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1Training at the house [solo] Empty Training at the house [solo] Tue Apr 15, 2014 4:56 am



With a quiet hiss of steel escaping it's sheath, he drew his blade from his back scabbard to assume a traditional sword stance: his two hands grasping the hilt with the blade pointed up and forward at the wooden training post. Beginning his breathing exercises to prepare his body for activity. He reflected upon what his teacher had once told him: One of the downfalls of being numb, was that he wouldn't be able to instinctively gauge his own body's exhaustion levels. To try to prolong any intense activity he did strong breathing was the key. Even if he was unable to feel their call for air he would still send his muscles air.

Taking plenty of time to saturate his lungs he once again took in the training dojo around him. Planks for flooring in most of the area behind him, with the shift to dirt about 4 meters before reaching the line of wooden targets he stood before. The ceiling above him was thick as befitting of a second story floor, which is was. His family went about their days among the household while he trained some times passing close enough to him so he could pick them up, some times just making enough noise for him to hear the direction.

Refocusing a section of his mind that he prioritized for combat, onto his chakra coursing through his body he willed it into his exposed blade like many Kenjutsu abilities. As the chakra welled up in the core of the metallic weapon he launch a lightning strike at the wooden target aiming for neck height on an average person. Taking a step back he paused for just a moment to fix the cut wood in his mind as his blade's primary target, while picking a secondary target on the opposite side just under shoulder height. A moment passed, two resounding chops, and the first cut grew even deeper as a new one appeared where the target's left armpit would be. All the while his chakra continued to flow into his hands, and into the core of his blade unphased by the connection with the wood.

Pausing a few moments this time, Gi once again mentaly affixed his targets in his mind. This first being the deepening neck strike, the fresh second in the armpit, a new spot in what would be the side, and a fourth spot in fresh wood at near the floor so as to aim for the ankles. The moment he took a step forward to unleash the strike the chakra in his blade reach complete saturation and was nearly humming with power with each connection. Not giving a moment free from the final relentless strikes the chakra pooled in his blade ignited into raw power and shot through his body as well as the blade. In a single smooth motion that carried him to the wooden floors surrounding the dirt, Gi neatly severed the dummies at the neck in the blink of an eye. Before the burst of speed faded Gi's sword already found itself growing more familiar with it's sheath, before the head hit the ground.

523 - Cerberus strike training.

Last edited by Gi on Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Training at the house [solo] Empty Re: Training at the house [solo] Wed Apr 16, 2014 4:56 am



Drawing the sword that he has just habitually sheathed, Gi turned to pick up the wooden head figure. Holding it much like one would hold a skull while looking into it's eye sockets he mused what to do with it. The only times he had ever actually severed a part of the dummy was when he had a teacher present, and they normally just held onto it to deal with it later, often times dismissing him as he had showed enough progress via the severing blow.

Shrugging at the matter at hand, he tossed the chunk of wood to where it came from and went back to practicing on the dummy regardless of it's lackluster head capabilities. Beginning an un-targeted rain of blows onto the already scared wood before beginning the chakra channeling processes again. So as to do more strenuous precise of chakra control combined with sword arts  he could just do the hard work then start doing the sword work, he would need to be able to do them both at the exact same time in a combat environment; hostiles wouldn't give him time to channel chakra with his guard down.

As each strike sunk into the wood so too did the chakra sink into the blade again. This time the rate of chakra transfer was at a diminished rate due to not momentarily meditating on the blade and the target like last time. While he would be pained to admit it to others, the rate was also slowed due to the exhaustion that had slowly creeped into his body already even if he couldn't not really feel it. The expenditure of energy didn't impact his swordsmanship in the slightest tho, and even the transfer decrease was only a mild change; Gi was still fresh and ready for activity.

Jumping back several feet from the dummy just as the blade was once again ready, he initiated the jutsu for the second time. Immediately he lurched into a dash that covered the distance in but a fraction of a second. The surrounding world seemed to slow with each footfall as he closed in. Bringing his katana to bear in a two handed chop set to cleave the "torso" of wood in two, completely severing the top from the bottom and fully rendering it useless, as he strode by it. As the blade sunk into the already scared and battered wooden flesh, nearly half way through, it stopped as all of it's momentum finished expending itself upon the wood. With the blade and it's hilt no longer moving while on his dash, Gi lost his footing at the jarring stop of his blade and subsequently went tumbling beyond without his sword.

Picking himself up off the ground uncaring of any bruising he got from his tumble, he began to inspect his sword and it's new resting place while walking over to retrieve it. Several inches into the wood and still vibrating at it's tip from the impact. Already he could hear hurried foot fall approaching the practice section of the house. The clash and tumble appeared to be louder than expected and he already felt annoyed that his parents, which ever ones were running, would begin to pester him and check him over to see if he was ok. He just wanted to practice and get better, so in order to hopefully dissuade them from interrupting him, Gi immediately went full force ageist the next wooden dummy even before one of his mothers entered his Wide View radius.

588 - Cerberus strike.

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