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1Whac-A-Mole [Mission, Completed] Empty Whac-A-Mole [Mission, Completed] Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:27 am



Yuuma left the administration building fairly nervous. This would be his first time attempting a C-Rank mission. He was sure he would be able to handle it, he was well prepared and trained, but it was still a bit unnerving to trying something like this for the first time. You’re going to do fine,[i] he assured himself as he walked down the busy streets of Konoha. [i]They wouldn’t have given you this mission if it was too much for you. Convinced that he was ready for the mission, he decided that one more detour was in order. He stopped by Ichiraku Ramen for a quick breakfast before setting off.

”How’ve you been, kid?” The owner asked as Yuuma sat down at the counter. ”I haven’t seen you in here for a while.” Yuuma had previously been working off a debt to the owner of the shop, but even after he had payed it off he continued to give the owner a hand every now and then. Lately, however, he had been so busy with training and missions he had been neglecting spending time with his old boss.

”Sorry, sir.” Yuuma responded with an apologetic smile. ”A ninja’s work is never done.” The owner laughed and agreed, and the two shared a nice conversation before yuuma had to leave. When he went to pay his bill, the owner refused, telling him to repay it by coming back another day. Yuuma smiled and said he would do just that, finally leaving the shop to set off on his mission.

According to the mission info, the farm was quite a ways from the village. Leaving the village in and of itself carried with it a certain amount of danger, but Yuuma was experienced enough with travel to be confident that he wouldn’t run into anything overwhelming. He left the village with a mixture of nervous excitement and determination, keeping an eye out for trouble along the way.

The journey was quite uneventful, though that’s good news considering “eventful” can get a shinobi killed. Yuuma passed by few travelers, none of whom payed him even the least bit of attention. The closest thing to action he got was a run-in with a squirrel who thought the young shinobi’s hair smelled like food. Finally, after a little over an hour, Yuuma approached the farm. It was a well kept building, and it was clear the owners cared about their work. The crops, however, were in an unfortunate state. They had been torn up and overturned by subterranean creatures, the moles from the mission info. "This isn’t okay..." Yuuma thought to himself, shaking his head in frustration. ”This is these peoples livelihood, and these stupid moles are wrecking it!”

Sighing and cooling off, Yuuma knocked on the door. He heard rustling from within the building, most likely farmers. The couple opened the door inviting Yuuma in to have a seat and talk about the problem. ”They’re a devious little bunch... The old man told Yuuma. ”6 of the buggers. Clever, and mean as sin.” The way this man was making these moles out to be made them sound more like vicious terrorist cell than a group of animals. ”Don’t underestimate them.” The man continued pointing a finger at Yuuma to punctuate is point. ”I know you think we’re just overreacting. Exaggerating these moles’ ability. Don’t.

Yuuma was thinking exactly that, but he vowed he would be careful. The two spent a few more minutes talking about what specific techniques the couple had used to try and remove the moles before. Once he felt comfortable he thanked old man and his wife for their hospitality and exited the building. He surveyed field of crops that the moles had made their home. There were holes all over the place. These creatures had definitely been busy. Yuuma saw one mole poke it’s little head out of the ground defiantly and look at him, as if to let him know they weren’t afraid of him. Yuuma smiled at the beast’s arrogance, and prepared for his removal tactic. Once he began things would move quickly, and he would burn through 3 of jutsu. He had to make this first try count. Walking into the middle of the field, he picked out a random hole near the center. Putting his hands together, he carefully formed a series of seals, activating his Secret Recipe: Mustard-Stuffed Mushroom Grenade. One of the rocks by his foot shimmered and changed form, morphing into a mushroom the size of his fist. He picked up the mushroom and dropped it into his chosen mole tunnel. Fire in the hole. He thought to himself with a chuckle.

An explosion caused the ground beneath Yuuma to tremble. After a few moments he could see the haze of mustard gas rising from the holes around him. In the small confines of the moles’ tunnel system, the gas would be far more effective than it would be out in the open. He then initiated phase two of his plan. Now that the moles would be coming up to escape the gas, he had to herd them all into one place. Once again he formed a series of seals, this time activating his Secret Recipe: Home-Cooked Meal, creating a bowl of steamed worms. The moles would leaving their holes looking for somewhere safe and inviting, and once they smelled the worms the genjutsu would be remind them of home and draw them to it.

The plan worked like a charm, and the confused moles were immediately drawn to the tasty treat Yuuma had made for them. One, two, three, four, five, and six. Yuuma counted to himself, making sure all moles were accounted for. Once more he put his hands together, forming the seals for Secret Recipe: Gravy Flow River. The poor moles didn’t stand a chance. The ground underneath the tightly packed group of moles suddenly melted away, turning into a puddle delicious but quick-drying gravy. At this point, the moles weren’t going to be going anywhere at a speed yuuma couldn’t easily match. It was a simple matter rounding them up and delivering them to the happy old couple.


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