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Our objective:



Rippa had been roused from his sleep by his troubled dreams once more. Sitting straight up he let his head fall into his right hand as he panted searching to catch his breath. The cold morning was made ever colder as the sweat on his body cooled from the blankets falling off. He was in his room in the guest house behind his fathers manor. Shirtless and surrounded by sweat soaked white sheets. The sunlight peeking through his thin curtains. His blue eyes seemed to strain for a moment to realize this still. More nightmares. His fathers death bed was truly troubling him. He was old enough to take on the responsibility his father would leave behind but he still regretted that it would be so soon. Unlike so many others he was not driven by greed. And certainly not enough so to ignore that his own father would have to pass on in order for him to pick up that torch. Still in the mean time his uncle was handling the family branch rather well in his fathers stead. Still he doubted his uncle was doing so out of the kindness of his heart. Likely as not his uncle was trying to gain favor with the family in hopes that the head of the branch would go to him

Still he needed to head out and pick up a mission. With dark circles forming under his eyes he moved out from behind the covers. His nude form moving to the showers. It took only a moment for the water to heat up before he stepped in. The Steam rising up around him as he tried to fight away the feeling of exhaustion. It was funny how stress could take the energy out of you before you even wake up for the day. Still he used the rose scented soap and shampoo to wash up before finally getting out and using a red towel to dry off. Sure most ninja actually made an attempt at stealth but he considered himself more of an upfront individual. So if they could smell him more then likely they could see him. Still he brushed out his hair and began to dress himself. The typical black jeans followed with socks and combat boots and then a black tank top and finally his read leather coat with his head band stitched into the upper right shoulder. And with that he needed to head to the administration building. Even though it was sunrise he needed to get out and do something.

Still the trek across the village was less then time consuming. And there was hardly a line for missions in the building. Still as he moved over to the mission board he noticed one for needing medical assistance. So he turned to one of the administrators handing out missions and spoke politely and warmly.

"Excuse me. Can you tell me more about this one?"

The Administrator informed him that refugee's from the Bells war in Kiri had been spotted. It was likely they needed food and medical assistance but so far no one from the group had made any effort to contact Konoha. So they needed two Med nin to go down there and bring food and medical supplies. And then the man left.

"Two med nins huh? Still it's suspicious that they haven't contacted us yet. I will have to be on my guard.....but who to ask to help me?"


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Fear, a basic human instinct, something which could change a person's demeanor, behavior or personality in a whole. It was just that basic human instinct which had been tormenting the young girl in her sleep and even when she was awake, driving her to a mental instability and a physical shape she had during the four years she'd been hospitalized. Her doctor had been quite blunt after the obliged weekly check up, there was a high chance of her returning into a catatonic state, but this time without any hope for recovery. He also stated that there were only two options left, either she dealt with the truth, the opressed memories, or she had to try and learn some meditation techniques to relax and shut off the painful repressions.

The other end of the spectrum was simple: resign from being an active shinobi and take the duty as an academy teacher, which in all aspects, she was highly qualified for. However, Risu did not desire to squander her days in some nifty old classroom and continuously teach the same basic techniques to upstart shinobi, while her own skills would rust away.

After that check up, her night had been one filled with the young girl tossing and turning in her sleep, dreaming about the time in which she was still recognised as a real, once in a lifetime prodigy, but also about the time that ended her belief in the shinobi society and the rules of it's existence.

Waking up, she could only feel the strained, aching muscles beg for a nice hot shower, while her mind screamed for caffeine. He was to blame for that coffee addiction of hers, at least that's how she looked at it, since He was the first to let her know the taste and joy of the black liquid, though now she drank more of that bitter substance than she had ever drunk tea.

She couldn't eat when she remembered the creepy jutsu's that particular person had, almost making her lurch from just thinking about it, the young girl noticed her hands shivering. She had never liked the sight of blood, too much of it had gotten on her skin already and the so-called spar with Him did not help at all, in fact it made her fear and disgust for the red essence of life even worse.

Brushing her hair, the young Orochi looked at her reflection in the mirror, realizing she'd be needing a haircut soon again, as her hair was probably the only thing that grew fast, as it had already reached it's original length again. Dressing herself in her favorite purple jumpsuit, with the black belt around her waist carrying her medical pouch, shinobi utensils' and her waterflask, over her purple jumpsuit, she simply wore a silk white shirt, hanging the forehead protector around her neck, with the metal place resting on her collarbones.

Pleased with how she looked, Risu ran out of her small appartment, whistling at the two Hebi family guards who where stationed near her apartment by her uncle, but she never wished for. With a sneaky grin, she dashed over the village's rooftops, greeting some kids playing on one of the many top floor terasses, before she managed to get to the administration building, hoping there would be solething interesting for her to do, since she had obviously been slacking the past days again and her wallet had become a useless empty pouch again.

With a sigh, remembering the costs of her stubborn choice to live her life seperate from her family and outside the reach of her uncle, Risu took a look at the mission board, only to see Him from the corners of her eyes, sure she had much to blame Him for, but still...her heart started to pound heavily in her chest when she noticed his face, how would she ever be able to hate someone who had such a dreamy appearance.

Trying to blend in a bit with the crowd of late arrivals, who tried to seek their chance at the missionboard as well, Risu got behind Rippã, placed her hands gently in front of his eyes and whispered softly: "Guess who?"




Rippa for the moment contemplated putting it back. Surely others could scout out the danger first. Sure they appeared to be Kiri refugee's but he had his doubts about people. In General people let their inner demons show just beneath the skin. And in the worst case scenario they were just plain evil incarnate. He normally wouldn't worry as much if just for his own safety but he didn't know who they would team up with him. Would they be capable of handling themselves or would they falter at a crucial moment? What if he faltered? If he couldn't pull through in a pinch and became responsible for the death of another Med nin. For a moment he felt his hands shaking. He was old enough to take responsibilities but was he strong or wise enough? Not only that but he was naturally physically weaker then most. If they got in over their head he could be taken down quickly. So he had to make a choice. Either nut up or walk away and take another job assisting at the academy. He felt his throat go dry. He had a mission to go into the unknown and it scared him. Fear is an odd thing to feel. But what if his instincts kept him alive?

It was then that his vision was clouded by pale fingers. In a second he stiffened and prepared to defend himself but then his mind rationalized the situation. Why would some one attack him? And in the administration building? No one held enough of a grudge against him to commit suicide or pay some one else too. That led him to believe it was likely friendly. As the fingers covered his eyes and his vision went black he forced his fingers to relax away from the half way formed hand sign he had almost finished and likely broken the hands of who ever it was blinding him now. It was then that he heard a gentle whisper. A simple guess who. But it didn't take long for his brilliant mind to narrow it down. The one good part of his lonely life is he only knew two women in person and one of them he hadn't gotten along with at all. In fact that one would likely have kicked him or worse yet stabbed him instead of this. No he registered the voice with the other girl. Some one he had fought against once before and barely managed.

"Ms. Risu. A pleasure as always."

Gently he would touch her wrists guiding her hands away from his eyes before turning to look at her with his usual warm smile. And even though his smile met his blue eyes the dark circles under his eyes seemed to drag away from the warmth of it a little. Still she had calmed his nerves. And then he spoke once more.

"Well since your here let me check up on your wounds from last time. Shall we?"

If she let him he would brush his fingers along the area where he remembered the wounds being. A Doctor giving a patient a check up. Gradually he traced over every wound and seemed to study it before nodding in approval. Still he smiled and stood straight. Come to think of it she had proved difficult to fight some time back and now he figured she had grown much stronger. Likely stronger then himself. And as memory would have it she was also a renowned med nin. He smiled as the answer seemed to present itself and tilted his head. A little mischief shining in his eyes.

"Actually your arrival is very well timed and fortunate. I was just thinking of taking a mission and I would feel much safer if you joined me."

With that he looked around. He hadn't noticed he had dropped the notice when she surprised him but then he bent at the knee's to reach down and pick it up. Before brushing it off and handing it to her. Watching her while he wondered what she would do with the idea.


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

She noticed the slight tensing of his muscles right after she tried to surprise him with a peekaboo, but the girl quickly noticed the fact that the tension vanished as quickly as it arose, with the man in front of her gently taking her wrists and removing her hands from his eyes, turning towards her and giving her a nice and friendly greeting. Even though she was still smitten with his appearance like she was the first time, she also noticed that he was like certain other people she knew, her own self included. His smile, despite the warm and friendly expression it gave to his handsome face, still felt so...fake.

If only his face was as beautiful as that moment he had passed out, without any mask hiding it. However, she did not want to trouble Rippã with her thoughts, giving him a warmhearted smile, tilting her head a bit to the side, while looking into his eyes.

"Hello To you to, Mr. Rippã," Risu almost chuckled, while those words rolled out of her mouth. For a quick instant, her eyes looked at his lips and while he suddenly did a surprising thing as to check her already vanished wounds, the Orochi Lady blushed a bit, while her right index finger softly slid accross her lips, trying to remember how it felt to touch his lips with hers. If only he knew how much she wanted him to see her as something else than just a young, underdevelloped girl. "Aren't you the lecherous devil, touching a girl without her permission, hmm?"

A simple joke, but normally an effective one, even with those who call themselves professional medics or doctors, one she hoped was sligh enough to get a nice reaction out of the young shinobi of the Chi family.

Before she could ask him anything else, he suddenly told her that her arrival was quite a good thing for him, which in turn turned her to fall silent, making her look as if she was expecting him to say something entirely different, which became even more apparent when her expression turned slightly gloomy, after realizing he only needed her for a mission he wanted to embark on.

"So you needed me for this mission, hmm?" Her face turned rather serious all of a sudden, her snakelike eyes seemingly devouring every word on the notice she was given, though at the sale time hiding the sting she felt when she had to realize that what she still desired would never become a reality. So she tried to focus on the notice, leassuring herself a more distant and colder look, hiding her dissapointment maybe a tad too well. "Wouldn't it be smarter if I just ask my uncle to take this matter directly to the Hokage or let him send some of our Hebi family guards to apprehend those men?"

She gave Rippã a serious look, showing him that though she did want to help him out, she knew all to well that there was a big difference in their medical abilities, where his were meant to heal, hers were mostly ment for anything but healing, plus she wasn't even good at healing in the first place.

"We really would form an awkward pair," Risu chuckled, knowing that that statement was oh so true, with him being an established healer with the bad luck of having low stamina due to his kekkei genkai and her impractical inability to properly use the healing jutsu of her medical qninjutsu specialization. "Ok, fine. I'll indulge you and help you out, but try to uhm...lilit the use of your Bloodline Limit, ok...I still can't cope with it very well, or be honest, I simply can't risk my own need to ask, it's...complicated."




The comment of being a lecherous devil made him blink and hesitate. He had never thought of his patients as attractive or even gender based when it didn't require it. Truth be told members of the Chi family had to marry outside of the clans. Their hemophilia some how made it so that only males where born of their blood line. It was as if their disease or curse as one could describe it refused to be defeated by the female half of the race. He felt his cheeks go red at the line of thought about men marrying outside of the clan and how he had just about molested her to anyone looking at them. It was just a check up from wounds he himself had given her. Still as she spoke he avoided eye contact with some extensive effort. He really was embarrassed by it all. Perhaps that was why he had missed the look of disappointment she had when she discovered he needed her for a mission. Rippa was perhaps the most oblivious man to women in Konoha. Being completely unaware that his toned muscles and tall stature combined with blue eyes and white hair and the smell of roses actually might mean some one was attracted to him.

Still when she agreed to go on the mission with him he brightened up. A warm smile that broke through the exhaustion and seemed to shine in his blue eyes. As blue as the summer sky. He was honestly happy as he bowed his head respectfully. His words sounded excited and happy as he spoke to her. Eager to begin.

"Great news! I thank you for being willing to accompany me. Shall we be off?"

rising to his full height again he moved to the door and held it open for her before following her outside. With a nod of his head he indicated that they should move to higher ground as they move towards the mission objective. And with a grin he launched himself up with a leap to land on top of a barrel. Both hands grabbing some railing from some ones porch and carrying forward with his momentum flipped around it. His feet landing on the railing as he did another jump and grabbed the roof with his hands. Swinging his legs up to the left and over so he stood on the roof. The roofs were close enough together to begin jumping from roof to roof. He would make sure she was next to him before continuing at a comfortable pace. Before he would speak once more. His voice clear and composed.

"As for alerting others of the mission. There is a chance that the refugee's are in need of urgent medical care. If we wait there could be casualties. If it appears Konoha was unwilling to help them then Kiri might be less inclined to be allied to us. Not to mention less inclined to provide medical attention to anyone needing it from Konoha. However I have a suspicion that something is off here. They haven't tried to contact Konoha yet for help. That's why I am happy to see you. Your the only one with a substantial amount of power that I trust. The only person I can trust to watch my back for anything out of place while I attend to any medical needs."

He neglected to mention how limiting her request for him not to use blood jutsu was. With out it he had no offensive abilities. Even as they neared the main gate he frowned thinking about it. He had no offensive jutsu that didn't involve blood. If he was to respect her wishes then he would have to be strictly medical support for the mission. It meant he would have to put all his faith into her. He could only hope that nothing happened to her in all honesty. Still even as he pictured the worst case scenario in his mind his blood seemed to writhe in his veins. As if responding to his thoughts. A preeminent feeling of rage. He would take down anyone that tried to hurt his friend. And he would make it hurt like hell.

1500/1500 mission word count complete
461/1500 thousand bloody needles training

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Giving the man a soft, gentle smile was all she could muster, sure she knew that her request was selfish, but from hat she had gathered the first time Risu had meet Rippã, he seemed the kind of person who would go a whole lot of ways for those he cared for, what in effect was quite a lot different from Risu, who only hoped that her 'partners' could fend off for themselves, though the Chi clanmember was slightly different for her, because she had already fallen for him and even if it was unrequited, she couldn't possibly let the man just die off somewhere, he might've been worth fighting for, so that was what she decided to do, if Rippã would get into trouble due to her selfish request of limiting the use of his element. However, maybe he did not know, but she had already figured that his element couldn't be used too much without obvious consequences for himself as well.

"I feel flattered about the fact that you trust me so much, Rippã-sama," Risu almost said teasingly, standing right in front of him, making her realize how big he was compared to herself, as she had to look up to be talking to him in a normal and relatively polite way. "Ok, so we wont be asking for assistance. But even though waiting is bad, leaving on a mission unprepared is even worse. So let's first take a look at the facts they've given us: a group of around thirty refugees from Kirigakure, a squd of Konoha shinobi has been send, but no word from them. This could mean two things, either the squad just hasn't thought about contacting us yet or they're out of range for any decent sensory jutsu, but there could also be solething terribly wrong.

Even though Rippã was her sempai in terms of age, their ranks made them equal, but Risu had read enough of her parents old reports to know how ANBU shinobi dealt with these kind of problems. Because they weren't ANBU, they had to have a startegy more on their own level of expertise and individual skills.

"I've got it," She suddenly said, after she had been following Rippã along the way, having thought about how best to deal with anything that could happen in any situation. "I know how we'll have to deal with this. I'll stay behind a bit when we reach our destination. If nothing is wrong, we can go about to do our job and tend to the refugees along with the squad, in worst case scenario that something did happen, we'll have the element of surprise."

1500/1500 mission complete
308/4000 Doton A->S



Rippa listened as they raced through the forest. She was faster then he was but that was fine. She was more then aware enough to simply keep pace with him. After all if anything she was the offensive force in this mission. Which settled well enough with him. Still he felt a lump in his throat. Anxiety perhaps? But what was there to feel anxious about? This could and should easily turn out to be a simple medical mission. Still it had been marked as a B rank mission. And they wanted a team for it. That meant that something some where left some one else feeling anxious about it too. But that hardly mattered. Her plan seemed sound. He would go in first and she would remain hidden. It was a sound plan. And if it was too much to handle only he would be at risk. Still as they traveled in silence he let his smile fade before finally he spoke. His voice careful and slow.

"Risu-san. I...I want you to keep something in mind. If something happens that we can't handle. I want you to leave me behind. Both of us being dead is pointless. If this does turn out to be something hostile it is your duty to retreat and report. Just keep that in mind."

And with that he dropped to the forest floor. They were too close now to talk any further. He had waited for them to be that close to finish that sentence. So as to prevent arguing. He nodded to her and slowly progressed forward. Trusting her to stay hidden. Already he could smell smoke from multiple camp fires. He swallowed a moment. His hands shaking slightly. His first mission into the unknown. His first B rank mission. A silent prayer left with his breath as he emerged from the forest. If she retreated like protocol dictated he had a technique or two he was willing to give a try to cover her escape. It required blood prior to use for it to form but he had no doubt there would be plenty present. And no one ignored 1000 blood needles. He focused on remembering the hand signs. A small practice to keep his fear at bay. Still when he entered the camp he was pleasantly surprised to see just a lot of tired villagers. A sigh of relief was let out. Already he was letting down his guard.

However something was off. As soon as he emerged hushed whispers rushed through the people there. Eyes only peeked at him before looking to the ground. The people looked hungry. And worse for ware. Not to mention scared. Only one got up and hesitated as Rippa looked at him. Before sprinting for a tent a few meters away. That was odd enough. But Still a groan caught his attention off to the right. He let his thoughts wander more towards that as did his feet. He walked passed the crowd and found what looked to be a crudely fashioned shelter. Within it he found the source of the groaning. Two shinobi were in there and badly beaten. Quietly he knelt down and studied the injuries before reaching out and placing his hands on both of them. Forcing a sufficient amount of chakra through both palms he used his clans healing touch to heal them both simultaneously. However one of them regained consciousness and saw Rippa. Quickly he grabbed his wrist and whispered harshly.

"You must run! It's not safe for you here!"

But it was too late. The crude tent over them whipped away and suddenly Rippa was looking up at three individuals. An older man and two individuals had snuck up on him. But something was wrong with their eyes. Some manner of insanity there. It was then that he spoke. His voice filled with anger as fierce eyes focused on Rippa. Three of them... He was outnumbered and flanked. Not to mention he had no way of judging their strength.

"You...You healed these two.. You healed enemies of the Lord god are a heretic and the punishment for being a heretic is harsh. I sensed your filthy sticky chakra the moment you walked into this camp fool!"

And with that the two Taijutsu fighters sprung forward. Rippa brought his arms up to try and defend himself. The only thought going through his head was that he hoped Risu had already retreated. They had entered into unknown hostile territory. Rippa could already be considered a casualty within moments. After all he was no good in a close quarters game while flanked. He grit his teeth and prepared for the heavy impacts about to land on him.

1250/1500 bloody needles training

Jutsu used:

chakra 180/200

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

She noticed how his smile faded in the instant they were close enough to see the camp. The words he spoke almost turned Risu's stomach into a knot. In a way those were the same words as Hamada sensei had said to her, only moments before the worst moment of her life had torn him, Momo and Kaoru away from her. She could only nod, but both her eyes and lips showed that she was restraining herself from giving an answer.

The young girl could only watch silently, as the man went into the settlement of the refugees, after which he seemed to dash away into a tent of some sorts. For a moment nothing seemed to happen, though she could see the faint glowing light of medically used chakra. So he had started healing people, which meant that makeshift shelter was some sort of hospital for those gravely injured.

However, just as she wanted to sigh and let go of the andiety she was starting to feel, the female shinobi glanced a bit away from the tent, seeing some kind of commotion in the corners of her eyes and as she turned her attention towards what was happening, she has to take a full breath of air, gasping very loudly when she saw a tall man and what appeared to be two followers or henchmen walk at a quick pace towards the tent. Even though she didn't really thought of the situation as being threatening to Rippã, only to realize that she had made him promise not to use his blood element. Cursing herself for being so obstinate, she managed to mix in with the refugees just before the three men went inside the makeshift tent.

Suddenly a woman of elderly age, who seemed distraught, underfed and filled with fear, grabbed the young girl by her wrist and pulled her closer. "That man earlier...if he was your friend, you'll have to save him from that madman."

"What?!" Risu muttered in disbelief and confusion, fear welling up within her soul, her heartbeat increasing in speed rapidly, while the adrenaline started rushing through her vains. "Oh no...Rippã."

How was she going to help him, how was she going to be of use? Thinking about that, she ran towards the tent, seeing the two henchmen prepare themselves for an attack on Rippã, who she noticed having his arms crossed in front of him, trying to shield himself from what was about to happen.

She had to be quick, she had to think fast...

The shelter seemed to explode right in front of Rippã, with boards and canvas being torn to shreds, with an impressive, wall of sticky mud now standin in between Rippã and the two seemingly surprised henchmen.

"What is this?!" The tall man exclaimed when he noticed the wall and the white-skinned, snake-eyed girl standing on top of it. "Another heretic...and a demon at that, a filthy heretic snakedemon!!"

Risu only crossed her arms in front of her chest, not flinching by the actually quite painful words thrown at her by the tall man, whoes eyes simply gave her the creeps, as they glowed with the feverish sparkle of insanity.

"As if I could just leave you alone, Rippã," The young girl said with a soft smile on her face, also noticing the two konoha shinobi. So they were the injured ones, that explained a lot after all. "You make sure those two are patched up nicely, I think I can manage these two as long as I keep my distance...taijutsu users, hey...better keep a long distance, ey."

Giving another glance backwards, smiling at Rippã like only someone who was in love could do, Risu touched the waterflask at her belt, opening it in one quick move, after which she placed one hand in front of her face, her index and middle finger touching her lips, while her other hand was pointing at the sky, resulting in the water from her waterflask evaporating and forming a layer of thick mist surrounding the mudwall and with another one of those smiles on her face, she jumped into the mist, vanishing from sight.

1500/1500 mission complete


Last edited by Orochi Risu on Sat Apr 19, 2014 6:34 pm; edited 1 time in total



The ground shook and in a second a mud wall rose between him and his would be attackers. He heard the audible noises of shock and surprise before he looked passed his arms. There between him and his would be aggressors was a jutsu he knew could only be from one person. His blue eyes looked to his left as he saw Risu standing there. Even as he realized all of it the two men he had healed were rising from their beds. One of them cracked his knuckles and the other popped his neck. He looked to them before he saw them nod. So they were back on their feet and ready for action. For the moment though Rippa's emotions were mixed in an indecent turmoil. In one hand Risu and his patients were now putting themselves in danger. Even though being a shinobi meant one accepted that this was still his first B rank mission. He worried about sustaining losses. On the other hand they now had the advantage in numbers. And he would not let his faith in Risu fail. He would believe in her. But he would not stop there and be useless. He accepted her choice as she made it. As she formed the Mist he was already turning to the other two Shinobi.

"You two. If you're well enough then it's time to engage the enemy. I need you two to flank them and handle the subordinates. The leader said some mean things to our comrade. Support her as needed but your primary mission is to keep them off her back. Let he make him eat his words. I will evacuate the civilians. Go!"

Both men nodded and split to flank the enemy. One of them was the taijutsu specialist who split left. He had surprising speed. Probably about as fast as Risu. The other split Right. Rippa had not noticed the twin katana's sticking out of the ground but as the ally grabbed them he understood the man was a swordsman. His plan was in motion. So he needed to move as well. Already the crowd of civilians was huddling away from the battle but they needed to escape. He dashed over to them as the battle began. Quickly he directed them to make a break for Konoha. And it didn't take any convincing. Some were faster then others but they were making decent time getting away. Still being as they were hungry and beaten progress was a little to slow. So Rippa moved to the back of the group and watched. Hopefully he would be able to keep his word but if need be he had something like that mud wall he could use. But only if he needed to create a barrier to protect the people. Still his blue eyes could watch the battle and make judgement calls on if he needed to involve himself and when. Worst case scenario he would break his word and his blood jutsu would come into play.

Out of the Mist all three enemies jumped backwards. Apparently they were uncomfortable with their vision cut off. The two minions broke left and right as he had predicted likely to try and flank Risu. However almost immediately they were engaged by his own troops. While they seemed surprised to see the two shinobi he had healed they went on the defensive. While it was clear the two genin were hard pressed by Rippa's new found allies He noticed the leader of the group was preparing a jutsu. It was then that it struck him. The man said he could sense chakra. While he hoped the Mist still hid her he also hoped she could evade what ever jutsu he was preparing. Rippa's blue eyes turned to watch the civilians slowly getting out of the way but the progress was slow. His hands lifted for a moment to form the hand formation for blood bullets before he flinched and held back. He had promised... Damn it he wanted to distract the man but he had to have faith that Risu had it handled. He knew the jutsu was called water Trumpet. A low ranking one but good for slicing through an area. And if Risu didn't see it coming likely it would hit. So he took in a deep breath and shouted.

"Risu incoming at your 12 o'clock!"

1500/1500 bloody needles trained
480/1500 blood wall

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Rippã had apparently managed to heal the two konoha nin pretty nice and quick, as she could hear them clash with the two henchmen not much after she had jumped into the mist. God, he was such a caring person, one of those good qualities she had to write down in a mental note to herself. So with those two taijutsu users out of the way, it meant she had to be especially careful with that tall guy, who despite his insane attitude and demeanor should've been stronger than those two, given the fact it was him who was calling the shots.

Hmm, a snakedemon, a nice title to be given to her in a way, though at another moment in another way that was one heck of a painful blow to her selfawareness. It wasn't that she had grown oblivious to the names she'd be called usually do to her appearance, but being called snakeprinces by Sayomi or Snakedemon by this crazy person wasn't all to bad at all in a sense.

Her silent thoughts were interrupted by Rippã's voice reaching through the mists of her own technique, telling her that somewhere right in front of her something was coming at her. Again silently thanking the man she loved so much, Risu suddenly darted to the side, turning in a ninetee degree hook, so she would be able to come close to whomever she was warned about and she sure was glad that Rippã had called out, as an instant after her quick dash had started, a strong stream of water was launched into the direction of her earlier starting point.

"Suiton, now it's one of those moments I wished to have an affinity for raiton," She chuckled softly, imagining how such a continuous stream of water would be the perfect conductor for a simple zap of lightning. "Well, I still have my doton in advantage to that suiton, let's see how this guy can handle some surprises."

Stopping in her tracks, just as the stream of water had been passing her, Risu formed a few handsigns, after which an exact copy of herself appeared, with after two seconds two more appearing.

Even if this guy was able to sense chakra, Risu decided that playing tricks on his eyes would be more than enough to confuse him for at least one moment and she only wanted one moment to seize the opportunity to give that creep a serious lesson in why he should not have done such atrocities to those refugees, not to mention the fact he and his goons dared to raise a hand at his fellow konoha-nin or Rippã for that matter. If she had not forbidden him to use his blood techniques, he would most likely have been able to defend himself more properly.

Another set of handsigns and she had water around her hands, which she used to throw a pair of large, sickle shaped projectiles into the direction from which the stream of water originated, before she would rush out of the mist into the same direction, surrounded by her images, her fake clones.

"Just so you know..." She would yell when bursting out of the mist. "Bells is gone."

1500/1500 mission complete


Last edited by Orochi Risu on Sat Apr 19, 2014 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total



Rippa watched as the battle continued. For the moment it all seemed to be almost even. The mist made it hard for him to tell the condition of his partners health. After all if she had been hit he would need to step in. His blue eyes took in all three battles as the people herded towards Konoha. He could feel the tense back and forth stretching the air. The battle was to close with out him being able to help. Initially they had been on the offensive because of the surprise of the one on one fights with no hostages available. It was obvious the men were not prepared to take on an entire assault squad of chunnin. After all they by all appearances appeared to be fanatics. And fanatics rarely thought anyone could challenge their beliefs. But the risk came once the fanatic became threatened. Much like a wild animal the fanatic would lash out with incredible ferocity. So long as the man believed he was superior they had a chance to sneak in a successful counter attack. He was predictable. He was simple. And using Suiton techniques against this squad wasn't going to get him far. But Rippa suspected this was only the beginning of the battle.

As the two sickles flew out of the mist Rippa watched as the crazed man rapidly made a clone. Letting the clone take the hit and disperse. That alone was good. Making him lose chakra like that would make the battle easier. Still it was intense for him as he watched from the sidelines. Both the other chunnin were pressing hard into their opponents. They were faster and stronger then the mans lackeys but still it was taking a moment. Rippa let his mind race for what to do. Tactically keeping a dedicated medic to the side in case of emergency was sound. But at the same time the battle appeared to be a flip of the coin with him just standing there. His fist gripped as he focused on thinking. The civilians were clear. The threat itself was being confronted with a strong member. He made a tch noise as he looked to the other two. They were healed but likely still weak from just being recently off the injury list. He could feel himself shaking. He was afraid. This was real combat. There was nothing to ensure survival. He was torn. And he knew little of what to do.

It was then that he saw Risu break out of the mist. Not just one either. But multiples. Good if she could confuse him then she could get a hit in and end it. But something happened. He heard her words and suddenly he knew this battle was about to get intense. He saw the man's expression change. Now it was blind rage. He saw the man inhale and knew that meant a breath jutsu. As mad as the man was it likely was not going in a very friendly direction at all. He was eighty percent sure it was going to be a powerful offensive technique. But he didn't know of many Suiton jutsu that were used by in-taking a breath first. Still Rippa was already moving to the right. Regardless of what it was the man was about to go heavily on the offensive and he needed to create an opening. His mind thought up a plan on the go. He reached out with both hands and focused his chakra into puppet strings. Reaching out with four strings to attach to four rocks. All four of which he lifted and began spinning above him rapidly. Creating a very fast spinning motion with four rocks.

As he prepared this the man breathed out fire in a roaring noise. Rippa could feel the heat of it from across the camp. The fire rising up and taking shape as a chinese dragon. A truly fearsome jutsu. Rippa would of been in awe if it wasn't so terrifying. Still he spun his rocks as the chinese dragon seemed to come to life and with a roar gave chase to Risu. Ripping through where the medical tent the battle had started in and turning it to ashes. Rippa growled in anger seeing Risu in danger. Still he quickly noticed the man was still breathing out a line of fire which connected to the dragon. Probably it's only source of life. He just needed to break the man's concentration. So he put his plan into motion. One after another he released the spinning rocks one after the other like a shepherds sling. The man could sense chakra but plain old rocks would be hard to notice. Still this was all he could do with out using blood jutsu. He watched as the rocks flew true through the air. His prayers that the rocks would reach their target before the fire turned Risu to ash.

1301/1500 bloody wall.

His jutsu:

My jutsu:

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Something was off and seemingly, Risu wasn't the only one who sensed it, when she noticed from the corners of her eyes that Rippa had started acting, presumably he had already devised some kind of plan to stop that crazy tall guy, who had avoided getting hit by the two water slashes by instantly creating a water clone and letting it take the full brunt of the Snakegirl's attack, as if he had foreseen her initial attack somehow, just like how he had managed to find her spot on inside the mist and had evaded getting hit by the mud wall or obstructed by the hidden mist. This was no longer just some experience, this was something different entirely.

Suddenly the enraged man inhaled deeply and while Risu had earlier thought that it would've been another suiton technique, from the way he was inhaling, she could already see that it was not a suiton technique at all and sadly, cursing herself, she was right, as a massive flaming dragon appeared in front of her when the man exhaled a fuming inferno of flames forming the massive beast. This was a katon technique and not one Risu would simply be able to extinquish with her level of jutsu, not even her suiton techniques were calculated on such a mass of flames.

As the dragon roared, a stream of hot air passed through Risu's clones, instantly dissipating them, while Risu's hair was blown loose, the clips vanishing in the mist, as she looked up to the massive flaming dragon with her eyes fully opened, knowing fully well she couldn't outrun this beast.

"Chh," She scoffed silently, gritting her teeth and bracing herself while another roar of the dragon almost pushed her back by air displacement alone. "Who knew this guy was this skilled, damn.

Strangely, she wasn't shaking or even feeling fear, as if she had already seen the futility of running from her fate with such an enormous, hulking mass of flames in front of her. However, suddenly the man seemed to be distracted by something, when out of nowhere it seemed that a rock hit him against the head, forcing him to release his control on the dragon, which after letting out a final, earthshattering roar, went up in smoke.

"What the...ugh," The enraged man said, while he placed his left hand against his head, the blood from the wound seeping down his face. "Damn you heretics, I'll kill you all!!"

While the smoke from the dragon was clearing, the man seemed to quickly refind his bearings, quickly forming a set of handseals, while looking straight into the direction out of which the stone came, inhaling again, yet in his rage forgetting who his original target was, leaving a crucial opening for Risu to act accordingly.

With a quick dash, forming her handseals during the short run, the Snake princess reached the insane prophet just as he was about to exhale and as she finished her combination of handseals, a massive snake made out of mud, shot up from the ground crashing against the man's chin from below, effectively propelling him into the air, where he apparently got caught at both his arms by another of Risu's snake jutsu, yet this time her White snake style's Bloody Teeth jutsu, with two snakes made out of rock and water, having sprouted from the ground and grabbed the insane man by his arms in the air, which with their teeth sinking deep in his flesh resulted in a loud, painful scream.

With a simple flick of Risu's wrists, the snakes threw the man down, sending him skidding over the ground towards Rippã, in front of whol he laid down battered and with two heavily bleeding and torn arms.

"he's yours," Risu laughed, while exhaling loudly, slapping the dust and dirt from her clothes. "Those two others have already been subdued apparently."

1500/1500 mission complete
2000/2000 trained a rank Chakra scalpel


Last edited by Orochi Risu on Sat Apr 26, 2014 7:24 pm; edited 2 times in total



Rippa watched as the battle ended. The distraction had worked as well as he had hoped and as Risu quickly reacted now that she was out of danger. For a few moments he had feared with that massive flame jutsu that they had gotten in over their head. Still Risu tore into the individual with renewed vigor. Snakes seemed to slam into the man at a near brutal level of damage. Rippa even winced as he watched before the man was tossed at his feet. Apparently Risu wanted him to finish it. For a moment he wanted to. His hand trembled a little as he considered removing the life from the man. After all he was a threat. Crazed as he was letting such a person live would put others in danger eventually. For a moment he stood there torn. His body trembling with turmoil. A life was his to deal with. It hung in the balance as he considered it's destiny. For a moment it looked like it would be too much for him. But then he took in a deep breath. His shivering stopped. At this point killing the man would be murder. And that was not who he was. So quietly he knelt down and healed the wounds just enough to stop the bleeding. Still he left the mans arms useless and bound both his arms and feet together. Having his other two accomplices bound as well. Before nodding to Risu. She had done a great service to Konoha and these people. And with that he escorted them all back. Turned the three into the authorities and gave his report. And with a sigh he stepped outside. His hands were still trembling. Whether from fear or adrenaline he could not say. Still he left quickly not wanting to let Risu see him shaking like that. Or anyone else for that matter.

1500/1500 bloody wall complete.

Exit thread.

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