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Azumi Hyuga

Azumi Hyuga

Leanna was so excite her first mission as a ninja! She could barely contain her excitement. Smiling brightly he stepped out of the administration building and looks at the road in front of her... Hmm left or right which road should she chose. as her head moved back and forth something caught her eye darting down a side street. she ran after it at a full sprint hoping it was a cat. Left, right, and left again this shadowy figured darted down street after street, But she was gaining on it fast. it turned one more sharp corner, Leanna skidding to a halt behind it found not one animal but two! a large dog had the cat backed up 
against a corner with no where to run. Leanna shook her head alittle and then jumped over the dog grabbed the  and jumped back over the dog and now running away. The dog stood for a minute stunned as to what happened and then begin to chase after Leanna. Leanna finally managed to lose him after a few hours and she returned the cat to its owner. as she stepped outside the house she let out a long sigh "1 down four to go" she said sighing again. then just as she was about to leave the property she herd a meow coming from a bush. She couldn't help but laugh, the fact that one of the cats was in a bush by her house seemed funny to her. She quickly snatched the cat and brought it back to the owner heading out much faster this time. After searching for another good hour or so she finally heard a meow in the park. She immediately stopped in her tracks and looked around. She looked and looked but just could find anything, and just as she was about to walk away she heard the meow again. Leanna looked up to find the cat at the very top of the tree. she rolled her eyes and began climbing the small tree, but about half way she heard a loud panicked meow and she looked up to find the cat falling down, and before she even had time to reach it landed on her and being the fat cat that it was it knocked her down to the ground. She stood up with her back in pain and probably bruised, but holding the perfectly fine cat that used her to cushion its landing. Leanna walked back in pain to the old lady's house and returned the cat. taking off again to go find the other two. after about 15 minutes she found the other two at the training grounds playing with some academy students. Leanna grinned at the easy task ahead of her. she walked over to the kittens and just as she was about to pick them up she felt a kunai wizz by her head. LEanna turned and looked to see a group of adacamy kids looking slightly anger at her all with weapons ready to throw. "Now now kids no need to be feisty here" one of the kids through another one. Leanna tilted her head only a little to dodge it and smiled. Then all five of the kids started throwing everything they had at her. she ducked and dodged and weaved avoiding them with ease for a minutes until they ran out of ammunition and then she simply walked over to where the kittens where, but they were gone! WHAT?!?! how had leanna missed that!! she glanced around looking back and forth but nothing was to be found. Then leanna turned to the kids with a look on her face that said, if you don't tell me where they went i will kill your entire family. Terrified the kids pointed east and then ran off, some with tears beginning to form in there eyes. Leanna ran off in that direction as fast as she could cathing up to them in minutes. She snatched them up and carried them home. the woman hugged her tightly and thanked her for returning her cats to her. she walking home in the setting sun tired and exhaust from today's mission.

701/600 words

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