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26Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Mon May 26, 2014 12:18 pm



Kyohei moved almost as if his body was on autopilot as he paced back and forth in the kitchen, preparing breakfast while his mind wandered elsewhere. Strangely enough, he was not so much concerned about the type of work he was going to have to do for Enaka. His morals when it came to missions were already shaky at best. He just couldn’t help but shake the feeling that no matter what way this whole situation played out, Risu would find her way back into it eventually. Now that he had effectively traded his services to Enaka for the pardoning of Risu for sticking her nose too far into her uncle’s affairs, it now also fell on him to make sure she did not find her way back down that path on her own. The only problem was that he didn’t know how.

He took a sip of coffee from his mug before turning off the stove and plating the completed food. It was then that Risu would step back out of the bedroom, having once again changed into some of Kyohei’s clothes. This time however, her outfit was a bit more… provocative. Out she came in a pair of his boxers and a white button up shirt undone at the top. Part of him wanted to laugh, amused by the almost movie-like situation they had found themselves in. From the outside looking in, the situation would almost assuredly appear as if they had been together. The rather enticing way she came out and displayed her outfit certainly did not help the situation. He had not spent an great deal of time with her, but Kyohei definitely saw a change in Risu from their first mission together. She was less the little girl he needed to watch over and much more a woman whom his feelings towards were a bit ambiguous, in more way than one.

He hesitated to answer her question as she took a seat, still taken aback by her appearance combined with everything else going on at the moment. It was unlike him. Kyohei was never one to be left speechless, always having a clever remark to say in turn to every situation, but she had left him a bit stunned. A few moments passed as he attempted to gather his thoughts, hoping that his hesitation wasn’t interpreted as gawking, before finally managing to muster a smirk and a teasing reply, “I think we both know that you look more than okay in that outfit. Who would have thought that you’d look better than I do in my own clothing. You should come see me like this more often. I’ll bring you your food.” As he turned around to retrieve the meal he had prepared, the faked smile faded once again into a weary look of concern. There were already glasses of ice water on the table, as well as tea and coffee. Kyohei was a coffee drinker himself, but since he didn’t know what Risu liked he had left both out. A few moments later he would return back to the table, plates in hand and another forced smile on his face.  “I hope you like it,” he said as he laid the plate in front of her, “The syrup is on the table.”

Not typically keeping a stocked pantry, Kyohei had prepared something easy that could be done with what he had: french toast, with diced up strawberries, and a whipped cream topping. He would take his own seat across the table with his own plate and lift his mug to take another sip of coffee. Once he let his mind wander however, he would seemingly lose himself in his own thoughts at the table. Staring intently into his mug with a serious expression he would remain silent, not touching his food nor looking up.


27Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Mon May 26, 2014 4:53 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Grinning at Kyohei after he had given her quite the flattering comment, Risu was glad to have the plate with a rather sweet breakfast being placed right in front of her, with the addition of syrup it even made the sweet tooth snakegirl almost moan out of joy when she smoothly worked the strawberries away, yet despite the tasty meal, the awkward kind of tension between the two shinobi, there was still the gnawing problem of the void that had been created in the Orochi girl's memory.

"Eh, Kyohei can you tell me what did we do these two past days?" The young woman asked with a slight hesitation, not really sure what to think about her sudden moment of amnesia, not really sure if she liked it either. After all, wasn't she in love with the handsome, yet distant Chi Rippa? "I'm missing two entire days and nights from my memory, yet I know exactly what I did two days ago…what exactly did we do, oh right, I do drink coffee."

She couldn't put a finger on it, but with her history of having people around her with masks and plastered faces, Risu somehow felt that the Uchiha was yet again hiding his face behind a cleverly created mask, though it seemed to have more cracks than his usual fake smiles and false expressions, there was more doubt on his face than usual.

"As for that comment earlier…it's not that you're not attractive, but…" For a moment the snake girl almost choked in her words, blushing slightly, with her white skin suddenly turning peach around her cheeks. She wasn't really accustomed with male attention, but where Rippa did not even show any emotion or any interest in the opposit gender, this Uchiha seemed more accustomed to attention and more comfortable with giving comments that were slightly risky. "Just curious…you know, a guy and a girl in one place and I'm the one not knowing anything about what I'm doing here or what I did here."


28Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Tue May 27, 2014 12:51 pm



Kyohei’s head would pop back up once he heard Risu begin to speak, trying his best to focus on what was going on in front of him and not what awaited them both. “Ouch,” he said with a chuckle, “Getting rejected by a girl I haven’t even made an advance on. That’s rough. So it’s not that I’m ugly, you just find me as a person repulsive. Way to boost a man’s ego, haha.” He would look down into his mug once more before placing it down on the table and meeting Risu’s gaze once more a bit of an annoyed tone in his voice, “If you have something specific you want to ask, just come out and say it. I can promise you though that nothing sexual went on between us. I’m kind of getting the impression here that you think I might have taken advantage of you or something while you were drunk. I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m kind of insulted that you might think so little of me. My moral compass can be a bit off at times, but everyone has lines that they just don’t cross.”

He would let out a frustrated sigh, partially because of what he thought he might be being accused of, but mostly because he couldn’t tell the truth to the one person that he wanted to tell. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be so harsh,” he said calmly as a look of concern returned to his face, “I just have a lot going through my mind right now. You have every right to be suspicious of me. I have done nothing to be deserving of your trust. I’ll take you to a clinic myself if you want solid proof. I don’t know what “we” are, hime-chan, to be honest. I’d like to say friends, but it makes me a bit uncomfortable to say that. I’ve never been one to let people in. The fact that I’m even speaking to you like this is something  of a new experience for me. I don’t really have “friends”. People tend to dislike me and I return the feeling. I carry a certain stigma because of my blood and my eyes, but it goes beyond that. Sometimes I lose control and my attitude isn’t exactly friendly. It’s not uncommon for me to be treated more like a monster or an outcast than a person. It’s been that way ever since I was in the academy. They called me those things, so that was what I became. But I never feel that way around you. You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen, not just because of how they look, but because when I look into them I don’t see judgment or hate. Spending time with you allows me to feel normal for a change. You don’t see a monster, or a tool to be used for your own personal gain, or a target, you just see me. Whatever “me” is. Sometimes I feel like I don’t even know the answer to that myself. I guess that’s why I’d like to call you my friend, and why your trust means something to me. My actions might be questionable at times, but I wouldn’t do something like that, especially not to you. You’re important to me. What kind of knight in shining armor would I be if I didn’t protect the princess? Hmm, hime-chan?”

Kyohei began to blush a bit when he realized exactly how much he had said to her. He bit his lower lip for a moment before immediately trying to change the subject once again, “Eh… forget I said anything. I didn’t mean to burden you with my nonsense. Now, I don’t know what you did two days ago, we only met up again yesterday morning. Why don’t you tell me the last thing you remember and maybe I can help fill in some of the blanks.” Before he said anything to embarrass himself further he would take a bite of the food before him. Maybe he was getting too comfortable around Risu. Now more than ever he needed to keep his guard up.


29Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Tue May 27, 2014 5:18 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

"No, I didn't mean to be…" Risu tried to apologize for what she had said, but when the Uchiha started explaining things, practically laying his heart bare to a girl who had lived through probably the same horror like him. She knew others who had lived through that same pain as well, Kyohei, Rippa and her, they were a bunch of monsters when it came to the taunts in their early years. She knew what it was to lose faith in ones own abilities, the right to exist in the shinobi world. Some because of their appearance, others because of their heritage and others because of their abilities, in the end they were all seen as monsters, beings cast out by those who were "normal".


"We…we are friends, Kyohei…" The Orochi girl muttered softly, feeling slightly ashamed of how she acted, how she had been pressuring him to answer her, to tell her that nothing indecent had happened between them, but when it came down to it, she felt comfortable being there at that place, with only the void in her mind alerting her that something was clearly amiss. "That is why I want to learn the truth of the Shinobi world. Do you remember what you asked me a few months ago? That is the reason, why are we all cursed to be monsters, why do we live to endure such pain?"

In a kind, soothing gesture, Risu leaned over the counter, placing her a hand on the side of Kyohei's face, giving a soft smile to calm him down, to ease his senses.

"Thank you for the compliment Kyohei…you're probably the second who has ever told me that my eyes were not monstrous," A soft sigh escaped the young woman's lips while her eyes got a bit wet, with a few tears rolling down her own pearly white cheeks. The only one who had called her eyes, her beautiful was dead, for four years already and she couldn't remember what happened after he had died in her arms, somehow she seemed to lose all memories that were important, as if someone was simply erasing them, keeping away the traumas. "To answer your question…the last thing I remember…was that I went to the library at the Orochi estate to find a scroll with some jutsu, or was I searching for something else, I dont know…maybe something that had to do with that letter I found earlier and showed you…two or three days ago, all else that should come after that is a blur."


30Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Wed May 28, 2014 2:20 am



As Risu leaned over and placed a hand on his cheek, Kyohei froze in his seat. Her words, her touch… he was not used to this. He had been with women before, but never like this. No one treated him this gently. There was always an ulterior motive, this he knew to be a fact, and yet when she touched his cheek he felt nothing but warmth. He once again found himself without the “right” answer to this situation, an occurrence that had seemingly become all the more frequent since Risu entered his life. Doing the only thing he could think of to return the gesture he would lean over the counter just as she did and meet her in the center of the table, holding her hand close to his cheek.

The height difference between them offset their faces by a couple of inches, but Kyohei would immediately remedy that by bringing his right hand below her chin and gently tilting her head upwards to meet him face to face. They were close, more close than Kyohei had originally intended, but he did not make a move to adjust himself. Their faces were only a few short inches apart, close enough for him to feel her breath.  He should have pulled away, he knew this himself, but he couldn’t bring himself to once he was that close to her. She didn’t want him, she had made that abundantly clear, at least in his mind. And up until the night before he didn’t know he wanted her either, but still he stood there and spoke,“You’re not a monster, nothing about you is. They call me a monster and it’s true, but you’re different. Don’t compare yourself to me, that isn’t fair to you. You’re better than that. You’re breathtaking. If I’m only the second person to compliment your eyes, then the people you encountered aren’t cruel, they’re simply fools. No intelligent man could ever look into your eyes and be anything but captivated. I’m not one to regret, but part of me wishes I had been educated as a scholar rather than a shinobi. I’m sure there are more impressive words to articulate how I see you, but I’m afraid I don’t know them. I’m sorry if I can’t do you justice.”

He would then gently place both hands on the side of Risu’s neck, laying his palms right below her jawline and leaving his thumbs free to be maneuvered as he desired. Softly wiping his thumbs across her cheeks, Kyohei smiled as he wiped the tears from her face, “You can cry if you want to, you know. There’s no one here but you and me. You never have to feel ashamed or afraid. No one will judge you here, you’re safe with me. I’ll be here to dry your tears for as long as you need me. No more masks. You have me, without condition. I don’t mean to be selfish, but I have a request for you. Your goal… achieve it. Do you think you can do that for me? Uncover the truth of this world and then share it with me. You remember my goal, don’t you? I will attain power. I’ll gain the strength to change the world. Acquire the truth and tell me what needs to be changed. I’ll create a world where you never have to feel that way again. Do you trust me, hime-chan? No… will you do this with me… Risu?”

Caught up in the heat of the moment Kyohei’s body almost willed him forward, glancing down at Risu’s lips for a moment. For all his aspirations of power, in that moment he was weak. He stood there staring into her eyes like this for what may have only been a second, but in his moment of desire it felt like an eternity. He wanted to close the small gap that was left between them and kiss her, but a quick memory of how quickly she was to be upset at the thought of them being together made him pull himself back.“I'm sorry,you should finish your breakfast,” he would say as he turned his gaze away from Risu, avoiding eye contact, “You haven’t eaten in a while, maybe it will help you get some of your strength back and jog some memories.” Embarrassed by his previous behavior Kyohei would sit down, pick up his utensils, and simply stare down at his plate, neither eating nor speaking.


31Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Wed May 28, 2014 9:23 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

She felt weird, slightly lightheaded when Kyohei touched her hand, keeping it on his face, this simple gesture actually managed to confuse Risu to the point she could not decide wether to pull her hand back forcefully or let it remain on its place, while feeling the gentle touch of the man's hand. The part that actually worried her, was that her heart had started to race, its pace increasing rapidly when Kyohei continued to flatter and compliment her, this was so different from Rippa who never managed to respond to how she felt, thoughsomehow she understood it now, unrequited love hurts and that was what she felt with Rippa, but she couldn't be certain that it was love the Uchiha was feeling, somewhere deep inside herself the image of Kyohei being a condecending, power-hungry bloodloving person made her wary of everything he said, no matter how gentle he was.

"I hate this…the idea of not being able to trust you as a friend," The young Orochi lady sighed, while she could feel Kyohei's fingers wipe away her tears, which were still rolling down her cheeks. "No matter how you or I end up in life, I want us to be able to rely on eachother, I want us to be like actual partners, keeping no secrets from the other one."

With an almost begging expression, she looked straight into the Uchiha's eyes, as if she was trying to find that one thing, that one sign that would not make her end up like wax in his hands. She hated herself for betraying her own love, but was it possible to equally love two people at the same time?

"I'll trust you with my life, Kyohei," Risu smiled softly when saying that, averting her eyes a bit, while a pinkish hue came over her skin. Will you protect me from everything and eveyone, even if it were to be the hokage himself…or worse, my uncle?"

Because of her amnesia, Risu could not have known what kind of impact those last words might have, even though they simply showed that because of the erasing of her thoughts and memories, she has returned to the state in which she only saw her uncle as an overzealous protector and irritating father-figure for herself.

Finishing her breakfast, the Orochi lady simply placed the fork and knife on her plate and gave a simple prayer with her eyes closed, after which she looked up at Kyohei and probably gave him her most sincere smile so far. Her golden snake eyes twinkling with a certain happiness and bliss. "I forgot to tell you, but I've been Accepted in the ANBU…My uncle already knows, but I hope he never finds out that I joined the ANBU to safekeep his name and proove that he has nothing to do with the things written in that letter, despite everything pointing in his direction. I'll find out who's behind it all and I'll defeat everyone involved ith it, it's part of learning the Truth, I guess."


32Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Wed May 28, 2014 10:32 pm



“You really are amazing, you know that?” replied with a smile to Risu’s revelation that she had been accepted to the ranks of the village’s ANBU black ops, “Congratulations, hime-chan.” The rest of what she had said however, he simply had to allow to pass. There was so much to say and so little that could actually be spoken. It was best if he didn’t even allude to an issue. As far as she would be concerned, he had no ties to her uncle or the organization at all. He would take a moment to take his and her plates from the table. After placing the dishes in the sink he would return to the table, this time walking over to the seated Risu. “If I had known I would have gotten you a congratulatory gift,” he said with a smile, taking her by the hand and raising her up, twirling her around so that her back was facing him, “But maybe it’s not too late? It seems like I owe you more than just answers now. Tell me what I can do for you, hime-chan.”

Before giving her a chance to answer however, Kyohei would wrap both of his arms around Risu from behind, taking her hands in his and lacing their fingers together and pulling her into a warm embrace. “It’s okay if you can’t if you can’t bring yourself to trust me just yet, Risu” he muttered, leaning his head forward so that his forehead was pressed against the back of her head, “There are things about me you don’t know…. that you might not want to know. I want to tell you everything, but I don’t know if that can happen overnight. Would you think less of me if I told you that a part of me is afraid to tell you everything? There’s a reason I’ve been alone all this time. I’m worried that if you knew everything about me you’d think me a monster like everyone else. I… don’t want to lose you.”

He would embrace her in this manner for a few moments more, finding himself more and more entranced with woman in his arms with each passing second. He would take her left hand in his and once more guide it up to his cheek, then using his free left hand to turn her head by the chin to meet his face which leaned over her shoulder before returning the hand to her waist, hugging the curvature of her frame. Their faces were now close, even more so than before at the table. The inches that previously served as a buffer zone to stifle some of his flourishing passion now nonexistent as the bridges of their noses practically brushed against each other at every move. A voice inside Kyohei’s mind cautioned him against allowing his personal feelings to get involved, but he simply didn’t care anymore. He was strong willed, but all of the will power that had earlier kept his instincts caged in was now urging him to act on them. The heat of her body pressed against his, the scent of her hair, the feel of her soft porcelain skin, the glisten of her golden eyes, radiant as the sun… it was too much to bear. Mustering every last ounce of restraint he could, Kyohei would continue to speak.

“Don’t say ‘No matter how you or I end up in life’ as if the two will be separate. As long as I can carry on, I intend to end up right back here, with you in my arms. I’ll be whatever you need me to be for you: your partner, your support, your friend, and… maybe even something more. Entrusting your life to me is a greater honor than I’m worthy of. I’ll protect the most precious thing to me from everything and everyone whether that be the Hokage, your uncle, or the rabbit demon Kaguya herself. I once asked you if you knew the truth behind the Uchiha. Most believe us wicked creatures, consumed with hate and that is what feeds our strength. That’s wrong. It is because the Uchiha love so strongly that our eyes grow strong. The pain we suffer from losing the ones we love empowers us, giving us the means to prevent that pain again. My mother, my father, my sister; my eyes bear a tomoe for each one I have lost. I’ve watched as everyone and everything I ever loved slipped away from me… except you. I don’t know… what I am to you Risu, but… would you be terribly upset with me if I kissed you?” His eyes would almost appear to gloss over as he inched his lips just a bit closer to hers, the warmth of her breath beckoning him closer. He just waited for any kind of green light to proceed, but short of an outright rejection he had come too far now to not go through with it. Barring her rejecting him completely he would close the small gap between their lips, bringing her body into his even more tightly as he held her in a deep and passionate kiss.


33Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Thu May 29, 2014 2:07 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

A twinkle appeared in Risu's eyes when the young man told her that if she had told him sooner about her admittance in the ANBU, he'd have given her a gift, disregarding the still apparent void of two days in her mind, it appeared she had not told him in those two days…pretty annoying, as otherwise she might've gotten her gift already. It was perhaps a childish thought, but for someone who had lived a life devout of much friendship, even the smallest gifts were treasures for life.

"Maybe you could…" Before Risu could even complete her reply to Kyohei's question, she was abruptly silenced in surprise, when the Uchiha's arms would wrap around her, tightening slightly around her waist and lacing his fingers with hers, making it almost impossible for her to move even a single inch away from him if she wanted to do so.

In that embrace, Kyohei's words had more impact than they could have when spoken straight to her face, they felt deeper, stronger and filled with an emotion Risu did not expect to find in the Uchiha's voice. For a moment, she closed her eyes, leaning a bit backwards, without losing her balance on the chair. The snake girl could feel the warmth of his body spreading through herself, the beating of his heart ressonated on her skin like raindrops falling out of the sky.

When he suddenly guided her hand to his cheek, using his free hand to turn her face towards his, Risu started breathing a bit swifter and harder, slightly nervous of what was happening, confused about the entire situation, but not really uncomfortable.

She listened quietly to what he was telling her, feeling the pain in his words, the sadness and sorrow of his background and the similarity of losing those he loved, she was the same in that way, having lost everyone, but the difference between them, was that Risu had not yet turned bitter or introvert, sure she used a multitude of masks to hide her emotions from most people that dwelled around her, sometimes going so far that she didn't even know her own emotions herself, but Kyohei had seemingly drowned into the darkness, the spiral of negativity and it had taken its toll.

As Kyohei quickly leaned onto her, pressing his lips against hers, Risu almost felt her heart race, her body almost going limp in the process, with her eyes wideopen in surprise, though quickly closing them, as she responded to his kiss with one of her own, no longer affraid of the confusion in her mind and heart and as she retreated a bit to take a breather, she gave a soft smile towards the Uchiha. "I…dont know what to say. I mean, I'm totally not used to how you are right now and…it amazes me, but at the same time it frightens me Kyohei. Why does it frighten me?"


34Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Thu May 29, 2014 4:54 pm



“I’m not used to how I am right now, hime-chan,” he answered, staring directly into Risu’s eyes, unable to prevent himself from returning her smile with one of his own, “I don’t think I’ve ever acted like this before. No one’s ever given me a reason to act like this before you. The feeling is strange and foreign to me. It’s exciting and maybe even a bit frightening, but for the first time in a long time, I’m not afraid to feel. When I’m with you I don’t feel like I have to wear a mask, like I don’t have to hide… I don’t want to hide from you. It’s okay to be a bit frightened. It’s human nature to be afraid of that which is unfamiliar to you and that’s exactly what this feeling, unfamiliar. I may be a bit rough around the edges, but I promise you, I’m the last person that you need to be afraid of. There’s no safer place for you than here in my arms. I want you to feel that.”

With a gentle smile still upon his lips, Kyohei would lean in to tap a kiss onto Risu’s forehead, holding his lips pressed against her for a moment before pulling away. “It’s funny,” he said with a chuckle, “On our first mission together I made a comment about how one day you would have boys all over you. You probably thought I was teasing you. I didn’t think I’d be one of them.... I’m glad I was wrong.” All the while Kyohei  could not remove the smile from his face. He would bring his left hand up to brush s few stray strands of hair that fell over Risu’s face as he leaned her back into his embrace. Why did this sudden surge of emotions take over him seemingly overnight? Had he longed for Risu this whole time and only after having felt the fear of potentially losing her realized it? He didn’t know the answers, nor did he care. In this moment he was happy and nothing else mattered; not the village, not Enaka, just them as they were now.

“Hey,” he would say suddenly after a few moments that would have either been filled with Risu’s reply to him or silence as he just held her and enjoyed the moment, “ Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?”


35Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Fri May 30, 2014 1:58 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

It was reassuring to hear Kyohei say that she was probably not the only person who was feeling slightly confused by what was happening, as he was clearly stating that he had no experience with the strange feeling of love either. Risu had felt it before, but this was the first time someone had awakened that feeling by their own actions towards her and acknowledged their own feelings as well, it not being an unrequited love as she only had once before, or was it?

Feelings of guilt and shame started to well up inside her, for even though she was actually feeling the same for Kyohei, Risu still felt as if she was betraying her love for Rippa, even despite the fact that that guy had not made any avances and even when she had kissed him, he had simply dropped her off at her own place, leaving her with the doubts and anxieties that came with the emotions. Kyohei on the other hand responded to her love, her emotions and did not bluntly react to those feelings with coldness.

Confusion almost took hold of her when he suddenly pressed his lips on her forehead gently, pushing a few strands of hair out of her face with his fingers, with a simple gesture he managed to get rid of the shame and guilt she was feeling and rekindle her happiness she had been feeling earlier.

When he asked the question about wether or not Risu had something to do that day, She softly nodded her head, though quickly released herself from his embrace, turning around the chair and giving Kyohei a quick peck on his cheek while grabbing the purple bodysuit she'd noticed for quite a while now, chuckling as she slowly skid backwards towards his bedroom.

"I think I'll do whatever you want me to do today," Risu giggled, while throwing something at him, before slipping into the bedroom to get that bodysuit on and if he would look closely, he'd know that what the young woman threw at him, was the shirt she had borrowed from him earlier.


36Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Sat May 31, 2014 8:18 am



"I think I'll do whatever you want me to do today."

Those words echoed through Kyoheis head as he watched her back away slowly down the hall, slipping right past the entrance to the guest room where she had previously slept and making her way towards his bedroom. A hint of red began to creep up his cheeks as the pace of his heartbeat sped up just a bit. He wasn’t even sure if she knew exactly how suggestive her actions were. In most other scenarios he would see that as an invitation, but he didn’t want to be that aggressive in his relationship with Risu just yet. Then, suddenly, a veil of white came between them, blocking off his sight of her. Reflexively he caught the item flying in his direction, immediately identifying it as the shirt she was wearing. By the time he looked back up he was only able to catch a glimpse of Risu’s exposed back, her bra straps being the only thing covering up any kind of skin, as she slipped into his bedroom giggling. With that a switch had been flipped inside Kyohei and any hesitation he had felt previously was burned away by the flames of his desire. If he had needed any more evidence to confirm from before about the message she was sending, the thrown shirt was the smoking gun. Without wasting a moment he would quickly make his way down the hall and into the room after her, taking all of her teasing as a green light to do so.

As he swiftly stormed into the room, he would close the door behind him with a flick of his wrist and make a beeline straight for the half-naked Risu. Without saying a word or giving her any time to react, Kyohei would place both hand against the sides of her face just as he had done at the table and pull her into a kiss once again. Without pulling away he would lower his hands down to her waist and lift her up off of her feet before gently laying her back down on top of his bed. Only then would he break the kiss and speak. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop myself,” he whispered, his forehead and the bridge of his nose pressed softly against hers, breathing a bit more heavily than normal after the momentary succumbence to his desire, “You tease me too much. Saying something like that and then undressing on your way to my bedroom. Even the most steadfast man has his limits. If it’s you… I don’t know how high that threshold really is.” A soft smile would form on his lips, letting out a soft chuckle before continuing, “If I didn’t know any better, hime-chan, I’d think you were trying to seduce me. You know I didn’t really have anything in mind when I asked you if you had any plans today. I was just hoping to be able to spend the day with you. No work, no missions, no responsibilities, just us. As far as what I want to do…. I want to make you happy. Can you tell me how I can do that?” Quite frankly, he wasn’t even sure what his next action would have even been. At the time of him barging into the room and kissing her he was acting almost entirely out of instinct. All he could do now was wait for Risu’s response. She had made her move and he had made his. Now the ball was in her court.


37Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Sat May 31, 2014 1:16 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

It apparently did not take long for Kyohei to react to Risu's strangely seductive teasing, which she noticed rather quickly, hearing his shoes tap through the hall in a swift pace, only hearing him stop once, at which point, the snake girl would turn around with the anticipation for what was coming next. In an instant, she felt his hands placed on the sides of her face, while he pressed his lips upon hers again, the warmth of his and her skin mingling together while Kyohei almost drowned her in his unrelenting passion.

While he lifted her off of her feet, she couldn't help herself but release a shrill noise, almost like a kitten being grabbed by the neck, she made no erffort to hide her surprise, though gave no signal of discomfort or displeasure, only a sound coming from an utterly pleasant surprise, with her standing on the bed, for once equal in hight as Kyohei, a warm smile on her porcelain white face, with her golden eyes almost glowing of curiosity and something much more interesting.

"I dont know why you would want to stop," Risu giggled again, leaning a bit forward, while for a moment nibbling the Uchiha's earlobes, teasing him a bit more. "Who says I would want you to do anything less than this. You're the one making my head spin, responding to everything with passion and energy that I'm not used to see from you, if anything you should only blame yourself for what I'm doing to you now."

Fidgeting with the buttons on his shirt, Risu leaned her head a bit back again, looking straight into the young man's eyes before she placed her own lips on his on her own accord. Giving up on loosening the buttons of his shirt, she simply wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him towards her a bit more while ending her kiss.

"There's a first time for everything," The Orochi girl spoke softly, her chest heaving rapidly, while she laid down on the bed, smiling brightly. "I think I'm old enough to make these choices and I already made mine, what about you?"


38Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Sat May 31, 2014 11:58 pm



Had he made his choice? A sly grin curled upon Kyohei’s lips as he began to unbutton his shirt. Risu couldn’t even begin to comprehend how loaded of a question she had asked as she was now. Having her memories of the prior night suppressed and having been unconscious for his entire encounter with Enaka, she would have no clue about the depth of those words. He had made his decision the moment he agreed to go along with Enaka’s little plan in order to ensure that no harm befell her. But the night before was no longer at the forefront of his thoughts. Everything that Risu had just said and done had left only a single thing on Kyohei’s mind. Looking Risu’s body up and down as she laid on his bed in nothing but her undergarments and prepared to take their intimacy to a level typically reserved for lovers, he would feel his passion and desire begin to overtake him once more. This time however, he would make no effort to restrain himself due to reservations regarding what she wanted. She would now get to experience his passion when it was completely unbridled.

This was different than anything Kyohei had ever felt before. It wasn’t simply a matter of carnal desire. He wanted her. Years of self-imposed, emotional isolation had left him cold and callous, but in less than a day Risu had introduced him to the warmth and emotion of burning passion, hotter than any fire that coursed through his Uchiha blood, something he never expected to enjoy or crave as much as he did in this moment. He wanted more. He wanted to drown himself in this feeling and above all else he wanted her to feel the same. For the first time in seemingly forever, he wasn’t alone and he wanted to repay her for that. He wanted those small hesitations in her body at his touch to turn to quakes. If he made her head spin before, he intended to make her whole world spin. He would kick off his shoes and throw his unbuttoned shirt off to the side of the room before kneeling onto the bed and pulling off his white undershirt, casting that off in the same direction. Now with one less layer of clothing between them Kyohei would crawl up the bed and on top of Risu, the skin and heat from his bare chest now pressed against hers so tightly that it was as if each one’s body was conforming to the shape of the other’s.

There would be another deep kiss followed by him making his way over to her ear, nibbling on her ear lobe just as she had done to him before whispering, “I don’t need to tell you my choice. It will be more fun if I show you instead.” He would then leave her ear and bring his lips down to the side of Risu’s neck, kissing and sucking on her milky white skin as he let his hands begin to work on their own, exploring and caressing the curves of her body. Inhaling deeply he would take in her scent and immediately be overtaken by another surge of pure desire. He would place a hand behind each of Risu’s thighs and pull them up so that she straddled him between her legs, pressing his body into hers and pinning her onto the mattress with his hips. He pulled his head and chest back just a bit to admire her one last time, although never letting up the pressure of his hips, and once his eyes had their fill he would place a single hand on the small of her arching back and trace her spine upwards with the pads of his fingers. Locating the back fastening of her bra he would, with dexterous fingers, unfasten it with a quick pinch and release, but he was in no rush to remove it entirely. Instead he would retract his hand and descend upon her once more. One more time their lips would meet before Kyohei made his way back down to her neck. There he would show a bit more attention before blazing a trail with his lips and tongue down her chest… then onto her stomach… and even further still…


39Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:54 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

A feral growl was the only sound that managed to pass the confinement of her lips, before she started pressing her teeth on her lower lip, this was pure pleasure, no constraints of any kind weighing down upon her or the man who was about to drown her into a sensation she had never experienced before. With his chest now ridden of the clothing, her hands quickly rose up to touch the smooth skin, the multitude of small scars and the soft hair that marked the fact that Kyohei wasn't a boy, but a man and not just any man, he was the man she wanted, right there and then.

As he grabbed her tighs, she quickly wrapped her legs around him, holding him in a  tight grip, not willing to let him go, while her hands slowly lowered from the Uchiha's chest to his sides, eventually ending with her fingers sliding towards his belt buckle and removing the belt in a single swift motion.

A shiver went through her body when she could feel his fingers slide accross her spine, a vibrating sensation rising from the depths of her chest all the way down towards that secret, sensitive spot between her legs. Risu's heartbeat was becoming louder and faster, while Kyohei lowered his lips accross her belly button all the way down to where the tingling sensation had reached its peak. Her head was spinning, as she almost howled like a wolf at the full moon, knowing that she had never before felt such passion, such desire coarse through every fibre of her body.

"More…" She would sigh, before Kyohei would engage in the final step of their play, the final step towards the complete enlightment of the passion and desire that had overwhelmed them both, drawing them into a spiral of lust and sensations.

Breathing heavily, Risu turned herself to the side, her fingers sliding accross Kyohe's side all the way up to his neck, before giving him a gentle tap on his chin. Her face was so close to his that her lips could feel the air coming out of his mouth, giving her a rememberance of what they had done.

Whatever people would say, her first time was not like most women said it would be, there was no pain, no discomfort only fun, pleasure and the most invigorating sensation she had ever known to exist.

Feeling a bit sticky because of the sweet sweat that had formed a wet layer on her skin, Risu cuddled Kyohei once again, breathing in the strong manly scent he had, before getting out of the bed and skid through the room towards the bathroom to take a long warm shower, giggling a bit when realizing that this was exactly how the day before had started.


40Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:48 am



His breathing still ragged from the act, Kyohei laid beside Risu, still letting his hands wander as they embraced each other on the bed. He would smile at his new lover, savoring this moment where both of them laid completely exposed and yet entirely comfortable. His hands were tempted to hold her still as she raised herself up from the bed to make her way to his bathroom, but he wasn’t disappointed with the view as she slipped away.  As he heard the shower turn on however, he began to grow restless. He wasn’t ready to be apart from her just yet, and he didn’t see the need. He would raise himself up and follow her into the bathroom.

The steam from the shower had already begun to fog the transparent glass of the shower walls as he entered, clouding his view of her. To remedy this situation he would simply slide open the glass door and step inside himself. “I hope you don’t mind if I join you, hime-chan,” he said with a devious smile as he closed the door behind him to eliminate the cold draft, “I’ve just never felt there was a more appropriate time for me to jump in the shower.” Placing his hands on both of her shoulders he would use them to guide her, setting her to face away from him and towards the shower head. Without saying a word he would begin to knead her shoulders with a massage before wrapping his arms around her at the waist and pulling himself into her tightly, so that they both stood under the warm stream of water falling from overhead. Like this he would stay for a few moments, simply indulging himself in the feel and scent of Risu’s body before brushing her long black hair to the side and placing a single kiss on the back of her neck. He would then lean his head over her right shoulder and peck her cheek before nuzzling himself into the side of her neck. “How was your first time? Did I succeed?” he muttered in a hushed tone, just audible over the sound of the water falling around them, his second question referring to his statement before about wanting to make her happy.


41Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:24 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

With the warm water running over her skin, Risu did not realize that Kyohei had slipped into the bathroom until she felt the draft of the door opening behind her, hearing the Uchiha's voice so smoothly through the sound of the running water, making her smile again when he touched her again. She did not respond to his question with words, only letting out some sort of affirmative giggle when he closed in on her, showing signs that he was obviously not completely sated yet.

Risu moaned softly when the young man started massaging her shoulders, making the shower feel twice as soothing and comfortable, though he did not let the opportunity go by to give her a single kiss on her neck, while embracing her gently from behind, so they would both be under the stream of water.

"I'd be lying if I said it was bad, wouldn't I?" The snake girl laughed, while she lifted her arm up, resting it around his neck, while leaning her head backwards on his shoulder, so that she would be looking at his face from below, making it obvious she was waiting for him to use that oportunity to kiss her even more."Who would I be kidding, I think I've never been so exhausted, yet so…fullfilled ever before in my life."

Taking the soap, the snake girl released herself from Kyohei's embrace, turning around and rubbing the liquid on the Uchiha's chest, neck, shoulders and more until he had a layer of white foam and bubbles over him, after which she litterally pushed the bottle into his hands and waited for him to do the same with her.

"It's a shower after all, so why not have some fun cleaning," She laughed, while she gave him a hug, sliding her hands accross his back, so that the would be some soap on there too. "Can you do my hair as well?"


42Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:50 am



Risu’s giggling words and flirty demeanor only served to entice Kyohei more. As she wrapped an arm around his neck and leaned her head back over his shoulder to look up at him, Kyohei would bring their lips together once more. Playfully pulling back every few moments between kisses he would he would kiss her less voraciously than before, his blind passion replaced by sheer bliss. He gently sucked and nibbled on her lips in the time not occupied by his tongue dancing with hers before she would eventually have to pull away. While his lips would try to follow her on their own, beckoning him move his mouth towards her as she reached for the bottle of soap on the shelf, the rest of him would certainly love the way she rubbed the soap against his body, covering him in a layer of foam and bubbles.

Taking the bottle of soap in hand he would grin deviously at Risu’s suggestion of fun as she slung to him. “I’ll do whatever part of you that you want me to,” he replied in an undeniably suggestive tone, placing his free hand on the small of her back, leaning her back a bit so that he could give her what she asked for, “But if I’m going to wash your hair, I’ll have to get a bit more creative if I want to take care of the rest of you with no hands.” With a proud smirk he would raise the bottle of soap over her, squeezing it firmly to generously drizzle Risu’s bare chest and body in the translucent liquid, watching it slowly trickle down her ivory skin. Then with his hand still on her back he would pull their two bodies closely together, pressing their hips together tightly as he began promiscuously rubbing nearly every inch of his body against hers, creating a thick lather between them from the soap he had poured all over her. The strong contrasts mingling together as their bodies, wet and slick from the water and lather, slid against each other in an almost rhythmic way began to ignite a fire in Kyohei all over again. The cool of the liquid soap to the warmth of the water, his hard and toned body to her soft and shapely curves, the aroma of the soap used in the shower struggling for dominance of his olfactory with the last fading remnants of the scent of Risu’s musk and sweat all making his breathing ragged once again.

Never stopping or letting up on the pressing of his body against hers, he would lean her head back and pour shampoo from the shelf right into her hair. “Close your eyes,” he whispered in her ear while he began massaging the shampoo into her scalp. The pads of his fingers ran through her hair gently, but firmly, in sync with the sway of their bodies. And in that dance Kyohei would slowly begin to succumb to his instincts once again.


43Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:11 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

With Kyohei still passionately kissing and caressing her, using the shower as quite an interesting excuse for another time filled with pure intimacy, Risu just couldn't help herself but to smile. She was delighted by how everything seemed to go at that point, though initially she did just wanted to take a shower to get ceaned off a bit, having the Uchiha yet again with her made her feel slightly naughty, playful enough to enjoy the back and forth teasing, cuddling and kissing between them.

She yelped, when she was held into Kyohei's arms again, a squishy sound coming from the soap and foam that now connected them bot, before she lowered her head a bit, closing her eyes to make sure none of the soap would irritate her snakelike eyes while the Uchiha would clean her hair.

"Should I do your hair as well?" Risu asked with a chuckle, knowing he'd probably say yes, since he'd most likely find another option to cuddle her some more again…or simply more than cuddle. "Maybe we should get something to eat after this…I think we both need some energy again, I think."

Obviously those last words were made, while she thought about how Kyohei was yet again acting, all again pumped up and ready for another rollercoaster ride, while Risu was still exhausted by what had happened during that night.

"Are you going to rinse my hair to, or do you want me to do it myself?" The snake princess suddenly chuckled, turning around, so that her back would be yet again against Kyohei's chest, leaning her head slightly backwards into the spray of water, while still keeping her eyes closed."We really should do this some more."


44Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:54 pm



Kyohei couldn’t help but smirk at the yelp let out by Risu as he pulled her into him. He found the very idea of being able to make his usually strong and snarky lover let out such a cute sound, with little more than an embrace, nothing short of exhilarating. “I’d like that,” he would answer to her offer to wash his hair for him, pecking her on the cheek before letting out a chuckle, “Hmmmm, yeah. Food would probably be a good idea. I mean, we can’t just lock ourselves up in the master bedroom forever, unfortunately. I think I’d collapse of exhaustion before the sun went down.”

When she asked if he wanted to rinse her hair for him and turned to lean her head back on him, pressing her back into his chest, his eyes would widen as they took in the image before him. As she leaned back on him peaceful, he noticed the content smirk still sitting on her lips and her closed eyes, completely at ease with entrusting herself to him. What he felt well up inside of him at that moment was not simply lust or desire, but something much more intimate and vulnerable. He stared down at her in her almost sleep-like state lovingly before stroking down along her neck gently with the back of his hand. “I couldn’t agree more,” he spoke softly before leaning down to lay a kiss on her forehead, pressing and holding his lips there for a moment before pulling back to whisper into her ear, “I love you, Risu. I just realized I hadn’t yet said those three words together. I’m sorry. I’ll be sure to say it as often as you’d like to hear it from now on. Every day, if you let me.”

He would not give her a chance to reply before pulling back and running his fingers through her shampooed hair. With one hand he would begin guiding the water through her hair and with the other he would continue with his earlier activity of massaging her neck and shoulders. He would move his hands slowly, forcefully, and deliberately, making sure to take his time and press deep into each muscle his hands worked. The rinsing of her hair would finish rather quickly, but that only freed his second hand to participate. He lost track of time as he worked her thoroughly, syncing his breathing with hers in a rhythmic pace as their bodies still remained pressed together. Once he felt he had massaged her neck and shoulders thoroughly, he would let his hands venture to other parts of her body, taking great delight in her reactions as his hands slid along her skin lower and lower.

A few minutes would pass once more before he finally reached his breaking point. He would turn her around to face him before reaching down to grab her legs and lift her up off of her feet, her weight being supported by his hands placed below each of her thighs. He would then turn to press her up against the tile wall of the shower, now wedging her between the wall and his body to allow his hands free reign. “I’m sorry, hime-chan,” he said almost begging, his eyes with a dazed look as his breathing grew heavy, “I know you must be tired, but I want… more of you. Can I?” If he was thinking clearly he would have seen the humor in asking a question like that after he had her naked body pinned up between the wall and him, but she was the only thing on his mind at the moment.


45Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:54 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

A giggle escaped Risu's lips right after hearing Kyohei's rather apologetic, but oh so humoristic statement. Locking themselves in the bedroom for an entire day, the sound of it was quite enticing, but she knew that somehow his statement would be closer to the truth than it was being a joke, they wouldn't just collapse but die from exhaustion, certainly if he kept doing everything with such passion and vigor of the likes she had never seen nor felt before.

during the moments he had been rinsing her hair, the snake girl couldn't help herself but to let out a deep moan when his hands started kneading her muscles, touching her skin, sliding across all of her sensitive places, it was almost too much for her, as just before she almost sink through her knees, she had to manage herself with all her willpower to remain standing.

"I love you to, Kyohei," The young woman would say, still keeping her eyes closed and maintaining the soft, smile on her face.

With every touch of his hands, Risu would slightly tremble and quiver, not out of fright or from being cold, simply because every time he touched her, she could feel a vibrating, pleasurable sensation venture throughout her entire body.

However, despite being rather tired, exhausted still from the earlier night, she let out yet another yelp in surprise, when the Uchiha swiftly turned her around, lifted her off her feet, holding her up with a hand under each of her thighs, pinning her against the excitingly cold, tiled wall of the shower cabin, making it more than obvious that he was not yet done playing with her.

"Oh…my…god," Risu would sigh out, breathing rapidly again, while clamping her legs around his back, wrapping her arms around his neck and staring into his eyes for just a single moment that seemed to be an eternity. She had changed a lot, she who hated all those gifted with one of the three legendary doujutsu and now, that same person was madly in love with just one of those people she used to hate. "Dont say a single word…"

From that point on, Risu forgot everything she ever thought about other people, all that mattered was Kyohei, the only person who she could trust completely, who she believed would never betray her. However, a dark though got cought in her mind while she drowned into a waterfall of pleasure again: Kyohei might just be the person to grant her every wish…every single one of them.

For the rest of the time under the shower, there would only be a single word coming out of Risu's lips. "More."


46Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Wed Jun 04, 2014 2:54 pm



For a moment Kyohei wondered how long the two of them had actually been in that shower, time becoming an afterthought in the frenzy of desire that they had let themselves fall into. After they had completed the act, Kyohei had to let her down from the wall, showering her lips and neck with kisses and soft bites all the way through. Having turned her around to once again he would wrap his arms around her from behind, lacing his fingers together with hers and hugging her tightly. He had grown quite fond of holding her in this fashion. It felt warmer than a normal hug, more intimate. In this way he could hold her as closely as he desired. “God,” he panted, chuckling through his ragged and exhausted breath, nuzzling his face into the side of her neck, “I think I can safely say that that was the best shower I’ve ever had."

With his nose still buried in her neck he would peck it with a kiss before shamelessly breathing in her scent. “You know, hime-chan,” he began, pulling away from her neck just a bit so that his voice could be heard clearly, “If you still want to get food… I could eat.” He stopped speaking as he stifled a laugh, bringing his head up so that he could whisper in her ear and be heard over the still running shower. “I don’t mean to bother you, miss,” he began playfully, holding back a chuckle, “But you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I don’t think I would have been able to forgive myself if I didn’t take the chance to come and talk to you. If you have time, I’d like to take you out to lunch. You wouldn’t let me eat all alone would you?”


47Empty Halls [Private/No kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Empty Halls [Private/No kill] Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:46 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Only the sound of ragged, heavy breathing left Risu's lips after yet another display of intimacy and desire, but this time she was completely drained of all energy she had left earlier, making it a bit hard to keep standing straight up, which she was glad for that she did not really have to try standing up, as Kyohei had turned her around again and kept her into his apparently favorit position to hug her. The snake girl actually liked this kind of hug as well, as it had such a deeper level of warmth and love than a regular front to front hug would give her.

"O-kay," She almost wheezed out, obviously devout of any kind of energy."That…was amazing."

She wasn't lying, as the Uchiha really surprised her with his stamina, even though the sound of his breathing did show that he was completely out of energy as well, this time. Shaking her head a bit, smiling softly, the snake girl was glad that he had kept the water running, so the enticing smell of their actions and sweat could be rinsed of again for the second time, though she did worry about getting wrinkled from being in such a humid place for so long. Not only that, since she had absolutely not a single ounce of energy left, she was starting to get a bit dizzy from the heat and the steam of the shower, prompting her to loosen herself from Kyohei's embrace and step out of the shower, taking a towel and starting to dry herself off.

"You come out to, hot stuff," She laughed, while finishing , leaving the rest of her body uncovered while she wrapped the towel around her long black hair. "Can't have you getting a cold, can we?"

With a smile, she'd grab another towel and throw it into the Uchiha's direction, telling him to get dry and dressed, like she would be doing shortly after.

"Maybe we could go to get some Ramen," She laughed, while walking out of the bathroom towards the bedroom where she was certain to have her underwear somewhere around. "And maybe after that…if you'd like, you could come to my place. Not the Ouroboros compound, just my appartment near the market district."

(exit thread)


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