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Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono picked up the pace of his attack. He could not get soft now. Even though his whole body hurt and every muscle fiber begged for a rest. This was when most people make mistakes. Exhaustion was the enemy of every warrior. It was also the friend of many. Should your opponent tire before you in a fight, you have the upper hand. Right now, Dovy and Kusono where losing. Though it was to be expected when genin go up against ANBU agents. So, until Kusono either cant move any longer or he is dealt a serious enough blow, he won't back down.

The dart came sailing at Kusono's legs, intent on penetrating them. Crouching, he sprung up and over the dart, which exploded into a gaseous substance behind him. Kusono's jump was not high, only enough to clear a few feet over the dart. He continued his advance. Wolf jumped and threw another dart at his feet, covering his exit with a gassy cloud causing Kusono to halt before he ran into the haze.

Dovy waited until Wolf would land and launched shuriken at him. Kusono would bypass the gas and continue onward to wolf. Attempting a stab at his unprotected midsection. This looked to be the death throws of their match. It would soon be over.
WC: 201+ 218= 419



They had all sucessfully dodged his barrage of attacks, his acid darts were dodged very well, he even caught himself smiling in enjoyment, it had been a long time since he smiled this way, he usually only smiled whilst killing someone, this was odd...Wolfgang was actually enjoying himself without the fun of actually killing someone, this had happened over the last ten years, he had been slowly changing his ways, ever since he left the castle of the polar bears it had happened, albeit slowly, he had been slowly changing...

Though next thing he knew there were three shurkiken flying towards him from dovy, one aimed at his face and another aimed at his shoulder and yet another aimed at his right rib, this genin sure was quite feisty, though this was no problem for him, as the three shuriken came flying at him, he cartwheeled to the left, quickly putting one of his fingers threw one of the flying shuriken , as he finished his cartwheel the other two were just flying past him, he saw that the genin was slashing at his throat just as a shuriken from Kusono was flying at him as well, he threw his caught one at the one that was coming at him and knocked them both out of the air, he then leaned to the left, dodging the cutlass of dovy just as the other genin came in for an attack at his mid section, Good , they can actually work together, that shows promise he cartwheeled over that blade as well, landing to the left of Kusono, Good, you are actually working together, Maybe you will be ninjas afterall, thats good he then jumped two meters back and said, This is the last test im going to do to you two, in the case that you fight a higher rank in actual combat, this will happen, ad you must be ready for it he made the horse sign and suddenly, 50m from himself were covered in a thick mist, it wasnt the hidden mist jutus, this was the Heavy fog jutsu, sight wasnt impared in this jutsu, but they would start to feel the effects right away, he wanted to see how those two would do...
135/250 *Used This* ->
(OOC-> dont worry im not going to maim you, im going to make sure i end it when youguys are in danger)

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Dovy's attempt to slash Wolf's throat into two failed--as expected. Someone of such a high rank could easily doge such a move; yet, it was the follow up of Kusono's attack that would surprise the elite ninja, even though his attack would unfortunately miss as well. It was worth a shot. A pretty basic strategy: the art of deception, similar to catching a fish with bait. Still, no matter how hard Dovy tried and how fast he leaped, Wolf was one step ahead of him. Even if he managed to land any kind of hit on the demon, chances are it would be nothing more to him than a scratch to lick his own blood off of. This was truly what it took to be an elite. While in that moment of gliding in the air, Dovy imagined himself in a few years. Would he match this power? Perhaps maybe even surpass it? It gave Dovy a window to the future, but he couldn't wait so long. He demanded his body to gain the strength to at least do something to this tank. If not that, then perhaps he could at least learn something.

Dovy's blade continued to slash through the raindrops falling from the sky as he landed from his attempt to cut Wolf. He slid on the slippery grass but maintained his balance and posture, just like any decent swordsman would have. His lungs desired more air, and his mouth accidentally swallowed drops of water that ran into his mouth. "Good, you are actually working together, Maybe you will be ninjas afterall, thats good..." Wolf said proudly before leaping back two meters. Dovy turned around, breathing heavily to himself through his nose. He panned his head to his teammate, Kusono, who's exterior looked just like Dovy's interior: exhausted. This battle took so much energy out of both of them, but it was obvious that they were willing to put the remainder of their energy into one last attempt. Though they were losing, Wolf was right. The two worked well in the end, and that was what truly mattered. If there was anything that Dovy learned today, it was teamwork. Thinking not only for yourself, but for the other ninja you are working together with, to fight as one body to take down the opponent. Now only one more trial remained.

"This is the last test im going to do to you two, in the case that you fight a higher rank in actual combat, this will happen, ad you must be ready for it." Wolf said, and he made the horse sign to reveal the most lethal jutsu for Dovy to witness so far in his short amount of time being a Genin. He felt a bit nervous, actually. "Higher rank?" Dovy thought to himself curiously. He gripped his cutlass just as well as before and lowered himself in his fighting stance. Suddenly, it happened, and Dovy felt extremely cautious. Out of Wolf's mouth erupted a mist, but not like those of Kirigakure. Dovy already suspected what it was: acidic. He scanned his head around for an exit, but it was too late. The mist already covered the training arena. The other Genin who trained beyond them fled the grounds as the mist spread. Dovy quickly held his breath, yet, his skin would soon feel the effects of this acidic gas.

His skin would soon begin to itch as if he was invaded by an army of mosquitos five minutes ago. It would begin to turn red and the pain would crescendo through out time. The pain was slowly enraging the boy. It was like swimming in a thick hot shower that was impossible to get use to. The annoyance of the pain kept pushing the boy's stress. His own clothing began to slowly deteriorate and crumble. It brought him to his knees, desperately thinking of somthing he could do to counter act this lethal justu. "GAH... All-- All I can do is liquify.... Liquify me lungs an' chest to fight some of the pain. Damn it... I have ta' keep going. This pain...I cant stand it!!" He thought to himself while coping with the torture. He ran out of breath and was forced to breath in the toxic fumes. This would cause him to cough. He only wondered if this feeling was going to grow with intensity.

Slowly he could feel it build up in him. It was an emotion to ever so often reach the surface... He suddenly wanted to kill Wolf--not defeat, but kill. "COME ON' I AINT DONE WITH YE!" He shouted with aggression. "YE THINK THIS IS ENOUGH, EH?" he continued. The pain broke his sanity--It was his in-born pirate aggression. His short-fuse went off and unlocked his inherited anger. He lifted himself up onto his feet, and now his eyes too shared the fire that Wolf had in his eyes. It was that murderous stare that finally bled into the surface of his irises. It was without a doubt that the boy's personality changed--something more ruthless and uncontrollable at this point. Although an innocent boy on his own, his mind officially blacked out, and he was ready to begin his rampage.

Dovy pulled out his water bottle and took the final sips that rested at the bottom of the canteen. He threw it to the side forcefully and gripped his blade tightly. Dovy stared him down like lion watching his prey. Coughing in between his breaths, Dovy jetted forward straight toward Wolf like a serial killer. As he got close within his range, he jabbed his cutlass straight toward Wolf's chest. If this attack were to miss, he would immediately respond with a horizontal slash to his lower abdomen, and after, another slash aiming at his legs. A barrage of enraged attacks would soon shower upon his opponent. All control was lost of the boy. Though he was still destined to lose against Wolf, he would have to get beat back into his innocence.

Ninjutsu S > SS: [5941/9000]

Hydration: [13/15]

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

Dovy's attacks where dodged and Kusono's strike did not fare too well either. Wolf easily cartwheeled to the left of himself. Wolf was indeed a skilled and great ninja. Had this been a real fight he would have killed them both long before now. It was a wonder that they had even managed to score hits on Wolf. Kusono lowered his bone dagger as Wolf began to talk. "Good, you are actually working together, Maybe you will be ninjas after all, that's good" Wolf then jumped two meters back and continued his speech, "This is the last test i'm going to do to you two, in the case that you fight a higher rank in actual combat, this will happen, and you must be ready for it." Upon finishing, he made his hand seals and unleashed yet another of his jutsu. This one must be the higher ranked one he was talking about. It looked to be a variant of the hidden mist jutsu. Though with Wolf's nack for corrosive substances it was anything but safe to touch the gass. Kusono was running on empty, as was Dovy. So it seemed that this would be the final confrontation between them.

As the gass erupted from Wolf's mouth it washed over the landscape drawing ever so closer to Kusono and Dovy. Kusono took a deep breath and began closing the two meter gap between them. His breath still held as he collided with the gas. His exposed chest felt extremely itchy, turning an irritated red. The protective spikes that covered his body began to lose their tips and crumble away. Even the robe that trailed behind him began to shrivel and flake away. Kusono jumped three meters into the air and cleared the smoke. His milky white chest now red from the corrosive substance. At the pinnacle of his jump he let lose two shapnle bullets from his fingertips aimed straight for Wolf. As he descended he pointed his dagger down, intent on delivering the blow with all his remaining force.

WC: 201+ 218+342= 761




Suddenly the two genin were upon him, the acid making them knoq that they need to finish this right now, first came dovy, who came at him like a madman, eyes flared and face tensed the small boy shared the look he did when he was younger, when Wolfgang was younger he was the same way in a fight, though he did it right away he now knew how much anger clouded the judgement and made a ninja less skilled, it was the same thing an animal did when cornered.

As the stab from the Cutlass came at him he decided to teach the kid something, Dont let anger fill your mind, you will lose and die that way He turned his body side face and watched as the cutlass went by him, he then took his katar and sliced downwards pinning the sword between the two middle blades of the wepaon and sticking his Katar into the ground and sticking the sword with it if it hit, he would then attempt to grab out with his hand just as Kusono launched his attack, sending two finger bullets at him, this was a perfect time to test their team skills, if he successfully grabed the enraged dovy he would use his strengh to pull him up and right in the way of the finger bullets, he would then try and kick the little genin into the other, hoping to catch them together in mid air.... they hadnt seen the last of the battle yet, they must keep vigilant...

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Tunnel vision, it was all Dovy could see as he rushed through the sea of poison. Just as he thought, the pain grew gradually--and so did the boy's rage. He couldn't think properly, he simply acted on his emotions. It was a rare sight, and only triggered on the worst of his days. Though, unlike most times, he didn't want to go crazy and kill everyone in his sight, he just wanted to attack Wolf. Luckily he was but a boy and very easy to be held back by the higher ranks. Should he have been a Jounin, people would have been in serious danger. Though kind on the surface, he's a monster --a true pirate at heart. After these bursts of hatred, he generally has a hard time remembering what occurred or how he erupted into that state. It gives people a chance to be cautious around the boy, especially for the future. Someday Dovy would grow up to be a strong ninja. An eye should definitely be kept on the pirate-born for the safety of others.

Fighting the fumes, Dovy's attack was easily countered. Wolf's Katar locked the boys Cutlass to the ground and disrupted his enraged momentum. "Dont let anger fill your mind, you will lose and die that way..." spoke a voice that sounded like Wolf, but Dovy could not pick it up. The sound was blurred out as he had little focus during his emotional rampage. It was a lighthouse blinded by thick layers of mist, keeping him from returning to a normal state. He let go of his blade and prepared to fight with his own hands. He shaped them like claws to tear out Wolf's skin as his own was being burned. A fool he was indeed--but he could not recognize this. At the moment he was nothing more than a one-tracked animal. As he threw his punch, Wolf managed to grab his arm and lift the boy off of his feet. He growled, infuriated as he was being tamed. He was about to be used as a human shield to take the bone bullets heading his way.

Dovy shouted as he blasted a steam of air. As the sharp pieces of bone got closer, they were pushed into different directions, lodging them into the ground. Unfortunately, this was not good for the boy's emotions. He was now convinced that the bone boy was his enemy as well, even though he was actually helping. The poisonous air was cleared, at least for Dovy. He purposely used the wind jutsu to do this, literally saving his own skin. The fresh breath of air was incredible, like drinking a pint of water in the middle of a desert; However, it was not enough to calm the boy down. He would have to be beat down to his normal state, conscious or unconscious.

With his right arm free, Dovy reached for a Metsubishi. Quickly, while closing his eyes, he tossed it behind his shoulder with his free hand, aiming it right at Wolf's face. It was a small paper ball that unravels when thrown, and releases a highly irritable mixture of iron shavings, powdered glass, ash and chili powders in a cloud. If it hits Wolf, the cloud would cause small lacerations on his eyes, causing intense pain and temporarily blinding him. Dovy wanted Wolf to experience the same pain that he had on his beat red skin. Also, it would give him a chance to escape. At heart, he was exhausted and in pain. Though he raged on, he was still bound to drop of exhaustion.

Word Count: [6542]

Chakra - [65/150]:


Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

Dovy appeared to break out in a rage of sorts. His movements where rage filled and powerful. Lacking any particular grace to his movements that he had prior. He made a mad dash towards Wolfs figure. The acidic smoke melting his shirt and reddening his skin. Rage was never a state that a shinobi should be it. It only served to cloud the mind and impair judgment. But it seemed the Hozuki would have to learn it the hard way. Dovy was easily parried by Wolf's superior skill and caught off balance. Wolf used his immense muscles and hoisted Dovy to protect himself from Kusono's finger bullets.

As a ditch effort Dovy tried to blind Wolf with a breakable egg. Since Wolf could not feel pain. The gesture was in vain. The finger bullets would strike Dovy across his back, penetrating into his body.
Kusono was now on his way back down to earth. His momentum was gaining with each second. He would not let up. Kusono would try and stab above or below Dovy when he landed on Wolf. But Dovy had to learn his lesson. Kusono would not let up on his attack because of Dovy's incompetence. Wolf would then kick Dovy at Kusono, trying to trip him up mid-air. Should he succeed, Kusono would place his feet firmly on Dovy's back when he is thrown and aim to push Dovy back at Wolf. Then, Kusono would land in the smoke, throwing his dagger at Wolf's midsection. Wolf would have to either block the dagger or catch Dovy.

Should Wolf not succed in throwing Dovy, Kusono would simple continue his downward attack.

WC: 201+ 218+342+ = 1035



Wolfgang had seen enough, after his attack to dovy and kusono he saw Kusono coming down upon him, he jumped back and released his jutsu, clearing the smoke from the air, the air cleared and made the air eaiser to breath, he touched his eyes and noticed that there was a powder there, his vision was bluury and he probably should have been feeling some sort of pain, he then reconized it to be what was called a Black egg, he should be in extreme pain at the moment, though due to his numbness he was unable to feel pain he then called out in a voice so loud that it would ring threw the entire area, as to get the attention of Dovy, ENOUGH!!! You are both worthy, and if possible i would have both of you in my squad, but there is a slight problem, Dovy you are already claimed, though Kusono, you will be in my squad, i will see the kage and make sure of it, congratulations, you are two of our best genin for sure, though dovy you must control your rage, and Kusono you must not put team members in danger with that digit shooter, but all of this can be improved, good job, if there are any injuries i suggest going to the hospital, your skin will need oitment no doubt, Kusono you may need some med jutsu also, your skin is probably melted slightly, Aloe should help for both, any longer and you would be melting and dead aha he bowed to both of them and walked to go and get his bag after they answered him....

WC: 4687
2000/2000 -Sun Burst Acid Bomb
2000/2000- Acid Rain
687 for Stat Training

Last edited by Wolfgang on Mon May 26, 2014 5:14 am; edited 2 times in total

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Every sound that Dovy heard was muffled. His eyes began to blur, and all that he could hear was the sound of his own hear beating. Unconsciousness was right around the corner. He was fatigued, dehydrated and mentally drained. he could feel it, slowly numbing to the point where his own rage began to dissipate. "ENOUGH!!!" A loud shout erupted so loud, the very vibrations ran through the bones of his body. His eyes shot wide open in fright, and his head was brought back to where it should have been for the past few minutes. His eyes heavy, and his mind confused, all he could see were the fumes in the air finally erasing and Kusono's beat red skin. "W-w... the hell.." Dovy said all confused, his eyes blinking very slowly. He almost could not remember what happened after Wolf created that poisonous mist. Almost scared, he knew he must have lost control again. Finally, Wolf released him, and he landed straight on his own knees gasping for air, fighting the dizziness in his head.

"You are both worthy..." Wolf said to them, honoring their time in combat  "...and if possible i would have both of you in my squad, but there is a slight problem, Dovy you are already claimed, though Kusono, you will be in my squad, i will see the kage and make sure of it..." He continued. Dovy stayed on his knees, staring at the wet grass. "...Congratulations, you are two of our best genin for sure, though dovy you must control your rage." Wolf continued. Dovy didn't know what to feel. He was proud of himself until the event of him losing his mind. He wondered if this would ever end since its been getting worse over time. A true pirate would use it to his or her advantage, but this boy was so ignorant. Until he discovers the power to wield this rage, it would definitely act as a curse for him forever. "I'm sorry... I don't know what happened." he said sounding disappointed in himself. The fight was finally over now, he just had to get himself to the hospital. However, shortly after Wolf left, Dovy passed out on the wet grass totally unconscious.

~~~One Day Later~~~

Dovy woke up in the hospital, totally ignorant of how he got there. His skin was burned and being treated on, and his body ached in pain. Recovering would take a while, but it was worth it. He still managed to hold his ground going up against that bloody beast, so he was definitely proud of himself. He tried hard to recollect what happened in the end, but he could not recall. Dovy knew he had another weakness now. He could never again become overtaken by emotions again---unless, it would be on purpose.

~~~Exit Thread~~~

Silhouette Technique: [1000/1000]
Water Release: Wild Bubble Wave: [1000/1000]
Water Release: Wild Water Wave: [1000/1000]
Wind Release: Great Breakthrough: [1000/1000]
Wind Release: Slash: [1000/1000]
Word Count: [7010]

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