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1Suiren  Empty Suiren Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:27 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Suiren  Water_Lily_Tribal_by_Tayeloquin
Clan: Suiren

Kekkei Genkai: /

Elements: Suiton

Specialization: Genjutsu

Location: Kiri

Clan History: The Suiren are one of the many clans of Water Sages that call Kirikagure home; and have since before the founding of the village itself. They are not the most powerful or the most famous clan of water sages; but they are one of the oldest. From time most ancient, the Suiren where pacifists of a sorts. While they prefer not to fight; they know that there is a time and place for battle. However, they have never been front line fighters; prefer a support role, or to be in the background of a battle, directing from the sidelines if you will. Suiren revel the mental arts, preferring the tricks and mind games of Genjutsu to the brute strength of other Ninja Arts. The clansmen tend to speak with a silky tongue; nothing they say is exactly as it seems. However, the great truths of the clan is in their loyalty to Kiri; an unshakable bond that has lasted centuries. With each new Mizukage, the clan leaders pledge new loyalty to the village they have served since they where founded.

Kekkei Genkai Description: Members of this clan are able to use jutsu 1 rank higher then they normally would, that is to say; 1 rank above the user's current ranking. Jutsu utilizing both Suiton as its element and Genjutsu as its only specialization require 10% less word count.

Drawbacks: Clansmen MUST have Suiton and Genjutsu as their main specializations and elements. They receive -1 rank in usage to non-Genjutsu specializations, and take 1 rank higher of damage from Taijutsu and Raiton.


Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Name:  Ripples of Reflection
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Element: Suiton
Range: 15 meters
Specialty: Genjutsu
Duration: 2 posts
Cooldown: 3 posts
Description: Using any water source available, the user throws water into the air as a trigger for the Genjutsu effect. To anyone that sees the water in the air within 15 meters of the jutsu; it would seem as though the would itself was to ripple like a surface of a pond that has had a small stone dropped into it. The Genjutsu itself is simple enough; merely a projection of the area around them. However, what the afflicted sees is completely and utterly devoid of life; a scared, battered wasteland. While the effect is primarily visual, the brain itself will supplement in the smell of death and burning if the victim is fooled to the point that they truly believe in the illusion.

Name: Water Illusion : Dancing Water Dragons
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Element: Suiton
Range: Mid (5-15m)
Specialty: Genjutsu
Duration: 3 posts
Cooldown: 6 posts
Description: This jutsu is the signature of the Suiren clan. The User must have access to a standing water source of some kind in order to trigger the illusion. Using whatever means possible, the user causes a rain of water over the area of effect. The instant that the water touches the enemy, the world seems to be engulfed in an enormous flood that would sweep them out to sea. From there, the seawater would seem to work itself into a frothing rage; covered in white caps and forming vortexes that could suck the afflicted down to the depths of hell itself. From these vortexes rise what appear to be gigantic dragons of water. These dragons then roar as loudly as a thunder clap before charging towards the afflicted; forcing them under the surface and into a new, even larger vortex formed from the work of all the dragons. The afflicted are forced to the sea floor, where they are held until the jutsu breaks; all the while grasping at their throats as if drowning and feeling the extremely cold and pressure of the ocean floor. However, the entirety of the jutsu takes place in their minds; and no actual physical harm comes to them as a result of the jutsu itself. However, the afflicted are essentially helpless for the duration of the jutsu, which makes this jutsu very popular for use against large groups that would normally have an advantage in combat.

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