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1Yakushi Clan Empty Yakushi Clan Thu Apr 03, 2014 10:12 pm




Yakushi Clan Medical_Teams_Symbol

Clan: Yakushi

Kekkei Genkai: Exemplary Medical Ninja.

Elements: Any

Specialization: Primary: Medical Ninjutsu

Location: Wandering

Clan History: The Yakushi have been scattered about for as long as what times weary hands can tell. The two people considered to be it's founders were just two ordinary shinobi who happened to be fantastic and naturally talented with medical techniques. The founders practiced the Ninshu arts and philosophy; utilizing chakra only to help, and assist others. Though those beliefs have long since been abandoned by most, the current generation of Yakushi are heading back toward a more pacifistic way of living, embracing those philosophies again, if only slowly.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The levels of control over the body and the ability to heal it effectively shown by members of the Yakushi clan are rivaled by none. These individuals are capable of performing some of the most focus-intensive medical jutsu with very little effort. Members are capable of using medical techniques of one rank higher than normal. Members of the Yakushi are also renowned for there intellect and pharmaceutical prowess. Any medications apped by members of the Yakushi clan may be apped with a 1/3 price reduction. Yakushi clansmen have the ability to do intense medical procedures such as the unique ability to be able to reactivate dead cells and grow new ones using techniques, and can perform any Medical Ninjutsu with an added +10 meters of range. This does not include jutsu which require direct contact.

Drawbacks: Members do not focus upon elemental manipulation. They may only have a primary and secondary element. They cannot take the characteristic "Hesitant Element."

Due to an intensive focus on tactics and brains over brawn, members tend to be weaker. A -1 in strength is the result.

Training anything outside of medical ninjutsu requires a 10% word count increase.

Members: Isao Yakushi(Clan Head)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:
Clan Techniques:

Last edited by DntEvnAsk on Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:24 pm; edited 5 times in total

2Yakushi Clan Empty Re: Yakushi Clan Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:42 pm




3Yakushi Clan Empty Re: Yakushi Clan Fri Apr 04, 2014 6:22 pm



I'd rather have jutsu that require direct physical contact not be under the effects of the +10 meter range increase. Also, lower the edible pill discount a bit. 50% is too high of a discount. Change these and I'll approve

4Yakushi Clan Empty Re: Yakushi Clan Fri Apr 04, 2014 6:39 pm




5Yakushi Clan Empty Re: Yakushi Clan Fri Apr 04, 2014 6:50 pm



The 'reactivate dead cells and grow new ones' cannot be a monopoly, you might note. In'yu Shoumetsu is a Library technique.

I also presume that the 10% increase is on everything, jutsu, specs, and elements included?

6Yakushi Clan Empty Re: Yakushi Clan Fri Apr 04, 2014 6:52 pm



I put the thing about cell regrowth simply because it was a technique that Kabuto was very proficient in. And yes. It applies to all things non-medical

7Yakushi Clan Empty Re: Yakushi Clan Fri Apr 04, 2014 6:54 pm



This looks fine to me. Unless Miles or anyone else has any further edits, this is approved.

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