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1Goldschein (Horse) Empty Goldschein (Horse) Fri May 09, 2014 6:05 pm



Name: Goldschein (nickname: Gold)
Species: Horse
Gender: Male
Breed: Akhal Teke

Goldschein represents the Akhal Teke breed perfectly: He is vigorous, excitable and untiring. Thousands of years of selective breeding have left their mark not only on these horses' physical appearance and efficiency, but also on their behavior.
Goldschein is not only sensible, but also very sensitive; he's even able to respond to mental suggestions of humans. An Akhal Teke horse's intelligence is not comparable to any other breed.
As it is typical for the breed, Goldschein is a one-master horse, solely and thoroughly loyal to Ayesha, but difficult when ridden by strangers.
Ayesha has always known that she cannot and will not achieve obedience by shouting or punishment. A glance, a small gesture, or a soft-spoken word are sufficient. A punishment not understood by him would only cause him to be in a defensive mood for weeks due to his majestic and proud temperament.
Goldschein and Ayesha are a team since the horse's birth within the kingdom's borders. It had always been perfectly clear to her that she could never leave him behind.

2Goldschein (Horse) Empty Re: Goldschein (Horse) Fri May 09, 2014 6:16 pm



Goldschein (Horse) 7khkzIW

Approved for 50 ryo, enjoy~

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