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1Street Rat[C-rank, Repeatbale, Kaekio] Empty Street Rat[C-rank, Repeatbale, Kaekio] Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:10 am



The day was a regular one, kaekio was out and about wandering the people willed streets of kumogakure no sato. her plan for today, was to first find some food and to then go out and get some training in for the up and coming chunin exams. she didn't honestly feel quite ready for the exams and so she felt like she needed to be preparing for that as much as possible. even though in reality her kekai genkai gave her a huge advantage over some of the other students that would be participating within the exams, she still felt like she was not quite good enough to be able to compete on some other peoples levels, but that's just how this shinobi worlds goes... there will always be someone stronger than the next person, and theirs nothing you can do about it. so kaekio was off on her first quest... one for food...

After walked for about an hour or so she came a crossed this little market place that just happened to be selling some rice... HER FAVORITE FOOD IN ALL OF EXISTENCE. kaekio rushed over to the stand and ordered the largest bowl she could. then she grabbed a packet of soy sauce and some chop sticks, and rushed over to the table in order to begin to eat her favorite meal. she dumped the soy sauce onto the rice and mixed it up in order to get it even through out the bowl, then she dug into it. eating it so fast it's as if it was almost never even there. then she paid the waitress, with an added tip and told her how good the rice was, then she headed to the administration building in order to check for missions in case she had any before she went out training.

Sadly her sensei, and / or the raikage (what she called him really depended on the type of mood she was in) had had a mission for her after all. she had to arrest some dude causing trouble around town... apparently he liked to pick on the innocent people of Kumogakure. Kaekio couldn't let that one slide, but first she had to grab her stuff. she ran home, put on her robe and her twin katana's underneath. then she set out to do some tracking. unfortunately her tracking range wouldn't be effective for this situation seeing as how there were literally thousands of people within a 100 meter radius of her. so she had to go about tracking the old fashion way. she asked around for him until she got a fix onto his location.

Kaekio followed him for a little while, waiting to catch him in the act of doing wrong before she would sweep in and catch him and turn him in... then she would be able to collect her reward and go to bed.... because surely by the time this guy got into some trouble it would be later in the evening and she would be tired from trailing some low life scum bag all day. near the time when the sun began to set on the beautiful day she walked into an old bar, only to come out a few minutes later absolutely drunk off his sorry ass. kaekio was absolutely mystified... what could he have done to get himself drunk so quickly? well that didn't really matter in her case anyways, now that he was drunk he would surely get himself into some trouble, and then she would swoop in and save the day, putting this guy behind some bars....

Surely enough not five minutes later a young genin fresh out of the acadmy had the unfortunate luck of crossing paths with this watse of space that she was following. He had a power issue and loves to target people he could easily pick on... kaekio knew this much from his bio that she was given. he walked up to the young boy, and raised his fist as if he were about to punch the young boy in the ace. Kaekio dash out of the bushes she was hiding behind with both blades being draw quickly and lightnign running through them. she meant buissness. the mand turned his head to his right and saw kaekio runngin towards him with both of her lightning blades, and he took this as a sign of too much to handle, he knew very well that he couldn't beat her lightning blades and possibly more vs a fist and some shoes... plus the massive Ryuzoji symbol in the dead center of her robe didn't help either, he knew damn well who the ryuzoji were and  their abilities, the ability to predict his movements along with her lightning blades wouldn't work well against him. however this didn't mean that he wans't over confident in his abilities. he still believed in his drunken stated that he could out run the genin. seeing this kaekio took after him in a dead sprint. kaekio stopped the lightning in her blades and ran after him she sheathed her blades as well allowing for her to chase him done with a greater spped than she would have been able to had her blades been out. he darted down a small alley and she chased after him, she was a shinobi of this village and he was drunk, there was nothing he could do that she wouldn't be able to. she jumped up towards the top of a fence and slowly managed to wrangle his body over the top of it. Kaekio came to that same fence not a second later, and leapt straight over it. putting the distance between her and the man at a much closer range now. she activated her current precept close comabt and used that to predict his next movement, she jumped there slamming him into the ground as she rode him out on the side, making sure to grind his face as she did so.  she grabbed both of his hands and bound them together then headed off towards the administration building... her task was done and she could finally head home.... "well so much for a day of training" she thought to herself as she tossed the guy into her sensei's office, and stood there over him as he fell to the ground "well i caught this guy for ya" she said to her sensei, and then turned around and walked out... not even caring about the reward at this point, she could always claim that later. as of right now all she wanted was to crawl into bed and sleep.

using this for dual wielding technique

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