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1Kyo Kyo get those cats! Empty Kyo Kyo get those cats! Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:25 pm

Kyōfu Hōzuki

Kyōfu Hōzuki


"Hey! Wait stop running please! I'm not gonna hurt you kitty cat. Don't you want to see the old lady? Just stay put." The boy shouted. Several Kirigakure villagers watched and laughed at the young Hozuki who was caught running around the village trying to capture these 5 dumb hairy cats. He's been at it for hours now and simply can't stand them. Why would he be doing running around the village for cats anyway? Obviously he didn't find it very amusing nor was he that fond of cats in the first place. Kyofu is more of a dog type of guy anyway. The sole reason for him doing this is because of this stupid mission he had to accept. You see an old lady in his neighborhood has asked him nicely to find her fellow cats who suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth. Unfortunately for the young Hozuki clan member he was unable to reject this job even if he wanted to. Why? Well you see his parents are good friends with this old lady and so that is why she came to him in the first place. Knowing good well that the son of Misa and Noctis would never say no to her. Regardless this was bummer for Kyofu, still chasing after these five dumb villainous cats. Let me tell you, they really weren't dumb these five cats worked as a unit. Avoiding and hiding from the young Hozuki together. They were a well oiled machine that's for sure. The blue haired boy just about had enough of these cats and it was now time to kick it up a notch. He had the perfect jutsu in mind for capturing them too. "Yeah I had enough I didn't want to have to do this. But I will capture you guys one way or another. I'll be back." The handsome young Hozuki ceased to run after them as the cats looked back at him with a smirk. Yes, these cats could smirk. Kyofu had a wide grin on his face as well as he ran back to the busy streets of kirigakure.

Earlier that day.......
"Oh man mom looks like I have to do this mission for old Kikyo. She wants me to find and capture her cats. I can't help but have this feeling that I'm going to be annoyed somehow." He said as the was dressing himself up in his room. Kyofu's mom Misa looked at him and started pulling his cheeks. "Oh come one Kyo it's alright I'm sure you won't have any problems. I've played with these cats before it should be easy to catch them trust me." Kyofu looked at his mom and was caught thinking to himself. Every time his mom said trust me something has always gone wrong. "I'm sure your right mom thanks. I'll be going now." With that he grabbed his Odaichi and headed out the front door.

Back to the present......
Kyofu was in the midst of all the busy villagers, looking and searching for a specific shop. "Yes found it." He said delightedly. Now standing erect in front of a pet shop. He slowly walked inside and asked the store clerk for cat food. "The best you have please." He said as he waited. "Sure no problem the kitty nips 3000 is the best in the house. Here you go boy that will be 30 ryo." Kyofu looked at the store clerk with shock. 30 ryo his butt, but he had to buy it no matter what. It wasn't long after that Kyofu was back in the streets looking for those 5 mischievous cats. Once he found them he hid behind a trash can, clutching on to the bag of cat food. The so called kitty nip 3000. He placed it on the ground a few meters beside him and waited for the cats reaction who were a few meters ahead of him playing with yarn. "I know you can smell it come to papa. I wont bite. Hmmm come on." He quietly spoke to himself as the 5 cats finally took a whiff of the kitty nip 3000 that flowed in the air behind them. Kyofu's glowing amber eyes can easily see the cats desires to eat the food. He could tell they wanted it, no needed it really badly. The five cats slowly started walking towards the food, in Kyofu's mind the bait.

It was almost as if they didn't trust it. They knew something was off, but cats are cats and food is food they need it. Kyofu waited and waited until the cats finally fell for the bait and pounced on the bag of kitty nip 300 as they began to eat the food. Kyofu with haste, raised his right hand to meet with his mouth, giving an appearance of playing a trumpet, as he then spew a jet of water from his mouth. The ensuing scene happened as the jet of water launched the exited kitty 3000 loving cats a couple meters forward. "Hehehe you guys sure did give me a hard time though. Thanks for all this fun we had today but it's time to bring you guys in."
His plan was working as it was moving smoothly. He watched as the now wet cats were blown into a box held by two of his clones. He had clones hiding and waiting for the right time to come out and capture them. The amber eyes clones shut quickly closed the flaps of the box before puffing away. This was a well executed plan done by the young Hozuki member and he couldn't help but laugh as he heard the cats trying to find claw their way out. He then carried the box with both of his arm as they continued to make noises. Almost like they were crying or something. "Oh no no. That won't work on me. You guys had your fun making me sweat by chasing you everywhere. I'm not letting you go until we get to the old ladies house." It was very humid out today and Kyofu's hair which was usually in a pony tail was all over the places. All that running got his hair pretty messed up. Kyofu would have to swing his hair around a bit for it to look a bit more normal and to keep it out of his face. Some of the villagers from before that observed Kyofu run around all day began to laugh as he had finally caught the five evil cats. Mission Completed as usual. Another day and completed mission so it seems. Kyofu brought the box full of mischievous to its owner and released them upon seeing the old lady. She, for an old lady quickly grabbed the lot of them before they can once again get away and crushed them with a hug. "My babies you finally came back to moma. What was I gonna do without you guys. Never run away again OK." She spoke to them. Kyofu smiled as he watched and turned his back on them. Raising his right arm as he walked away to signal his exit. "I could really go for some of Umpa steak right now."

TWC: 1234/500
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