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1A little shopping trip.  Empty A little shopping trip. Mon Apr 21, 2014 5:08 pm

Hyuuga Chihiro

Hyuuga Chihiro

Chihiro had snuck away from the estate and away for her taijutsu lesson to go to the market district. She wanted to get the ingredients to make herself a yummy sukiyaki for dinner. Chihiro's father was away from the village on business so she had more freedom than normal which was nice. Her hair blew light breeze as she walked pleasantly around the market district. However, due to her eyes, everyone was looking at Chihiro. It couldn't be helped seeing as she was a hyuuga. As she continued to walk down the busy street, she happened upon someone who look liked they needed help. So, Chihiro hesitantly called out to the person. "Are you ok? Do you need help?"

2A little shopping trip.  Empty Re: A little shopping trip. Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:04 am



She was the only one 

who wasn't looking


It wasn't often that Shizuka Houkyaku got more than the necessary hours of sleep. Even more so that she slept through till dawn. 
Most nights, she would just fade from one darkness to the other. Tossing and turning; shifting restless on her thread bare mattress, tangled in damp sheets and lumpy pillows. Wrestling with the conflict in her thoughts until her mind finally...finally gave in to exhaustion.
No.... no last night had been different. She had felt different. After getting back from her strange encounter in the forest and feeling her way back to the shoe-box cabin she called a home, the Chunin had settled down by the window. By the cracks where the breeze crept through and with a blanket loosely over her knees, she had found a comfortable peace to settle in to. It could not have been more... perfect. Well....

Almost. Perfect. 

The late morning had come with new feelings but these ones.... they were familiar. That deep uncomfortable pit in her stomach. The pounding behind where her eyes should be. The young female was starving
Between waking up the day before, getting lost in the forest, and finding new strangers to follow, she had not once thought to stop and eat. She had bought books with pages of brail, she had found clear water to ease the passing of medication. Shizuka had even found a packet of bird seed for the red breasted robin at her shoulder. But by the time she realised her house was as baron as the clearing she had rested in for the most of yesterday, it was too late. And the sapphire black haired female had drifted off to that simple word behind the deeper darkness of sleep. 

But come day break, there was nothing stopping her.

Kicking off the blankets from her legs, and peeling herself from the sun warmed flood boards, Shizuka slowly heaved herself up. Stretching out the stiffness from last night with every well placed step. Then, with one hand tracing the wall's outline, one feeling for the clothes draped carelessly over a chair, Shizuka stumbled off to the bathroom to get ready for the day. After was already getting late in the morning and she wanted to be out and home before the people started to flock to the market. Bringing their stares and judging looks with them. 


It would take a little while. 

But with her long dark hair brushed back in to a rushed pony tail, and well worn, blue kimono covering the black tights and slight form. It was only a matter of an hour before she was stepping carefully out on to the streets, counting the footsteps to the market place in the center of town. The one place where she had been avoiding the entire time of living in this village. And the moment she stepped in to that street though, the female remembered why.
It was noisy. It was busy. It was making her head ache. And with every corner she tiptoed around, another clumsy oaf not looking...not caring would bump in to her, knocking her in to the next...and the next... until her miniscule sense of direction was turned around so much she ended up heading the wrong way. Again and again.
In the end it just made the young woman think: would it be different if she could see? Id she came here under different circumstances?
Or would people still look down at her like she was touched by a curse, just because she didn't get around the same way they did. 

At least....they had found some thing else to gawk at this time around.


"Are you okay? Do you need help?"

She was standing at the fruit stall when the soft voice reached her. 
The seemingly innocent tones calling out over the endless rumble of footsteps, like an avalanche in her ears. It took her a minute for her blindfolded eyes to find where it came from...but when she did, her stern placid expression softened in to what could have been a smile.

"Ummm...I'm not sure. I need to pick up some rice and some apples but I...I can't seem to find where they sell them. 
There's a lot of people out today" 

Almost as if to prove a point, she placed her hand on on orange, feeling the dimpled skin under her steady fingers, then the almost waxy banana skin under her touch. Apples...they felt smooth and cool but there were none here that she could tell. Neither was the rice. 
Shizuka hated shopping days. Going out was hard. 
She just hoped that this person didn't mean to be like the others. And turn away the second she showed them that she was that little bit different from all the average Shinobi that had elbowed past. 

Word: 827 

3A little shopping trip.  Empty Re: A little shopping trip. Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:50 am

Hyuuga Chihiro

Hyuuga Chihiro

This rp is canceled immediately

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