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More and more these days, it seemed that Nozomi spent all of her free time in the training grounds of Kirigakure. It wasn't that she was any bit of a fitness buff or anything, she just legitimately enjoyed it. There were always genin groups that were training, and academy cadets as well. As the teacher of quite a few of them, Nozomi liked watching everyone train and improve. Sometimes she gave some pointers, but usually she just sat off in a corner, simply watching people.

As always, since her promotion to Chuunin, Nozomi had forgone her old uniform, and chosen to wear the Kirigakure standard military uniform. Plain jumpsuit, the Kiri Flak Jacket, headband firmly around her forehead, signifying her as a Kunoichi of Kiri. Although she was relatively young, she was still ranked, and most of the people here knew her by name. There had been talk that she was getting close to a promotion, having done a lot in the service of Kiri, as a teacher. Perhaps she'd take a job at the Academy, and become an official sensei. Or perhaps she'd take on a team of her own genin. Her future was still up for debate.

For now, Nozomi was content stabbing one of her kunai into the ground, dragging it through the dirt, making lines. Today was a beautiful day for once, not overcast and gloomy, like it tended to be. The sun was out, it was warm, and the students were training rather well. This day couldn't get much better in Nozomi's opinion. Despite her looks, Nozomi was packing quite an arsenal of weaponry. Her two tanto blades were rather noticable, hooked onto the small of her back. Even more noticable than that, however, was the windmill shuriken strapped to her hip. Folded up, it was smaller than it could be, but was still quite noticable. Any shinobi would instantly recognize it for what it was.

Then, of course, she also had her arsenal of tools. Plenty of Kunai, Senbon, and Shuriken, as well as the pepper bombs and ground spikes she had. Not to mention her knowledge of many different jutsu. Yes, despite her looks as a young girl, anyone could tell that she was dangerous enough. Even without having watched the Chuunin Exams, or without knowing she was a semi finalist, it was obvious to tell she knew how to fight.

WC: 398

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn



Nick spoke to himself in a voice which was silent. He held a set of binoculars, which he looked through- he used these binoculars to scout through the village. The thing he noticed- prior to using these binoculars was that Kirigakure had a very militaristic theme to it. Most of the genins seen wandering around were well supplied, this could hint that they were rich. Perhaps not- maybe they were communistic. Nick moved the binoculars down, and then sat on the hillside he had been on. It was quite warm- something Nick noticed when he felt the sunlight on his face. In his pockets he had most of his items, items he would normally have in his lockers. These items, such as kunai and senbons. He wasn't carrying everything he owned, there was no reason for him to carry every object he belonged.

There weren't many tools that the nin would travel around with-, many of the tools that he owned were heavy and were a burden to carry around. Most of his heavier items were in his locker- in Sunagakure. He drank from his canteen, it had become empty. Nick raised his binoculars again and looked through it towards the outskirts of Kiri. In the distance he could see a figure wearing a flack jacket- from recent memory Nick realized that only chuunins are higher ranked wore those.

That thought by itself motivated him enough to get up from his initial position. His binoculars had hinted that the silhouette he saw in his binoculars was ten minutes of walking. His binoculars weren't of high quality- but he - assuming from the body figure - guessed it was a female who he saw. Judging from her long hair that is, as she seemed tomboyish- concerning her natural curves. He began walking, while occasionally looking around him without anyone who seemed to be noticing him. After he had walked towards her location in his regular pace, the man - Nick - would speak, in a raspy voice. A voice indicating that he hadn't spoken that day. Without clearing his throat he would be difficult to understand.

"Mademoiselle, pourrais-je vous demander quelque chose?"

After speaking the first word of his sentence, he would pause to bring his fist to his mouth and cough in it. This indicated that he cleared his throats, and that the words following were clear so even a toddler could hear what he said. Nick looked into the eyes of the female, who was five meters away from him when he was done speaking. He was asking her if he could ask her a question. Had she spoken back, and shown interest into what Nick was saying- he would speak again without attempting to interrupt her. Nick was polite, and waited for people to say what they wanted to say.

"Pourquoi êtes-vous dessiniez une bite en utilisant votre couteau dans le sol? Hmmm?"

While saying this, Nick pointed towards the ground. The marks she was making with her kunai- it resembled a big ol' cock. Nick spoke as if he had a baguette in his mouth. Because his face had shown a great distinction of nothingness, one could decipher and come to a verdict where one could call Nick bored/ or in lust for something.

"Le temps des paroles est dessus, tirez votre arme et vous-même!"

Was the last thing Nick said- he was so insanely bored that he forced her to fight him. Of course- without killing intent. Perhaps something he could have told her, but didn't feel like doing so. A visual cue so that would alert her would be Nick, drawing a kunai. When he had his kunai drawn, the male would be distanced the same length he had been distanced from her from the starting point of his dialogue. In his speech, he told her to draw her weapon to protect herself.

Word Count: 655



Nozomi was rather content to just continue sitting there, digging the kunai into the ground. She was only really making lines in the ground, purely out of boredom, so she had something to do. It was better than doing nothing, at the very least. She was almost completely oblivious to the man walking up to her. She noticed him, of course, but that wasn't to say that she realized he was approaching her to talk to her. So when he stopped about 5 meters away, and started to speak, she was rather startled to say the least. More so by his words, than that he was talking to her. They were in an unfamiliar language to her, and she had absolutely no clue what in the world he was even saying. Mademoiselle sounded like madam, so she could assume that he was just addressing her, but that was about where she was lost.

Looking up, she watched his body motions. It seemed that he was asking some sort of question, but she couldn't tell what he was asking. "I'm sorry, I don't exactly understand you, sir. Did you need something, are you lost?" she asked him. If he was lost, it would have been understandable as to why he'd approached her. To be fair, she was wearing a uniform, and was pretty much the only ranking official here, as a Chuunin. The others were genin or lower, and could only be identified as shinobi by their headbands. With her uniform, of course someone would ask her a question before they would ask anyone else. But no, that didn't seem to be it either, as he pointed to her lines on the ground. Was he wondering what she had been drawing?

Nozomi was about to speak, when he spoke once more, this time with earnest. And proceeded to pull out a kunai of his own. Perhaps he wasn't pointing at the lines she'd made, but instead at the kunai in her hand. Or perhaps he was using the lines from her kunai to reference the kunai itself? This was why she was not a translator. But this action was clear. He was looking for some sort of a fight. Nozomi pushed off the ground, leaping backwards, imbuing her Windmill Shuriken with a little bit of chakra, as she did so, and unclipping it from her waist belt, so that when she landed on her feet, she had the shuriken in her hand. She casually twirled it around, the blade having opened up into its windmill shape, and was starting to gain momentum in its spinning. Opening with this was key. It weighed her down to much to keep in a fight of any length, and it served as a decent substitute for her substitution jutsu.

Nozomi narrowed her eyes at this man. What were his intentions in provoking a fight? Was he just wanting a spar, was he dangerous, what was his skill level, what type of fighter was he? All these questions flashed through her head, but she didn't make the first move. It was always wiser to let your opponent do so, to gauge their strengths and weaknesses first hand. Unless they were holding back, which was ill advised on a first move, the first move was always the best one to watch, as it let you know their true skill.

WC: 563
-5 Chakra for Substitution Prep
195/200 Chakra

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


Wind howled between Nicks buttcheeks. It was a fierce- cold wind, one which would make the hair on his cheeks stiff. A cold rill, a chilling wind- a hair raiser. This wind was blowing from Nicks backside- aiding him in the possibility of projectiles clashing, giving him the upper hand. Nick thought, an idea emerged, because of this wind. A leaf blower with kunais connected to it, this idea would involve connecting kunais to the opening of a leaf blower and using the leaf blower to accelerate these kunai and blast them. Though, it was unfortunate that the technology for this device had been lacking, albeit this idea did not make much sense in the end.

Words spoken, in English from the short girl in front of the young man. From her figure- Nick assumed that she was a pre teen, or a teenager. Perhaps she was older than he had in mind- because of her youthful face. Bukakke, this was the first word that popped in Nicks mind after inspecting the girls face while he spoke.

While the man spoke, the woman in question seemed in place of her position- until he was done speaking.

Seemingly, disregarding the fact that she responded in English she seemed to be quite aware of what Nick had in mind. Given by the way she responded in terms of body language, he had assumed this. Nick was actually quite perceptive, and because of this - his keen senses alert him immediately of notable changes in his surroundings-, such as people invading,- and possibly if needed a follow up which would be done with appropriate actions, protection is the up most important thing. Though, even taking in these precautions, there wasn't anything notable different about the situation than he had estimated. It was just him, the girly girl and their tools.

The tip of the kunai which he held was pointed towards the woman. The sharp edge reflected the light of the sun into the eyes of those who would look towards the direction of the kunai. The big sun rising had its moments of bright light, the kunai reflected these sun rays during the vocal response of the female.

Nick reacted during when the female pushed herself off of the ground and moved away by leaping away. Nicks response was immediate, efficient and quick.

Without giving the female a large frame of time to respond properly Nick would move, he moved in a way that was faster than her. She still had to push herself off the ground and move, whereas Nick from his initial position was standing up with his front facing the female. This meant that Nick moved much more faster than her, given his higher natural speed as well.

Nicks kunai, which he held in his hand had its sharp tip pointed towards the female. It was sharp, capable of cutting skin given his natural strength. During the timeframe where Nick moved the woman had readied up a windmill shuriken, unlike a regular shuriken- these were big. Nick would be within her striking range fairly quickly. Nick lunged forward, with his kunai pointed outwards. Had his opponent failed to react in a proper way- a horizontal strike would find its way across her thigh.

Nick showed little ill intent, and showed to be a good sport by using his heel to reverse his movement which would cause him to move backwards, away from the woman. This which was done the second after his hypothetical strike, this would leave her little time for reactions, all in which he mentally and physically prepared for. This meant that anything out of the ordinary, he would attempt to deal with as fast as he could.

Nick assumed that this was gonna be a physical fight, because she seemed armed to the teeth he would doubt that handseals would be involved, especially since she opened up by grabbing a huge ass windmill shuriken. Considering the fact that one of her hands was occupied by the windmill shuriken, performing jutsus would rather be difficult. He was a man of oath, honor and thus he decided to agree with her style of fighting, which was without the use of jutsus.  

Word Count: 1358
1 Kunai used



Even as Nozomi was preparing for the spar, this strange fellow in front of her was already on the move to attack. "Geez, he certainly doesn't waste any time. Or give much courtesy to a start up on the battle field. Pretty rude if you ask me." she thought to herself, although she wasn't afforded much time. He was fast, noticeably so more than she herself was. Although, that was to be expected. Plenty of people were faster than she could claim to be. Even so, she had the time to pull out her windmill shuriken and get it spinning before he was upon her.

What was noticeable about them though, was that even though he moved faster than she did, he wasn't as quick with his body movements. That was good, as she'd be able to react to him faster than he could react to her. As he neared her, Nozomi's left hand was reaching for one of the tanto on her back, and with her right Nozomi launched the Windmill Shuriken at him. It would serve to get in the way of his kunai strike, as well as allow her to pull the tanto out and arm herself with her main weapons. If he wasn't careful, running forward as he did, the man wouldn't be able to dodge her Windmill Shuriken, as it was rather bulky, and his body needed time to not only stop his movements, but also change his direction to dodge, or he needed the time to block her attack.

Even as she let go of the shuriken, which had been aimed diagonally at center mass, giving it the largest chance of hitting him, Nozomi passed her tanto to the other hand, now main handing her weapon, as she reached down to one of her utility pouches. She wasn't quite sure why this man wanted to fight her, but she knew that she couldn't necessarily last long in a fight. Her illness wouldn't allow her to keep up with it for very long. Not that it mattered. This wasn't a life or death fight, so she might as well take her time and enjoy it.

Keeping her eyes on Nick's body, she watched it, preferring to react to body cues for clues on how he'd attack. A defensive nature was the best way to go if she wasn't fighting for her life. It was easier for her to react to and defend attacks than it was for her to launch attacks, as that left her open for counters and such. As long as this stayed a weapon and taijutsu match, she'd be perfectly fine defending. Taijutsu was a main focus of hers, so she could counter his attacks easily, hopefully. If not, she was also versed in ninjutsu for mid range combat. Plus she had a few tricks up her sleeve.

WC: 477
TWC: 1438
Chakra: 195/200
Born Ill: 1/8 Nozomi has officially entered combat


Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


((1. Even as Nozomi was preparing for the spar, this strange fellow in front of her was already on the move to attack.

This is where you acknowledge my movement, my movement being B-3 speed, which implies that during my normal sprint I move at 13m/s. Of course, I don’t move this from the start of my sprint, but I did state that I moved during my first post and never mentioning coming to a stop-(you did state at one point that I stopped moving, while I didn’t- this is godmodding on your part.) thus I can run at almost this speed during my sprint towards you. My speed is a bit lower, considering that your physical being is 5m away your striking range would be 4~ meters away. This means that I can cover this distance within 0,3~ seconds. I’m rounding it up into 0,4 seconds because of me not being capable of running at full speed from the start. I did state that I moved when you were pushing yourself off the ground, here:

'Nick reacted during when the female pushed herself off of the ground and moved away by leaping away.'

During would imply that, during the time where you are pushing yourself off I would have been moving. This meant that, you first push yourself off of the ground- leap backwards. Acknowledge my movement, hold an inner dialogue and then react to my movements. Everything after this is voided because of my own actions, which interrupt your actions that followed up. To explain thoroughly I will now explain everything what happened in my timeline, and yours.

Obviously these actions occur not one at the time, but at multiple points they occur simultaneously. My actions were stated before yours, which meant that most of yours reacted to mine. Since you failed to state otherwise.
Here's me, stating how long every single action you took would take, aligned up with my movement:

1. You acknowledged me moving towards you, while this is somewhat not aligning up properly- because I stated that I was moving as you were getting up this does mean that you took your time getting up because you reacted to what I did. Adding perhaps a 0,1 second delay to you getting up properly.

2. You: crouched down, listening to what I had to say. When I was done speaking- you stated that you were thinking and looking at what I was doing. You determined that I had hostile intent, and then you began to move. An unknown man with ill intentions approaches you, you being a nin capable of running the same speeds that cars can move at, and doing triple saltos and whatnot would take 0,4 seconds to be in the position you described next, the one where you jump backwards. To properly utilize a backwards jump one uses their heel in a proper position, you- being crouched over would take at least zero point four seconds to properly align yourself in this manner. Considering that you stated that you ‘pushed’ yourself up, this would either mean that you’re – for some reason – utilizing your feet to get up quicker, or your knees. Both of which in this scenario wouldn’t help you because of the fact that you need to get in a certain position to use your heels to jump backwards.

3. I stated that I moved, when you started to move. Which means that after you made your decision to move, and started moving I began to move. This means that your reaction time is not included in the frame of my attack.

4. You using your heels in order to attempt a backwards jump isn’t done in instantly, after getting up you needed to properly align yourself to jump backwards. This would take 0,1~ seconds realistically. But since you’re an alerted nin, perhaps 0,05 seconds.

5. This means, you getting up and starting your backwards movement would take 0,55 seconds. Me moving at my speed, my hit would land prior to you –theoretically- reacting to my movement which you did midway where you were standing up. So the actions that were followed are cancelled because of my cut interrupting them.

Your artery which I’m slicing, about how deep it is: “it depends on how fat the person is, but in a skinny person it's usually <1.5cm below the skin's surface there. In obese persons it can be 5-7cm, or even more if morbidly obese (I've had patients whose artery could not be reached with a 12cm needle!).”
- user: HeartDoc


• The profunda femoris artery is a large and important branch that arises from the lateral side of the femoral artery about 1.5 in. (4 cm) below the inguinal ligament. It passes medially behind the femoral vessels and enters the medial fascial compartment of the thigh. It ends by becoming the fourth perforating artery. At its origin, it gives off the medial and lateral femoral circumflex arteries, and during its course it gives off three perforating arteries.

It describes how it’s 4cm below your blood canal, this doesn’t mean it’s completely 4cm away from everything, but it means it’s a certain length away from the canal. It’s still 1,5cm below the skins surface. Some people argue that the artery is 1-4 inches down, this does not mean how far away it is from the skin. If you google this question, you will find doctors that tell you how far down it is, when they say this they mean from the groin. They don’t inject needles from people’s thighs to their artery directly, that would be unsafe. They do it from above, into the artery so its more safe. The Wikipedia supplies with an image, where it shows that the vessel is much closer to the skin the higher you go. Your characters BMI is 17,4. This means you’re underweight. Being underweight means that there’s less meat on your bones, I’m sure you know what this entails. You’re more sensitive to vein cuts because of them being closer to your skin. Which means the artery would be below 0,5 inch away from your skin, given the perfect position to cut it.
6. ‘During the timeframe where Nick moved the woman had readied up a windmill shuriken’
You said in an argument before that I started to move as you readied up a windmill shuriken. The timeframe I referenced to was the entire frame of time, it was from start, to end. I stopped moving once I got to a ‘ – safe –‘ zone. It was described in a paragraph, before my attack had started. Which makes it seem like that I started moving when you readied this up, but this is false. It’s written under a nonlinear narrative- which currently is a ‘red herring ‘, because of your argument.
Now as to my kunai:

-Rank: 3/4-inch cuts; very light bruises and scrapes.

Is what the rules state considering E ranked weapons. However, the kunai description states that the blade is longer than this. It would be silly to assume that a kunai stops doing damage if this limit has been reached, it seemed moreso that the guidelines (while lacking proper wording) was merely meant that genins couldn’t do more with them than they desired them to do. Which means that with proper coordination my kunai would be able to slice more, because of the fact that the blade is 2 inches long.

Since you’re skinny, short your artery is very exposed. Using my kunai, it would have no problem cutting through it and severing it in a horizontal strike as I stated above. It takes an average of 30 seconds for a healthy average human being to bleed out with a severed above mentioned artery. Considering your height and weight, you would bleed out in a much shorter time. Your BMI (repeating) is 17,4- healthy being between 18,5 and 20~ something, being below 18,5 means that you’re underweight. Given your short frame, short overall length and low weight bleed out would occur very fast. The rules state that 7 posts are required for a bleeding to become critical- though an admin said when asked about this stated that this actually depends on the time that passes.
7. You can continue with your timeframe that you initially stated, but this would mean that you lose oh-so many precious seconds of your losing life. You’re allowed to cancel these actions, in case you weren’t aware.

Tl;dr Nick would get there far before she could leap backwards and what not. She confirmed the hit by posting under the false pretense that she made it to her destination without him reaching her beforehand; therefore, giving Nick a hit on her thigh, which could easily turn into something critical since he hits an artery.

‘You spout hatred in
Written words, but the sting is
Lost while face to face’

– Someone, somewhere ))

How unfortunate it was for Nick’s opponent to fail to properly react to his movement, this movement which gave him the opportunity to land his hit. Because of his angled body – which was caused by his running – benefiting his speed and momentum. The kunai landed a hit in a place considered critical. The kunai which he held was used in this horizontal strike, with Nicks speed, strength and momentum the kunai easily pierced skin and muscles of the kunoichi. This kunai would with ease slice a horizontal line across the inside of her inner thigh. This strike would sever the profunda femoris artery, and three other vessels connected to this artery. It was a big strike, going 3/4th inch deep, which caused the profunda femoris artery to be completely split. The strike was landed at an angle, because of the angle that Nick was in during the start of the strike. Because of the motion of his wrist, momentum, and his speed the strike was angled in such a way which was classified as illegal in many countries, the reason behind why it was illegal in many places is because of the intense difficulty to heal these wounds by medics compared to normal cuts. Just like how some knives are banned because of them having holes in them that also cut, these types of cuts were illegal as well. They were lethal, and because of the critical position the kunai had cut this wound had certain high chances of being fatal. Unless the nin was a super high ranked medic that could regenerate cells instantaneously, it would have resulting effects. Perhaps losing her leg was inevitable after this strike- perhaps even losing her life now was inevitable due to this cut.  Since Nicks kunai had a long blade, but effectiveness of 3/4 inch the blade could not be used any further. Before Nick was starting to let go, he used his wrist to slightly twist it, increasing the size of the wound before losing the kunai lost its effectiveness.

The profunda femoris artery would immediately be severed because of the brass size of the kunai along with the sharpness of the edge which would cause bleeding instantaneously. The length of the blade, and its effectiveness was long enough in order to completely sever the vessel, but could not be used further. This is when Nick let go of the kunai, it would stick out of the wound, before slipping out of the hole created by the kunai. The tip being away from the artery, helping the blood exit the wound. As the exact specifications of the hit had been made, Nicks hand would slip off the kunai once it lost its effectiveness. There was no use of it anymore. He would continue his motion as his hand would slide next to the kunoichis hip. After this hit had landed, Nick would use his heels to get away from the woman immediately after the hit. Considering that the woman was almost done getting up after Nick had landed the strike it was not difficult for Nick to evade future incoming attacks. Where she capable of returning fire Nick would respond appropriately- was this not the case he would continue his actions after having stopped for half a second, four meters away from the female. Had the initial attack / for some reason / failed, the option to retreat was considered and under some circumstances assumed directly by Nick. Had the woman proceeded with her actions by leaping backwards and pull out her windmill shuriken Nick would respond reactively, while his reactionary play wasn’t at a high level it wasn’t a worry. The distance between the two was great enough for Nick to properly comprehend her movement and decipher upcoming attacks by using his perception. Nick knew that it wouldn’t take much time for his opponent to succumb to the wound that Nick left behind, thus he resorted to more simple means. Had she proceeded with throwing the windmill, Nick would sidestep it swiftly, using his perception he concluded that it would fly with a certain degree, being completely able to avoid it by going into another direction. And so it would, moving past by him had it been launched. Had this not been the case, Nick would not have moved, unless another projectile was thrown.

Had there not been any other interruptions worth of mention, Nick would follow-up by grabbing four senbons from his pockets. Holding them in a way that would not hurt him, while also holding them in a way where he could easily throw them at full speed. He first threw a barrage of two senbons, while moving backwards, away from the female. He didn’t move fast when going backwards, knowing the possibility of his opponent not being capable of catching up to him and physically return an attack. While moving backwards he had the senbon trajectory in mind, taking him moving into account as he threw the two. Had this not been the case, his actions would differ. After throwing two towards her shoulders he kept on moving. The two senbon that he already threw were thrown at full speed, because of Nick’s superior strength they would fly fast. It would be difficult for a nin whom held a weapon to escape from this situation using a jutsu that requires hand seals, they would have to drop their items in order to form a seal properly, had this happened it would buy Nick enough time for his first two senbons to land with ease. They traveled at a speed that was 10 meter per second. They could easily travel 20 meters without descending and dropping. After having thrown the first two senbons Nick followed up by throwing two more with the same momentum, speed and strength while he kept moving backwards. These senbons weren’t aimed at her shoulders but at her torso instead. The senbons were thin, and difficult to be visibly seen or noticed. Throwing the senbon and moving backwards from his position took a total of four seconds. These were enough seconds for the female to be collapsing to her wounds. Had everything gone according to the plan the female would succumb to the wounds when Nick was done with his last action. He didn’t move much farther back, about twenty meters in total. Enough time would have past for kunoichi to be dead. Had this been the case, Nick would move towards her body and grabbed a kunai from his own pouch. He started drawing a ‘rooster’ on her forehead using the tip of his kunai. He then used his fingers to pluck out her eyes and plunged the kunai he used to draw a ‘rooster’ on her forehead into her eye socket, stabbing her brain. He took her belongings she had on her, and wore the headband she had on her to fake his identity, he used his robe to wipe away the blood he had on one hand. He did these actions very fast, then grabbed the corpse by its ankles and threw the corpse into a bush. There would be a pool of blood where he cut her, but because of the sand on the training field this would be camouflaged easily. The other genin around in their own training field seemed to not notice what had happened – since after all, people sparred there quite often and there was no reason for them to particularly notice, unless the kunoichi had yelled before her death Which was also not that uncommon. Had this been the case, Nick would have to leave the village with a hurry. After all, he was here as a cloaked man, talking in a language which was foreign. There was little to nothing that the genins would identify him with. With all of her belongings Nick had left the vicinity while holding stealth. With nobody around he made his exit and made his way towards the gates in order to leave this village.



Word Count: 2719
4 Senbon used
1 Kunai used

Last edited by Nick Saturn on Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in total




Last edited by Nozomi on Wed Jun 03, 2015 9:04 pm; edited 2 times in total

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

Last edited by Nick Saturn on Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:44 am; edited 1 time in total

The edit was to signal the OOC part, just stating.



(RULING! By consensus of Miles, Myself, and Josie,

Nick, you stated in your explanation that you were standing facing her, in your first post you pointed out it was 5m away from nozo before you started talking multiple sentences and drew your kunai, which would have taken time, as you did not specify your continuing to advance, it is within reason that Nozomi interpreted you as halting, you should have specified otherwise in a reactionary post to contest it, but, you didn't. but, in that case, she would still be able to react to you moving forward, so, it ends up being moot.

Also, to enter a proper spring, lets say that she, for argument's sake, needs to perform 1m worth of total movement to spring up, you need 4.5m to land your strike. You reacted to her motion after you clearly made intent to combat with drawing your kunai and began to move, giving her the head-start. (Also, due to the nature of your strike location, you are unable to just point, and dash, hoping to jab a kunai in her artery while she's moving with an outstretched arm, thus, you require your reaction speed.) Your movement speed maximum is 13 meters per second at full sprint with small bursts of up to 20. Nozomi's is 10 meters per second at full sprint. Nick has a speed advantage, this is true, but, sadly speed of ones strikes is not determined by one's speed stat, it is determined by your reaction time which covers all point to point movement, (this includes punches, kicks, attacks springing up blocking-speed etc.) which, is SEVERELY lower than Nozomis at D-2 compared to C-3, which, entails that your initial spring into motion, is vastly slower than hers, also hitting a moving target, in a specific location at her speed for you, would be hard if not night on impossible with a D-2 Reaction speed compared to a C-3 Speed/ reaction speed stat.

As you both begin moving at relatively similar times, But Nozo actually begins moving first, and has to do less. Nick, you are not 4.5x faster than Nozomi, regardless of your reasoning. Not to mention she is also moving backward in her post, creating more distance, which means you would have to run further to catch her mid jump, as you state, drawing her fuma in aerial motion so it's not like you're gaining any ground (maybe 0.3 of a meter). As stated, Nozomi's reaction time is vastly higher than yours, and with a 3 tier speed advantage, while your advantage is significant, it is not absolute. Both of you are moving and reacting super-humanly fast. But Nozo's reactions which enable her, are much higher. and while the rule stands 'what is not mentioned is up to the interpretation of the opponent' Nozomi's reaction we have determined as sufficient enough to address your attack. Also, inward monologuing is fluff, and does not suffer a time constraint...

Also, it's an attack, to an opponent, to the inside of her thigh, while she is jumping back, at a reaction speed and a speed that outclasses your striking reaction speed, making you not sufficient to deal with these factors. There is no logical way you land a perfect strike with those factors and the awkward angles to hit a specific location.

TLDR: Nozo started moving first, as nick reacted to her moving, giving her the head-start, you both need to accelerate, not just nick, and nozo accelerates faster than Nick based on her superior point to point movement. Nick specified he attempted to hit her mid jump, and based on nozos movement, and nicks movement/ reaction speed issues, you cannot physically land that blow.

Because this is an issue that has been struck, this is what we have determined to occur: Nozomi, you leaped back from the lunge, Nick attacked where you were, as, he has not stated that he followed up your moving backwards or continued to strike, as he assumed this one would land. It was a damn close call to a lethal blow, but no damage was dealt, the distance between the two of you is still about 3m due to her leaping backwards and nick being able to close some distance.

So starting from here, you may begin a new posting round as if the above has just occurred. Go~)

Last edited by Ayakashi on Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:40 pm; edited 3 times in total



[Intervening. Permission has been granted]

Dameon had been continuing his normal patrol of the village. The biggest focus that he had set for the patrols of the village and with ANBU was the training grounds. It was usually where the largest concentration of your shinobi trained and any leverage an enemy could get would start there. It was also the place Dameon trained himself almost every day around this time. He could kill two birds with one stone training as well as keeping an eye on everyone. It wasn’t long till he spotted a mysterious figure attempting to sneak about. He wasn’t sure of the intentions of this imposter but Dameon kept his eye on him from a good fifty meters away using a combination of his own senses and extending his finger to the ground to sense ahead of him and monitor their movements more closely with his sensing jutsu. He knew the person was not from Kiri the way he had entered past the security of the perimeter of the village, the way he was dressed, etc. After all Dameon was a high ranking official and was expected to know all of these details. He had a bad pit in his stomach as he felt them separate and coming to the realization that he was there to fight he quickly formed the hand seals of his clan jutsu with the other hand and activated his electrolocation jutsu. He would take off toward them as quick as his jutsu would allow him to, roughly 61 m/s, though starting gradually to prevent whiplash. His electrolocation would allow him to move at the faster speeds while being able to sense objects or anything ahead of him that could potentially be an issue, he also made sure he would be to the intruders flank making his approach that much harder to spot, he could now know for a fact that the man was not of Kiri origins. The intruders attack was obviously a kill shot attempt and he now saw no reason to display mercy. Dameon quickly drew his Midnight Child’s Blade and activated it. As soon as Nozo was 4m away from leaping back Dameon struck slowing himself down to 40 m/s to make it easier to turn should the shinobi be more skilled than he appeared to be. The first slash would be aimed at the back of the intruder’s neck in an attempt to behead him cleanly. His movement speed would slow even move as he slid around his point of attack coming to a complete stop where he would perform his clan bukijutsu and unleash another six strikes at a very quick rate attempting to kill if he had not already. If the man collapsed dead on the spot Dameon would immediately loot the man’s body for everything he owned and bring it back to ANBU HQ to discern the identity of the man.  

[240/350] Chakra

[Jutsu Used] -95 chakra
Items Used – 15 Chakra

OOC: Reasons for Nick’s death. Dameon’s speed stat is S-3 after all bonuses and his reaction time is S while his perception is also S. He then further used a speed enhancing jutsu to cover ground more quickly and also hinder the ability to be seen. Though with Nick D-2 reaction speed even without this speed boosting jutsu would be impossible to be able to dodge and his perception is also only B-2. Dameon is also attacking from Nick’s flank, even if Nick were to be able to perceive Dameon’s approach he would still have to turn or react to Dameon which with D-2 is still impossible.

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

(I'm not sure what is happening here, one staff states that this topic is under review while someone else claims that their interception got approved.

Your interception is void, even if you're ANBU you require to wait 3 posting rounds since the start of combat to be able to intervene, it hasn't be 3 rounds yet. By intercepting before this has happened you are breaking rules. Thereby -because of the rules- your post is void and you are not capable of entering. Not to mention the heavy amounts of metagaming you performed in your post, I expected something better even if it was voided in the end.

edit: I've been informed that Ayakashi had posted an official ruling, but then removed it. There could have been 2 possibilities in that situation:

1. She removed her ruling to let Dameon safely attack me
2. She actually read my post

Since the 1 option exist, I call out this mod for being biased.)



(Ruling has been made above, and, to clarify, it was retracted due to more staff wanting an input, and was deliberated on by council. I don't appreciate the allegations of bias. )

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

At this point I feel like any argument I make is gonna be wasted breath. Since it seems like you didn't read/ understood any of mine.

> RULING! By consensus of Miles, Myself, and Josie,

I'm starting to see a pattern here.

> Nick, you stated in your explanation that you were standing facing her, in your first post you pointed out it was 5m away from nozo before you started talking multiple sentences and drew your kunai, which would have taken time

I faced her during my first post, I never stated that I stopped moving- she did, which is godmodding thus voided. And indeed my movement begun at 5 meters away, DURING. I'll repeating since you didn't notice it the first 10 times I stated it: DURING the time she got up. I stated that in my argument, that this was enough time for Nick to strike. Your ruling entails NOTHING about this not being true.

Also you seem to forget that nothing everything that happens is something everyone reacts to. You would be godmodding by saying:

> You reacted to her motion after you clearly made intent to combat with drawing your kunai and began to move

And other stuff akin. You used the term react 14 times in your argument without realizing that reaction time is completely unnecessary in this context. But what does seem relevant to me, is that you bring it up so many times because my reaction time is low and you're actively trying to enforce biased reasoning- as I've subtly stated before.

It's thing you say, such as

>hich, is SEVERELY lower than Nozomis at D-2 compared to C-3


> As you both begin moving at relatively similar times, But Nozo actually begins moving first, and has to do less.

Proves to me that you're actively attempting to use mental gymnastics to save your villager from her doom.

I stated that I moved, DURING she got up. Not at 'relatively similar times', I didn't state that I saw her move then I moved, NO.

So basically, this is what you did wrong:

Showcasing Superb Specialities [Nick Saturn, Nozomi, Private] HVNBWD5



Ruling on the intervention.

Combat started after the thread's beginning, after the first posting round was done (Nozomi's second post in this thread). Thus, 3 posting rounds have not passed, and no one may enter the topic without permission. The ANBU and Thread Intervention rules only allow said officers to intervene in threads without rolling. This is a private thread with named participants; others oughtn't be invited by one roleplayer without the consent of the others already in the thread.

Thus, Dameon Shikyo's current post is void.

EDIT: The standard 48 hour rule is in play. Nozomi is next in the posting order. When staff is requested to intervene because the involved parties couldn't work it out on their own, it is not mediation; it is arbitration.



The kunai missed her leg, albeit only barely. With hardly any time to think, Nozomi launched her windmill shuriken at him, putting her entire force behind the throw, dead center of his body, completely horizontal in the air. Nozomi was shorter than the man in front of her, so where she released it was around the area of where it would be level with his crotch. If it were to make a direct hit on him, it would penetrate into him an inch. He was only 3 meters away from her at the point of her release, and she didn't stop her movement when she threw the weapon. Although, even as she'd done so, she saw him throwing four Senbon at her. They all hit the areas targeted quite well, but she hadn't even attempted to dodge them. Calculating where they would land, Nozomi figured that they would all hit the Flak Jakcet that she wore, and she was correct. The two hit her shoulder guards, but weren't sharp enough to penetrate the protective armor. Two more followed, directed at her torso, but like the two previous, they simply stuck into the armor. Continuing her backwards motion, as she hadn't stopped even while throwing the Windmill Shuriken, picking up speed at the same time, Nozomi created a petal clone directly in front of her, only 2 meters back from where she'd thrown the Windmill shuriken. She continued backwards at that point, as quickly as she could, while the clone moved forward pushing itself to its limits on speed as fast as possible, to engage the man who had attacked her.

Nozomi's first action upon making the clone, was to immediately start on a hand sign for a new jutsu, Water Release: Gunshot. She herself stopped back tracking, now that the clone was made and had gained a couple meters, and moved forward and to her left at her quickest maintainable speed keeping him in range of her attacks, but separating from her clone, so that the two of them were no longer in a line. The moment that her clone was no longer in between her and the opponent, Nozomi was prepared to intercept any attacks that may come their way with her suiton attacks, provided that she felt she needed to use the jutsu to defend an attack. As long as he didn't have any attacks or defenses utilizing doton, she should be fine. It was simple enough to prepare more suiton by pouring more chakra into it. However, she was only seeking to get in range enough that she could then do a pincer attack with the clone, and would not advance on him herself.  

Her clone, while she had been doing that, proceeded on the offensive, rushing forward, pushing itself to its limits, which would certainly reduce its speed from fatigue after. Nozomi may be able to sustain a 10 meter per second sprint, but in short bursts, she had been known to move at 16 meters per second. It needed to get as close as possible for this one to work. It's hand opened up, and a liquid-like chakra enveloped its hands. Immediately afterwards, a large stream of petal-like blades blasted out of its hands, heading towards Nick's location, if he was within 10 meters of it. The blades would be fast, moving at speeds of 25 meters per second. If he were to attempt to evade the petals blades, the clone would easily keep them on course to hit him in the chest, as it was a jutsu that could be controlled from start to finish. In short, if Nick was in the range of the Petal Storm, the petals would find their way to the center of his chest. The jutsu required no hand seals, and with no knowledge of the Himitsu clan's secret techniques, it would be an unexpected turn of events. Anyone who had even heard of the Himitsu clan knew that they were Taijutsu specialists, so even if the attack looked familiar, it would have at first only resembled the Dance of the Misty Petals, which was purely based on strikes landing in melee range. While it utilized the same principle of the Dance of the Misty Petals, the difference was that this one sacrificed striking power in exchange for being able to hit out of melee range, and cut deeper into the skin, being directed completely by the user. In short, this was a more powerful technique, but lesser known to any outsiders. It was a quick strike of great strength, designed to incapacitate opponents, to allow a Himitsu to get into the melee range against a faster opponent.

Nozomi Used- Petal Clone Jutsu (-20, 1/2 remaining = 87.5) Water Release: Gunshot (-20, 2 Sphere's auto granted = 67.5)
Clone Used- Petal Storm of the Mist (B rank) (-20, Maintained)
Nozomi: 67.5/200
Clone: 62.5/87.5
Born Ill: 3/8 (I misjudged when I entered combat. This is the start of my third round of combat, added on another eighth to fix that)
1 Petal Clone Created:

Stats: Nozomi/Clone
Strength: C-2 [Himitsu Drawback]
Endurance: C-3
Speed: B Rank [Taijutsu-Speed]
Reaction Time: B Rank [Reflexes]
Perception: B Rank [Ace Eye]

WC: 779

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn wrote:At this point I feel like any argument I make is gonna be wasted breath. Since it seems like you didn't read/ understood any of mine.

> RULING! By consensus of Miles, Myself, and Josie,

I'm starting to see a pattern here.

> Nick, you stated in your explanation that you were standing facing her, in your first post you pointed out it was 5m away from nozo before you started talking multiple sentences and drew your kunai, which would have taken time

I faced her during my first post, I never stated that I stopped moving- she did, which is godmodding thus voided. And indeed my movement begun at 5 meters away, DURING. I'll repeating since you didn't notice it the first 10 times I stated it: DURING the time she got up. I stated that in my argument, that this was enough time for Nick to strike. Your ruling entails NOTHING about this not being true.

Also you seem to forget that nothing everything that happens is something everyone reacts to. You would be godmodding by saying:

> You reacted to her motion after you clearly made intent to combat with drawing your kunai and began to move

And other stuff akin. You used the term react 14 times in your argument without realizing that reaction time is completely unnecessary in this context. But what does seem relevant to me, is that you bring it up so many times because my reaction time is low and you're actively trying to enforce biased reasoning- as I've subtly stated before.

It's thing you say, such as

>hich, is SEVERELY lower than Nozomis at D-2 compared to C-3


> As you both begin moving at relatively similar times, But Nozo actually begins moving first, and has to do less.

Proves to me that you're actively attempting to use mental gymnastics to save your villager from her doom.

I stated that I moved, DURING she got up. Not at 'relatively similar times', I didn't state that I saw her move then I moved, NO.

So basically, this is what you did wrong:

Showcasing Superb Specialities [Nick Saturn, Nozomi, Private] HVNBWD5

> The kunai missed her leg, albeit only barely

Since this is false, all my hits have connected, and my timeline would proceed. There's also numerous and numerous of things wrong with your post, which I won't feel like addressing, since it's almost completely void. You won't learn from your mistakes anyway.

Not a single one of the actions matches up with your previous timeline, have you even read your own post? I'll give you one example;

You attempting to hit me with your windmill during your leap back- you state in your post before- that you grab your windmill as you're leaping back. While you're stating now that you're attempting me to strike with it as you leap back. There's so many things wrong with this, I'll describe one of them:

1. You were unpacking your windmill thing as you were in your leap. I moved back already before you started your leap.

Which makes this false:

>He was only 3 meters away from her at the point of her release

There's no time to do this.


My character having moved back already, while your character is grabbing her windmill, preparing to throw it- aim slightly and throw it at full force. This takes longer than my character to create more than a 3 meter range, making your windmill not as accurate as before- and I stated how my character would dodge which now would properly with your inaccuracy would work. My character would be more than 9m+ away from yours after you release it, counting in the time it takes for it to be reach Nick would allow Nick to easily allow to use his perception to calculate the stuff, as mentioned in my post here:

Nick would sidestep it swiftly, using his perception he concluded that it would fly with a certain degree, being completely able to avoid it by going into another direction.

> Nozomi launched her windmill shuriken at him, putting her entire force behind the throw, dead center of his body, completely horizontal in the air.

>dead center

Geometry. the middle point, as the point within a circle or sphere equally distant from all points of the circumference or surface, or the point within a regular polygon equally distant from the vertices.

> Nozomi was shorter than the man in front of her, so where she released it was around the area of where it would be level with his crotch.

The only way for this to make sense if you referred yourself as a him(maybe you need to work on distinguishing your gender some more). Unless you're saying that my cock is the center of my body geometrical wise. Which is different for every being. Unless you were referring to the point of gravity of Nicks physical body- which is (with his mass, and length) above his pelvis. Since you are lacking in the spatial recognition to specifically specify what you're aiming at, I can assume that your character is not that accurate at a 8+ meter range with a huge, heavy shuriken and thus my evasion would be perfectly fine.


Showcasing Superb Specialities [Nick Saturn, Nozomi, Private] RmYG6Cz

2. This is where I make a bunch of points about other parts of your first paragraph, but I cringed too much while reading it and have given up for it. It's not important anyway, it would be just me insulting your rp.

Since this attack is now void, because you have spatial awareness of an infant combined with my actions you are now dead.

Because of the only valid thing from your post is where my senbons land, which you did properly. Which is the only thing you did properly.

Are you serious?

Nozomi ded, Nick acquired every item.


Honorable mentions:

>  If it were to make a direct hit on him, it would penetrate into him an inch.

Showcasing Superb Specialities [Nick Saturn, Nozomi, Private] TUYRQXu

> Although, even as she'd done so, she saw him throwing four Senbon at her.

Showcasing Superb Specialities [Nick Saturn, Nozomi, Private] 3YwYfh3

> Nozomi created a petal clone directly in front of her, only 2 meters back from where she'd thrown the Windmill shuriken.

Showcasing Superb Specialities [Nick Saturn, Nozomi, Private] 7FfQlKe

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

((Staff not posting furthermore, ignoring my arguments. Forcing me to post for no reason. I'm forced to post this, because the staff is bias. Ohwell, here's my post then:))

Nothing had happened since Nicks exit. No genin seemed to have noticed the corpse in the bushes, and Nick was already well underway out of the village.

Showcasing Superb Specialities [Nick Saturn, Nozomi, Private] 7FfQlKe



OOC: Cute. Unfortunately for you, you ignored my entire post. You ignored the mod's ruling, and have now attempted to God Mod me dying for wounds that I don't have.. Due to this, your post is now voided, and my attack proceeds as if you had simply stood around and watched. I don't die, you don't collect my items, oh darn. You fail to realize. As Miles said, once moderation was called into play, that wasn't to help us decide what happened. That was them making the decision. Hence, your argument is invalid. I wasn't hit, I'm in no danger, and now you're dying/dead. What a shame. So as fun as it's been posting with you and reading your little OOC trolling, I'm done, and thanks for the good times ^_^
Oh, right. Before you go bitching about this post: You have E-3 endurance.
E-rank and all tiers: Even D-rank basic attacks will do extra damage on this person, and will easily make them flinch. Wounds of any rank will severely limit their functionality in battle.
That means that the Windmill Shuriken? It did more than simply 1 inch worth of damage. It also made you flinch, and made it severely more difficult to move or fight.
That means that my Petal Storm, which can cut 3 inches into a person at B rank? Yeah, it's done more than simply 3 inches worth of slicing into you. It's also made a gaping wound of which you're now bleeding, cut up your lungs.
You're also flinching, unable to even react at this point, the pain being too great. Which gives the clone plenty of time to then reach you, and end you. At that point, there's no way she'd get you to a medic before you bled out, and with lung damage as well? It would be difficult if not impossible to keep you alive. So, with no other recourse of option, she's going to mercy kill you.
Nozomi hadn't expected her technique to work quite so flawlessly, but as in the Chuunin Exams, it appeared that a quick, high speed offensive was just too much for her enemy to handle. Her Windmill shuriken found itself hitting it's intended mark. It cut into her opponent's flesh, digging in at least an inch, although it was difficult for Nozomi to tell. The man's movement had faltered at that point, although neither Nozomi or her clone could tell that it was due to the pain of his wound. Perhaps it was because of the weight of the Shuriken now adding more mass. Perhaps it was the wound. Perhaps it was some other factor. However, the point remained that he didn't have any time at all to react to the next attacks.

The Petal Storm jutsu hit its mark, as it appeared the man hadn't even attempted to dodge it. Again, only speculation could reveal why. Perhaps he couldn't. Perhaps this enemy wasn't nearly as skilled as he'd thought he was, or perhaps Nozomi was more skilled than he'd expected. The petal blades torn into him vigorously, the tiny blades lacerating him and sticking into him, each contributing to their total cut depth of a little more than 3 inches deep. It was large though, far too large, blood dripping out of his wound. Some of the petals had even punctured into the lungs, his heart, and other surrounding veins and arteries. The petals were small, almost like surgical blades. It had been easy for them to slip between the rib cage at a full impact wound like that. Having been aimed at his chest, the skin was eviscerated around his ribs, and now bone lay exposed. He'd be unable to breathe soon, and with the critical wound losing blood by the second? Nozomi hadn't been expecting him to be hit by it, had expected some sort of resistance, or cancelling jutsu. It was how Sero had taught her to fight, even with training. Always fight as if you're going to die, because you can't get better unless you push yourself to the utmost. But this wasn't the first time she'd accidently gone overboard with her attacks.

Even during the Chuunin Exams, against Yokochima Senju. She'd fought him, giving her all. Only one death had occured, and it was purely because the Medical staff hadn't been able to stabilize him in time. He'd ended up succumbing to his wounds, and had died. Nozomi had felt distraught at that point too. She didn't like killing needlessly. But, now that she'd already inflicted these wounds, this man didn't have long to live. With ruptured lungs, and the gash in his chest, Nozomi estimated he'd have only minutes left, if he were to stay still and not move. Moving would cause him to bleed out even faster, and with petal blades embedded into him, it would only cause more cuts and lacerations as he moved. That's what the Himitsu Clan had designed their attacks to do. Cause large damage, and continually too. That meant he'd bleed out and die before she could even get any help for him.

This left her with only one foreseeable option: Nozomi had to kill him now, to end his suffering. When Nozomi had fought against the smuggler, Sero had imparted upon her some wisdom. A man suffered a lethal blow will surely die. In such a case, the pain was often insurmountable and indescribable in nature. Kirigakure did not take prisoners. In this regard, killing him quicker was not an act of malevolence, but instead one of mercy. To kill him before he could truly suffer the pain of his wounds. She had to remember the distinction between a normal person, and that of the enemy. This man had come up, and initiated combat. He was not of this village, and had attacked her before she had even been fully ready to fight. His honor was low, and it was a large possibility that he was not here to train, but instead for his own purposes. This man was an enemy. And as Sero had said, predators do not pity trespassers in their territory. If it had been anyone else here that he'd done his attack on, they'd have been killed. That attack was one of lethal intent, and Nozomi only just now realized so. She wasn't a medical ninja, but there were certain vessels that would simply kill quicker than others.

Still, Nozomi stayed her Suiton Jutsu, although it was still prepared for usage. She'd rather not kill him herself, if she could avoid it. Instead, her clone would do the work. Her decision to kill him, and the reasoning of which had been an instanteous one. There was no delay in her actions. It went from defend and attack, to finish him off. Her clone had done massive damage, and with him unable to move after such an attack, it would be directly in front of the man nearly instantly. Quitting the maintenance of the Petal Storm jutsu, the clone had engaged in the clan taijutsu. Utilizing the Dance of the Misty Petals, the clone's basic taijutsu attacks and strength were now maximized in their potential damage. It's movements would be done as quickly as possible, to end his suffering. Both hands would move simulataneously to strike two points at the same time, and maximize damage, it's strikes would connect in a specific order. The first two were aimed at Nick's right temple and his throat, one hand striking each place at the same time. Such strikes should prove fatal, as the combined strength of the clone's strikes and the additional lacerations of multiple petal shards that would stick into him at least 1 inch would knock him out from the blow at the temple, and the damage done there, as well as the blow to his neck, which should sever his carotid artery, or his jugular veins. Regardless of whether he was dead or not, her hands would continue moving, to deal more strikes as quickly as possible. If her strikes would knock him back at all, she would follow, as it would be impossible for him to even react at that point, let alone move on his own.

Two more would follow, this time, her left handed strike aimed at the left portion of his neck, to catch an artery or vein if she'd missed it the first time, with all the strength and speed she could put behind it, while at the same time striking her right hand into his chest. After that, Nozomi's strikes would simply focus on his chest, to issue out the petal blades and sever the Aorta, as well as crack or break his ribcage, as she would continuously and repeatedly strike in the same area of his rib cage. Her strikes on the area would number around 30 in total, in addition to the previously scored hit on him with the Petal Storm. It would take only a few seconds at most, but after this, Nick Saturn would no longer be alive. His death would only take a few moments at best, however, Nozomi's continued strikes were in order to ensure it was as minimally painful as possible.

Nozomi used - Nothing
Clone used - (Dance of the Misty Petals (-15 = 57.5))
Nozomi: 67.5/200
Clones: 57.5/87.5
Born Ill: 4/8
Stats: Nozomi
Strength: C-2 [Himitsu Drawback]
Endurance: C-3
Speed: B Rank [Taijutsu-Speed]
Reaction Time: B Rank [Reflexes]
Perception: B Rank [Ace Eye]

Stats: Clone
Strength: C-3 [Using Himitsu Tech.]
Endurance: C-3
Speed: C-2 [Burst of Speed from C-3's BoS/ Taijutsu-Speed]
Reaction Time: B rank [Reflexes]
Perception: B rank [Ace Eye]



“Captain! We have learned of an intruder who just entered the village by the training grounds. Unknown village alliance,” said one of his ANBU guard who had come rushing in to the admin building. Dameon stood up immediately and raced out the same door and then using his shunshin no jutsu to get there as soon as possible. He seemed to vanish into thin air and when he finally arrived where he had wanted to go he reappeared next to the girl who had been attacked. Though she seemed to have already dealt with the situation. Still he had seen much stranger things in his time and he knew the most reliable way to get rid of shinobi was to sever their head from their body. He didn’t stop to ask if she was alright, it would have been a stupid question as she was obviously still alive though to someone’s dismay he assumed. He drew the midnight child blade form his sheath and ran a quick clean line through the downed ninja’s head effectively severing it from his body. He then quickly deactivated his sword and slid it back into its sheath and touched the mangled body and placed the head on the torso. A fire would erupt from his hands and onto the body and any evidence of this shinobi ever existing would be gone with the fire. Dameon stepped back blood on his hands and would wipe it off on her flak jacket.

”When the fire is out clean the blood up and report to the administration building for a debriefing. That’s an order,” he said and began to walk back toward the administration building this time choosing to walk slowly in order to avoid his paperwork.

[305/350 Chakra]
-15 Chakra for Sword activation.
Jutsu used:


Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

> you ignored my entire post.

Not really, you did ignore mine though. So I can say the same, and use your argument. Not that does make sense, because your argument doesn't make sense. It involves various fallacies such as straw-manning and appealing  to authority, and a bunch of other stuff uneducated people would say. I believe I've already picked out most of the stuff to prove that whatever you had to say was completely flawed.  

> and have now attempted to God Mod me dying for wounds that I don't have

Not really, they are hit. Staff decided not to comment on them, which means that they went through. By their lack of response it doesn't imply that the staff declined my actions. Thus I can assume that they did approve it, even if it it's arbitration a rebuttal system is set up- it's not a one way communication where one decision is the final one. It's the making use of a third party to communicate. Since my arguments were not mentioned in a potential follow up, one can assume that there's no follow up because there's nothing to say. By lack of response I can safely claim every hit I landed, as with the follow ups I have made.

Also, by saying that the staff acted as arbitration is a bit false from their side- from the clear side of bias they've shown throughout this. The arguments I have posted are over 3 days old, and I have yet to receive a PM from an admin saying that I'm in the wrong- I have PM'd Miles about this who said he would address this, since he was too late in doing this I took power in my own hands, so- to- say.

Your roleplaying is so bad, horrendous etc. it hurts me, so I won't even read your post where you try to claim hits.

Also this:

> So, with no other recourse of option, she's going to mercy kill you.

Showcasing Superb Specialities [Nick Saturn, Nozomi, Private] TUYRQXu

I'm sure that, after reading this, you will cry to admins and moderators who you have previously cried to because you cannot solve issues without involving people that vote in your favor without apparent reason aside from the obvious. And I'm sure eventually one of those individuals will post again, - strangely not too late - saying that you're right, while everyone can read my posts and yours in perhaps the far future and know what the real truth is. Since it's obvious.




Feel free to read the bolded words in this quote. GG Nick.

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

tfw I can do the same >:(




Enough. If any argument still ongoing is stemming from the last staff ruling, it is invalid. The fact that staff was forced to intervene because the parties involved were unable to resolve their issue amicably means that both sides have forfeit the right to contest the ruling. We are not here to be mediators. We are arbitrators. Combat will continue where it has left off. By choosing to ignore the posts of others based on something other than the ruling issued by the panel of staff members you leave yourself open to whatever attacks you refused to react to out of stubbornness. Continue the thread as the two of you were instructed or leave your fate up to those you're choosing to ignore. Those are the only two valid responses.

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

> We are not here to be mediators. We are arbitrators.

Do you have any idea what this means?

This is what happens when you buy a forum. You get owners like these and they're absolutely wonderful. I've seen what you said in the chatbox before, and how you behave. Everybody loves you: your community- your staff and everyone else. NarutoSaga is very fortunate to have an owner who cares enough about his community to assemble a team of extremely capable moderators to handle conflict before it gets out of hand.

I'm sure that this isn't a surprise to you; but you're amazing.

This has been my last post on this forum. I'm unworthy of the honor of writing alongside you. Farewell, sweet prince.

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