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1精神ウォーカー Seishin u~ōkā  Empty 精神ウォーカー Seishin u~ōkā Mon May 19, 2014 12:43 am

Taro Yaseiji

Taro Yaseiji

精神ウォーカー Seishin u~ōkā  Oie_gh4GEMm4fQS6_zpse561eb40

Clan: 精神ウォーカー Seishin u~ōkā

Kekkei Genkai: Beast Form

Elements: N/A (Their soul reason is to serve nature, and as nature abides by all elements so can their people.)

Specialization: Taijutsu and Sensory Jutsu

Location: Sunagakure

Clan History:
Usual Animal Spirit/Laws binding them: For each of these beasts/animals (of course referring to the bunny and gazelle as the most beast like.) the user’s total mass dictates on what size the animal you are capable of changing into. Yes while rabbit’s and badger’s and foxes aren’t commonly in the same weight limit of that of a human makes it quite difficult to imagine how these tribe member would look like with certain situations. As they must conserve their mass when transformed this in fact means that rabbit’s and squirrel members are turned into a sized creature that reflect their original body weight. (If you are 300 pound man this does mean that you could turn into ROUS’s*rodents of unusual size*) Given the above information you are not allowed to turn into any forms which this tribe can take form in consist merely in the mammal realm. Also all natural weapons such as venom, claws, fangs, unusual spittal and smells are drastically duller and weaker in your animal form till your ninja level increases.

Common Mammals: Wolf, Coyote, Fox, Tiger, Jaguar, Cougar, Grizzly Bear, Polar Bear, Gazelle, Badger, Rabbit, Squirrel, Mouse, Ox, Cow, Ram, Etc.

Traits and special abilities will be assessed in the Kekkei Genkai Descriptions found below.

Economy: As their history as a clan thrived through centuries of wars, diseases and hardships they had developed a well stable self sufficient economy solely based around those in their own tribe. Although animal like they still believe in the idea that they are all one large human family that must thrive as a community or perish as individuals. So through their different skills and hatreds for one another they found it quite useful to make certain species into a category of job that suits them best. Large heavy weighted tribe members such as oxen, cows and bulls  enjoy the long strenuous labor of farming various vegetation. They also commune quite well with the normal animals of their kind and are capable of soothing even the most weary of beasts. Rabbits and other various small rodents tend to be the foragers and snatchers, picking up anything and everything they can carry that wasn’t nailed down. Then comes finally the hunters and diplomats that tend with the protection and trade of the clan. Hunters primarily consisting of the carnivores, while politicians tend to relate most with the sly or regal animals like gazelle. Every role decided at birth and sent into it to begin working as one of the small gears in the larger mechanism. More masterful users of their animal transformation are capable using more chakra to make themselves the actual size of the animal they should be.

Special Traits: Albino’s are often a strange and unexpected trait in normal animals so being the same in the tribe. This characteristic upon a clan member normally doesn’t improve or detriment you in one way or another. Other than that not many traits are all that unique.

Ruling house Lineage:
精神ウォーカー Seishin u~ōkā  Oie_Xe99Fl3N1m4n_zpsa24a9975

Rule of Exile: Those who are deemed unfit/feral by the village leader deem that one is to be exiled on:
1.) Crimes Against the Chieftain, whether it be premeditated murder to the opening of a weakness by any means.
2.) Crimes Against the Tribe, mainly consisting of murder thievery or continuously holding back from the community as a whole.
3.) Crimes Invoking attacks from other villages, soliciting or plotting war between the various nations through treacherous acts of accidents.
4.) Ignoring the vow's to your Gods.
5.) Marrying outside of the Clan.
6.) Failing to use all of a beast which you have slain.
Created both for the protection of the tribe as a whole as well as the glories of nature around them.

Kekkei Genkai Description: This ability allows the person to swap in and out of animal and human form at the cost of 10 chakra a transformation. Exerting 30 extra chakra the member of the clan can turn into the creature at a moments notice with the actual size. However the ability of the Clan member as a shinobi must be greater than that of a C Rank. Costs five less each rank up.All senses of the creature which one has developed from birth are all heightened to the point that one can experience such sensations which normal humans couldn't eve pick up. Along with this they have the ability to swap into their beast form through the use of chakra. It only costs for the transformations and while you are in that animal form you are still mostly human although you lose your ability to talk back with other humans. You can still understand what they are saying and gesture in manners that would show that you still comprehend. While in this beast form their metabolism are increased and capable of eating devouring raw meats as well as burning through diseases and poisons at exceptionally fast rates. Certain poisons are still lethal as they have know cures. +1 in Sensory Jutsu or +1 in Taijutsu (Depending on which they wish to specialize). While in this state they are far easier to manipulate than a human as some of their common sense escapes them while the beast takes over. +1 in Perception.
Chakra Cost for Transformation:

Weapons Damage:

Drawbacks: The metabolism of those in this clan are quite excellent when it comes to berries and various meats which they have hunted or foraged. While they can eat about anything with low amount of cooking needed applied, they are quite commonly known for being quite dreary throughout parts of the day. With this said, those who live with the tribe never tend to collapse due to exhaustion as they tend to have seven meals a day. Partially made of nocturnal animals as well they find that during the midday hours they are most prone to passing out and napping.

Animal like tendencies while good also give them their own drawbacks as themselves. As sight hearing and smell are all increased, they are also a detriment if exposed to something to high in their respective sections. For instance,  when it comes to their sight, the sunlight’s reflections off of lustrous surfaces have devastating effects upon their vision often causing blurred and nauseated like sensations till they recover from it. Visual

Clan List:
1.) Tora Yaseiji
2.) None
3.) None
4.) None
5.) None
6.) None
7.) None
8.) None

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Clan Jutsu's:

Last edited by Taro Yaseiji on Tue May 20, 2014 10:30 am; edited 1 time in total

Taro Yaseiji

Taro Yaseiji

Bump I guess



Natural weapons are fine, you just need to detail max piercing depth in accordance with Weapon Rules; detail if these are present all the time or just when transformed (if the latter, assimilate it into the jutsu). However, for them being able to scale with the clansmen's rank, you will need better drawbacks; only the second of the two given is really substantial. I'd like one more than that in order to balance this clan perk.

Remove the part of your Kekkei Genkai that decreases the cost of Equivalent Transformation per rank. You can get a -5 discount at most (but you would need more drawbacks).

"All senses of the creature which one has developed from birth are all heightened to the point that one can experience such sensations which normal humans couldn't eve pick up. "

Might I recommend including a boost to the Perception stat whilst you are transformed; again, in the jutsu, as this described sensory boost only happens while in animal form.

That entire paragraph in the Jutsu section before the spoiler can go (or can be moved to the KKG Description section); it does not belong there.

Is there any difference between the D and A-rank versions of the jutsu besides a full transformation? If not, you could bump it down to C or B-rank, most likely.

That being said, the higher rank of Equivalent Transformation needs to have a higher chakra cost, if only slightly.

Ravenous Strike, detail damage in depth of gashes/bitten-out-areas/what have you, in accordance with the jutsu rules.

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