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1Doujutsu clan for the future Suggestions Empty Doujutsu clan for the future Suggestions Fri May 02, 2014 4:28 pm

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Already have an idea for my clan etc...

Right now i want to be constructive i want to make it anywhere but 2 locations

1. Not Konoha = Overpopulation which also means the most people to come after my eyes

2. Not Kirigakure = My main character might get jealous and kill anyone from this clan off

3. Sunagakure, Kumogakure or Iwagakure
Anywhere but scattered would do

Please suggest one and give a decent or good reason why



Iwagakure due to the fact that there isnt a dojutsu there yet, Kumo already ahs the Chi no mei and the Hawk eye

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