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1boredom [open] Empty boredom [open] Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:36 pm



]Its was nearly sunset as Hira lay in a clearing with a slight breeze blowing. Some leaves blew past and the grass was soft. He closed his eyes thinking "I cant believe how peaceful it is." He removed both of his swords jabbing them both in the ground before laying back down to relax.

2boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:40 am



Mizuki was walking to the beach to relax and watch the sunset. She trained hard the last months in order to become a genin, now she wanted to take it a little slow after al these months training herself to hell. On her way she stumbled on a boy without a shirt with white pants who was laying down with two swords in the ground. Mizuki went to him to say hi. She did not think this guy was dangerous. If he was not then why was he relaxing that way. Hey, you there who are you. She asked him a bit more loud than she wanted. So it almost looked like she was shouting, while she did not meant to.

3boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:11 pm



Hira was sturred awake by a voice he did not recognize. H e sat up quickly and brought himself to his feet. He picked up both his swords returning them to their sheathes. He turned to the girl saying "Oh, hey there. Names hiragana kisame, but just call me hira for short"

4boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:37 pm



Nice to meet you Hiragana Mizuki said as the boy stood up. Mizuki realized she did not introduce herself yet. oh, I am Mizuki by the way, Hozuki Mizuki. Now she looked closer she noticed he looked a bit like a fish. She heard then name Kisame before, it was one of the other clans Kirigakure. she went a little closer so she did not had to talk that hard anymore, she knew he was a friend for sure now. So, what are you doing here? She asked the boy now that she had introduced herself.

5boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:31 pm



He watched her step closer and he smiled scrathing his head. He honestly didnt really have a reason why he was here, he was just relaxing after a day of training. "Nice to meet you mizuki ,I guess im just here enjoying the sunset." He then reached into his pocket and pulling out a blue and purple flower, he held it out to her "Here, its a water wisp, its a flower bred by my clan. Its goodluck to us."

6boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:07 pm



Hiragana said he was enjoying the sunset, guess they where here for the same reasons. then he suddenly took a strange, yet beautiful flower. He held to flower out to Mizuki and told her that was a water wisp and was bred by his clan. I think it is beautiful. She said after carefully looking at the flower. She meant it, she actually never really looked to flowers like this. Maybe because she never thought more of flower then decoration.

7boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:03 pm



Hira laughed a little before taking a drink from his water bottle then returning it to his weist. He then smiled a bit and looking up at the sky, the sky calmed him. He then returned his gaze to Mizuki. "So i have to ask... what do you know about my clan? Im curious to know."

8boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:36 pm



Now this guy asked what she knew about his clan.hmmmm, Kisame. Oh yes they had a few good ninja in the past, and that you are a long time around here, but other than that I don't really know that much about you. Mizuki said smiling to the boy. Now she thought it might be her turn. And now let me ask the same question, What do you now about us? she asked. She actually wondered what anyone else knew about her clan. She knew a lot about it of course, but she was born there so that would make sense. Mizuki wanted to know what someone else, outside the clan knew of her clan. So she awaited the anser of the boy.

9boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:09 pm



He was suprised, that she had so little knowledge of his clan when he knew a bit about hers. Guess the fact he had a hozuki for a squad member helped. "Well lets see, you can control the water in your body with that hydrafication jutsu of yours. Plus you have a natural talent with the water element, though its not as strong as mine. He then smiled at her wondering if she would be suprised about how much he knew.

10boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:09 pm



true, Mizuki was a bit surprised. Maybe he knew someone of her clan already, that might explain a lot. She never actually met a Kisame before, and only heard rumors. They might be true or not. But now she took a better look on the boy. oh, wait I forgot something. Most of you guys look like a fish, right? Stupid of her she did not saw that earlier. He noticed that he might be even better in suiton than her but, she believed first seen then believe. But she was not really planning to start a fight here, she was here to relax not to fight. she really did not knew more about the Kisame clan. She just met the first one ever. Just have to ask, how do you now that much of our clan? she looked at Hira smiling.

11boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:12 pm



He pondered at her questions, not a lot of records are kept on his clan and any records that do exist are vague at best. "Just now noticing my shark like appearence? I figured you would have caught that sooner. And how i know so much... well your not the first Hozuki ive met." He sat down against a nearby tree and took a drink a drink from his water bottle, then holding out asked "Thirsty?"

12boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:18 am



he was saying he found it strange I just saw his shark like appearance. But this is the first time Mizuki ever saw one, she did not saw it actually. He then said she was not the first Hozuki he met, which confirmed Mizuki's earlier assumption. Hiragana sat down and drank some of his water bottle, then he offered some to Mizuki. She happily accepted it and sat down as well. "Thank you" She said before taking a bit of the bottle and giving it back to Hiragana. She really felt great after the water. She just relaxed and enjoyed her surroundings for a moment.

13boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:15 pm



Hira let her have a drink then retrieved the bottle back. After he had strapped it to his waist he looked up at the sky, the moon was out now and so were a few early stars. He didnt know what else to talk about so he let out an awkward "so.....

14boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:23 pm



after have Hiragana put his bottle back, he looked up at the sky. Mizuki did so as well. She looked around for another object or subject to talk about when he said 'so'. She looked at him once more and noticed his swords. She looked in the direction of his swords. where did you get those, and where did you learn to use them? She asked. She knew some people gave their family blade to their son or daughter. But maybe it could be something else. She may one day learn to use them as well. But she should first learn how to heal people properly.

15boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:12 am



Hira dropped his gaze from the sky to mizuki for a moment then to the ground as he pulled both his swords from their sheathes and held the blue one out to mizuki "This one was my dads but im not gonna go into my family past or anything. This purple one i just found acually, and i guess i taught myself to use them.

16boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:29 am



Mizuki listened to the story of how he received his katana and that he learned it himself. Was it not hard to learn by yourself? She thought that at least someone else could have learned him the basics. Cause she would never think of learning an entire style on herself. Everything she learned till now actually she learned from someone else.

17boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:34 am



He returned his katanas to their respectful sheathes and then looked over at mizuki. "Well, i guess i didnt learn it entirely on my own, i learned a lot from observing others to." he stated. He then leaned back against the tree that was behind him and looked up at the sky. He smiled and closed his eyes for a moment, allowing all of his troubles for once just slip away.

18boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:24 am



Mizuki saw that after Hiragana putted back his katanas he leaned against the tree, then he looked up in the sky. She wondered why he did that constantly. She did not hated it or so, but she was curious about it. He seemed to calm and to like it actually. "You do seem to like the sky a lot, don't you Hiragana? She asked the boy very fascinated.

19boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:37 am



He was still looking at the sky when her question floated into his ear. He turned to her and laughed a little then smiled at her. "You could say that, i just envy the clouds. They get to float free to wherever they want and they never have to worry about anything, that would be the life." he said. He then stood up and looked back at her, then he looked back up to the sky "Thats also why i enjoy the rain, because water like the sky is peaceful and free to do as it pleases."

20boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:50 pm

Daisuke Niidashi

Daisuke Niidashi

"I find my self favoring the wind more!" Daisuke smiled as he popped out of the tree that the two were under. What had he been doing there? Sleeping. Waiting until night time so he could see the village in a while different way. So many placed that he would have explored already would be like a brand new exploration! "Since I was asleep, why are you guys out here?" He had his usual smile on his face as the question was asked.

21boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:54 pm



Mizuki was listening to Hiragana. She wanted to tell him that he did never thought if it like that, but that it did make sense what he told her. When another guy appeared out of blue. First Mizuki shouted out. Then she told the guy that appeared. Never again, you hear me. I almost had an heart attack. As the rude guy just appeared. She was quite angry with him because he appeared so suddenly. then again, I think you should first introduce yourself, Mr treeboy.

22boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:30 pm



Hiragana was not suprised when the man came down from the tree, then again he was not easily startled. "Acually, this one is one of my usual spots. But a better question what are you doing here." He then turned to the boy and said "but before you answer that why dont you like mizuki said, introduce yourself.

23boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:24 pm

Daisuke Niidashi

Daisuke Niidashi

"I came waiting for night to come! Then I sorta fell asleep. It helped night come faster though!"
He jumped off the tree and hit the ground, a few feet away from the two other ninja. "I'm Daisuke Niidashi! I waited for night to come so I could explore the village at night! I was trying to find a spot to wait, and this one looked interesting." Daisuke smiled. So far it was interesting. He had met two people already.

24boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:54 am



Hira chuckled a little then stood and got a good look at Daisuke. Something about him intrigued. "Well your a loud one arent ya? Well anyway, the names Hiragana Kisame of the kisame clan but please call me Hira, im the number one genin of the village hidden in the mist.

25boredom [open] Empty Re: boredom [open] Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:43 am



Mizuki took a deep breath and calmed down. She then realised she did not introduce herself yet to the other boy. Not that angry anymore she also introduced herself to the Daisuke. "well, my name is Mizuki Hozuki." while Hiragana declared he was the number one gennin of the village. Mizuki had to put her hand before her mouth to prevent her from laughing. This guy just told he was the number one gennin, she knew she was not either, but she did not really believed he was. Is that not a bit overboard, Hiragana. Just how do you know you are actually better then the rest?

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