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Sairento stood there erect, standing still and silent, watching forward at his sensei who stood towering over in front of him...his master was a tower of muscle, he was 6ft4 and huge in muscle, though he still was faster then him ,and he is stronger then me, he was a better fighter in every way then Sairento and He hated it, and there was nothing that he could do about it, so he just stood still and watched forward as his master walked by, he stopped in front of Sairento and looked him in the eye, and said to him in a deep growling voice I Am here to give you your first hit, simple one, one that even you should be able to finish, you will be going to the land in the rain from here, and after that you will go to this location, the location will be noted in the panplet, he is a fat slob and is breaking many laws, though more so he is pissing enough people of that they would pay for his death, though the amount they offered are not worth enough to send me, so im sending you my Apprentice, you will finish these tasks, and if you fail dont both coming back, just leave or die, a member of the Corps doesnt fail Sairento nodded his head and answered quietly, I will do Thy Bidding my Sensei he bowed low as and then he was given a small envelope that was marked with the seal of the corps. and a note of the bottom that told him not to open until he was starting the mission, his sensei then walked away and that gave him his signal that he could go and do the mission, but even before that he had to to and get ready, thus far he was only wearing the pants of his gi since he slept out here this night as a training exercise.

He walked into his small room and looked around for his dresser, he pulled out his top, it was a black gi with long sleeves, he placed it upon his chest and then threw his hooded robe up his body as well, he looked in the mirror at his face then, at the black tattoos that swirled around his face, and the solid black tattoo on its neck and some of his back, these covered his entire body, he had received these for his graduating, he was proud of them they showed his prowess in himself, he then saw his horns, this look he had made him look like a demon,he never knew why he had them, he was human, they were scattered across his head and at the moment were around an inch long , and jagged and evil looking, he actually from time to time had to file them down, and even smooth around them to clean them up as well.

He was now ready for his mission, all that was left to do was to was to go and do it, he wasnt going to fail his master this time, not like he did in training, he would be the best assassin one day and he was going to start today, he walked silently out of his room, making no noise, he never did, his footsteps made none, and his breathing was silent, the only noise he could make was speaking, and he didnt eve do that, he was made for his job, and he was going to show everyone...especially the crime boss



Outside the Compound

Crouched low like a stalking panther, his blade lying on his back, he waited in the darkness he waited for the moment that his eyes adjusted to the light, he knew that he couldnt stalk someones place without seeing clearly, it took him around 10 mintutes to be good in this darkness, the moon lit the way like the sun, the light not yellow and bright but blue and sullen, it was his second love, the darkness, it surronded everything and embraced him and his black cloak, he started his walking, looking around him as he remembered his commands, Take the dogs out first, though if you can get by them thats fine, since dogs are not prone to be witnesses, but if you want to you can kill them, either way, get rid of them, dont fail me apprentice So he had to find the dogs that guarded the outside compound, he now was to get them quickly...

He saw the first dog patroling back and forth, head held high and looking back and forth, the dog had black close cut hair and long teeth to match, as he walked towards it, it made no notice or sound, his footsteps made no sound on the ground, the leaves under his feet made no noise as he stepped on them, whatever clan he was from or whatever something was done to him made him silent whenever he did something, the only thing that made sound was his voice, and he didnt do that often either. He walked right behind the dog and slid his bladed staff off of his back, he then stabbed down with it onto the head of the dogs head, directly into the eye of the beast, shoving it in and killing the beast silently with a muffled ''Arf'' , thankfully the darkness enveloped the sound into its embrace.

He then continued looking for the other dogs, he started walking around looking for the tracks of the dog, he saw one set in front of him leading somewhere, he followed them and started looking for the dog, he kept looking and looking for a few minutes, he finally saw the brown beast sniffing where he had just been, he stalked the beast and slashed his blade at its throat, slicing it open, he then grabbed the dog by the mouth and made sure it died quietly. He then continued on, he walked around and found the two of them guarding a statue, these two were black and white, they stood their vigil silently, as did he, he walked forward and slipped behind the statue before throwing a rock on the ground to the left of the statue, causing one dog to bound off to the rock, he quickly slew the dog and dragged it back behind the statue , just before the other came back, and started to look for the other dog, he quickly slashed it open with multiple quick slashes, he threw the bodies into the brush as to make sure no one found them...he was now able to enter the compound...



He then navigated himself to the main road to the compound, he had his plan for this, he was going to get close and see how they would react to him and then take them out, because as of now they knew not who he was and he wasnt going to let them. As he walked down the road his cloak trailed lightly behind him in the wind, making no noise due to it touching him, he looked like a wraith walking in the darkness, his cloak behind him and his hood hiding his face, his silent foot steps going down the dark road. As he approached the two guards he looked at them, they were huge men, one of them with a long braid wrapped around his neck, the other had a short cropped hair and they both had armour on their bodies, the armour looked patchwork and ratty, though he knew that it would still hold its tang when push came to shove.

As he got close he noticed them starting to walk up to him, they were much taller then he was, and more muscled, though he doubted that their training was the same as his, so he continued on, the bigger one yelled to him, Hey who the fuck are you! come on give us your name and why are you here? At that he stopped his stride and slowly grabbed his hood and pulled it down to reveal his head, the red and black and the horns, the men gasped quietly and he then answered the man, I am Severio Aioloko, i am here to broker a deal with the Boss, i have no need to speak to you two cretins at that the guards grumbled and groaned and exchanged glances with each other, their faces grew grim and they shook their heads, though before they could finish the head shaking, Sairento quickly and without sound, his weapon and started slicing, he sliced the knees first and then the necks, then moving to the eyes, all of this happened within 2 seconds, they didnt even have time to draw their blades, he finished his flourish as the men fell in a puddle of blood, he then moved the bodies and put his weapon back on his back and continued on forwards...walking down the dark path of his mission, he was close to the finish line, but this would be the hardest part...



Sairento started walking down the path in the inner compound, looking left and right, seeing the expensive falsely made by gardeners that were payed for by what Sairento found out from a source that was drug money, so he felt no remorse for taking these men down. As he walked down the beaten path he heard a noise to his back, it was the soft padding of footsteps of multiple people, so Sairento jumped to the right and hid in a large green bush, the leaves making no sound as he slid into the bush , his kekkei genkai letting him pass unseen, he then saw the men start to walk down the road, though it wasnt his target it was another fat man, he was flanked by men with knives and bags of drugs, it was a damned drug drop of, he hated this trade, the illegal trade was a thing for craven and weak men, he wasnt having it, he wasnt going to let them finish this silly act.

As the group past him, he got out of the bush and started following them while listening to them, Aha we have so much ryo of drugs, im making 30,000 ryo of each bag boys, ill give you a fat fucking cut each dont worry, i pay my debts the thugs laughed and giggled at the notion of the money, it was then that Sairento joined in the talk, Hey guys, are you three looking for Jhi no Mei, i am his left hand, call me Asaeo, i deal with the trade and money , ever since the last one attacked the boss The fat man turned and yelped, the big men drew their knives to their attack position, the fat man hadnt heard him and said to him in a nervous voice, Um ummm...i didnt hear you umm Asaeo sorry so sorry, i thank you but dont sneak up on me like that my good friend and what attack? i cant that someone tried to kill Big Jhi, his men must have taken care of that huh, aha the fat man kept talking on and on, Sairento then pulled his weapon off of his back, without them knowing he sliced across the back of each of their necks, slicing in between the space between the vertebrae, separating them and killing the big thugs, he then jumped high over the fat man and landed soundlessly and slit the throat and spun around and sliced it again, killing the blubbering fool with blood and squeals, he turned and started walking to the targets building, he was already close to his set time limit, he had given himself one day to do this mission, since he was always striving to be the best assassin.

He entered the inner compound central building that the drug lord called home, though at this time of night there wasnt many folks in the building, though during the day, in a single day there could be almost one hundred drug lords and kingpins, but his mission was now, at the dead of the night, when the darkness fell and shadows lengthened, and he had to become one of those shadows. As he walked through the hallways he looked up and around the room, it was nicely made and had rugs and tapestries all around, this target that he was going for was certainly rich beyond what he thought going into this mission, there were safes in the walls and statues around, Sairento almost had the notion to take some, but he got rid of the thought right away due to it being against his training.

He then walked at a faster more rushed pace to the meeting room of the drug lord, for Sairento knew that was where he would be since he had caught the dealers coming for a trade off, he kept his weapon out and in his right hand, he knew that he wasnt going to be alone due to the fat idiots rambling about his guards, that idiot was his main source of knowledge...

He walked into the room of the fat lord, he was sitting on a chair as if in waiting and when he saw Sairento come in his eyes opened wide, he had not heard his footsteps since he made no sound, his guards were fearsome as well, huge men in stark white armor that covered them head to toe, his keen eyes saw that it was still just brittle iron painted white, but it would do its work against D rank weapons, which his weapon was definitly not, his Blade staff was C rank weaponry from the Academy, he was given just for this mission and aloud to keep it at the end of the mission, as long as he didnt fail the mission, then he would die as a failure, to which he would never be able to forgive himself.

The large men came at him in a moment, they were the same speed as him but used their fists, he wasnt going to let them touch him, they seemed to be quite strong and if they sacrificed punches and kicks for weapons there was something really good about their punches and kicks, he sliced and hacked, his keen sharp bladed slicing through the white armor, making it wet and red, after a while the large men fell and lay forever, their large bodies laying on the tile of the room, their masks hacked to pieces from his speedy blades, the large fat drug lord squealed, he wished people would accept their death with some pride though this guy definitly wasnt, he pulled a knife out and attacked Sairento with it, he parried and stuck his blade into the throat of the large man and twisted, killing him within seconds in a red bubbling froth, unlike most killers and assassins, Sairento took no pleasure in killing or murder, he only did what he was ordered to do, he did not punish or play with his targets, he came and went like a shadow, making some wonder if he was ever there, no one would ever be sure, he used 3 names since he got here, not one was correct and none who saw him lived, so his job was done, he wiped his blade clean and left, not touching one valuble, he wanted not gold, what he wanted was much greater, he wanted....a team...but that was later,this was now...
All missions are complete

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