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training 1000 crows jutsu:

The cool breeze was unaffected by the otherwise warm temperatures that were currently present on this day. The breeze felt pleasant as it glided swiftly across Soron’s skin, a fine day for training this was. A new jutsu lie on the agenda for today, a jutsu that would personify Soron’s very personality with the physical symbol of crows. Crows were a bird often associated with darkness and bad omens throughout history.

”This day is actually quite beautiful within its own right. Training today should go very well.” Soron thought silently to himself as he stood at the gates of the hidden leaf village. Although it was already mid-day, Soron had ventured to the gates quite early in the morning. He had been sitting there for quite some time doing really nothing in general other than allowing his thoughts to race through his mind. He very often allowed his mind to do this, to just race thoughts in and out with great speed switching from topic to topic and thought to thought while in truth thinking of really nothing specific.

His pace starting out a slow stride as he exited the village gates, finally setting out for the site where his training would commence and his new jutsu would be perfected. Along the way he thought deeply about what he really wanted this jutsu to be and the effects it would have not only on foe but on friendly ninja as well. ”The basics of the jutsu seem quite simple to me although the chakra control required may come as an issue at first; molding pure chakra into the shape of a crow doesn’t sound hard but then again nothing’s really ever as it seems. Basically by utilizing my chakra and converting it into the shape of a crow then making it solid I’m going to create a large numbers of crows that split into more and more until they block the site of my target. This should be a very useful jutsu as I should be able to maintain control of the crows at all times and thus hopefully only affect my target while doing by best to keep myself and friendlies out of the blind zone.”

He was able to conjure up all the necessary requirements, mental requirements mind you, while simply heading towards the training site. His physical training would begin momentarily, as he approached the site for which he had chosen. The training site was a somewhat small however open clearing with luscious green grass. The trees that immediately surrounded the clearing were smaller than the trees within the back drop of the first set. The sky was clear of clouds and the few that did breach the deep blueness of the sky were small and lonely white pigments against a full blue oceanic sky. The sun shone brightly down from its thrown that lie so far off in the distance that it seemed like nothing more than a small fireball that allowed the earth to remain warm rather than freeze its every living inhabitant.
[Word count: 508/1000]



Soron’s hands moved with quite impressive speed forming hand signs that were required to execute the jutsu he wished to perfect. After words he focused his chakra into his palm, shaping it into a crow. However upon release of his hand it was not a crow that emerged but in fact nothing at all. Of course failing at the jutsu the very first time he was to attempt it was to be expected. How often was it that someone mastered a jutsu on their first try anyways? He formed the exact same hand seals just as fast as he had mere moments ago and begun the same process yet again. He clenched his right hand into a tight fist, focusing the chakra through his right arm to his palm where he once again attempted to mold it into the shape of a crow. This time upon opening his hand a black figure emerged but as it attempted flight it fell to the ground dispersing directly upon impact.

”Well that was disappointing to watch.  I guess the term trial and error includes a lot of room for a lot of errors thank god.” Soron let out a sigh feeling slightly disappointed in him, not because of his second failure at the jutsu but just disappointed in him as a whole. This feeling however was not new to him in any sense of the word and it did return to haunt him frequently.
After a few moments of heavy silence that seemed to drag on for multiple eternities he began forming the hand seals yet again only slightly slower this time. He repeated the same motions as he had done before, clenching his hand and focusing his chakra at the center of his palm. He continued to focus harder and harder pushing everything from his thoughts other than the task at hand. The chakra pooled rapidly into his palm forming into a black crow which was shaped to almost perfection this time. He released the crow from his hand, allowing it to take flight to the sky directly in front of him however it didn’t go far needing to remain close to Soron or it will dissipate. Soron used his pointer finger to command the crow to fly in different directions before dispelling it. ”Very very good, now let’s give it more chakra so it can split and multiply like it’s supposed to.” Soron thought to himself.

He redid everything exactly as he had before up until the chakra part whereas he put much more chakra into the crow but was sure to keep the chakra in multiple small pools rather than one large pool. He released the crow and as it took flight to the sky it split into two crows then into four and so on. Soon the sky was filled with black birds that followed Soron’s every command as his extended pointer finger moved swiftly through the open air. After a few moments of play he dispelled all the crows which just disappeared as he commanded. The jutsu was ready to be added to his arsenal now and he would surely be using it in many of the upcoming battles to come as opportunities for its use present themselves to him.

[exit thread]

[539/1000 + 508/1000 = 1047/1000 training completed]

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