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1Taiya the Black Empty Taiya the Black Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:24 pm



Name: Taiya
Rank: E
Species: Slug
Appearance: Taiya the Black Black%2Bslug Taiya is 6 inches long and 4 inches wide and 4 inches tall, with 3 inch long stalks as well.
Personality: Taiya is meek at times, though if her master needs info she is quick and desivisve so unless needed she is meek and quiet, but when listening in for her master she is concentrated. Taiya Chats with Wolfgang about tactics and skills, so in theory Taiya knows the same amount of knowledege as Wolfgang, just has no real way of using it other then teaching it to others.
Techniques: None
This pet isnt a combat pet, its just for companionship and social purposes, so would i still need to pay the 1500, since im not using it for combat

2Taiya the Black Empty Re: Taiya the Black Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:55 pm



Taiya the Black 7khkzIW

For 50 ryo, enjoy~

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