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1Kaminari no Kuni Bingo Book[Outdated] Empty Kaminari no Kuni Bingo Book[Outdated] Sun May 18, 2014 9:49 pm



Kaminari no Kuni Bingo Book[Outdated] Navi_h11

The Bingo Books (手配書, Bingo-Bukku) are black books used by ninja that contain any and all information on black-listed ninja they are to target. There are multiple versions of the Bingo Books, the most common being those based from the Hidden Villages. Each entry on the Bingo Book is added by a high ranking official, usually the Kage, who lists a black-listed ninja. Usually, each Hidden Village's Bingo Book covers criminals and its country's most dangerous enemy ninja. Here are a list of shinobi that are wanted throughout Kaminari no Kuni:

Kaminari no Kuni Bingo Book[Outdated] Ss10

  • Kaminari no Kuni Bingo Book[Outdated] 674279_1301246105899_fullTame Itagaki~ Wanted for the murder of Hokage Uchiha, Tatsumaru. Also a suspect for the murder of Kyūdaime Raikage: Reika Misora. Wanted dead, alive acceptable.

Kaminari no Kuni Bingo Book[Outdated] S10

  • Kaminari no Kuni Bingo Book[Outdated] Vergil__Devil_May_Cry_by_Zetsuai89Bokuden Ryuzoji~ A prime suspect of the murder of Ieyasu Ryuzoji and for desertion of Kumogakure. Wanted Dead or Alive.

Kaminari no Kuni Bingo Book[Outdated] A11

Kaminari no Kuni Bingo Book[Outdated] B10

  • Kaminari no Kuni Bingo Book[Outdated] FlaviaHoshi Yamamoto~ Desertion from Kumogakure. Wanted dead or alive.

  • Kaminari no Kuni Bingo Book[Outdated] Dgp1g7Juyo Dākuchairudo~ Desertion from Kumogakure. Wanted dead or alive.

Kaminari no Kuni Bingo Book[Outdated] C10

  • Kaminari no Kuni Bingo Book[Outdated] 3577-2Ayane Norokami~ Desertion from Kumogakure. Wanted alive.

Kaminari no Kuni Bingo Book[Outdated] D10



~ ANBU Report ~


Case: Juyo Dākuchairudo
Situation: Attempted Desertion
Duration: 2 Threads
Location: Kumogakure/Iwagakure
Officials Involved: 2 ANBU | Kumo + Iwa
Casualties: 1 Suspect Dead
Description Suspect Juyo was seen departing the village gates without the Raikage's approval at around 12:00pm by the ANBU Captain on duty (ANBU 2264/Binsu). 2264 followed the suspect in this thread, but suspect had travelled too far. ANBU 2264 followed the suspect to the outskirts of Iwagakure no Sato, before confronting the man in this thread, where the ANBU was able to apprehend the suspect with the aid of the local ANBU of Iwagakure no Sato. Suspect resisted arrest and threatened to disturb the peace in the streets of Iwagakure. 2264 was forced to make the rational decision to dispatch the target on site. A head was sent to the Raikage as proof of the assassination.

Status:- Closed -

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