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1May Donation Month Empty May Donation Month Thu May 01, 2014 7:41 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn



2May Donation Month Empty Re: May Donation Month Thu May 01, 2014 7:43 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

I'll be actively chasing the people who grab the following;

* Rank up
* More then 25 chakra
* Hiruzen's Will
* Obito's Fortitude
* Sasuke's Retribution
* Hidan's, if the person that has this brags about immortality
* Kisame's Conviction, meh, not sure about this one.

I come from the era where we used to hunt Uchiha people on forums. This won't be a problem for me.

I hope you'll join in arms.

3May Donation Month Empty Re: May Donation Month Thu May 01, 2014 7:48 pm



My comment on these, as well as Michaels were removed from the actual thread. I will not be RPing with individuals who have those/id be certainly willing to hunt and shut them down alongside you. It's not fair to be able to "pay 2 win."

4May Donation Month Empty Re: May Donation Month Thu May 01, 2014 7:56 pm



Laido wrote:Hello Ni! I have been a member for some time, though on different accounts and such. My name is Roy, and I've loved saga and it's community since the moment I joined. I would like to give my opinion on what you have here. Now, to start, I am totally willing to donate here and there to the site, even with no compensation, just for the sake of the site. I also completely understand the need for fun things like this to get people actively donating. As for the my opinion: I believe the Dojutsu, Word Count reductions, and immunities to certain elements are alright for this. I do not support the actual huge things such as Orochimarus Research, Hidans Faith, and Obito's Fortitude. I have played enough F2P Pay 2 win games in my lifetime to know that this is likely not something you want involved in saga. Please consider my concerns, they are with Saga in heart.

Ayakashi wrote:Yeah, this is BS pay-to-win and it kills sites, I'm really, really against this micro-transaction. Immortality is a pure god-mod and is banned for good reason. Also, paying $50 USD for a 'rank up' is stupid as hell. EDIT: The buy a Doujutsu is even worse... This is the lowest i've seen saga.

I'm sorry, this makes me really, really mad. So forgive my attitude.

It undermines the work of active role players, does not inspire activity, promotes toxic game-play as well as superseding the rules and is an overall sell out for the site just to cash in. The pricings are ludicrous as well and are highly inequitable. I hope, NO-ONE purchases into this, at all, all month, and I won't be role-playing with the people who do.

This is my official complaint.

Yeah, please don't remove these, I'll post them back~ They're legitimate complaints about this, if you wanna talk about them behind closed doors, fine, but deleting comments is rather uncalled for.

Yeah, I'll not be roleplaying with anyone who buys power, is a bullshit sell out to snag cash and ignoring well established site rules. If I encounter people who bought power, they're dead.

5May Donation Month Empty Re: May Donation Month Thu May 01, 2014 8:22 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

[02:48:20] @ Ni : The fucking shop is a hoax.

... Awkward

6May Donation Month Empty Re: May Donation Month Fri May 02, 2014 12:41 am

Shieldtsu Nel

Shieldtsu Nel

Thread was removed. The Q.Q worked!

7May Donation Month Empty Re: May Donation Month Fri May 02, 2014 1:15 am



lol it was a joke

8May Donation Month Empty Re: May Donation Month Fri May 02, 2014 2:05 am

Shieldtsu Nel

Shieldtsu Nel

It seemed like a lot of effort was put into that joke. o.o

9May Donation Month Empty Re: May Donation Month Fri May 02, 2014 9:08 am



Well I'm glad I missed this. Not a very funny joke o.i

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