" He grinned to the boy, jiggling the bag, "I'll be more than happy to share. Asking saves you from an ass kicking you know~!"  He then laughed, scratching the back of his head as he waited for the boy to either tag the bag again, or ask. Either way, if he took the bag and ran, Aethir would just let him have it this time.

Word Count: 518

4Strawberry candy. That's...amazing. [Open/No kill] Empty Weweehh.... Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:34 pm



After Antanas tried to take the bag, the man ran so fast, Antanas' head was spinning. The man had looked like he was about to rip him to pieces in front of all of these people. After recovering from the shock of the actions of the past five seconds, Antanas snaps back to himself. "Oh.. Ummm... Well...." Antanas tried to suppress his want to beg this man to teach him speed like his. "I didn't have much Ryo..." he trails off, surprised that he is alive. "You can have your candy back.." Antanas says as he tosses the candy back to this man. "I know this may be a bad time to ask.." I started, afraid he would kill me if i asked this. "But would it be possible for me to learn to run that fast?" The second Antanas asked, he dove to the ground and covered his head. Once again his bad luck was following him like a stormy rain cloud.

Too scared to wait for a response, Antanas says, "If it's a yes or maybe, meet me at this same store tomorrow afternoon, and if it's a no please don't kill me..." He asks, afraid. Antanas then walks past the man and continues walking away. Antanas wants to look back to see what the man is doing, but his fear kicks in and he begins to run home. When Antanas passes the tree, he takes his nail and tries to carve his initial into it. "I'll bring something tomorrow..." He says and heads home. When he arrives home, he walks straight to his room and falls face first into his pillow. "Lesson learned. Don't take people's candy, especially if it's strawberry" he repeated, then he slowly drifted to sleep.
[Exit Thread]
(300 words)

SPD E-2 -> D (525/525)

[0 Words Remaining]
[(660 Total)]

Last edited by Antanas on Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:06 pm; edited 8 times in total



Aethir stared at the boy as he began to ask a question. "Hm...?" He tilted his head as he asked he could touch him how to run faster. Before Aethir could utter a word however, the boy ran off, Aethir slowly nodding and walking back to the random good shop. "That- ...I don't- ...What did I- ..." Aethir sighed ,trying to get an understanding of what just happened. He absentmindedly popped a strawberry candy into his mouth, a high pitched squeal coming from him before his voice erupted. "DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK!! OH GOD STRAWBERRIES, STOP!!" Aethir cried, now rolling on the ground as people stopped what they were doing to look at the ronin.

He then stopped to remember what the boy had asked him. If he could train him in running faster. "Hmm...There's not much to know, really..." he sighed, now standing to his feet, making his way down a random street, possibly on the hunt for food. He did love strawberry flavored candy, but he knew it wouldn't be filling... As he munched on the candy in his mouth, he pondered. If he were to teach him, he'd meet him back ...somewhere...around here. Aethir didn't really know, so he decided tomorrow, he'd rest on the same bench all day... That's how he met the boy the first time.  "Come on Eileen, oh I swear what he means..." he began to hum the rest of a song as he walked down the streets of Konoha.

Word Count: 775
Strength: E-1 -> D 675/675

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