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1Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:49 pm



I have a general idea of where I want to go with this character, but I don't have any "serious" posting partners yet. xD
So if you want to be part of Suzuna's plot, please apply for a position and we'll see how it works out in IC~
I'll reveal that much about my plot idea: There will come an angsty and dangerous time for Suzuna because of what happened in her past (not included in her app's history, though. I'd like to write about this IC). At the same time, however, her bubbly personality will surely provide some funny and easy-going threads as well. :)
More per PM if you like.
But let's get this started.

Family: Both parents alive. Four siblings (two older, two younger) You should belong to the same clan if you want to be one of Suzuna's relatives. xD





Post here or shoot me a PM. :)

2Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:58 pm



Ready to fill whatever role you'd like :P

3Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:16 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Same here...though it's up to you to decide what role you think would suit me best XD

4Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Sun Apr 06, 2014 2:56 pm


Friend or mentor :)

5Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:56 pm



I'll be the lover :D

6Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:43 am



Thanks a lot for your interest, guys! 
@Sayomi and Risu, I'm not sure about which roles to give you, but I know for a fact that I wouldn't want any of you as rivals or enemies xD I suppose we could just make a thread and see how it goes. :) I could imagine Sayomi to be some kind of mentor/or big sister and Risu one of those opposites attract friends... But we'll see ;D 

@Nanashi, mentor would be great! We'll keep that in mind for our current thread! :)

@Tsuneo, Haha alright, I got your PM Zane xD Hmm I don't know, Crimson or Tsuneo? I'll think about who would be the better partner for Suzu. ;D But you'll have to travel to Konoha because Suzuna is still a Genin (though I plan to make her rank up soon...but she hasn't done one mission yet, so "soon" might not be the most appropriate word xD).

7Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:49 am



I plan on staying in konoha so i guess i could go for Enemy if you dont mind of course :)

8Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:30 am



@Sairent, sure, we can do that! Enemy it is :)

9Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Wed May 28, 2014 11:52 pm

Azumi Hyuga

Azumi Hyuga

i can be whatever you want, but i'd really enjoy to keep rping with you

10Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Thu May 29, 2014 1:38 am



Aww of course Leanna! You know what? We should also start a separate thread, don't you think? :D I'll post in our current one and exit it then :)

11Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Thu May 29, 2014 9:48 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

oh right, Suzu, can we do a thread in which you teach me the Kuchiyose basics, since you have that and you're in konoha XD

12Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Fri May 30, 2014 5:38 am



If that's possible, I'll teach you of course! ^^ I'm just not sure whether you have to be B-Rank for it... But actually, I've still got a high word count to rank up in that specialty so it doesn't matter xD 
Just let me know when you want to learn it!

13Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:03 pm

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

if you teaching someone a specialty they do not have you need to be S-Rank is what i was told which is why i needed Sano to teach me senjutsu and not anyone who is lower then that

I think i could maybe qualify as a friend, if she gets stronger maybe a potential rival in some way or through some strange circumstances enemy or lover... it all depends and like Risu up for anything but within my character's nature of course. Can not just become enemies because you a girl or slapped me or become friends cause i like everyone OOC so we will see anyways i am in Konoha for some time so yeah... going to only leave Konoha when i am ready to take the Kiri Sannin Spot

14Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:59 am



*blows dust off the thread*
*clears throat*

Ahem, Suzuna is back, yahoo! XD
Sorry for the long break, guys. I am currently in Konoha, but will leave for another village soon due to plot reasons.
Suzuna's past has caught up to her and as a result a rebel organization forces her to come with them.
What village I will travel to is unsure yet, I think I'll try to find a suitable posting partner first. :)

Which means: Anyone who is not in Konoha right now or plans to travel somewhere else could be part of Suzuna's next important plot thread. I'd appreciate it :D
The thread will probably be an interesting mixture of "hilarious" and "dramatic". Suzuna can be pretty funny after all despite her dire situation. ;D

15Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:49 pm



Didn't think I'd ever see this brought back up =P

16Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:55 pm



Hehe I know x'D It's been a while xD
I should start making plotmover threads for my other characters as well to figure out what to do with them next :)

17Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:24 pm



If your looking for any rp partner, I'm game. I'm in konoha and as a ronin I am not restricted in traveling, nor do I plan to stay in Konoha most likely once I finish up my threads. I'm fine with whatever besides enemies, and that's for my own plot reasons.

18Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Empty Re: Suzuna's Plotmover Thread Tue Mar 31, 2015 1:32 pm



Oh, that's great! Thank you very much :33
We could do a thread in Konoha and then another one outside Konoha (after Suzuna has been forced to leave) if you like.
I'll have a look at your character profile, think of something and shoot you a PM :)
Thanks again!

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