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"The forest is so peaceful," Lytening thought. No other sound existed at that moment, except the rustling of the leaves that belong to the trees in forest that stood a step away from where he was standing. There was a road that cut through the forest and led to the docks, but that wasn't the path he needed to take. He was informed the Gorilla he was after was far away from where the road layed. He had step into the untamed jungle, from the start.
Lytening looked down and he could see where the small grassy area, that divided the forest from the village, came to its boundary because the grass from the forest was much thicker and bigger. And with one step forward, he had now set his foot into the boundaries of the forest.
He walked slowly, thinking about what he would do once he found the Gorilla. Lytening needed the ryo, but from what he heard it wasn't going to be easy to drag that huge thing back to the village. "If I only knew how to seal it into a fuuinjutsu," he thought. He really didn't want to kill the thing. Besides, he wasn't even sure if he could kill it. "Talking about jutsus, do i even know a jutsu to damage that thing!?" he asked. That made go over all the jutsus he knew, and when he had considered all of them he came to a halt. "What!?" he exclamed. "I don't know any offensive jutsu!?"
His loud reaction to a critical realization made him a bit cautious. And he looked around to see, what was around him. In front of him there seemed to be endless trees, and to right and the left. Yet behind him, he could still see where the forest came to its end. "I can still turn back," he thought. "Oooo....I'm 23 yrs old and I'm still a Gennin. This is so humiliating, and if i turn back. I'm gonna be... I, I can't." He turned to look depths of the forest and continued walking with his head down, thinking about what this meant to him.
Lytening walked and walked, completely unaware why he was in the forest and what he was supposed to be doing. He was too caught up thinking about the fight he had with his cousin a long time ago, where his cousin almost defeated him. And then, he was filled with courage and enthusiasm. "I almost lost that time," he thought, while standing still and picking his head up, "but I DIDN'T! I can still do this too! I just need to see what i'm up against." He looked around again, and although he knew the exit of the forest was behind him, he could no longer see. Now wherever he looked, it seemed like the forest just stretched forever. The wind didn't blow so significantly here either, so the song of the leaves had faded almost to a silence. Then as if things couldn't seem any more darker, he closed his eyes. He tried to listen for any noise that would hint the presence of a Gorilla....but nothing.

After searching for over 2 hours~

Lytening had by now searched a mile deep into the forest. He was taking a break, when he heard a faint but strange sound. The sound came from quite a distance. It didn't sound like any of the sounds he had heard the forest make throughout all this time he had been searching. "Maybe a tree fell?" he asked. He became fixed on the direction that the sound came from and began moving fast toward it.

"If it's the Gorilla, what will i do?" he began reasoning. "I can sneak up on it. I have no kunai, no offensive jutsu, but maybe i can knock it unsconcious with a couple of blows. Atleast it's not so smart that I should worry too much about its retaliation. A nice Juken strike to the heart would seal the deal. Wait, maybe not since that might kill it. Well a Juken strike to the gut then. But I haven't learned any Juken techniques yet. My cousin knows Juken techniques....uhg! why doesn't my father teach me already!? You know what, i'm gonna start creating my own!"

Lytening finally came to 20 meters away from the Gorilla, who indeed caused the unusual noise, and the distance he ran sure seemed short after all that talking to himself he did. He rambled on so much, that he didn't even think about what he would do. At this time, the Gorilla had stop eating and it was just loathing around. Meanwhile, Lytening was behind a bush coming up with a plan. Suddenly, the Gorilla started sprinting away, after something. Lytening tried to see what he might be chasing but he saw nothing. "Stupid Gorilla," he groaned. "Ok, let's do this. Byakugan!"
Lytening took to the treetops, and chased after the Gorilla, jumping from one branch onto another. The Gorilla had not notice that now Lytening was just 9 meters away and above him. Lytening place his left hand on his mouth, as if he were going to play an imaginary trumpet, and he fired a stream of water at the Gorilla. The Gorilla was knocked down, but soon in a state of confusion and aggravation he got up and started beating his chest while roaring. At this time Lytening was able to jump to a branch that brought him closer to the ground and to the Gorilla. The Gorilla caught sight of him, but before it decided to charge at Lytening, Lytening opened his mouth again. This time however, he didn't release a stream of water, but he released a thick mist. It was the hidden mist technique, and soon the Gorilla and Lytening were surrounded by a mist that the normal eye could not see through.
Lytening, had planned this far. He knew that if he wanted to get close to that thing and beat it up, he was going to land a surprise attack and this is how he was going to do it. With the mist encircling them, Lytening was out of the Gorilla's sight, but the Gorilla wasn't out of his sight. The mist had ceased to comes out of his mouth, and Lytening could see that the Gorilla was standing still, roaring, and looking turning his head side to side, even more confused. Quickly, Lytening dropped from the branch and charged straight at the Gorilla. Lytening came to be 3 meters away from the Gorilla, when the Gorilla became able to see him. "He saw me," he worried. The Gorilla took his ground and faced Lytening. Lytening now came to be 2 meters away and Gorilla threw his hands up, beating his chest ready to attack. "Just a little closer," he said.
Lytening had now came to be 9 feet away from the Gorilla, when the Gorilla brought down one of his hammer-like arms. Fortunately, Lytening wasn't close enough yet to be caught by stroke, but it made him stop his advancement on the Gorilla. Truly, when Lytening had forethought his attack he didn't think that the Gorilla was going to have a chance to retaliate. He pictured it so perfect, that now, he was concern by this little unexpected reaction from the Gorilla. Although, Lytening ceased advancing the Gorilla didn't, and it tried to close that 9 foot gap between it and Lytening. The Gorilla must have taken 3 steps when Lytening used the jutsu that would give him the opportunity to knock the Gorilla out. The Gorilla suddenly stopped and groaned in astonishment as Lytening released a dome of electricity that shocked it. Lytening only had a second to get in there, closer to the Gorilla, before the Gorilla gained back its focus. He closed the gap and assaulted the Gorilla with an uppercut to the jaw. Being the type of guy that Lytening is, when he punched him he took notice of how hairy Gorilla was and how thick and coarse the hair was. Lytening didn't allow this thought to distracted him though, and as the Gorilla's head was tossed back Lytening brought his other hand around and punched the Gorilla on its right cheek. Lytening kept on striking him, not giving the Gorilla a chance to gain his stance and retaliate. At last, he swept one of the Gorilla's leg and knocked him down with his shoulder. Lytening followed and he came down on top of the Gorilla, and stroke more blows to its head, until atlast the Gorilla blacked out.
A bit worked up from punching that thing that felt like if it was made out of furry concrete, he released his Byakugan. It took him two hours to drag that Gorilla back to town, and along the way he found vines to tie it up and wrap it up, just in case he needed to give it another beating.

Jutsus [Chakra:

Status of Gorilla: Alive!

Word Count
Total: 1528

Mission: 1000/1000
Byakugan D>C: 528/3000



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