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1Inuzuka Yuis free Canine Empty Inuzuka Yuis free Canine Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:10 pm

Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui

Name: Sekkia
Rank: B
Species: Timber Wolf
Appearance: She is a large timber wolf standing almost four feet in height. She weighs nearly three hundred pounds and could be considered quite large even for her breed. She has dark black fur and bright red eyes that seem to glare into your soul. Her hair is medium length and seems to be quite tough the strands strong enough to even possibly sow with the hair. She has a white star patch on her head making it stand out quite well when staring at her.
Personality: She is quite stubborn and incredibly protective of Yui, if anyone threatens her in any way she will not hesitate to attack. She loves Yui with all of her heart and protects her in any way she can. She is calm toward those not a threat but will show jealous tendencies to those that show interest in Yui love life wise.

Name: Man-Beast Clone (Jūjin Bunshin ~ 獣人分身)
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Element: N/A
Range: Personal
Specialty: Seijutsu
Duration: Maintainable
Cooldown: 4 posts
Description: A modified version/mix of the Transformation Technique and clone technique, which is unique to the Inuzuka clan, allows a canine-user through their close bond to be able transform their animal companion into a perfect copy of themselves, or to transform into themselves into a copy of their canine companion. Becoming virtually impossible to visibly tell apart, since both act equally animalistic as well as having the same combat abilities/ tools (claws, teeth etc.). Like any transformation, the technique can be broken by identifying and hitting the person who is transformed with a C rank technique or higher, thus dispelling the transformation. The chakra cost is used by the person/ pet who is changing their shape.

Name: Feral Bark Shockwave (Inu-kansei: Gekiha ~ 犬喚声:撃波
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Offensive/ Defensive
Element: N/A
Range: 15m 90; degree cone from mouth
Specialty: Seijutsu
Duration: 1 Turn
Cooldown: 5 posts
The user snarls putting chakra into their throats, and, with a single release, barks, causing a shock wave capable of rebuffing D rank-or-lower non-Raiton projectiles, and knocking ninja off their feet with the force (this also knocks the wind out of those affected). The shockwave pushes targets to the jutsu's maximum range and damages their ears, deafening them for 2 turns.

If the ninja's pet pays the same amount of chakra, they are able to both bark at once, combining their shock-waves to double the range and cause deep concussive bruising and pain to all hit areas, increasing the deafening effect to 3 turns.

Name: Four Legs Technique
Canon/Custom: Cannon
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Element: /
Range: Self
Specialty: Taijutsu
Duration: Maintainable
Cooldown: Durationx2
Description: This technique grants animal-like accelerated fighting instinct and reflexes to the user. By enveloping their entire body in chakra and moving on all fours, they can obtain high speed movement and reflexes like that of a wild animal. This amplifies the user's speed to an average of one Tier above their normal, this also lowers their strength by a tier. Taught only to the members of the Inuzuka clan, this technique forms the basis of a Inuzuka clan member's taijutsu fighting style, and will add even more to their feral-like appearances; their canine teeth, their finger and toenails grow to claw-like length, their eyes also become more wild with their pupils becoming slits. When under the effects of this technique, an Inuzuka will display great feats of physical strength, speed, agility and endurance. The form is best suited for using and supporting the ferocious "hit-and-run" tactics that the clan is well known for, leaving the enemy little time to launch a counterattack. This Jutsu costs 5 chakra per post to maintain.

Name: Driving Strikes
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Element: n/a
Range: Within five meters
Specialty: Taijutsu
Duration: Instantaneous
Cooldown: 3
Description: Yui will move from her four leg technique rising her foot to strike her opponent in the chest a total of five times, the strikes are fast but not her full power usually used to knock her opponent off their feet or to interrupt a jutsu trying to be formed. The weakness of the jutsu is the lack of power it will be one tier weaker though it can still cause injuries if used on someone weaker than herself. This amplifies the users speed one tier above its normal. This is based off the users stats as to how fast or strong the attacks are.

2Inuzuka Yuis free Canine Empty Re: Inuzuka Yuis free Canine Sun Jun 01, 2014 5:38 pm



Inuzuka Yuis free Canine 7khkzIW

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