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1Mitsuru (Free Inuzuka Pet) Empty Mitsuru (Free Inuzuka Pet) Sat May 10, 2014 2:00 am



Name: Mitsuru
Species: Dog
Rank: D-Rank
Specializations: Ninjutsu
Elements: Katon
Appearance: [X] From paw to top of head, 1.5 feet.
Personality: Mitsuru is a very loyal dog, and at most times he can be very energetic and playful, rarely do you ever see him asleep. He will also not hesitate to follow his master into battle, or even risk his life for him. Other than the close bond that he and Tadashi have, and the fact he can do techniques of a shinobi, he is similiar to a everyday dog.
Techniques: Normal dog things, the ability to bite, scratch, etc. Other than that, I plan on making techniques for him in the later future.

Last edited by Tadashi on Sat May 10, 2014 3:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Mitsuru (Free Inuzuka Pet) Empty Re: Mitsuru (Free Inuzuka Pet) Sat May 10, 2014 3:44 pm



How big is the dog in its current form?

3Mitsuru (Free Inuzuka Pet) Empty Re: Mitsuru (Free Inuzuka Pet) Sat May 10, 2014 3:51 pm



Edited, changed up his appearance, and added height.

4Mitsuru (Free Inuzuka Pet) Empty Re: Mitsuru (Free Inuzuka Pet) Sat May 10, 2014 3:54 pm



Mitsuru (Free Inuzuka Pet) 7khkzIW

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