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1I'll show you the ropes. Hm hm hm. Empty I'll show you the ropes. Hm hm hm. Wed May 07, 2014 7:51 pm


Shōtoko tapped his foot in a very odd way. A very complex beat, if one's ear could keep up with it.

The tak-tak-tak of his shoe against the stone floor was clearly audible. He had been waiting for quite a long time, after all, and was getting a little impatient; he had to vent it somehow, of course. The percussion of his sole hitting the floor resounded throughout the rather high-ceilinged place. It seemed to be a shrine or temple of sorts, to be quite honest; the pillars standing near the walls, definitely for show rather than for holding the place up. It was a rather pitiful sight; a couple of them, he noticed, were toppled over due to age, furthering his hypothesis. There were five of these kind, out of the 24; 2 fallen from the left and 3 from the right. They were not graceful in this either; they were all rather crooked in their landing angles.

"Now, then...where was I? Yes, I'll need to check my schedule. Do I have time to be waiting any longer...?" A figure stepped out of the darkness cast by one of these pillars, and into the firelight by torch that illuminated the rather spacious room quite well. The doors were far from flung wide open, having just a crack of space enough for someone to inch through. Looking behind him, the man noted that the stairs leading up to the actual place of worship---that is, what he assumed it was, of course---were quite steep, and the actual statue and other items were very much ornate. This pedestal and stairs took up a good 1/8 of the room; however, there were almost no other objects in it besides more torches. They lined the center path, marked by whitest stone, to illuminate it.

Still, that wasn't why he was here. Patting himself down, he made sure he had everything: two of his short-swords, one at his waist, easily visible, and another laying flat against his back, hopefully less so; his jacket would hopefully aid in this endeavor. scroll where he kept his other belongings, in his right breast pocket.

Now he just tapped his foot and whistled a little tune to himself. Rather glum for such a tune from the lips, though; almost nostalgic.

Then Shou, the figure standing before the stairs, detected something disrupting his rhythm.


(Equipped with two Tanto, and several instruments, including a kaval, erhu, and sitar. Jutsu will be detailed next post. Since this is OOC, you may use any jutsu or weapon you like that's within Genin abilities, even if it's not approved.)

2I'll show you the ropes. Hm hm hm. Empty Re: I'll show you the ropes. Hm hm hm. Wed May 07, 2014 9:08 pm

Miu Mai

Miu Mai

The teen was dressed with far more formal attire then usual as her job at the club had given her a few perks. The blue oriental outfit was quite thin and lavish, sown with gorgeous blues and reds gold trimmed with a leaf like design on it. Although it was quite formal it also proved beneficial when practicing taijutsu which was the whole purpose. She didn't much care for the need of material goods especially when it came to fighting. Anything that you could do with a blade she thought was to detached from the rudimentary basics. Although since she was being trained to use anything and everything she had she brought a few kunai as her only method of defense of a blade.

Her footsteps as she sprinted up the stairs to the temple like structure would echo through the building. Tap tap tap tap, was all that would be heard of her on her entrance. The child was a fair amount under five feet meaning her head would pop up slowly from the staircase quickly followed by the rest of her body as she jumped up the last three steps. Minorly losing her balance as she stood up. "Apologies for the tardiness I was having trouble finding the place," a half cocked smile waned over her face till she was once standing their rather motionless. She glanced about the room quickly with her one eye everything a blur as she tried to take in her surroundings. She noted a few foggy lumps on the ground a few meters in front of her mental making not of the two on the left that could be used for cover and the three on the right. the one on the left was closer to the door which she had emerged from and is now slung completely ajar.

A small belt around her waist housed six kunai which she brought hoping that she didn't need much more than that when she believed it was nothing more then a training grounds for whoever called for her to see her worth. Looking out she saw a figure standing hearing the tapping which she vaguely heard from the outside the room. "I take you were the one who asked me to meet you? Her foot steps were still loud as her boots she wore stretched up past her ankles, sadly the most constricting part of her outfit. The room flickered causing the shadows of the her and the other occupants to dance. She hated the idea of fighting in such a dimly lit environment, especially when it could so easily be turned to pitch black in one swift action. Shuttering at the memories in the dark her primary goal for this fight was not to freak out and always keep one candles or torches lit at all time.

3I'll show you the ropes. Hm hm hm. Empty Re: I'll show you the ropes. Hm hm hm. Wed May 07, 2014 10:25 pm



It was a lovely day for praying at a nearby temple and so Kaekio decided to do just that. She packed up her Katana, and seven kunai. Then she placed everything in its correct place, she Katana on her back holster and her kunai in a pouch on the outside of her right thigh. She figured she didn't need much or needed to be fancy and so she put on her black vest that she always wore. Along with her gloves, pants and shoes she figured she was pretty much set. so she walked out of the door of her little house and headed to the temple. it was relatively early in the morning, a few minutes after sunrise and so she didn't expect to see anyone all day long, but oh boy was she wrong.

she reached the temple a few minutes later opened and then closed the door with no one around she proceeded to her up the steep stairs to the top of the temple where the worshiping took place. She reached the top in no time then walked over to the Massive statue. Then Kaekio set all of her stuff down on the ground behind her and then walked about one and half meters away from the statue and knelt before it, she planned to pray to the gods and ask them for a better life and what she needed to do to achieve it she. seeing as how she already had her hands together she figured it would  be best if she turned her Kekai Genkai on to tracking range. if anyone was coming she was going to know.

After about an hour of praying she felt the electricity of another human being enter the temple, judging by there movements they left the door cracked slightly open and then went to the right side of the room and waiting kind of in an awkward place. She had to assume they were behind a pillar because it made no logical sense for anyone to stand there for the next few minutes as they did. Then after a few minutes she began to her the tapping of a foot. The person below was becoming impatient. She listen to them tap their feet for a few minutes more before they moved out into the middle of the room. about this time Kaekio felt another presence come up the stairs and through the door, she could hear her high pitched voice even from where she was. "Apologies for the tardiness I was having trouble finding the place," she said then moved a little bit more forward before she said her next words. "I take you were the one who asked me to meet you?" OH a secret meeting well Kaekio figured she better not intrude upon them or at the very least let them know she was here. She stood up and released her hands now no longer being able to feel there presences she gather up her weapons and put them in their appropriate holsters. Then she headed down the stairs and once her finally reached the bottom she said "Hi names Kaekio, well Ryuzoji Kaekio if you want my full name. I figured i'd let you guys know i was here so you didn't find out about me later and believe i was eves dropping" Kaekio said with an eye smile to show she meant them no harm. but just in case she had switched her Kekai Genkai in combat range and stopped walking just perfectly within 10 meters of them both so she could sense both of them and adjust to any move they made quickly.

not sure if i should be posting chakra here or not but i will anyways atleast for this post and i will definitely be posting the justu i use


Kekai Genkai:

Chakra: 140/150 used tracking range and combat range

4I'll show you the ropes. Hm hm hm. Empty Re: I'll show you the ropes. Hm hm hm. Thu May 08, 2014 12:55 am


(This post is just to set up for the fight, so it'll be a bit short.)

At her queries, he walked up to the shrine with his eyes closed....yes, he just used the beats of the steps to find his way up....and turned around.

Shou lowered his head from briefly looking at the ceiling to let his eyes rest on the small girl. "Well. I suppose that may be true...

He took a leap, jumping onto the ceiling and  landed at the door at the top of the large flight of steps outside. When he was dropping down in midair, he managed a backflip so he could keep tabs on her---yes, he could backflip even at his age---and landed with almost acrobatic accuracy, behind the girl. From his new vantage point, he then noticed a second person, up at the shrine....he probably didn't take note of her before. At the second's approach, he effected a backwards retreating dash, toward the back wall and only portal in and out. As he did so, Shou took and discarded his tan fabric overcoat to reveal a sleeveless yellow, nearly-gold shirt underneath. (His physique wasn't something to scoff at, even with 39 years to him; the younger ones would have laughed at him, though.....) Both his Tanto were visible now, but that was no fun if she didn't know what he had in store. Well, he did have to have some tricks up his sleeve....but he would unveil those later. "Let us dance, mm? I'll even give you a prelude, with this nice simple waltz....let's begin." As he said this, the door closed, seemingly of its own volition. He had a light grip on the hilt of the shortsword on his back, and rested his hand on the one on his hip.



5I'll show you the ropes. Hm hm hm. Empty Re: I'll show you the ropes. Hm hm hm. Thu May 08, 2014 1:21 am

Miu Mai

Miu Mai

As he seamlessly walked to the altar without a care in the world, and if she had noticed his expression she would have been able to tell that he could discern his own position just from sound. Something which might have impacted her methods of taking on such an opponent. Focusing a bit harder on him she wanted to make sure she continued to keep him in her field of vision which was a shock when he leaped into the air. She couldn’t discern his age but from the sound of his voice she imagined that the stranger was and older man, but she wouldn’t have imagined he was 39. As he leaped out of vision she tried to follow his arch over her head as he backflipped a few meters above her before landing between her and the exit.

A bit startled just by his feat of jumping she gulped, this is going to be hard day. I can hardly keep focus on him normally in this dark room, how am I suppose to keep a bead on him if he moves any faster. Hearing him speak she watched as the door slid closed. Now turned she stood there preparing for her own defensive maneuver to attempt and counter whatever her opponent had plan Perhaps hidden mist or a water trumpet will throw him off balance a litte? As for his blades I can only hope that I can block them with two kunai. Quickly she reached back behind her pulling out two kunai and brandishing them in her hands like two daggers which wasn’t to far off for her someone of her short stature. She then prepared the hidden mist technique to hide herself in a cloud of mist unsure if it would really affect her opponent to much. Sweeping in from the left flank she would move as quietly as she could her boots causing the slightest clopping noise that one may have been able to pick up if concentrating she would now make her strike.

(I don't actually know how much chakra I get at my level and how much this costs @.@)

6I'll show you the ropes. Hm hm hm. Empty Re: I'll show you the ropes. Hm hm hm. Thu May 08, 2014 2:03 am



Kaekio watched the man walk blindly over to the altar. "Damn he must be able to use an eco location of some kind" she said to herself in her own head, then she shook her head and discarded the idea, it seemed irrational and foolish. "okay well if not eco location then what?" she asked her self still trying to evaluate the situation. "maybe he just really knew the place really well" she told herself and then nodded in agreement. that she could live with. Then to she watched the man jump out of his robe and do a back flip which honestly didn't surprise her much knowing the shinobi had a full range of physical capabilities and nothing really surprised her anymore, well shinobi wise anyways. what did surprise her was the man carrying two small blades with holes in them. At that point she knew a battle was about to ensue. so she carefully looked over each of the other to people in the room and tried to evaluate them. they both seemed to be genin the girl not exprienced with weapons much seeing as how she was just pulling out two kunai, but the other man was well versed in the art of the sword seeing as how he was wielding to of them, and so she unsheathed her rusty katana and put her hand up to blade. Then she infused her Raiton Chakra into the blade and when she released her hand the blade began to glow a bright blue. Then she stood back and watched as the other person, a girl, used her hidden mist justu in hopes of throwing of him? Kaekio? Both of them? Kaekio couldn't be sure, but all she could do was smile because hidden mist had absolutely no effect on her capabilities what so ever and once the other girl started to flank left Kaekio ran straight into the fog still being able to sense both of other two people in the room seeing as how they were both still within 10 meters of Kaekio, the girl being 6 meters away and the man being right on the border and being 10 meters away, but just close enough to where she could sense his presence, then she stopped in the middle of the fog and took a battle stance knowing full well that her enemies where at a much greater disadvantage they kaekio herself. Now what other things had she noticed that she could use. Well the other girl was a water style user, that could help Kaekio out in the long run, if she got the male trapped in water, i would be one minor justu to send some raiton in there and electrocute him, also she had an eye patch over one eye which would drastically decrease her field of view and with kaekio's field of view being three hundred and sixty degrees with anything that was electric she was fine. Now say for the male Kaekio hadn't seen much of except for the fact that he wielded swords and so there was nothing much Kaekio could plan about that one, other than that staying in this fog was a far as she knew one of her best bets at the moment.

all below this line is ooc

Justu chakra and all other things that need adressing
first things first @Mai unless your clan states otherwise you as a genin have 150 chakra now a d rank justu will use of 10 of that and so now your at 140

Second My weapon
Rusty Katana:

third of all the justu i used
Justu used:

and lastly my chakra levels (because im still unsure if we are going this anyways)
Chakra: 120/150 because i maintained combat range current perception and i started up Raiton style:Blue blade

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