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1Aisu, Yuudai (Jutsu List Update) Empty Aisu, Yuudai (Jutsu List Update) Tue Apr 29, 2014 6:16 pm



Jutsu List

Name: Transformation Technique (変化の術 ~ Henge no Jutsu)
Canon/Custom: Canon.
Rank: E.
Type: Supplementary.
Element: None.
Range: Self.
Specialty: Ninjutsu.
Duration: -5 every other post.
Cooldown: Duration +1 post.
Description: Given all the missions ninja are assigned to--battle, intelligence gathering, diversions--this is a priceless ninjutsu. It is typically used to change into people other than oneself, but one also has the ability to change into animals, plants, and even inanimate objects like weapons; however, the object can be no smaller than 1 foot long in at least one dimension. Despite this, this technique has an abundance of uses. The transformation of a master of this technique (which is generally an Academy graduation requirement) makes the user physically and visually the same as the transformed person or object in question, giving the user the exact mass and physical qualities of whatever they transformed into. This is one of the most basic ninjutsu, as such most shinobi know how to perform it. This technique does not give a ninja the abilities or jutsu of a person they transform into, nor can give the user the damaging ability of a weapon (however, this can be used as a bluff). Sensory techniques can easily pick out someone transformed using this jutsu: the user's chakra would be active, as well as the fact that their biological functions and scent are not masked by this jutsu. Costs 5 chakra on activation, and an additional 5 chakra every other post after that.

Doppelganger Technique (影分身の術 ~ Bunshin no Jutsu)
Canon/Custom: Canon.
Rank: E.
Type: Supplementary.
Element: None.
Range: Clones can go up to 15 meters away from the user before dispersing.
Specialty: Ninjutsu.
Duration: Clones last until dissipated or cancelled.
Cooldown: Five posts after all clones are dispersed.
Description: Using this technique, the user can create up to five intangible clones that appear physically identical to the user; these are created within 3 meters of the caster. The clones do not disturb the area around them, don't have shadows or body heat, and as such, in applicable situations, ninja can pick them out with varying difficulty. The clone has no physical form, and as such cannot attack. When any foreign presence passes through the clone, be it physical (a fist, a rock, a sword) or an opponent's jutsu, the clone will dissipate. It's mainly used to help mask the user, helping them attack an opponent who is superior at dodging. It costs 5 chakra to create clones.

Name: Substitution Technique (変わり身の術 ~ Kawarimi no Jutsu)
Canon/Custom: Canon.
Rank: E.
Type: Supplementary.
Element: None.
Range: One prepared item in the user's clear line of sight.
Speciality: Ninjutsu.
Duration: 1 post preparation. Infinite postponement, Instant activation.
Cooldown: 6 posts after activation.
Description: The Substitution Technique is an age-old skill which enables the user to evade the effects of an attack by switching with an item in the area. (The item---or substantial clone---used for a Substitute must be as large as the user's torso, and must be prepared at least 1 post in advance by infusing it with 5 chakra.) Activating this jutsu for another 5 chakra, the ninja moves at untraceable speed for just a moment, and the item does so as well to take the user's place; the ninja leaves behind a flickering after-image for a second, which, if damaged, releases the chakra which holds it in place in a small smoke cloud, revealing the nature of the technique and the item they have switched with. Higher-rank ninjas' afterimages are able to show some of the signs of natural impact as if it were an actual human, if only for a very short period, before 'poofing'. The user coming out of the technique creates a similar audio and visual cue with a small cloud of translucent smoke and a 'poofing' sound on appearance in the location of the item they Substituted with. This technique causes the user to move at speeds untraceable to human perception, and therefore even the user cannot coordinate attacks during the Kawarimi, or activate any other jutsu. They, however, can maneuver near someone and then attack them after the fast-movement is finished.

Name: Genjutsu Dissipation (幻術解 ~ Genjutsu Kai)
Canon/Custom: Canon.
Rank: E.
Type: Defensive/Supplementary.
Element: None.
Range: Self.
Specialty: Genjutsu.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Cooldown: 4 posts.
Description: A technique taught at the Ninja Academy requiring chakra control. By using Kai, a ninja disrupts their own flow of chakra, then starts it again. This allows a ninja to escape from illusions, provided he or she has figured out that a Genjutsu is active. Ninja can use this ability on their comrades to save them from genjutsu, and possibly other techniques that invade their chakra system. It is possible for this technique to fail, if the user misjudges the power of the genjutsu and does not put in enough chakra to stop their chakra flow.

This is an E-ranked technique, but has variable chakra costs.

  • Genin: 20 chakra for a D-ranked Genjutsu, 40 for C. Genin cannot dispel B-ranked Genjutsu.
  • Chuunin: 30 chakra for a C-ranked Genjutsu, 50 for B. Chuunin cannot dispel A-ranked Genjutsu.
  • Special Jounin: 40 chakra for a B-ranked Genjutsu, 60 for A. Toku-Jou cannot dispel S-ranked Genjutsu.
  • Jounin: 50 chakra for an A-ranked Genjutsu, 70 for S. Jounin cannot dispel SS-ranked Genjutsu.
  • Sannin/Kage: 60 chakra for an S-ranked Genjutsu, 90 for SS. Only Genjutsu that specifically say that they cannot be Dissipated (such as Tsukuyomi) are the exception.

~Kai can dispel multiple genjutsu at once, but only on the user or another person, not both. The highest-rank genjutsu costs the normal amount to Dissipate, then the second costs the normal amount -5, the third -10, and so on. So, if a genin was caught under a C-rank and two D-rank genjutsu, it would cost 40 chakra to dispel the C-rank jutsu, 15 to dispel the first D-rank, and 10 to dispel the second D-rank.

Name: Supernatural Walking Practice (Shūgyō'shikachō ~ 修業歩然超)
Canon/Custom: Canon.
Rank: E.
Type: Supplementary.
Element: None.
Range: Self.
Specialty: Taijutsu (Chakra Flow).
Duration: -5 chakra every 3 posts (every 2 posts if using on water).
Cooldown: None
Description: Supernatural Walking Practice is a basic ninja technique. It involves using chakra flow to channel chakra to one's hands or feet, allowing him/her to walk on, or cling to, surfaces that normally do not allow it. This includes, but is not limited to, walls/ceilings, trees, and even water. Should the flow of chakra stop for any reason, the user will immediately fall off of the surface they are walking on, or plunge underwater.

Name: Generic Sealing Technique (Han'yō Fūin no Jutsu ~ 汎用封印の術)
Canon/Custom: Canon.
Rank: E.
Type: Supplementary.
Element: None.
Range: Direct contact.
Specialty: Fūinjutsu.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Cooldown: None.
Description: This technique is a standard ninja skill which allows a ninja to summon an assortment of items that have been stored using fūinjutsu. Scrolls are the most common choice for item storage. When needed, the owner will activate the seals releasing their item or weapon of choice, either on the ground or in-hand.
The jutsu can be used to either store an item in something or to summon it from something, but it can’t do both.
This jutsu can only seal the user's items, or items that were stolen from a target for more than 3 posts, or items stolen from a KO'd or killed character.
This jutsu has a variable chakra cost depending on the item summoned from the scroll/other item.

  • E-Rank: Zero Chakra.
  • D-Rank: Zero Chakra.
  • C-Rank: Five Chakra.
  • B-Rank: Five Chakra.
  • A-Rank: Ten Chakra.
  • S-Rank: Ten Chakra.
  • SS-Rank: Fifteen Chakra.

The items used to seal something with this technique need to bought in the item shop.

Name: Item Reinforcing Technique (Hokyō'in no Jutsu ~ 補強品の術)
Canon/Custom: Custom.
Rank: E.
Type: Supplementary.
Element: None.
Range: Self.
Specialty: Bukijutsu (Chakra Flow).
Duration: One post.
Cooldown: Five posts.
Description: The ninja uses their chakra to coat an item, weapon, or armor in their possession with a sheath of energy. This protects the chosen item from interactions with jutsu and allows it to withstand impact from a technique and not break, though it will still offer no protection from damage, other than what it normally would. The chakra cost for this jutsu is dependent on the rank of the item being reinforced.

  • D-Rank: Five Chakra.
  • C-Rank: Five Chakra.
  • B-Rank: Ten Chakra.
  • A-Rank: Ten Chakra.
  • S-Rank: Fifteen Chakra.
  • SS-Rank: Twenty Chakra.

Name: Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique (Magen: Narakumi no Jutsu ~ 魔幻・奈落見の術)
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: Victim must be 15 metres or less from caster during casting, and the caster must maintain visual contact while putting the genjutsu into action. Once cast, range from caster and eye contact is irrelevant.
Specialty: Genjutsu
Duration: 3 posts or until dispelled
Cooldown: 6 posts
Description: Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique is a basic Genjutsu that plays on the instinctual fears of the victim. The user simply forms the Rat Hand seal, disrupting the chakra flow of the intended victim. They will then see any potential environmental hazards, such as dirt, sand, grass, leaves or snow, begin to spin and spiral as though caught in a cyclone, cloaking the transition and making it more believable for the victim to believe what follows. Once the diversionary show is over, the user will see their greatest fear manifested. For example, if someone is afraid of scorpions, they would see something like the one they love most being slaughtered by countless scorpions. This does not need to be a fear the caster knows of, as the fear is developed by the victim's mind. The obvious nature of this technique means that even the most fresh of Genin can tell they're in a genjutsu once they have had time to recover from the initial terror of the sights they have seen, and therefore the practical application of this comes not from keeping them in the Genjutsu, but from exploiting the moment of panic it creates once the victim sees the traumatic vision.

Name: Ice Release: Demonic Ice Crystal Mirrors (Hyōton: Makyō Hyōshō ~ 氷遁・魔鏡氷晶)
Canon/Custom: Custom.
Rank: D-A
Type: Defensive.
Element: Hyouton.
Range: Short(0-5m), Medium(5-10m)
Specialty: Ninjutsu.
Duration: one turn
Cooldown: D-C: 3 turns. B: 4 turns. A: 5 turns. S: 7 Turns
Description: These mirrors are an unique form of resistant ice the Aisu clan members use to defend. They can create multiple thickness forms of this mirror to block increasingly powerful attacks, or to simply reposition in air.

D Rank:
The user creates a paper thin sheet of see-through ice. It will shatter on contact with a rudimentary projectile or a forceful blow. It can stop D rank jutsu but will break in the process.

C Rank:
The user creates a solid, inch thick sheet of non-translucent ice. It can block C rank techniques.

B Rank:
The user creates a layer of five thick, inch thick sheets of ice, each with an inch of space between them. This shield can block up to B rank techniques.

A Rank:
The user creates a layer of five thick, 4 inch sheets of ice, each with an inch of space between them. This shield can block up to A rank techniques.

Name: Ice Release: Ice Needles (Hyōton: Shimobashira ~ 氷遁・霜柱)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Type: Offensive
Element: Hyōton
Range: 25 meters
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 4 posts
Description: Gathering Fūton and Suiton chakra, the user melds them together to form Hyōton chakra in the form of five senbon in their hand. Each senbon is capable of piercing an inch deep on unprotected skin. The senbon are only able to be used in the post they are created, otherwise they will dissipate in the next post.

Name: Ice Release: Ice Pellets (Hyōton: Kōri no Peretto ~ 氷遁・氷のペレット)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Type: Defensive
Element: Hyōton
Range: 20 meters
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 4 posts
Description: The user releases a stream of pellets from their mouth, using them in the form of a defensive technique to block incoming projectile attacks of C-Rank and below, though they are only able to block D-Rank or lower projectiles that make use of Raiton chakra.

Name: Ice Release: Zone of the Frozen (Hyōton: Reitō no Zōn~ 氷遁・冷凍のゾーン)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Element: Hyōton
Range: 7 meter radius
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 3 posts
Cooldown: 5 posts
Description: The user releases ice chakra through the soles of their feet. The ice produced spreads on top of the ground, centered from the users’ feet, and spreads in a 7 meter radius. Opponents and allies are prone to slipping when on the ice; thus any shinobi not using Supernatural Walking Practice or not having access to Hyōton are unable to stay balanced on the surface.

Name: Water Release: Hidden Mist Technique (水遁・霧隠れの術 ~ Suiton: Kirigakure no Jutsu)
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: D-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Element: Suiton/Water
Range: 10m radius
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 6 posts
Cooldown: 7 posts
Description: The user releases a thick mist from his or her mouth or uses a water source around him or her to create the mist. This effectively acts as a cover for the user. Doujutsu such as the sharingan are incapable of seeing through it, since the mist is kneaded with the user's chakra. The byakugan, however, can bypass this mist.

Name: Ice Release: Prehensile Ice Serpents (Hyōton: Hyōryuukechina ~ 氷遁・冰龍けちな)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C-A
Type: Offensive
Element: Hyōton
Range: C = 30m, B = 40m, A = 60m
Specialty: Bukijutsu
Duration: Instantaneous
Cooldown: 5 posts (+1 for every rank above C)
Description: By channeling a large amount of hyoton chakra through a weapon of their choice the user is able to swing the weapon, releasing a large (1m wide, up to 15m long) dragon(s) made entirely of ice which are fired at a target travelling at speeds dependent upon the rank used (C = 25m/s, B = 35 m/s, A = 45m/s).  The amount of dragons formed with the swing is dependent on rank (C:1, B:3, A:5) and when multiple dragons are fired they will arc out on different  directions before swinging back around to converge on their target all at once, allowing them to attack from multiple angles. The area around which these dragons strike will be covered in a thick layer of ice as the dragon’s bodies collide with the spot, causing 1m spikes of ice to jut out from the point of impact.  A single hyoton dragon fired with this jutsu is capable of causing major external bruising (with the possibility of fracturing bones should damage already be done to the targeted area) and various shallow cuts on the area of contact. When three such dragons are fired and converge on a target, the contact of a single dragon at this rank (B) would be enough to break bones due to the concussive force and cause inch deep cuts, along with slowing an opponent by 1 tier for 3 posts. At A rank, when five such dragons are fired at once the impact of a single dragon is enough to peirce directly through the opposition, though if the crash directly upon the ground, anyone within a 5 meter radius of the point of impact would be frozen (unable to move) for a single post.

Name: Wind Release: Gale Palm (Fūton: Reppūshō ~ 風遁・烈風掌)
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Element: Fūton
Range: 12 metres
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: 4 posts
Description: Wind Release: Gale Palm is a technique where the user releases a powerful stream of wind against their opponent. To perform this technique the user merely has to slam the palms of their hands together, holding the pose for at least a second. They then break this pose and immediately thrust the palms of their hands towards the intended target. A powerful gale will fire out from the palms of both hands towards the intended target. On impact, this gale can send someone flying several metres, as well as shredding clothing and causing countless 2 cm deep cuts on exposed flesh. It can easily knock projectiles that clash into it aside, as well as increasing the speed and penetrative power of projectiles travelling within the stream, allowing the weapons to pierce roughly an inch deeper than normal.

Name: Wind Release: Great Breakthrough (Fūton: Daitoppa ~ 風遁・大突破)
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Element: Fūton
Range: 40 metres. Created one metre behind the user.
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 5 posts
Description: Wind Release: Great Breakthrough is a relatively simple technqiue where the user creates a sudden intense burst of wind. This technique requires no hand seals or physical action to perform, and they can choose which direction the burst of wind shall travel towards. It does however take a few seconds from willing it to happen to the burst of wind occuring, and the birst of wind is always created around the user's body in such a way that the wind hits them too. For example, if you want the wind to fire in the direction you're facing, it will be created behind you, meaning you will be inside the burst yourself. This attack can knock aside any projectiles flying opposed to it as well as greatly improve the velocity of those flying inside of it[three times faster than normal] and can send anyone who is not using Supernatural Walking Practice flying backwards several metres. In addition, a katon technique of at least C rank can set this burst of wind ablaze, causing it to form a massive raging torrent.

Name: Ice Release: Frozen Icicle Barrage (Hyōton: Tōketsu Tsurara Danmaku ~ 氷遁・凍結氷柱弾幕)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Element: Hyōton
Range: 40 meters
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 6 posts
Description: The user charges their hand with Hyōton chakra, and throws a series of 50 icicles, being able to control how many icicles are sent within a wave (all icicles have to be used in the entirety of the post) each travelling at a speed of up to 35 m/s. They each can pierce up to 2.5 inches deep, and the wounds they cause are frozen, leaving them unable to be healed by Medical Ninjutsu of B-Rank or lower for their next two posts.

Name: Ice Release: Hailstorm Technique (Hyōton: Hyōran no Jutsu ~ 氷遁・雹嵐の術)
Canon/Custom: Custom.
Rank: B.
Type: Supplementary.
Element: Hyouton.
Range: 50m.
Specialty: Aisu only.
Duration: 6 posts. -5 chakra per additional post.
Cooldown: 8 posts.
Description: Hyōran no Jutsu is a general skill of the Aisu; the user releases his/her naturally Hyōton-aligned chakra into the surrounding area. This chakra travels upward into the sky, causing ice crystals to form and fall. Because of the abundance of ice crystals in the air, an Aisu spends less chakra creating their own ice, and can increase the effectiveness of their Ice Release techniques by 1 rank. The target is also pelted by the hail, distracting them and reducing their reaction time by 1 rank; Sp. Jounin and above find this negligible.

Name: Ice Release: Icy Grasp (Hyōton: Kōtta haaku ~ 氷遁・氷った把握)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: B
Type: Offensive|Supplementary
Element: Hyōton
Range: 40 meters
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 2 posts
Cooldown: 5 posts
Description: The user creates a single chain made from ice that blasts forward, travelling at speeds up to 30 m/s. The portion of this jutsu that moves forward takes on the shape of a grappling claw, allowing it to latch on to an individual if the technique hit, and also being able to cut an individual 3 inches deep. Icy Grasp can also latch onto solid surfaces as well. Once hooked to something, the user is able to retract the chain, causing him/her to be pulled toward the object/surface.

Name: Wind Release: Vacuum Wave (Fūton: Shinkūha ~ 風遁・真空波)
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Element: Fūton
Range: 25 metres
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 4 posts
Description: The user takes a deep breath and spins in the direction of their target while exhaling, compressing the released air into a solitary blade of wind that is 6 inches in width.  As it moves outward, it expands, covering a substantial area around the user (blade is 5m wide, grows to 15m by the end of the jutsu's radius) due to its circular motion. The resulting sharpened blast is large enough to cause grievous injuries to those at even the outer edges of the jutsu's radius. The wind-blade can sever limbs at point-blank range (<3m), deliver 4-inch-deep cuts at 10m or less, and 3-inch-deep cuts at any further distance.

Name: Ice Release: Polar Cap Flow (Hyōton: Kyokuchi no Hikawa ~ 氷遁・極地の氷川)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: A.
Type: Offensive
Element: Hyouton
Range: 25m
Specialty: Ninjutsu.
Duration: 3 posts.
Cooldown: 9 posts. Twice per topic.
Description: The Aisu uses Suiton to draw groundwater from below as well as from the air. This massive amount of water, over 30 cubic metres, is frozen and compacted into a sort of snow-ice. It's sent at the target in avalanche fashion with the aim of burying them. The intense cold is able to cause hypothermia within 2 posts, and the weight of the snow (if totally buried) can break bones as soon as a target is caught under it. Victims will suffocate after 6 posts of being trapped under the snow. This jutsu's range is increased by 1.5x when under the influence of the Hailstorm Technique, and being caught in the avalanche shatters bones.

Name: Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique (水遁:大瀑布の術 ~ Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: A
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Element: Suiton
Range: 25 meters
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 2 Posts (7 Posts to drown)
Cooldown: 10 posts
Description: This technique extends water over a large scale, surges and rises up to rises seven meters into the air, with the eye of the vortex facing the target and user in the middle. The vortex then accelerates forward ripping through ground in one big cascade, much like a gigantic waterfall. In doing so, it resembles a huge typhoon, with tremendous power that can hollow out the ground. What remains after that technique's utilization is reminiscent of no less than the aftermath of a natural disaster. The vortex can cut through armor (B-Rank below), create 7 cm deep lacerations, as well as drown the target. The technique can be performed twice and those with more experience (Suiton A-SS) can fire two vortexes at the same time. This is a considerably advanced ninjutsu, and activating this technique costs 25 chakra. If a second vortex is created, this jutsu costs 50 chakra.

Name: Wind Release: Blade Of Wind (Fūton: Kaze no Yaiba ~ 風遁・風の刃)
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Element: Fūton
Range: 5 metres
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 7 posts
Description: Wind Release: Blade of Wind is an advanced Fūton technique where the user manipulates the air currents around them to create a close quarters "blade" of wind. The user expels chakra out of the tips of their fingers, causing the area around them to begin to cave in on itself violently, causing a howling noise. The air will rapidly compress, and then, following the movement of the fingers expelling chakra, can be shot in a specific direction to cut through a target. On impact it can sever limbs with ease, and can even cut a victim in two. However, it has a very short range and after being directed to strike, dissipates rapidly. The blade extends five metres, is connected to the tip of the fingers controlling it and is a mere 3 cm wide. The howling noise it creates, as well as the disturbance in air pressure all allow an individual facing this technique to identify the danger and get out of close quarters. The range is determined at the start of the ability, so a user cannot start this and then move to get in range before lashing out.

Name: Wind Release: Great Vacuum Sphere (Fūton: Shinkū Taigyoku ~ 風遁・真空大玉)
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Element: Fūton
Range: 15 metres
Specialty:  Ninjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 7 posts
Description: A stronger version of the Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere technique. The user compresses the entirety of the large breath they take in, and expel it in the form of one large (5m diameter) sphere. Anyone caught inside it is nearly completely dismembered; a grazing blow could easily take off a limb. It does not explode on impact, but rather keeps going, shredding all that it comes into contact with.

Name: Ice Release: Absolute Zero (Hyōton: Zettaireido ~ 氷遁・絶対零度)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Element: Hyōton
Range: 30 meter radius
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: Maintainable (-10 chakra/post)
Cooldown: Once per thread.
Description: The user emits a large amount of Hyōton chakra across a wide radius of 30 meters, with themselves as the center (the radius is centered around the user, thus when the user moves, the radius is still 30 meters around them), effectively freezing anything within it’s range. Opponents caught within the field will be nearly frozen, slowing their speed and reaction time by 1 rank for every post they are within range. This technique is maintainable; the only way for the opponent to escape is to leave the 30 meter radius, although they will still be slowed by 1 rank for their next two posts if they do escape. Hypothermia begins to occur on enemies within range after two posts, causing difficulty in walking and preventing the use of B-Rank or lower jutsu, and it becomes severe after three posts, causing amnesia and inability to use A-Rank or lower jutsu. After five posts, the opponent freezes to death. After the user cancels the maintainable aspect of this jutsu, they (the user) will be unable to use jutsus of B-Rank and higher in their next post. The next post after that limits them to jutsus of A-Rank and lower. After that, they are able to use jutsus of any rank. If a Raiton AoE jutsu were to be used while this jutsu is being maintained, the effects of this jutsu would be reduced by one (making the inability to use A-rank jutsus become B-rank, and B-rank to C-rank).

Last edited by Yuudai on Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:57 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Aisu, Yuudai (Jutsu List Update) Empty Re: Aisu, Yuudai (Jutsu List Update) Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:22 pm



Clan jutsu will be dealt with in a clan update.

Library jutsu are fine for now, just be sure to update them when their respective libraries are updated.

Academy jutsu are fine.

Ice Needles - Lower the range to 25 meters.

Ice Pellets is fine.

Zone of the Frozen - Increase the cooldown to five posts.

Ice Serpents - Take out the +1 to the jutsu since it doesn't apply anymore, and make the damage fitting to the damage(s) provided in the jutsu rules. And add a speed that the dragons travel at in meters per second.

Icicle Barrage - Lower the Medical Ninjutsu thing to B-Rank, lower the speed to 35 m/s, increase the cooldown to six posts.

Grasp - Lower the piercing depth to 3 inches maximum, lower the speed to 30 m/s.

Absolute Zero - Eh, increase the amount of posts before death from four to five. Idk what else to change, this is already kind of in-line with the new jutsu rules so do that and it's fine I guess

Bump when you've made the edits

3Aisu, Yuudai (Jutsu List Update) Empty Re: Aisu, Yuudai (Jutsu List Update) Wed Apr 30, 2014 6:10 pm



Edits made

4Aisu, Yuudai (Jutsu List Update) Empty Re: Aisu, Yuudai (Jutsu List Update) Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:41 pm



I wrote:Icicle Barrage - Lower the Medical Ninjutsu thing to B-Rank, lower the speed to 35 m/s, increase the cooldown to six posts.

Didn't make those last two edits to icicle barrage, bump again when you do~

5Aisu, Yuudai (Jutsu List Update) Empty Re: Aisu, Yuudai (Jutsu List Update) Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:57 pm




6Aisu, Yuudai (Jutsu List Update) Empty Re: Aisu, Yuudai (Jutsu List Update) Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:21 pm





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