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1Socialism? [/Private] Empty Socialism? [/Private] Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:53 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


Friday Evening,

"Socialism?... Socialism.. s..s-so--soc SOCIALISM!?"

Nick yelled, in the middle of a tavern. It was friday night again, and just like any other Friday every drunk in town were to be found at NightingBlue's Inn. Nick was accompanied by three people, well, three strangers. He yelled and laughed, along with the strangers. Nicks cheeks were red, this, tonight, really was going to be a night of drinking and revelation calling. Nick grabbed a big glass of beer and slammed it backwards, his cheeks somewhat puffy as he was having the time of his life.

"Let ME tell YOU something about... SOCIALISM OKAY. If I gave YOU a piece of PEN... I mean, if I gave you a PEN. Not a piece, but a COMPLETE FULL PEN. YES, THAT IS RIGHT. A FULL PEN. Now.. this pen right, lets say, I ask you to write you,  your own name. But someone else has to write your name down holding YOUR pen."

Nick forgot what he had to say and stopped in the middle of his sentence.

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2Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:35 pm



The strange man was ranting about socialism of all things. And in a way that made no sense. Still this was his way of evicting himself from his room that he had more or less made a habit of residing in more then was healthy. As a doctor he knew getting out into the public was a much healthier behavior. Still He sipped at his glass of milk, after all having knowledge of what alcohol does to ones body he naturally avoided the stuff. Still he set his glass of milk down and listened to the ranting for a moment before he himself spoke in return. His calm voice was cool as was his presence. His blue eyes shining with the clarity that came with being Sober.

"Would you prefer that one man had a gold pen, Another a pencil and the last one left to draw with a crayon? Socialism isn't about Others taking control from you but rather the idea that everyone should have a pen that is willing to contribute."

3Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:41 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


"MHMM. I get your point, really. But what if we ask these 2 people with a golden pen and a crayon to draw a big painting. This painting needs to be sufficient enough to be the next picasso right? But, this painting needs a stunning title written on top. The artists name for example, 'Picasso', though the ink of the golden pen is very limited. Would you have a mediocre painting, or a painting that is what'cha ma call it, stunning. With a good handwritten autograph of the artist that brings the focus away from the crayon-painting, which makes people believe that the artist is somewhat fancy, but goes for simplistic ways to portray his or her art?"

Nick said in one big sentence.

Current Word Post (this post included): 306
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4Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:36 am



Rippa would sit and stair at his milk for a moment. He really didn't like politics. But politics meant order. And Order usually meant peace. Still he listened for a time. The man was comparing it to art at the moment. Apparently something about a signature to show the quality of the painting. Either way he was growing less and less interested in metaphors.

"Socialism is meant to have an equal community. One can recognize another's accomplishments with out adjusting the wealth balance. Each individual in a perfect socialist community would have to bring something important to the table. It is not impossible but at the same time not meant for everyone. Not everyone can be a picasso. So what if the socialists where all gold pen holders? Would the community thrive? If the socialists were all crayon holders would they die?"

5Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Thu May 01, 2014 6:39 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


"Pfffft. If everyone had a decent pen, the painting would be too casual and somewhat mundane. Something special... is much better.

You know what'd be good? Dictatorship if dictators were intelligent and not crazy. I suppose it runs in the family of dictators. Which makes me think... you know, wouldn't the first dictator to rule a country be the best one? I mean, got the power of the country himself. Which makes him smart, the second dictator following after him would also be decent, but everything after that would be quite shite. Don't you think?"

Nick said, taking a big sip of his beer.

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6Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Thu May 01, 2014 8:26 pm



Rippa sat there a moment. He didn't think the quality of the tool used made the art but the quality of the artist. If one needed something special to succeed then success would only be limited to those who could obtain what was special first. But then the topic changed. Dictatorship. A word most associated the feeling of anger towards. And yet this man he had just met praised it. Slowly Rippa spoke once more.

"There is always a difference between a dictator and a ruler. A ruler is wise and considers the people and what is best for his kingdom. A dictator chooses what suits his plans best. A dictator can never succeed because people will always fight against what challenges their free will. Maybe not the first hundred or thousand people. But history shows it only takes one person, one act to turn a nation against a fiendish dictator."

7Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Thu May 01, 2014 10:27 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


"Zehahaha! Touche, stranger! "

Nick yelled. Leaning back as he ordered three more large mugs of beer. He was quite drunk already, but he could hold his alcohol quite well.

"I was actually thinking of creating a place of my own. you know, a big place. Like a village. Heh, maybe with an organization. Mercenaries in this world are treated too coldly. Damn villages always high and mighty with their power and arrogance. Makes me angry, ya know."

Nick said, talking about Daybreak. By now means he was offering a spot into his organisation, his tongue just slipped and he said more then he should have said to these strangers, but his mind wasn't where his tongue currently was.

Current Word Post (this post included): 532
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8Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Thu May 01, 2014 10:36 pm



Rippa watched as more beer arrived. An eye brow raised at the amount of alcohol consumption. Already he had thought of plans for what to do in case of alcohol poisoning. Still his thoughts were interrupted by the mans new statement. With a concerned tone he spoke once more.

"And what exactly would draw mercenaries to this new land of yours? You need an ideal that only attracts the right kind of mercenary I would think. What keeps these people from going homicidal?"

9Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Thu May 01, 2014 10:42 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


"I've thought this through, I can't really spill the beans on the inner details, but I can guarantee you... you will see it soon. I'll grab the world by its interest., soon enough."

Nick said, grabbing the handle of a mug and chugging it one one big chug. A trail of beer trailing down his cheek as he leaned back some more.

"Power. Power keeps people in check. before I'm planning on doing something this grand, I plan on gathering much more power before proceeding."

Current Word Post (this post included): 621
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10Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Thu May 01, 2014 10:47 pm



A concerned frown crossed Rippa's face. His milk forgotten on the table as he studied the stranger before him. They had just met but already something about all of what was being said was concerning him. A new nation of mercenaries? controlled by power? That sounded like the beginnings of a militarized coup d'etat. If that happened only chaos would follow.

"Power sounds like fear to me. Which puts you down as a dictator instead of a ruler. And we already went over why dictators fail. Your talking about taking on the world with power against power. I don't know how a new nation could survive that. So much life would be caught in the crossfire. And the land would burn."

11Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Thu May 01, 2014 10:54 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


"Like I said before, the first dictator to rule a country is always the most intelligent one. Since after all, he found ways of obtaining said power and maintaining it. Alas, as long as I make sure my predecessor isn't a dumbwit, I can see something grand. Positivity has to start somewhere right?"

Nick said, he was in the mood for some fried bacon. He was glad that this bar made those, he ordered a plate as the other two strangers left. It was just Nick and the other fellow he was talking to who were left.

Current Word Post (this post included): 719
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12Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Thu May 01, 2014 11:00 pm



Rippa could scarcely believe the unhealthy habits of the stranger in front of him. Drinking and eating bacon like it was going out of style. Surely the man wasn't concerned with organ failure. Still as much as he hated hurting others dreams he worried for others as well. To the point that he could not remain quiet. He was silent a moment letting the man eat before he spoke once more. A concerned tone all the same.

"And the fact that there will be a second dictator tells you something. Dictators really don't ever retire, Or grow old. They face mortality at a much younger age then most. Often in the most violent ways. You may not fear death but the path of a dictator surely leads down that road. The next dictator in a world like ours will likely follow you closely as well. While your ideals may be the best, As a dictator you may not live long enough to push them through to the end. Your ideals likely ending with you."

13Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Thu May 01, 2014 11:07 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


"I don't fear death. Death fears me. When I die, I'm not stuck in hell. Hell is stuck with me. And I know that my life won't end peacefully. To be honest, I died many years ago. Today? Meh, life's not really in me anymore. I should have died many years ago, but I couldn't. I was too selfish and self-absorbed. Now I just enjoy causing pain to those who are not familiar with it. Be it through commeradery or through physical injuries. "

Nick was saying some pretty weird stuff, which was caused by the fact that he was drunk. He grabbed the place of bacon and began devouring it. Nick was by no means very lusty, he just had an appetite that could feed a tiger for a month.

Current Word Post (this post included): 855
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14Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Thu May 01, 2014 11:16 pm



Sadness filled Rippa's blue eyes as he shook his head. The man was already dead he said. He just wanted to inflict pain on others. All of the sudden Rippa was not sure he would save the man if he started to die right in front of him. Torn from his vow as a medic and his fear of what would become of the world if this man was allowed to rule with such a mind. Still he took in a breath and calmed himself before speaking. His voice wavering with pity.

"And of the innocent people, the children who never knew hate and pain that you will find in your path? Will you butcher them and let the blood mark your path? What good will a nation do if it's leader knows not of compassion? What good can come of all that pain? Do you not suffer? Do you truly wish others to suffer as you do? To be as dead inside as you describe. It's a terrible fate. I do not wish it on you or others in your path."

15Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Fri May 02, 2014 9:06 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


"Nobody  in  this  world  is  innocent. Everyone has their own sins, including me, you, the bartender and every person in this bar, every person on the streets and everyone in Konohagakure, and everyone around Konohagakure, the entire world.  But I'm no martyr, I won't do things recklessly. After all, everyone deserves to live a fair life. I'm not their god to stop that life from blooming. I'm just a meaning to an end."

He stopped drinking, he was drunk still, but he figured since it was late into the night, it would be time to sober up soon. He wiped up the beer that was on his cheek and looked the stranger into his eyes. These were kind eyes. It was rare.

Current Word Post (this post included): 981
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16Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Sat May 03, 2014 12:58 am



Guilt struck him for a moment. The scene still so clear in his head. The man ripped in half, his upper torso pinned to the door and his lower half several feet away. The blood rage within him was terrifying. But did it make him just another murderer? Was his loss of control so devastating? Was he just another lost soul bound for hell? He swallowed, his throat felt dry but for the moment he was lost in emotion. Still his blue eyes wavered. Showing admittance that even he was a sinner before he stood up. His chair clattering to the floor as memory of all the blood filled his vision.

"I...I have to go. I don't agree with ruling with an Iron fist. Too much...too much blood will spill."

With that he stumbled away from the table. Into the bathroom and straight to the toilet where he began to vomit from the memory.

17Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Sun May 04, 2014 6:47 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


Nick shrugged. Thinking that the stranger was somewhat weak mentally. He leaned back on his chair, two legs off the ground as he put his feet on the table. It was odd how easy the stranger was moved, if he told some of the realest horror stories that happened to him in the past he would probably faint. Like the time he was in the east and children aged four and five jumped on enemy experienced ninjas to kill them, sacrificing their own lives. Most of the time, they wouldn't bring them with them anyway, the ninjas would substitute out. Nick ran his fingers through his hair as another stranger joined the table, he was drinking ale and said that he heard what they were talking about, it seemed like he was interested. Nick chuckled and continued to talk, about a lighter subject.

Current Word Post (this post included): 1125
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18Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Sun May 04, 2014 10:44 pm



Slowly Rippa finished vomiting and moved to the sink. Using the cool water there to wash off his hands and then his face and finally rinse out his mouth. Slowly his blue eye'd gaze rose to look into the mirror. Staring at his own reflection. So out of all the time just the mention of murdering people brought back those memories. The awareness of how if he was injured he might kill everyone in the bar horribly. Being around drunks even sober was risky. If one of them accidentally let him bleed then he could lose it. The curse he knew he had to bare as a member of the chi clan. Still he spoke with a determined tone.

'You are not the monster inside. You are a man and a doctor. You will not fall to pieces and kill them. You are here to try out a social life and so you shall. Get back out there."

And so he did. After a moment of wavering he pulled himself away from the sink. Moving back out into the area he moved to the table and sat back down. A warm smile on his face as if nothing had happened. Still it concerned him how a man as belligerent as he must be was so keen to accomplish his goals no matter the cost.

"I can't accept that honestly. I refuse to. War is just the simplest solution to ones pride being fluffed up. You think you can rule with power. But I don't think I see that much power in you. Either forget it and face reality that others would quickly kill you before letting you accomplish such a thing or foolishly and blindly step into that path. Inevitably it will put us at odds. But I implore you to remember this if you remember anything tonight. If your plans ever come after some one I care for or am protecting, You and I shall meet without the kind words. And blood will rain down on us."

19Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Mon May 05, 2014 7:19 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


Nick slightly raised his brow. The stranger was getting on his nerves, he felt a slight superiority complex coming from him. Nick yawned into his hand and stood up. He was picking his tooth since bits of bacon was stuck between it. He had ordered another plate, which made the room smell like bacon slightly.

"You don't know battle, you might have seen it, but you haven't felt it. Do you smell that? That's the smell of burning meat, I've smelt it for days way back when, except that it wasn't normal meat, it was human meat."

Nick said with a grin as he was about to leave.

Current Word Post (this post included): 1235
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20Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Tue May 06, 2014 4:03 am



Rippa watched him. His warm blue gaze was gone mostly. Something in his eyes seemed cold. And yet, Some how his expression was that of pity. Still the man ordered yet another helping of bacon and rose to his feet. While Rippa remained sitting. Watching the man. It was then the man spoke. Claiming Rippa didn't know battle. How he may have seen it but he hadn't felt it. For a moment Rippa smirked and rolled his eyes. Until the mention of burnt meat was brought up. His smirk faded before he spoke quietly.

"Burnt meat? Not so much. But the smell of blood and the feel of it crusting on the skin. The rank smell the dead give off as the flesh rots away. I know these smells. The feel of trying to scoop someones insides into their body even though they are already dead in order to make it seem less horrific. How the flesh squishes like something sick oozing between your fingers. That I know. That I have been a part of."

Still even as quiet as he had said it the others within ear shot got quiet. Their appetites gone along with their jovial mood. Still Rippa's eyes went to the window looking outside. Trying desperately to focus on anything other then remembering the feeling and the smell, yet alone the sight of it.

21Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Tue May 06, 2014 1:06 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


Nick was surprised, he didn't expect someone so 'honorable', and 'innocent' as him to have seen the face of battle with their own eyes and felt it. He smiled slightly, his smile was somewhat twisted though. Nick truly brought out the evil of the hearts of many. It made him happy, to see people act emotionally how they otherwise wouldn't. To show Nick what they normally don't show around other people. Nick was planning on leaving soon, but his ears perked up slightly. Whenever his ears perked up it meant that he was in the mood to continue the conversation.

Nick smiled a little. He looked up and saw the ceiling of the tavern. It was made from wood. Or as one would say teak wood. Nice wood, Nick thought. It sure would go up in flames. It made Nick wonder how old this tavern was? Or rather, how old was this village anyway. He saw some thick trees in the outer part of the village. Which indicated that the trees in this village were being cut and then replanted. It was rather strange. Nick wasn't sure why they would do such though.

Maybe it's because the trees were artificial. As he was staring more and more into the roof he realized that this village didn't make much sense. He squinted his eyes a little. The wood wasn't teak, it was oak. Which was even more odd since most of the trees in Konohagakure were Teak. Nick was thinking so hard that it was almost visibly noticeable that he was thinking. He then cleared his mind, it was a silly thing to think about. He moved his head back and saw the lady behind the bar, wiping up the counter because she clumsily had spilled beer on it. Wasn't her mistake, but it was interesting to see people act humane.

In his years of wearing a dark pair of glasses in front of his own eyes his vision got clouded with dark thoughts. Maybe it was time to clear them and replace the lenses in his classes into something much more clearer. Since he needed to think as clear as he can. thinking was important. Without thinking, he would do things recklessly. He looked back at the stranger who confronted him about his evil thinking. Knowing that any more provocation from Nicks side might escalate the discussion and they'd fight.

He would guess that he had a fair shot of winning the fight, but he'd lose the war. Because anbu's would decide to jump on his back and hump it until Nick hits the ground with his face. Which is something he would avoid at all costs. Thus he decided to lighten up a little, speak not-his mind, but his filtered mind. It was disguised enough for the stranger not to notice now. But, perhaps if he gets to know Nick a whole lot more he'd notice that he's not speaking his mind.

"The world is a bad place. Not because of humanity, but because we make it so. Adapting is difficult, some people decide to adapt by closing out their heart with a wall of power, some with a wall of witty insults- and sarcasm. Others, like me, use ignorance."

Nick said, for a moment he sounded very, very lonely.

And thus he did, whilst being neutral and not so provocative like he was before. A bit more understanding, to share some light on his perspective for the stranger perhaps to understand. And thus the two would speak deeper into the night. What a time to be alive.


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Last edited by Nick Saturn on Fri May 09, 2014 6:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

22Socialism? [/Private] Empty Re: Socialism? [/Private] Wed May 07, 2014 6:42 pm



Rippa sat there and watched for a time as the man seemed to stare at the ceiling. Something he had said triggered a memory perhaps? He let his eyes follow the mans gaze after a moment but all he saw was the ceiling. Perhaps the man was so lost in his thoughts he was seeing something else. Or all that alcohol had messed the man up enough he was either seeing things or unaware of himself just standing there staring at the ceiling. Either way it was clear to him that the man himself was odd. Or at the very least different then the average bar hopper. Still he watched him cautiously. His experience with the inebriated was a poor choice in actions. As if their reasoning was dulled. One hand slowly slipped under the table prepared to make hand signs quickly if need be. But not hostile actions or hints of them seemed to be happening. A noise made him tense up for a second before he realized the woman at the bar had spilled something. He sighed a moment and forced himself to relax as she made a little bit of commotion cleaning it up. He was getting tense and he wasn't even sure why The man was obviously drunk and drunk people say strange things. Probably don't even remember it in the morning.

Still the man turned to him and spoke again. Talking about closed hearts. And how so many had them. That was true enough. He had met a lot of people who had hardened themselves to the world. Each with their own history of tragedy or dark experiences. The world was not designed as a kind place. Power led to pain but without power one could not protect themselves from that pain. The weak were prey but that made the strong predators. And no matter how hard one tried they could not be the hero in everyone's eyes. But that wasn't a reason to give up. Not for him anyways. He refused to let that be what defined him as a person. If it was ignorance that built the walls of his heart then he would let that be what kept him going. Too much depended on him being strong. Maybe even one day he would need to stop the sad sounding man before him. Though he doubted his own power would be the one that clashed with the mans. Some one would always be there to fight. He just needed his power to be enough to save some one. Failure was not an option. Failure might even crush him. Still the man returned to his seat. As the night drew on the discussed non important topics for a time. But eventually closing time came about and emotionally and mentally exhausted he made his way home. He would fill in a report on the discussion in the morning. Likely it would be set aside in some file and forgotten. Tossed aside as a drunk mans ranting. But still there just in case.

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