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1Caladbolg (A-rank, sword) Empty Caladbolg (A-rank, sword) Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:24 pm



Caladbolg (A-rank, sword) Dissidia-Caladbolg
Name: Caladbolg
Type Of Weapon: Sword
Rank: A
Elemental Alignment: Raiton
Ability/Function: Caladbolg is similar to Raijin's other sword, Brotherhood. In fact, the two could be considered brothers; as Caladbolg was formed to work in tandem with it's older brother. However, where as Brotherhood was an experiment of sorts, Caladbolg is the completed version. Raijin took everything he's learned from the use of Brotherhood to create the base for Caladbolg. The sword itself is based off a weapon his clan once used, when they where little more then war monks and war priests. The metal itself is a far higher quality of steel, alloyed with the same chakra metal used to create chakra knives and the like. While the use of steel versus pure chakra metal makes the blade less powerful as a chakra conductor, it does make the blade more resistant to physical attacks. Much as was done with Brotherhood, Caladbolg has the basic Tsukino clan Fuuinjutsu seal inscribed upon it; left open as before so that without the proper user, the seal is mostly useless. However, when the seal was inscribed this time; it was done via a concentrated burst of Raiton; which imbued the blade itself with a constant charge of electricity. Because of this, any attack that uses this blade gains a mild Raiton attribute; similar to how the clan's specialized seals do. Because of the knowledge gained with Brotherhood, as well as the use of chakra metal in the blade; Caladbolg is able to handle far more power Fuuinjutsu then it's brother. A maximum of 10 E-D rank, 5 C-rank, 3 B-A rank, and 1 S-rank seal may be channeled through the blade before the seal itself becomes unusable. Once this happens, Raijin must spend time resetting the seal, either in the topic in which the seal fails, or a new one. The resetting period requires 750 words or more.
Close/Long Range: Both
Appearance: Caladbolg is unusual looking; but nowhere near as much so as it's brother. It follows the same path in some ways, with barbs instead of a hook and the same blue enameling. The tip has a small reverse facing barb, useful for taking more flesh with it if the blade was to pierce someone. About 1/5th of the way down the blade is a second, slightly larger barb; useful for the same reason. The base of the blade is ornate; gilded with gold and small emerald colored stones. The blade itself has stylized spike-blades protruding from the base, which increases with length of the reverse-edge blade while not interfering with the usage of the sword itself and acts as the guard of the sword at the same time. Caladbolg is a one handed sword for the most part, although the grip is long enough to allow for some two-handed usage. The grip is thinner then most swords of the same size; again due to it's nature as a mostly one-handed sword. It was also made thinner to accommodate the somewhat smaller hands of it's owner. The grip itself is a base of fine wire over steel, with a layer of both leather and tightly wrapped cloth for comfort and grip. The pommel of the sword is golden-colored and somewhat heavy, the extra weight needed to counter-balance the unusual shape of the blade. Raijin has created a specialized harness for Caladbolg; a leather buckle harness to hold the blade attached to a strap that allows him to carry the blade slung across his back and shoulders; with the grip at his left shoulder where it is easily accessible for him to quickly draw.
History: Caladbolg is a very young blade; having only just been forged in the last year or so. The Tsukino have long standing contracts with many of the weapon and blacksmiths of Kumokagure, and it was through the sword smith whom is contracted to his family that the blade itself was created. The process took several months, as chakra metals are notoriously difficult to alloy. However, Raijin was adamant that Caladbolg be created with the material, so after several failed attempts; the blade itself was created. Raijin received the blade upon completion, and immediately took it home to begin the inscription process. This time, he was able to inscribe the blade with no help from his elders; having spent the months leading up to that point practicing on left over scraps of steel and chakra metal. It was during this practicing that he leaned he was able to imbue Raiton into the blade if he charged the seal with a steady flow of the chakra during creation. Once the seal was created and had settled; he took the same enamel paint that he used for Brotherhood and coated Caladbolg with it; cementing the two blades as brothers.

2Caladbolg (A-rank, sword) Empty Re: Caladbolg (A-rank, sword) Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:15 pm



Well with Nao's suggestion ill place this at 2200 Ryo. Just say when and an admin will SWIPE your money.

3Caladbolg (A-rank, sword) Empty Re: Caladbolg (A-rank, sword) Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:15 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Pffft. Accepted; deducting. :3

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