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Wolfgang Sat there looking at the training yard, it was a wet and rainy place this village, and as thus the ninja were forced to train mostly in the rain, though the concept didnt bother Wolf in the slightlest since he could not feel anything. Wolfgang sat on a post clad in his full anbu armor, all but the mask, which stay at home, since he wasnt supposed to use unless he was on a mission to do with the anbu. He had just been promoted to the black ops, they had promoted him due to his strength, Wolfgang knew that the higher ups had no love for him, though it was obvious that he was strong enough.

Today wolf wore his hair wild as usual and his beard was now trimmed slightly, it was done in a goatee now, making him look at least a little bit professional, his hair naturally was straight and looked as though he had combed it back, kind of like a blast back hair cut, his silver eyes darted back and forth at the training genin, he needed to find some vicious fighters that let him make the best squad in the village, he had been looking around for a long time now, in the sack that layed beneath him, there was a cloak for the man or woman who could intrigue his interests, though he had only found one so far and she had not been seen from in a long time now.

He looked back and forth looking for something...someone who could make him want to know more about their skills...

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

The constant patter of the rain gave a calming melody to the background of Kusono's day. He had presently gotten back from a trip to the nukenin graveyard. It was a relaxing place, except for the paroling ANBU squads that searched the grounds regularly for defectors. He had been there visiting his uncle Keiji.Keiji was a courageous man and a warrior, like all the Kaguya before him. Keiji was a missing ninja when Kusono was only a child, four or five. He was inline to be the clan head after the current one had passed. But, the warrior spirit that flowed through he veins of all Kaguya had clouded his mind. Instead of challenging the current head to a sanctioned match, he had killed him in a private duel in the forest outside of the village in a blood rage. For his crimes he was to be executed. Keiji, being the ferocious warrior that he was, wanted to die with honor and fight his ANBU pursuers. The clan persuaded him otherwise to flee and fight another day. But, the nuke-nin graveyard would prove to be his final resting place as he was ambushed in the forest. After a bloody confrontation with the villages hunter-nin, he was killed in battle. The clan, rather than leave him where he was slain, constructed a bone grave marker and buried him. Kusono would every once in a while pay his respects to his fallen relative

Stepping inside the training yard Kusono couldn't help but notice how the rain clung to his hair and clothes. Kusono's long silver hair was originally in a neat poney tail. Now the remnants of it where matted down and wet. It was adjusted more than once to retain at least some of its once dignified look. His black and red Kimono clung to his milky skin and gave liquid filled squish if he tightened his purple cord belt. His black pants where the same, faded a lighter black from the fog. His black shoes where fine however, gripping the grassy terrain nicely. But, that was neither here nor there. He was here and it was only a minor inconvenience.

Kusono took in the scene of the field, it was not as populated as it usually was. A mixture of ranks where loosely scattered about. A few genin trained with the practice dummies. Others where perfecting the handseals of jutsu. One person who stood out the most was a lone man. He looked to be older than Kusono with dark unkempt hair and beard. He wore the attire and sported a tattoo of the ANBU. This was intriguing indeed. Rarely did higher ranking shinobi such as ANBU train with the common ninja. Didn't he have a personal training field?

WC: 460/????



Someone had finally peaked his interest a little bit, across the yard he saw a genin with two little red dots, that meant he was a Kaguya member, they were the ones who had the bone kekkei genkai, they were known among clans as a very firece one, though Wolfgang had in his life met very few of them, which was funny, because he fashioned himself a warrior of sorts. Wolfgang stood up and left his bag where it was, anyone idiot enough to take his stuff was asgood as dead so he worried not.

He walked over to the kaguya, he then pulled out his deck of ninja info cards, it said that his name was Kusono and that he used ninjutsu and taijutsu, quite skilled in both, though Wolfgang may just turn out to be the test for that. Greetings Kusono-Kun i am Wolfgang Sensei, you seem much more interesting then these weaklings, is what i hear true about your clan he looked the genin over seeing that he was younger then he and had long silver hair though at this point it was soaked, he also wore a purple belt around his waist, Wolfgang much preferred his suit, but his anbu uniform actually gave him protection, unlike his silk and velvet suits.

He looked the Genin deep in his eyes, his own silver eyes shining in the rain, and his small pupils creepy in his almost invisible iris, this one may prove of use to him, though all that came with time...yes time would tell.

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

[Ninjutsu Training ~~~ S >SS]

"23.... 24.... 25.... geahhh, 2-26....."

In the gloomy, rainy day, a young lad trained. It was not a rare type of weather to have in the land of Kirigakure, in fact, most of the folk here were very adapted and content with the popular tends of dark, cloudy skies. Dovy held himself up like plank as he did one arm pushups, but unlike the others in his rank, the young lad did his push ups in the trees. While balancing on a thin branch with one arm, he engaged his core and legs more efficiently. He could feel more muscles work through out his body, and it was his method of getting better than average results. With his left arm on his back, he could feel the heat and tension in his triceps and right pectoral muscles. These intense exercises were very difficult for him, because he wasn't a built figure. The ten year old's body was still growing and still fragile--but who knows, perhaps his true physical strength would come once he reaches his manhood.

Rain water dripped off of his beach blonde hair and ran down the bridge of his nose as he lifted himself up and down. The leaves above him, however, managed to minimize the rainfall on him. Those out in the open were to get way more wet than Dovy. Regardless, the braches were still very wet, which made this exercise even more dangerous. "30!...." Dovy exclaimed as he hit his limit for his right arm push ups. Slowly, he laid himself down on the brach to catch his breath in the cold wet air. "Aye... I really need me someone to train with. Maybe I should focus on Ninjutsu fer now." He thought to himself as he breathed heavily. Ready to wrap it up, Dovy prepared to do pushups with his opposite arm. "1... 2... 3... 4..." He paced himself well. "13... 14... 15--YAHH!" Dovy's hand slipped on the wet brach and fell off! *Smack!* He splashed on the wet grass that cushioned his fall.

Luckily the drop was not that high, but it did make Dovy look like a clumsy fool. "Ahh, me head. Damn it!" he said to himself as he rubbed his skull. How embarrassing, falling off of a tree in front of all of his peers. Lifting his head up he saw a tall figure--He looked familiar and he stood with another Genin. It was Wolf! Wow, but in ANBU armor this time! These two have taken part in a few missions together in the past. This man was truly ruthless: strong, chaotic, and murderous. He alone was intimidating to look at now knowing that he was promoted to a higher rank. Could he have what it takes to teach Dovy how to truly become stronger?

WC: [456/9000]

Last edited by Dovy on Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

The rugged and wild looking man approached Kusono. Now that the stranger was at his full height he could see that he was a behemoth in size. A clear foot and more towering over Kusono. The giant made his way to the young Kaguya, his clothes giving off excess water with each of his small movements. Reaching into his pockets he withdrew a deck of cards and held one to his face, eyeing it intently. His eyes where a silver color, lighter than Kusono's own hair. They flicked from left to right, absorbing the knowledge off the card.

Finishing his reading, the giant finally spoke, "Greetings Kusono-Kun i am Wolfgang Sensei, you seem much more interesting then these weaklings, is what i hear true about your clan". Kusono locked gazes with the fellow, it was only polite to look someone in the eye when speaking to them."Well, it depends on what you've heard. It's true that my kinsmen and I are born warriors. But it is also true we are devilishly handsome." Kusono cracked a small smirk at his own joke. "A pleasure to meet an ANBU member, seems more than a few have fancied my company today." Kusono was referring to the various ANBU that he had countless one sided conversations with in the nukenin graveyard. They would tail him whenever he went to visit his uncle and make sure he was a loyal Kirigakure ninja, and not a traitor. Whenever he would hear the subtle crunch or swush of the trees, he would know he was being followed. He would respond by assuring them he was not a traitor and simply a visitor. They would respond with a smaller, more gentle sway of the trees, signifying that they where taking their leave.

Kusono went to open his mouth to continue the conversation when he heard a rustle by a nearby tree and a muffled voice. It was a ninja, most likely a genin, a few years younger than Kusono.A bright blond haired boy dressed in a layed back business casual dress, dress shirt, red tie, and a vest. He raised an eye at the sight of the boy. What the fuck was he doing in the tree?

WC: 460+376= 836/????



Warriors they were he even agreeed with it, the kaguya were known fighter and warriors, fierce and deadly with their bone art, their Kekkai genkai let them control calcium in there bones, it was a very unique bloodline limit, not much unlike his, though they were differant in nature, they were both unique among other ninja.
Just call me Wolf Sensei, im new to the anbu, hmm the tattoo sticks out among my others, but anyway, i didnt come here to chat really, im here to see your worth, if you are the warriors that you claim to be, you will accept my challenge... suddenly he saw the small genin that he had done some missions with fall from a tree, his blonde hair went up and down as he fell to the ground, Wolfgang Laughed out loud, a deep almost rumble of a laugh, smoky and gruff, he then added, Dovy Hozuki! perfect i will test both of you, both of you come at me...with the intent to kill me, otherwise you have no chance, and unless either of you have any thing else to say come get some! He switched his stance quickly as he made a long string of handsigns and finished with the raptor seal, then biting his thumb and slamming his hand into the ground, causing a puff of smoke and then his friend, Dudika...

He came out hooting and hollaring, though standing right beside Wolfgang, wolfgang whispered to him, Nothing serious no killing no maiming, this is a training session, ill find you a deer if you do The raptor laughed and agreed while standing beside Wolfgang he giggled whist he waiting for the training to commence, no death was a strange fight to Dudika though he was more scared of Wolfgang then he would like to admit...time to Rumble with the Bone User and The Water Kid

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

It was quite typical of Wolf to just jump into action without anyone else's preparation. There would be no warning, and he would always be eager to fight immediately. Dovy lifted himself off of the ground and patted the mud off of himself. "Wait... Hold on, Wolf--I'm just here ta--" He said just before being interrupted by the summoning of Dudika, a familiar friend. Dovy fanned away the smoke emitted from the summoning pissed as can be. "AH FINE! Bloody hell Wolf--Fine, I'll fight ye. Looks like I don't really have me a choice." he said with annoyance. "Might as well use this as me chance to train me Ninjutsu or som'in fer once." Dovy thought to himself as he took some steps back. He was cautious of that freakish raptor, because the young lad had encountered that creature before. It was hyper-active and very similar to Wolf in many ways--also eager to fight and rip the arms off of its opponent. However, noticing Wolfgang whisper in its ear, Dovy assumed two things: they were preparing some kind of tactic, or he was explaining his summoning's restrictions during this challenge. Regardless, Dovy would make sure not to underestimate the creature.

"Do what you want mate, but I'm keeping me distance." he said to the other Genin by his side. He was an odd looking boy, and appeared to have his own set of characteristics. Perhaps he belonged to a family with the same kind--Who knows? Dovy hoped to find out and see what abilities the older Genin had. Like he said, Dovy leaped back about 10 meters and planned to let the raptor come to him. He purposely left his weaponry at home, so he had nothing but his bare hands and feet; No blades, just muscle. He wasn't much of a Taijutsu fighter either, so this whole battle would have to test his Ninjutsu abilities. So far, most of his Jutsu were perfected to use for evasion and misguidance, the basic academy techniques. A few were for defense, and about only one for offense. To fight, Dovy depends on his weapons, but being naked in this fight without them, he would truly have to push his ninjutsu to the next level.

Dovy stood defensively and jumped on the tips of his toes, prepared to counter-attack at any moment, because Wolf-Sensei was telling the truth. If he doesn't attack with a killing intent, Wolf won't even get touched. Luckily for Dovy, he was not afraid to fight this man with the mindset of a murderer, because he's seen the endurance that he has. His eyes captured the sight of a broken training dummy to the left and about 15 meters behind Wolf's back. "That might be of good use later..." he thought to himself secretly while his eyes switched back to his opponent. Dovy was more curious to see how the other Genin would act, so he decided to play it smart and scan the field.

WC: [952/9000]

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

Both of his new found village ninja knew each other. The blonde boy, Dovy, was quite unusual in more than one way. His clothes for instance where unusual at best. Casual business attire. Kusono himself wore a kimono while Wolf wore armor and a typical black on black ninja get up. The second thing was his unusual speech. He used incomplete or unusual words, "Aye", "fer", referencing himself as "me". He was truly a character. But that being said did not speak for his ability as a ninja. For all Kusono knew he could be a prodigy well above both Wolf and his own level. Albeit it was highly unlikely.

Wolf on the other hand radiated a calm ferociousness. He had no signs of fear, angst, anxiety, or any emotions betraying anything but confidence. Although, that could be his ANBU training at work. The fact that he was even accepted into the ANBU spoke volumes of his skill level, he was surely out of both of their leagues. But, the warrior spirit of the Kaguya coursed through his veins. He would never back down from a fight.

The jounin spoke again:"Just call me Wolf Sensei, im new to the anbu, hmm the tattoo sticks out among my others, but anyway, i didnt come here to chat really, im here to see your worth, if you are the warriors that you claim to be, you will accept my challenge... " At that moment he seemed to notice Dovy, who he seemed to have met. Maybe they where sensei and student, or just casual training partners? It did not matter, Wolf was now their enemy and they where his."Dovy Hozuki! perfect i will test both of you, both of you come at me...with the intent to kill me, otherwise you have no chance, and unless either of you have any thing else to say come get some!" So Dovy was a Hozuki, atleast he had a tad bit of background info on his new partner. The Hozuki where a pure suiton based clan; able to change their physical make up into water. The current predicament was that no water was near. But, he trusted that Dovy would find a way to be useful or at the least back-up.

Wolf took the brief window to perform a summoning jutsu. Biting his finger, wolf pressed it to the wet ground, creating a small explosion of smoke which birthed a......creature. One Kusono had never seen before. It was reptile in nature, bipedal, with a large tail and razor sharp claws and teeth. Its head sported two beady eyes staring giddily at the both of them. Wolf whispered into the creatures ear which triggered a burst of excitement from the beast.

"Do what you want mate, but I'm keeping me distance." said his partner.It seemed Dovy was not the taijutsu expert like Kusono happened to be. "Then stay out of my way and take on the beast", was Kusono's response.Within an instant, Kusono shrugged off the top half of his Kimono, revealing his toned,pasty white chest. It was time to show them both the power of the Kaguya!

The though made him smile, his heart began to race, adrenaline pumped through his entire body. Kusono used one of the most basic moves in his arsenal of clan techniques, Dance of the Camellia. Craining his neck sideways to the right, Kusono reached his right arm over his head and awaited the technique to finish. A symphony of horrendous cracks and creaks echoed from his body. Various shapes could be seen protruding and then quickly receeding back into his shoulder. Without warning a handle of bone jutted out from his shoulder, sounding a final CRACK. With his outstretched hand he pulled the bone from his shoulder, reveling its bladed edge.

Kusono took off from a dead sprint from Dovy's side, making a wide arch to the left of Wolf. Since the creature was next to Wolf, he would have to sick it on on of them. If the beast ran for him, he would stop an brace himself for the beast, maintaining a 10 meter distance from it. While it was on its way to greet him, he would fire two bone bullets from his free hand into the approaching enemy. If the creature was sent after Dovy, Kusono would arch around it and go for Wolf. He would fire the two bullets at wolf, forcing a reaction from him. Then get up close and deliver a horizontal slash to Wolf's midsection. Aiming for his center of mass and the greatest possible percentage of getting a hit.

WC:WC: 460+376+779= 1615/????

Chakra: 120/150:



The fight had started on his go, and just as he thought would happen, Dovy jumped back and kept his distance, as he would, that meant that Dudika would have a fun time going after him, and he had the bone man. The Kaguya took the top half of his komono off to reveal a milky white chest, these Kaguya members seemed to relish battel after all, this Genin showed no fear in the face of an Anbu black ops, not to meantion that Wolfgang was massive to begin with, then what happened made a wide smile break out of his face.

The Genin reached over his back and pulled out a bone, his own bone, sharpened and ready for combat, this was what he was waiting for, the kekkai genkai of the Kaguya clan, it even rivaled his own, he would have to put it to the test. As the Genin rushed him he nodded to his Dino and Dudika Giggled...the rain in the sky has just stopped and the clouds breaking apart and a sky was starting to become visible.

The Dino made a quick handsign and it started to...rain...not water like it was before, it was now raining fire, small flecks of drizzle that didnt really do any harm, but would sting, anything within 60m would be rained on my the slow and painful rain, then Dudika bolted out towards the little kid Dovy hooting and hollar, he jumped into the air and lauched himself downwards with an open Maw, aiming to clamp on the kids left arm, Lets see him dodge

Wolf now had to think about the other genin, saw him come around for an attack, instead of dodging he pulled out a cigerette, and lit it while forming his chakra around the smoke in his mouth, just as two bullets flew at him he turned and blocked them with a meaty shoulder, the two thunking in a few inches, he smiled and then breathed out, making the cloud of smoke fly at the face of the kid as he got closer, just as the slice from the weapon was coming, he let his armor take the brunt of that, it glanced off lightly as the smoke flew at the face of the genin.

Chakra 205/250 (Used Smoking Futton Bomb)
Dudika 40/50 Used Fire Rain

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Dovy's eyebrow twitched to the other Genin's response. "What a cocky lil' bastard..." he thought to himself. If this kid was honestly planning to charge straight at Wolf-Sensei, then he would have to be beyond talented. Deep down Dovy knew the durability of this man. Even if the Genin managed to get close enough to stab Wolf in the gut, he would simply grab the blade and push it all the way through like a maniac. Simply cuts and bruises wouldn't do the trick, they needed a new strategy. However, its more about fighting to impress rather than to actually damage, but Dovy didn't care. At this time, he wasn't fighting for Wolf-Sensei, he was fighting for himself. He wanted to grow stronger and do something unpredictable--to actually do some damage to Wolf. The only question was: can this be achieved through team work or fighting solo?

Kusono threw off his extra clothing. Perhaps he was one to move around a lot and needed maximum movement. More surprising than anything, crackles and pops echoed through the Genin's body, and he pulled out his very own bone from his shoulder! Dovy's mouth dropped. Never had he seen such a specific technique done before. "Mate... That's more strange than me own jutsu. This lad's using his' own bones?" he thought to himself. Was this even a good idea? Do bones actually do any damage? From what it appeared, the boy's bones must be more superior to others, and the weapon in his hand appeared stronger and sharper. Without hesitation, the Bone-Boy ran with a heavy left turn toward Wolfgang. That was either smart or very ignorant and reckless.

Out of nowhere, something changed. The cold rain slowly evolved into something warmer, and warmer, until the droplets of water were burning hot! It was fire, but it felt like a hot shower set to maximum, stinging and smacking the top of Dovy's head. Luckily it wasn't too much of a distraction, because Dovy was well clothed. This was probably more of a problem for his shirtless comrade in battle. On top of this, the hungry raptor came running with ambition to chomp at him. Dovy immediately used a jutsu to change the weather and hopefully counter attack the rain of fire, as well as the incoming raptor. "Kirigakure no Jutsu!" he use the remaining moisture in the grass, leaves and other parts of the park to form a thick moisture in the air. The wet atmosphere took over the entire park, making it blurry and uneasy to see. Hopefully this could assist his team mate as well. Regardless, it was successful in changing the weather pattern and canceling out the fire drops with its moisture.

He stayed on his toes and focused forward, preparing for the fast creature to appear from the mist--and there he was! Dovy's higher than average reflexes acted fast, and he acrobatically leaped over Dudika's head to the right side. However, it was not done to dodge, but to get his attention to turn around in that direction. While behind Dudika on his far right side in mid air, Dovy used his Wind Release: Stream to push himself away immediately in the opposite direction. Now he was flying past his left side of Dudika, hoping that he got his attention to look at the right side. While using his speed to trick up the creature, Dovy used his tiger seal to perform his offensive jutsu while he was away from his line of sight. "Gunshot!" Dovy fired 3 water balls that hopefully, if he was fast enough, went straight toward Dudika's blindside. On top of that Dovy's Suiton attacks would function with +1 to strength, making it act as a B-Rank jutsu. If hit, the water balls could deal 3rd degree tissue damage, break bones, and send his opponent flying. Dovy landed, backflipped back about 4 meters, and took a defensive stance. He waited to see the results of his speedy counter-attack through the thick mist.


Jutsu Used. [115/150]:

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

It seemed that the creature would be going after Dovy instead of himself. That was good, Kusono wanted to fight Wolf one on one. With his heart still fluttering with the excitement of battle and a smile of enjoyment painted on his face, Kusono proceeded with that attack. His bullets sailed from his fingertips toward Wolf, who took them in his shoulder, where they would dig into it a good three inches. A small amount of blood accompanied the meaty thwack sound. Still going off momentum, Kusono delivered a left to right cut to wolf's midsection. The ANBU armor he was wearing blocked his bone blade, having the blow glance off the metal leaving a small scratch in its otherwise flawless surface.

Wolf, who had strugged off most of Kusono's attack. Took the time to light up a cigarette, blowing the smoke in Kusono's face. Kusono was smarter than that, ANBU members did not do something unless they had a reason. Kusono hardened a thin film of bone under the very last layer of skin, this process was almost instantaneous. Kusono waved a hand through the smoke, passing the one foot cloud to his left.As the smoke collided with his skin, he felt a burning sensation on his skin, it was as if a fire was started on his left forearm. Upon closer inspection, his skin was burning, he gritted his teeth in pain and a bit of enjoyment. Pain meant he was alive! The melting of his skin never make it past the fist layer, his bone film made sure of that.

Wolf's armor would block any attempt to slice any area which it covered. Kusono would just have to aim for a place where it wasn't covered. Being only a foot or so away from Wolf, Kusono jumped on his, placing his feet on his theighs and his left hand hooked on the shoulder straps of his ANBU vest. Kusono switched the grip on his bone dagger so the blade was facing down. With all his might, Kusono rammed the dagger into the area where the vest didn't cover, between the neck and clavicle. If the blow would hit, his windpipe would be punctured, possibly leading to his death.

Wolf had only a few options, man Kusono was prepared for. If Wolf where to grab the hand he held the dagger in, Kusono would use his left hand(one currently hooked on his ANBU vest strap) and deliver a flurry of blows to Wolf's cheek. If Kusono was impeded from latching onto Wolf, Kusono would react to the situation accordingly. Wolf did sat to come at him with killing intent.

WC: 460376+779+443= 2058/????

Chakra: 105/150:



The Genin had attacked him well, though his reaction speed was much higher then the genins,and he could tell that he was actually a little bit faster then he was also (C rank speed). As the genin grabbed for his shoulder strap he let him grab it, then the genin jumped up to try and stab him with that bone dagger of his, Wolfgang quickly reached down to his hip where his katar was and put his hand in the holder and brought it up to parry the bone blade that was flashing down at the spot that his new armor didnt cover, the blade meeting blade in a small shower of sparks, he then took the other other and reached quickly upwards at the wrist that was grasping his shoulder, grabbing at the wrist hard, if he was successful in grabbing the wrist of the genin, which he should be able to do since he was faster then him, unless he had some way out of it, he then would then twist the arm around and place the blade on the neck of the young ninja, saying in a calm flat tone, Dont get ahead of yourself a one hit kill wont work too well on me, you must find a way to fight a man without fear or pain , if the grabbed missed and he got out of the grab attack, wolfgang would jump back a meter, now noticing that the area was covered in a thick mist, not affecting the fight he was in yet due to the distance but he wouldnt even be able to see Dudika fighting, he wondered how it was going, though he kept his eyes directly on the genin he was facing.

The little punk dodged him, that was not fun at all, Dudika landed on the ground and spun around just as there were three gobs of water were flying at him, one hit him right in the tail, sending him flying backwards spinning, which thankfully made the other fly overhead, it ripped the scales of his tail up and stung like a mother fucker, he wasnt really injured though, he jumped up and Hooted, OWW!! shit that hurt, c'mon, ill show you how that felt the mist that the boy created was blown away from his Wind style jutsu, it was a if he didnt know that you cant use wind style and Hidden Mist jutsu, Dudika looked down at his tail and realized that it was broken and dangling, he brought it too his mouth and ripped the broken piece of howling in pain, though it was better that it was off, he was still able to fight, he ran at the kid at top speed, knowing that he was the same speed as a regular Chuunin of the village (C rank) and aimed to headbutt the kid directly in the chest with his hard scaled head, hoping to get him off his feet, the battle would change if he got a hit on him, if the headbutt hit it would knock the small kid off of his feet and Dudika would hop into the air and bring his claws across the boy chest as he fell, aiming to rip a few shreds in his chest...pain only made a ninja better.
195/250 Maintained Dudika
40/50 Dudika Chakra

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

The thick mist that Dovy created had slowly rippled away. The boy had yet to learn so much about ninjutsu. He didn't put any thought into how his Fuuton ninjutsu would affect his mist. Regardless, Dovy took notes in his mind for every mistake he made, so that he would not repeat such a thing in the future. The view in front of him now was thinner and easier for both him and his opponent to see. He knew now that this one on one battle would speed up. In a way, Dovy felt a little behind since he wasn't fighting Wolf directly, however, he knew that it costs chakra to maintain summonings overtime. If he continued to fight Dudika, Wolf's chakra pool would drain, and the two Genin would eventually have the advantage. Because of this, Dovy chose to continue battling the creature and perhaps even stall time with it.

Dovy's attack did not hit precisely on target, but it did manage to strike Dudika. A little disappointed, Dovy wished his accuracy was stronger. A hit to the face, and Dudika would be out cold, possibly dead. This meant that Wolf was right, a killing intent was the only way to deal any damage to these two. So, the raptor was knocked back flying backwards and spinning like a top. Shards and flakes of his scales flew up into the air, and he hollered like a child. "OWW!! shit that hurt, c'mon, ill show you how that felt..." the creature threatened the lad. It brought attention for Dovy to focus now. There was no mist or any way of giving him the advantage, so he prepared for the attack. Dudika literally snapped off his broken toothpick of a tail with his sharp teeth. It was really starting to get serious.

The raptor jetted toward Dovy with intense speed, almost as fast as himself. Catching up closer, his head was pointed down at the short boy, aiming like a linebacker running headfirst. It appeared that Dovy had little time to react, but rather than dodging the charge, he decided to do some trickery. Dovy waited for Dudika to come at him with perfect timing, and right before they collided, Dovy jumped backwards with his arms blocking his chest at the same speed at which Dudika was charging at him with. By doing this, Dovy was able to absorb the kinetic energy from the impact, taking minimal damage--perhaps some bruises on his forearms. Regardless, he was pushed back, and it appeared as if he took more damage than he actually did.

Dovy followed his momentum and backflipped onto the ground with his left knee on the muddy ground. Quickly looking up, he saw just what he expected, a follow-up attack. The fast creature was up in the air, about to send its sharp claws toward Dovy. However, because it was up in the air, it had an incredible disadvantage to dodge. While Dovy was planted firmly on the ground, he performed a tiger seal and shot the remaining three water balls stored from before. "Gunshot!" Just like the previous time, these were much stronger than the average Genin Suiton jutsu. However, since Dudika had little to maneuver with in midair, a direct hit to the chest was very probable. After the shots, Dovy would then proceed to hop back again about ten meters. He stood there and waited for the next attack.


Chakra: [100/150:

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono's sinister grin widened with every passing moment of combat, with every thin spark of pain, and with every movement of his form. Kusono felt the rough texture of the strap as his left hand grasped it. It was a reinforced material, cut resistant most likely. He grasped it so tight that the muscle in his hand strained and his palm reddened. Kusono placed his feet at the meeting of wolf's hips for the leverage he needed to plunge the dagger into the man's shoulder. Now in the perfect spot, he plunged the dagger as hard as he could into Wolf, but instead of being met with the wet sound of tearing flesh and a shower of blood, he was met with a shower of sparks. Wolf had reached to his waist and blocked his strike with a katar.

Wolf went to intercept Kusono's offending arm with his free hand, he would let him. But not before letting loose a blow using the hand that was holding Wolf's strap. The blow would go unhindered because of the lack of free hands wolf needed to block it. The blow would not be earth shattering, but he would indeed feel it in the morning.

Kusono was spinned around so Wolf was at his back, his arm pulled up behind his back causing a fair amount of pain and discomfort. It was the perfect place for Kusono, the exact opposite for Wolf. The best place for a taijutsu expert was as close as possible to their opponent. Wolf went to place his Katar to Kusono's throat but he knew the fight would be over if that happened. Kusono reversed the grip of his dagger to the standard knife hold and thrust it up to the offending Katar, planning to block it and be showered with another wave of sparks. The normal thing for Wolf to do was discourage him by pulling his shoulder tighter, causing even more pain. Kusono was prepared for that, going so far as to even have it broken if he would be able to score a hit on the ANBU agent. After all, broken bones where nothing to the Shikotsumyaku of the Kaguya clan.

At the same time that his dagger would make contact with Wolf's katar, he would activate another of his jutsu, the dance of the Hydrangea. The technique sprouts one foot long blades all over his body, the blades would go straight through the soft skin of Wolfs hand. Wolf would have no choice but to let go of him. Since Wolf would no doubt let him go, he would have to back away from Kusono, even if it was only a few feet. Kusono would spin around and race up to the Anbu agent, renewing his assault. Delivering a flurry of swings aimed at his face and arms. He should not have underestimated the strength of a true Kaguya.

WC: 460376+779+443+484= 2542/????




Just as Wolfgang went to do his attack he was struck with the hand that was holding his strap, he didnt feel it and he assumed that it didnt do much damage though he would have to make sure later, His trainee was now spun around and he had him by the arm twisting it at a painful angle, and just as he went to place the blade of the Katar on his throat it was intercepted by a dagger, the Genin had some real fire inside of him at the very least, then what happened was dangerous.

From the back of Kusono many bone spikes sprouted, he assumed that this was going supposed to drive Wolf backwards, which was something that Wolf didnt do and wouldnt do, instead he twisted the arm even more, starting to break it, though he was stopped short while trying to break it due to his hand being pieced by one of the bones, though he felt it not he pushed his hand down the length of the bone and clutched his hand around the arm with good bit of force, and used all of his strength (A rank) to slowly push his Katar onto the throat of the genin, if the dagger was in the way he would just push threw it putting both at the throat, though no actually cutting him due to him not wanting to actually mortally wound him, just to stop him from moving, and this time he whispered to the genin, Never Underestimate a Anbu he foot would then shoot out at the back of the left knee cap of the genin, aiming to knock him over and make him helpless, he then noticed the wounds he had acquired, his armor has made the damage become lessened slightly (1 inch) and only pierced him slightly,if he was skinnier he would maybe have a problem but his massive chest and abs made the damage shallow, if he could feel they would probably sting like crazy...though he didnt feel...
185/250 Wolfs
40/50 Dudikas
In mid air his claws raked at the kids chest just as he made a handsign and shot more of those damned water balls, his claws would have caused around 4, 2 inch cuts, but as they finished his chest was hit with two slamming balls of water, sending him flying into the air, after he was around 7m in the air he started his descent and as he did he turned to the kids direction and looked at him, he was a little thing and slight at that, though he had amazing speed and ferocity and his water jutsu bet out his Katon any day, he wondered why wolfgang hadnt sent out Oxel or even Shakli, either would be a better match, but he had not the time to think on things like that he had to turn the tides of battle quickly.

As he fell he grimiced as he noticed that he had an array of broken ribs, he counted around 5, which was not good. as he was 4m from the ground he got ready for his landing and thudded to the ground with a roll as to put less pressure of his ribs. He looked at the kid and started laughing non stop, using a tactic that he used to use with Wolfgang on their murder sprees, though Wolfgang gave that up 10 years ago he still knew it, he laughed in a way that sounded of murder and blood and bloodlust, seeing how much gall the kid had and if he was able to fight with the sounds of murder around him, this time he waited for the kid to act first, so far he had attacked first and had been repelled with more and more damage, it was his turn to play defense,Muahahahahahahahahahahaah. Ahahaahahah hhhhahahahha he continued as he waited, eerie and scary he laughed on and on.

Last edited by Wolfgang on Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Eureka! Dovy's attack was successful, and he hit the creature directly in the chest to set him flying! Avast, to his surprise, this was not enough to take him down. Dudika maneuvered his way back to the surface with a roll and picked himself up. It was definitely an impressive thing to see. Dovy did not expect this being to still be conscious. Although it was difficult to see, Dudika had broken ribs, and was slightly weakened. It was quite obvious that he learned his lesson and understand that Dovy was a fan of counter attacking. He stood there waiting for the next strike, but Dudika remained in his spot. Slowly, the creature looked at the boy dead in the eyes and began laughing. Over a short amount of time it crescendoed and evolved with a maniacal tone, and almost appeared like a crazy killer. Dovy began to grow more nervous to the sound of this murderous music. Perhaps this beast lost its patience? Dovy knew now that he had to play the next move, no more counter attacks. This frightened him, because he worried that the reptile might have more than a killing intent and may have developed a thirst for his blood--or was it all an act? Regardless, this chaotic laughter was convincing enough, and it drew Dovy's attention to be extremely cautious.

Dovy's arms were aching quite a bit, after all, he didn't avoid that attack for the cost of nothing. It was evident that this stick to the forearms would leave quite the bruise in the morning. On the bright side, it would help Dovy become more and more durable. That was the point of training after all. But along with the pain in his arms, Dovy was also getting quite tired. By now, he's used up about a third of his chakra to train his ninjutsu, and all of the jumping and counterattacking took a bit of stamina, so Dovy was actually glad to have this mini-break to catch his breath.

Dovy's eyes glanced around the entire battlefield, and then the big idea hit him. "OH THATS RIGHT! How could I ferget that..." he thought to himself secretly. His attention was turned back to his current opponent, but this time, he let out a small smirk. "Get ready mate, cause I'll make sure ye' be real in for a real treat." He said as a taunt to the raptor. Dovy reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small scroll which he then unraveled. "Han'yōfūin no Jutsu!" A puff of smoke erupted from the generic sealing technique, and as it faded, a sword was visible through the thick cloud. Dovy gripped in his hand his favorite cutlass which he left home. "Looks like I'll be needing this if yer really lookin' for a dance." he said to Dudika confidently. He now held the source of his close combat skills.

"Now that I got me cutlass, I can use me 'that' now..." he thought to himself. The laughter no longer phased Dovy, because he had it all planned out, regardless of the outcome. He tightly held the blade with his one hand and leaped forward toward Dudika! With his right arm, he pulled it back, and quickly lunged his blade at the reptiles broken right ribs. Was this creature even able to match the boy's speed? Dovy only hoped that the injury would slow this creature down in some way, but still, he feared not. In the domain of Dovy's mind, everything was under control.

WC: [2779/9000]

Chakra: [95/150]:

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

Another symphony of crackles, breaks, and pops erupted from the inside of the genins body. The Kaguya's kekkie genkai the Shikotsumyaku, or dead bone pulse, was at work. Osteoclast and Osteoblasts, the very cells which construct and deconstruct bone where chakra enhanced, working overtime. One foot bone spikes violently poked through the length of Kusono's body instantaneously. Kusono's body and limbs where completely covered with the spikes, excluding his face. The ones which sprouted from his arm pierced the hand which held it, severing tendons and muscles which gave the hand its strength. A small stream of warm blood would leak down the length of Kusono's forearm. Its liquid texture alerting Kusono of the damage he had done. Even though the hand was no longer able to produce the strength it once used to force Kusono's arm up, it still throbbed with a red-hot pain. If he had not stopped Wolf's immense strength, he had no doubt he would have broken it.

Kusono's eyes darted around for an out, it was looking very grim. The arm which kept Wolf's Karar at bay was faltering, inching the blade ever closer to the thin white flesh of his exposed throat. His eyes raced, looking first to the weapons rack, it was no help. Then to the few ninja that had stopped hitting the training dummies to watch the fight. One, which would be coming to an end soon if he could not get out of the bind. Kusono used the one jutsu that he know would get him out of the bind. Moving at lightning fast speed, he switched places with a training dummy five meters away. The muscles in Wolf's hand where sliced, the hand could have barely held a kunai. Wolf didn't have the strength to hold him and longer. Kusono disappeared in a puff of smoke, in his place was a training dummy. Kusono himself would appear where the dummy used to be, sweats, tired, and still determined to fight.

WC: WC: 460376+779+443+484+331= 2873/????
(Using 2700 of this to train 3 C-ranks. Using the quick learned special characteristic)

New WC: 173

Chakra: 85/150:



They had both proven themselves well, they were both worthy of being on his squad if they werent on one already, he would ask for both of them to be his squad. Kusono suddenly disapeered in a puff of smoke as his blade neared his throat, being replaced by a training dummy, the dummy in his hands was made out of rubber and soft materials, he laughed in a deep booming voice, just as he grasped the dummy and ripped it clean in two, sending chunks of it flying in both directions, this was so much fun, he hadnt had so much fun in a long time...he wanted to fight both now...

He whistled in a high pitch sound, just as his raptor ran to him giggling, he was missing a chunk of his tail and was dented along his side, he had been hit at least a few times, as he got near the Raptor yelled, Ahhh Am i Done, if so you still got a Genin with  Sword Behind me ahahaha he released the jutsu and saw the raptor go away in a puff of smoke with a chuckle, he called out to Dovy, Dovy! come fight me, come on! the chakra that the Raptor was draining could be used on some weak Acid style jutsu that he would use to impress his hopeful future team, he made a few handsigns ending with the Horse, suddenly making a grey fog that is in the shape of a Chinese Dragon that started to spin around him opening and closing its mouth, the dragon would cause melting skin on contact with anything that it touched, and though it was only a C rank it was still a good technique since he wasnt going to kill them.

He shot his hand forth at the Kaguya kid, aiming the large dragon at the genin,aiming directly at the face of the kid, knowing that if it hit it would melt the skin lightly, he had more jutsu that could kill and whatnot, but he didnt want his enemy to misstep and not dodge his attack and get killed, Ayakashi Kage would not be very happy with that, he also prepared for the pirate kid to attack him at any time...
Wolfgangs Chakra 170

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Dovy's one-on-one against Dudika was successful!--I guess. As his blade lunged at the creature, he simply blew away in smoke and steam. It was obvious now that the summoning was withdrawn, and his attention was given to Wolf. He locked eyes with the bloody demon ANBU member. What occurred with him and the other? He too appeared to have some wounds, but--oh wait. God damn it! The bone-boy used up Dovy's dummy that he was planning to use. Now it was completely useless and his back up, back up plan was void. However, it did appear to get the Kaguya out of a tough situation. He looked tired and stressed for the time being, but catching his breath to continue fighting once more. Hopefully he learned that going one-on-one in a taijutsu duel would not end well against this tank of a ninja.

Dovy stood still as his eyes locked with Wolfgangs. His fore arms at this point were a bit purple, and his knees were dirty, which complemented his sweaty clothes. "Dovy! come fight me, come on!" He tempted like Goliath. "Oh ye'd like that, wouldn't ye mate?" Dovy responded. He wasn't stupid, but all of his jutsu were cooling down, and that might have to be his only choice. Avast, Wolfgang picked up the pace again. A grey dragon composed of acid fumes embodied the air, and Wolf sent it straight toward the Kaguya! This was trouble, because Dovy was completely opposite of the other Genin and had no way of reaching him in time! He would have been able to perhaps blow it away with his water trumpet, but so far he had no choice but to hope that the taijutsu expert had some stamina in him to dodge that attack!

Dovy knew that it was exactly what he wanted, he knew that he had a comeback waiting right there for him, but he could not wait. While Wolfgang was giving his attention to the bone boy, Dovy knew he had to attack him. By himself, he had a major disadvantage, but with the Kaguya, it would be a completely different fight. So, having nothing but sheer confidence in his Bukijutsu, Dovy gripped his cutlass and charged toward Wolf with his prodigy speed. Though he did not expect it to work, Dovy aimed for his opponents tendons, attempting to cut them and have him drop on his knees. Although he gave it his all, Dovy expected to finally get hit--big time. He only hoped that the bone boy could dodge the incoming attack and eventually assist him in this brawl.

WC: [3213/9000]

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

The training dummy and himself had switched places successfully. Kusono readjusted his shoulder, the pain in it had finally subsided, leaving only a faint throbbing sensation. The bone spikes which he had created where still combat ready, most of the ones scattered over his back where blood tipped. The sharp points painted a thick, liquid crimson. Kusono reached back and felt one, bringing his hand back up to his face. He felt the blood in his hands, the blood of an ANBU. He had dealt damage, multiple times, to an ANBU member. That was more than an accomplishment, it was a badge of honor, and he would wear it proudly.

Kusono took the blood into his index and middle finger and dragged them from cheek to cheek; making a red line over his nose. It was like making the first paint brush over the milky white canvas that was his skin. It was a rush to say the least.

Looking back to Wolf, he was admiring his handy work, he snapped the dummy in two with his bear hands. The very same could have happened to himself, had he not switched when he did. Wolf called his creature back to him, its body showing evidence of his battle with dovy. Its sides where dented like a punching bag, maybe a few broken ribs. Its tail was ripped, maybe sliced. Dovy had not done half bad against the summon, but it was Kusono who had the gull to fight wolf one-on-one.

"Dovy! come fight me, come on!", came Wolf's bellowing voice. He wanted Dovy to fight him? Kusono was not out of the fight yet. He was tired, sweaty, and hurting, but out of the fight he was not.

Displacing the summon, wolf started up another jutsu with a plethora of hand seals. A smoky dragon formed, coiling its long, slender form around Wolf. With a movement of it's hands, he send it barreling toward him. Kusono gripped the handle of his bone dagger, it was his most useful jutsu as of yet.

He would run toward the bone dragon, at his top speed. His legs working overtime to produced unusual(B-RANK) speed of his rank. He would leave some lee-way, doing a side step to the right of the dragon when they where only a meter and a half apart. If he had side-stepped the dragon, he would still be weary of its length. If it was to try and smack him with it's tail, he would jump over it, careful not to be hit by it. Otherwise, he would continue onward to Wolf.

He would have to come at him at a different angle than last time. He was now armed, and with a stronger weapon than Kusono's. He would stop five meters aways from Wolf, and wait on Dovy. "We attack together", Kusono said, still eyeing Wolf for any movement.

WC: 173+ 484=657



The little genin boy came at him with his cutlass, swinging it at him, directly at the back of his knees, it seemed he was very skilled in using a sword by where he seemed to aiming at him, right at the tendons of his legs, his hamstrings were a place that he could actually be taken down by this attack, because even if he felt no pain, his tendons and ateres could kill or take him down, so he spun his Katar hand at the sword parring the blade and sending sparks into the air from the blade on blade clash, Wolfgang had always loved the sound of metal on metal, it reminded him of battle and war.

This little genin had courage at the very least, either it was courage or idiocy, there was a fine line between Bravado and Courage, Between idiots and Geniuses, it was a hard thing to find out, this kid jumped fearlessly into the fight with his Crazed raptor and even won the damned thing, though it may have been because he wasnt letting him kill the genin, otherwise every attack that he would send forth would be a fatal one, though it still showed promise, but Wolfgang was much differant then his Animal. This kid attacked with the same courage that he had once made fun of Tenmei, the winner of the last Chuunin exams, that had gotten him extreme 3rd degree burns in his gut, this kid would feel a little bit of sting though.

As he parried the blade he swung the blade with his massive strength to the left of him, this would cause the kid to spin to his right due to his parry being used to shift the kids balance, if the parry worked, Wolfgang would swing his massive booted foot at the ribs of the kid, holding slightly back, as to make sure that no bone damage would happen, all that would happen if his massive boot stuck home, would be a large 14 inch boot shape severe bruise, it would also cause him to roll back a few feet. Either way, Wolfgang would then jump back 5 feet and start to control his dragon again, that was just starting to go past the Other Genin.

As his dragon missed and went sailing a few feet past Kusono, he concentrated on the dragon and made it turn at a direct right angle, causing it to pass a few feet behind him, then once once it was past him he made it turn at another right angle, now it was slightly trailing a little bit behind him, as the Kaguya member, and just as he met the small pirate like boy the dragon would have caught up and started to spin around the two genin, in a spiral, going up and down and around very fast, causing a nigh inescapable spiral of spinning dragon, also he then made the fog dragon spin closer and closer to them, quickly causing the safe part on the inside to become smaller and smaller, within 2 seconds of the dragon going around them, if they were still in there it would start to hit against there shoulders and backs, within 4 seconds it would be hitting their faces and their legs and the general rest of their bodies, on contact the Dragon would cause slight melting of the flesh (First Degree tissue damage) he hoped that these two were really what he thought they were, and if they were not, they would hold some new wounds to show for it.

As this happened he also unlatched his anbu vest and threw it over to where his bag was at, he had accuired a few new wounds, multiple little stab marks, that were quite shallow, they were bleeding slightly, next time the fog dragon was near he wound have to close his wounds...though the attack was a more pressing matter, though the stab through his hand had made the already missing fingers look even more damaged, it was kind of humorous...

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Once again, thank the mighty hands of the kraken! The bone boy genin managed to escape the the clutches of the smog dragon, however, it was beyond Dovy's sight. His attention was given to nothing but those few seconds that lasted minutes in his mind. It was like the very moment when you leap off of a bridge, that moment of slow motion, wondering if this moment was reality. For a minute, Dovy was almost confident that this attack would strike. His heart began to beat fast, and sweat ran across the side of his face as he swiped his amateur cutlass. SHHING! The attempt was a failure, for just like Dovy expected, Wolf was to conscious of his environment to be fooled by such a pounce. In that very moment, Dovy looked down to see his blade being parried by such a unique weapon, one that he had never seen before. It was Wolf's Katar, sliding his cutlass along with it like a dance, manipulating his own momentum. Dovy's mind was too slow and distracted in just the tenth of a second to be defeated in his attempt. His whole center of balance was shifted, and his right foot leaned to the momentum of mighty swing. It was like an umbrella pulling away a child in the windiest of storms--even his left foot left the ground. Dovy's fate was inevitable. Now with his entire open torso, Wolfgang delivered a kick towards this boy's ribcage. With the slightest of turn done by his right toe, Dovy managed to only rotate himself in a way that more of his abdomen would struck instead. He feared so much of Wolf's strength destroying his insides, even though he held back. The huge boot slammed right into the boy's gut, and even harmed some of his side. Dovy's eyes opened like dynamite, and he flew backwards as the air was knocked out of him.

While Dovy flew backwards, the entire moment still went on in slow motion in his mind. During those seconds of being in the air, he had a flashback. It was of him back home--his real home. He was with his father on the deadliest pirate ship that sailed the surrounding islands of Kirigakure. He was being disciplined by his father, Captain Dropkick Jonni, being kicked right into the wall with more strength than all of his crew combined...

"HAHA! Come on mate. Is that all ye got, eh? Yer a Hozuki. I ain't raisin' a scallywag ya know. If ye ever be expecting to be a mighty Captain like yer da', then you best be getting up lad. The sea's never gunna stop kickin' you down. It only stops when ye stay down... SO COME ON MATE BEFOR' I BREAK YE WITH THIS BOTTLE HAHAHA!"

...Although it was a rough life, it was nostalgic. Dovy would smile if he wasn't in such pain. Avast, he knew what he needed to do. He was willing to take as many beatings as possible if it meant becoming the greatest captain to ever set sail. To make every pirate and naval soldier here and fear his name. He had to get kicked--a lot.

SLAM! Dovy fell into the wet grass as he rolled along with the extra energy left in his momentum and landed chest first. Dovy smiled. For some odd reason, he felt happy. It was that kick that reminded him of why he left the shore side and why he came to the city. It was to become stronger, a ninja to surpass many and someday rule the sea--His true home. Slowly, he picked himself up off the ground and brushed his blonde hair to the side. Playtime was now officially over, and his eyes burned with a new passion. It was evident that battle was not yet even halfway done; however, this would now be the opportunity for the two Genin to work together. Kusono stood nearby Dovy. "We attack together" he said by his side, and Dovy smirked. "Aye, Aye. Let's shove that katar up his blowhole." he responded confidently. The two were both on the same page, ready to add pressure from both sides and hopefully make Wolf break a sweat.

Avast! From the front, the dragon took charge at a great speed! In fact, it caught the two off guard and trapped them in a vortex of smog and acid. Slowly, it appeared to close in on the two, making Dovy walk further back to the center. However; this seemed to make very little difference, for the dragon was reaching closer. Dovy immediately took initiative. He still had a decent amount of chakra left in him, he would have to spend his chakra pool with much more care after this stunt. He held his hand over to his mouth and took a deep breath. "Suiton: Mizurappa!" Appearing as if holding a trumpet, Dovy spewed out a jet of water out of his mouth like an industrial fire hose, and he aimed it forward where it would hit the dragon along as it spun around the two. Although this jutsu done by the average Genin can nullify any incoming offensive jutsu of D-Rank by either putting it out or knocking it off course, the Hozuki's alignment with water increases its strength by +1. Hopefully, if this dragon were C-Rank, Dovy's attack would put out the dragon all the way, to some degree, or even cause Wolf to close control over maintaining it. It was a stretch, and some kind of a gamble, but what else was the boy suppose to do? Within the amount of time that Dovy had to react, it was his best bet and most logical response. He wondered, perhaps Kusono had something up his sleeve to partake in the escape of this trap. The two Genin would have to first overcome this obstacle before engaging Wolf two-on-one.

Should this plan work, and the dragon become extinguished, Dovy would then follow along side Kusono in the charge or plan to attack Wolfgang together.

Ninjutsu S > SS: [4221/9000]

Chakra: 85/150 - Strength +1:

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono waited for the result of Dovy's confrontation with wolf. Dovy was already tired from his fight with the summon. It looked grim from the start, as Kusono only just barely got away from being ripped to shreds with his last confrontation with the giant. Dovy was indeed a skilled ninja, but fluent in Bukijutsu, not the taijutsu both Wolf and himself trained in. The subjects where worlds apart from any similarity.

Dovy closed in on the ANBU agent with speed.His cutlass in hand and aiming a swift strike to the giants legs. It was a smart move. Even though he was far above their level, Wolf was human. Cutting his hamstrings would no doubt hamper anything the warrior would do in the future and give them the edge they needed. But, that was not the case. Wolf parried the blade with his Katar, shower the duo in sparks. He shifted Dovy stance off kilter, also shifting his balance. Wolf delivered a tremendous kick to Dovys abdomen, sending him sailing next to Kusono, where he slowly regained his composure. The kick must have hurt, Kusono had experienced his great strength first hand only moments before. But, it seemed Dovy was much more durable then he let on. "Aye, Aye. Let's shove that katar up his blowhole." He said, confidently.

The boy was so strange, but he would worry about that later. The dragon which he had doged erlier was circling them. It's long body encasing them and blocking any exit. It was make out of the same substance that Wolf used to cast the burning rain Dovy had put out at the start of their fight. With each passing second the dragon's grip on the two tightened. It's etheral body forcing Kusono to back up closer to his comrade.

Kusono still had his armour battle ready, he was planning to charge through the smoke and let his armour take the brunt of the attack. But, Dovy had other plans. Using his Suiton nature, Dovy blew a spout of water from his mouth into the Dragon. The water through looked to be stronger some how. Was that Dovy's Power? Maybe, but the Suiton of Katon mix was more than enough to disperse the circling predator. As soon as it was completely clear. Kusono would make a dash towards Wolf's right side."Take the other side, attack simultaneously". kusono would advise. He would take the right side of Wolf and slide to the right of him, enough to land a cut on his shin. If the strike was successful, he would regain he composure behind wolf and observe Dovy's action. Planning an appropriate reply.

WC: 173+ 484+444=1101
Using 900 to train "Dance of the willow" (C-rank)found here:




The little genin took the kick well, the boot sent him rolling towards the other genin, he had gotten up directly afterward and everything, though the pain he felt was obvious, he took it like a champ, and his fog dragon had been dispersed and everything by the kid using an amped up Water trumpet, causing the mist dragon to disperse into nothing, this two were definitly good at fighting, though they had no chance agaisnt him in a real fight, this still meant something.

He had another simple D rank jutsu he wanted to test them with, Wolfgang quickly made a hadnsign as they neared him and created three dart like objects in his hand , he had two in his left hand and one his right, the darts appeared like common mist, grey and around the same size as a normal dart, he would throw the dart at the Small Pirate boy aiming for his feet, knowing on contact with anything the darts exploded into a 2m cloud of misty acid, that would only cause slight melting (1st Degree tissue damage) he then threw one at the kaguya as he came close for a attack, also aiming for his legs as to cause a cloud of the smoke to erupt from below him, he then threw the third directly below him, jumping up at the same time, making the cloud somewhat mask his asecent into the air, while he was in the air he looked down at them, once he reached the highest point of his jump (7m) he started his descent around 3m back from where he jumped from...he would test these two to their extremes...
Charka 160

Last edited by Wolfgang on Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:46 am; edited 1 time in total

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Dovy's water trumpet was a success! The dragon blew away with ease and was put out. Perhaps this should be the strategy done between the two. Although the Genin were both skilled in close range combat, Dovy automatically understood that it was his responsibility to provide cover from Wolf's ninjutsu. However, his chakra was already reaching its half-way point, which was good, since he could tell that the battle was roughly about half way over. His breath was heavy, just like the sweat that ran down the tip of his nose, but he's been through worse. At this point he just needed to push through and prolong his fatigue for just a while longer. As the dragon evaporated into the skys, Dovy reached in his back pocket for his water bottle. He took a couple sips of that delicious beverage, and he could feel the energy come back to him through the hydration. The grass below him that touched the dragon as it spun around the two was now black and brown. The acidic nature of it seemed to have killed the fragile life of the earth. Yikes. Imagine what would happen if it had touched his skin.

"Take the other side, attack simultaneously". Kusono said quickly, and Dovy nodded to confirm the plan. Finally, the two were able to unleash their brigade of punches, cuts, and slashes together. Dovy put up his water bottle and gripped his cutlass tightly. Kusono was the first to charge and ran to the right. Dovy responded immediately and began to flank left. The pace finally picked up! Wolf's hands fiddled and danced in front of him as he appeared to prepare an attack. In his hands formed darts, perhaps made of the same substance that the dragon was made out of. Dovy remembered the sight of the grass and what kind of acidic damage could be done. His caution grew tremendously as he ran forward. The dart were thrown forward! Two of them were aimed at Dovy's feet as he ran. "Seriously?" he asked himself.

As the blades neared the boy's feet, he left a small smirk. The dart splashed through the boy's feet as it liquified. It was the Hozuki's signature technique: Hydrification Technique. Dovy was able to protect himself from his shin down to his toes with a gelatin-like liquid. Except, this was not yet the end of the attack, for once the dart hit the ground behind him, it exploded 2 meters out. As he ran, he was able to dodge most of it, however some of the gas managed to latch onto his clothes. To his surprise, it was nothing more than a warm sensation rather than a burn. Perhaps it was all thanks to his already damp-clothing. Dovy's feet returned to their normal solid state as he continued to run to the left of wolf.

However, Wolf was not yet done. It seems that he was prepared to keep his distance this time as he evaded Kusono's attack and dropped yet another dart below him. It was used almost as a smoke bomb, except this smoke was capable of burning its target. No worries, Dovy slowed down and took a deap breath. "Fūton: Nagare!" Dovy shouted, and used his wind stream to blow away the cloud of acid. The force of the wind even pushed him back an inch. The technique is normally used to maneuver in mid air, however, its strong wind could be used for other purposes, such as this one. He covered his face with his forearms as the cloud dispersed, and now the two Genin had a chance to strike together again--of course, unless Wolf was to throw something back at them once again.

Dovy changed his route this time. He picked up his pace once again and ran. Reaching in his pocket, he pulled out three shuriken and tossed them at Wolf's right shoulder, right rib, and face. He hoped that this would force Wolf to evade to Dovy's right side, or Wolf's left side. If successful, Dovy would leap to his right and send a fast slash aimed straight at Wolf's throat. By grabbing his attention to his upper body, he hoped that this would leave an opening for Kusono to strike his legs. If this tactic with the shuriken would be unsuccessful, Dovy would simply lunge forward to stab Wolf's throat as a response.

Ninjutsu S > SS: [4938/9000]

Hydration: 11/15:

Chakra: 75/150:

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