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1A Mouthful(No-Kill/ Strafe Aisu) Empty A Mouthful(No-Kill/ Strafe Aisu) Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:18 pm



Sentō made his way down town, walking fast as the faces passed. Club-bound. The night sky above Kiri was quite something, you could hear the waves crashing on the lower end of the shores. It was one of the rare nights in a month that Sentō could control himself any longer. He craved to once more feel that rush that he could only get by committing the greatest crime. He felt like a vampire, sapping the life from people for enjoyment. For pleasure. A wicked a devilish existence he lived. Perhaps it was his punishment from the gods. His unnatural existence was a blasphemy upon their planet? No. Gods were hogwash in Sentō's eyes.

A different club each month it seemed. The missing persons reports always happened to go missing, ironically. Sentō payed people to do that for him, hoping to make the public realization of such a heinous villain existing within their walls take a bit longer. The thing that hurt Sentō was that these people wouldn't ever even begin to try and help him. The moment they knew they would point swords and flames at him, and have his head. He didn't know what to do or who to turn to. His time was likely running out. He was a runaway train on a sloped track.

This club seemed to be less well known, hidden at the very furthest back ally in town. A small iron door opened up into an insane rave. Sentō was short, 4'4", so he had to show his ID to gain entrance, and even then, the older, more aware women kept away from him. The more drunk the woman, the more likely she was to sit down beside him and perhaps get more...provocative.

Sentō reached for his glass of whiskey as a woman sat down on his lap, obviously looking for something more intense. He downed the entire glass in one swig, then felt his eyes dilate as the alcohol content mixed with his blood. He looked into her eyes and saw himself, staring back.  To her he looked like a normal guy. That's what he liked about their eyes. He shied away from her eyes quickly, disliking the gaze of someone when they were still living fully.

The longer he sat, the more women would accumulate. He was not phased by the appearance of many attractive women though. The thrill he sought was not one of sexual pleasure. It was one of a darker nature.

He was starting to feel himself get dazed from the lights and alcohol. He would make his move soon.


2A Mouthful(No-Kill/ Strafe Aisu) Empty Re: A Mouthful(No-Kill/ Strafe Aisu) Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:16 pm

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

The Sannin walked casually through the night as he just enjoyed the fresh air. He wasn't looking for any mission or things of that sort. He just wanted some relaxation after all the commotion that had went on lately. His mind was clear, save for the thoughts of Mitsuo that always stayed in his head. He couldn't help but miss his love. He would make sure to go visit as soon as things returned to normal. As he walked, with his normal ninja attire on, he made his way to a back alley club. He laughed at the thought of the Sannin being seen in one of them, but he didn't have the energy to dance at the moment. What he decided to do instead was jump to the roof of the building to relax. With a single leap, he made it to the roof and sat down, looking up at the misty night. He removed his staffs from his back to get comfortable, setting them beside him. He probably wouldn't need them anyway, or so he hoped.

As he sat there, he contemplated what was next for him. He didn't have any students and Kirigakure was back on track. He just didn't have much purpose in his mission as a ninja. That wouldn't last too long being a Sannin and Seven Swordsmen, but the thought of having no future goals was an odd one to him. He hadn't had time to sit down and reflect on life in quite some time. The War, the death of Kaguza, the defectors, and all the other major events that had dominated his life had finally ceased. Would he dedicate his time to becoming stronger? Did he want to do some traveling? These were questions only he could answer. Maybe it was time to take another student. The idea was a nice one, but he wasn't sure if there was anyone in Kirigakure who needed him. The village had just went through hell and yet it still pushed on as if nothing had happened. Every shinobi in it's village was strong, and maybe his role was just the protector. He didn't quite know yet, and that was okay. He would just relax and think.

Word Count: 1,265/4,000 (Continued from this thread)

3A Mouthful(No-Kill/ Strafe Aisu) Empty Re: A Mouthful(No-Kill/ Strafe Aisu) Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:44 pm



A blonde girl with heavily black-lined eyes and rosy cheeks sat down on Sentō's lap and without even a word she locked lips with him, he opened his eyes, rather than traditionally closing them. Hers were shut. She was doing this passionately. She was truly gorgeous. Bit of a shame that he would choose her as his victim. He entertained her that kiss for a few more moments, doing all of the supposedly intricate details that went along with a dreamy, lusty kiss, then stood up and lead her out into the night. The smell of her perfume flooded his nostrils and he sniffled a bit. She followed like a puppy, strung along by his hand grasping hers. The iron door flung open at Sentō's touch and he made his way straight ahead in the ally, and then to the left, into a dead end.

He pushed the girl up against the way and resumed the kissing, making sure to keep her hopes high, and her inhibitions low. He felt up her stomach, feeling her up, but at the same time searching for her heartbeat. It wasn't common knowledge that each individuals heart was located slightly off from the last person. From the general models. He liked to get a dead center stab every time, so he measured out. She was panting and trying to force him into sexual acts, which he would shake off by doing slight, teasing things, all the while he gently unsheathed his blade. He had the blade facing inward toward her, not yet touching her skin. He used it to slice her shirt down the center, which she didn't find frightening, but attractive.

"What is your name, little guy?" She said in a half-moan.

Sentō smirked up at her, placing the tip of the blade exactly where he needed it to be and whispering

"Sentō-Ki Hozūki"

He French kissed her then forced the blade through her. The pain transferred into him, as she bit down hard in his tongue. Blood spurted from her wound and his mouth. He pulled away from her mouth slowly, and watched her eyes, which still held the form and shape of her drunken stupor. A seductive gaze. But yet he could see himself in her eyes. He saw himself how she saw him. A cute , attractively normal guy.

He smiled, blood running down his mouth. He saw himself fade from her eyes as she began to slide down the wall, his blade slid out of her. He looked at it before sheathing, seeing himself in it as a horrible demonic monster.

The woman slept the long and eternal sleep that only death could bring. She had a mouthful of blood from biting his tongue, and his mouth bled that same blood. He looked around for witnesses, feeling as though he had been watched.


4A Mouthful(No-Kill/ Strafe Aisu) Empty Re: A Mouthful(No-Kill/ Strafe Aisu) Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:22 am

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

Strafe's mind continued to race with thoughts of his future and what needed to do. He was just in an odd situation. These thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps in a nearby ally. Curious, he got up, grabbing both staffs and putting them in their place. He would walk over to the edge of the rooftop to see a male and female making out. He raised an eyebrow as he saw the boy, who was a shinobi, grab for a weapon. He didn't have enough time to react as the weapon was jammed into her body, causing her to slump to the ground. She was dead. Strafe's eyes were wide open with shock as they man simply stood there with blood running down his chin and neck. Why did he kill her? He couldn't help but feel a bit of anger, clenching his fists. He had to investigate this further. He would jump from the rooftop, landing a few meters from the man. His face showed nothing but confusion as his hand instinctively reached for one of his staffs. He would leave it there, not drawing a weapon yet.

"Why did you just kill that woman?" He would ask with a commanding tone in his voice. The look the stranger's eyes went from one of pure joy to one of emotional void. Did he find pleasure in murdering people? The thought of that being true made his stomach turn a bit. This man had to be very careful with how he spoke, as rudeness would get him injured and arrested. The Sannin would not tolerate mindless violence after the village had just endured hard times. The people needed time to recuperate and build up it's confidence. It didn't need to fear a random killer in the streets. To think one of their own shinobi would do such a thing...

Word Count: 1,583/4,000

5A Mouthful(No-Kill/ Strafe Aisu) Empty Re: A Mouthful(No-Kill/ Strafe Aisu) Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:21 am



Memories dances through Sentō's head as the higher ranking shinobi appeared before him questioning his motives and his actions. Sentō knew that all he had available to him to escape this situation alive were his own words. His feet wouldn't carry him out of this. He turned, facing the man directly and sheathing his blade. He looked up at the man stoicly, preparing to tell him everything he needed to know.

"I am guilty of murder. Several murders. I lost count after awhile, because keeping up seemed kind of sick and twisted. Have you ever looked into a mirror, and saw something you resented? Someone you couldn't even bear to live with. I probably should feel that way, but my ability to feel any sort of sympathy or empathy were taken from me on an island in the sea." He paused, taking a moment to check the mans face for signs of reaction.

"I was engineered, not born, in a testing facility. I was trained to be a killer. A shinobi. Nothing more. I have dulled down emotions. I have a very limited conscience. And I know a lot of ways to kill a person.
The worst part of my curse, I must say, is the ability to feel happiness only with my blade sunken into the chest of someone. Yes. I may only ever feel joy by watching the life fade from someone's eyes. When that feeling becomes so blissful, it becomes almost like a drug. A drug which I am highly addicted to. Now that you know my tale, and likely that I am a threat to society, you will probably kill me. I accepted this 3 minutes ago.

Sentō dropped to his knees and lowered his head, presenting the opportunity for decapitafion to his discoverer. He prepared for death.

6A Mouthful(No-Kill/ Strafe Aisu) Empty Re: A Mouthful(No-Kill/ Strafe Aisu) Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:51 pm

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

Strafe's eyes were filled with surprise as he listened to the young man speak of his past. He obviously had some problems that went past the normal mental state of a 'villain'. Strafe couldn't bring himself to kill someone who simply couldn't emote enough to feel regret for killing. Maybe it was fixable. The Sannin put his hand by his side and looked at the killer with a different expression. It was one of curiosity. "Well, I don't feel right killing someone who can't help it. Stand up." He spoke in less of commanding tone than before. He might be able to help this poor soul. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed like this was destiny telling him that this was his purpose. If he could help this man find those emotions, he could become a great ninja for the village. "Instead of mindlessly killing you, I'm going to take you under my wing as a student. We are going to search for this island and try to get your ability to feel back. I will keep a close eye on you. You won't be able to kill with me around, however you won't be miserable for long. I will do everything in my power to help you."

The stranger probably didn't know why Strafe would do such a thing. It was in Strafe's nature to help people regardless of how far gone they were. It was time to introduce himself. "My name is Strafe Aisu, Sannin and Seven Swordsmen of this village. What is your name?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. He would have to report all of this to Solstice, but she would be okay with it. He was more than capable of handling this man, as their wasn't many who could overpower him. He would wait for the man's response by walking over to the woman and closing her eyes. He looked at her injury, noticing that the man hit her directly in the heart. He certainly was a skilled killer. If only he had been here a little earlier, he may have been able to stabilize her. He was the strongest Medical Ninja in all of Kirigakure. He would make sure to send for someone to collect the body and find any relatives for the poor woman. She didn't deserve such a fate.

Word Count: 1,988/4,000

7A Mouthful(No-Kill/ Strafe Aisu) Empty Re: A Mouthful(No-Kill/ Strafe Aisu) Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:28 pm



His blank, impenetrable gaze at the floor below was unceasing. Memories flashed all around inside of his head as he blocked and denied reality for only a few seconds. He remembered being inside of the water pod, having jolts of electricity sent through him, losing pieces of himself each time, seeing those pieces crawl onto the floor and turn into what looked like deformed, broken up clones of himself, each time reducing his actual size. His parents didn't seem to know or even care that he was their child. He was simply a mass of incredibly applicable scientific matter. If his eyes had only been blue...

The man did not deliver death, and silenced the idea by asking Sentō to stand. Sentō stood and stared at the man with a lack of emotion. A pale, clean slate. The man announced that he would be bringing Sentō under his wing and that they, together, would reclaim what he was missing from that island. Sentō stared on, not budging. He was in deep thought. The man had said Sentō would not be allowed to kill anymore innocents to fulfill his wishes. He wouldn't be able to feel that grand feeling again.

It would be alright. He now had a way to reclaim what was his. He looked up into the now announced Strafe Aisu's face and said "My name is Sentō Hozūki, and I accept your tutelage. I too wish to be a member of the Seven Swords."

The way Strafe reacted toward the dead girl was with real compassion and sorrow. He placed her eyelids down, and examined her with an unhappy expression. Sentō did not know what Strafe may have been feeling. But he wished he could.

Bukijutsu Training DONE:

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