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1The Tatsuru Clan Empty The Tatsuru Clan Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:14 am

Tenshi Taoreta

Tenshi Taoreta

Symbol: The Tatsuru Clan Tatsur14

Clan: Tatsuru

Kekkei Genkai: Akumu (Literally meaning 'Nightmare')

Elements: Suiton

Specialization: Genjutsu [Main] and Ninjutsu [Secondary]

Location: Scattered

Clan History: The Tatsuru Clan go back during ancient times, times during the early wars between the Uchiha and Senju. For many years this clan has been feared by many, due to frightening abilities. They had all originated from the Land of Water, before there were any Shinobi Villages. They had all lived in a secret base in a large mountain, where thousands upon thousands of members of this once fearsome clan lived.

The founder and reigning leader of this clan at this time was far greater than any other member of the clan. His power far exceeded everyone and even had the title of a Sage. He was recognised as Sage Akumu Tatsuru, and was known to have even rivalled the powers of Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju. He was a master 'Suiton' user and Genjutsu master. The Sage of the Tatsuru did not want to be compared to anyone. However, as powerful as they were, even as powerful as their Sage was, they still were not enough for the Senju, as their arrogance had finally got to their head. The Sage of the Tatsuru ordered an all out attack on the Senju. However despite their efforts, many had fallen, including the legendary Sage of the Tatsuru. As many had fallen, many managed to escape, in shame.

As the years went by the clan continued to grow, but it still never reached its peak as it was all those years ago. Most members of the clan began to lose all hope of restoring the clan to its former power. However, there were simply not enough. Many members of the clan had scattered, living their own lives, and leaving the clans history in dust. The once powerful Tatsuru Clan, became the shamed clan, shamed, and forgotten.

Far more years passed by and all information regarding the very existence of the Tatsuru Clan was erased. Not much was known of this clan, if anything, nothing was known of this clan. It were as though they never existed. However there have been many rumours of odd activity, so for the few who know of the Tatsuru; their fear only grows.

Distinctive features members of this clan have are a decently pale white complexion, ebony black hair and eyes, and they generally have a slim build, showing that they are undoubtedly 'frail', showing an obvious lack in Taijutsu and Bukijutsu. Which is why members spent their focus on Ninjutsu and Genjutsu instead.

Kekkei Genkai Description:
Those who possess the Tatsurus Kekkei Genkai, 'Akumu' possess the ability to manipulate fear through Genjutsu. Members of the Tatsuru are all master uses of Genjutsu; Genjutsu which is based off of fear. They manipulate the fear of others through powerful illusions, able to cast powerful dreamscape 'Nightmares'.

This clan was originally known for their mastery in 'Suiton' Ninjutsu, but came to their realization of their far greater mastery in 'Nightmarish' Genjutsu. Most of their Genjutsu is based off of Water due to their mastery in 'Suiton' Ninjutsu creating a connection between both specialities.



Tatsuru Blood (Element):

Tatsuru Blood (Specialization):


Tenshi Taoreta

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Akumu Art:

Akumu Art:

Water Styles:

Water Styles:

2The Tatsuru Clan Empty Re: The Tatsuru Clan Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:54 pm

Tenshi Taoreta

Tenshi Taoreta


3The Tatsuru Clan Empty Re: The Tatsuru Clan Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:40 pm

Tenshi Taoreta

Tenshi Taoreta


4The Tatsuru Clan Empty Re: The Tatsuru Clan Thu Apr 03, 2014 1:25 am

Tenshi Taoreta

Tenshi Taoreta

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