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1Sango Umi Empty Sango Umi Sat May 17, 2014 11:36 pm



Symbol: Sango Umi Th?id=HN.608009370306219331&pid=15

Clan: Sango Umi

Kekkei Genkai: Kooraruton (Coral Release)

Elements: Doton,Fuuton,Suiton, Kooraruton

Specialization: Ninjutsu

Location: Kirigakure

Clan History: One of the original founders was the ancient mizukage, Yagura, his prowess in the coral release had driven the other members of the village to try and gain this ability, over the years people have sought the ability to use the fabled coral release but it had evaded them for many many years.
Around 50 years ago one man, Haka, discovered one day that he was able to create pink coral with his chakra, shocked with his new found abilities he practised at it his entire life, after many years he noticed one day that his kids could do the coral release as well as him, and over the next 20 years their kids could as well, and with their powers they formed their own clan, naming themselves "The Coral Sea" or Sango Umi, and over the years became renowned in their new found element.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The members of this clan are able to use their Suiton chakra to create coral, this is done because of the members of this clan able to make Calcium with Doton,making the mineral, then making Carbonate with Fuuton, mixing them with Suiton chakra, creating the pink Coral due to the members of this clan having special chakra, their chakra in its natural form is a thick water that they are able to transform into pink coral.
Due to their Chakra all defensive jutsu that the clan has is able to defend as if it were one rank higher.
Coral release is ranked up by ranking its elements, the lowest rank among the members three elements would be their Kooraruton rank.
Kooraruton is weak against Fuuton jutsus, due to them cleaving through the stalks of the coral, thus Fuuton jutsu gets +1 damage against it.
Due to it being made originally made of water, Suiton jutsu take -1 when clashing with coral, due to the coral being able to absorb some of it and the chakra being similar.
As well all Fuuton jutsu (Acid) get plus one against Coral, due to the Calcium Carbonate melting quickly when touching acid.
Drawbacks: The users thick defensive chakra causes all of their offensive properties to take -1 (A C rank Jutsu would only do D rank damage)
All members must take frail without balancing it due to their frail non taijutsu based bodies.
No more Elements may be learned by the members of this clan.

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Coral Riptide:

Coral Palm:

Coral Wall:

Last edited by Wolfgang on Sun May 18, 2014 1:28 am; edited 1 time in total

2Sango Umi Empty Re: Sango Umi Sun May 18, 2014 1:08 am



You already created Fungus Release. And now this....with only one element, no less. I'm not letting this pass as a single-constituent-element Advanced Release; I've denied several such clans on the same premise, in fact.

In addition, someone has already applied for the ability to create coral without a Kekkei Genkai. If you'd like to make this a coral specialist clan in some way, by all means you are able; but you may not clan-lock the creation and manipulation of coral.

3Sango Umi Empty Re: Sango Umi Sun May 18, 2014 1:29 am



Ive made it a Kekkai Tota if that works

4Sango Umi Empty Re: Sango Umi Sun May 18, 2014 3:46 am



Noriko wrote:In addition, someone has already applied for the ability to create coral without a Kekkei Genkai. If you'd like to make this a coral specialist clan in some way, by all means you are able; but you may not clan-lock the creation and manipulation of coral.

You seem to have completely overlooked the second part of what he said. You're free to make this a Suiton-based "coral specialist" clan, but you can't make a coral release, because that would make coral completely clan-locked. Besides, coral was used by Yagura in canon and it wasn't an elemental release of its own anyhow; it's associated with Suiton.

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