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1Uzumaki, Daichi Paint the walls Empty Uzumaki, Daichi Paint the walls Fri Mar 28, 2014 5:38 pm



Mission name: Paint The Walls
Mission rank: D
Objective: The walls of the Administration Building need a fresh coat of paint. It will be your job to finish applying the new paint before nightfall.
Location: Konoha Administration Building
Reward: 60 Ryo
Mission description: Just a simple painting job. The most dangerous aspect is using the ladders to reach the undersides of the balconies.
Mission details: Just make sure nothing gets into the wet paint before it dries and all will be fine.

2Uzumaki, Daichi Paint the walls Empty Re: Uzumaki, Daichi Paint the walls Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:19 pm



Today was his final mission before he could apply for becoming a Chuunin, and it seemed he was putting in a tremendous extra amount of work. The Genin was assigned to paint the outside of the Administration Building, and using a ladder that was outside to get all the edges. It should take rather all day, but it wasn't anything too difficult. The assistant explained that the current red coat needed a new one, so no spots missed, and it was to be done by nightfall. The ladder, brushes, and paint were outside in the front of the building. The ninja kept his composure in front of official, and waited for her to write his name down. As he left the building, he let out a longer than needed sigh...obviously drained, but he was ready.

Part of the reason for these little missions were for the concept that if he couldn't do this...he certainly couldn't handle the higher ranked missions. The money was needed, and so was the credentials. The boy had so many thoughts rolling through his mind as he picked up the paint cans, walking over to the right side of the entrance, and setting them down. The boy made a few trips, grabbing the brushes, and something to crack the can open with. That's when he started from the bottom upward, grabbing the ladder to reach the highest points he usually could not.

A normal technique was applied, no different ways of brushing, and keeping the same directional pattern. If he did otherwise it was going to look very awkward, and he'd fail the mission. Common sense was applied, and his visualization was used. The boy had gotten a good portion of the building done in roughly an hour, probably twenty-five percent...but that's when it'd start to get difficult. That's when one of the balconies approached, and he started to dread it. "Dangit....meh, oh well! I can do it...." the tone of his voice wasn't cooperating with his thought process showing he wasn't as motivated now.

The ladder the grabbed once more, and he approached the balcony to get started on it. The boy had to make the paint last, and overusing would cause bubbles to form. So smoothing out any paint on the brush to go a long way instead in a single area. The balcony had plenty of edges underneath to get into, which took more time, but it was completed. //Alright, now I need to get the under-roof....// he thought to himself, continuing to reposition the ladder as he progress left to right underneath, and eventually finished the first balcony. There was one more, but that was after about seventy-five percent of the way done.

The ninja had pushed forth, continuing his previous method, and keeping it as beautiful as he could possibly muster for an untrained professional painter. As time passed the sun started to lower, and the orange hues cast over the horizon of the village. //Crap....I need to pick it up! Go, go, go....I can do this!// he started to shoot into a positive thought process, and motivated himself. The boy didn't want to rush, but rather work to his full potential now. Whether the next balcony came up, or hundreds...he needed this mission.

Over fifty percent of the tower was done, and he kept following the motion but now followed a tedious movement. It was more flowing, and fluent. Nothing was stopping him, and he was quick on his feet. The boy was hopping off the ladder once he finished points he couldn't normally reach, repositioning the ladder, and progressing once more. That's when he reached the balcony, taking from his previous experience, and this time held a better concept. The boy had gotten all the hardest parts first, before starting from the left of it, and then worked right. It was rather quick now, and sweat was accumulating at the bridge of his nose. "W-whew...." the boy let out, huffing, and felt the burn forming in his arms. Seventy-five percent.

The boy now had the easiest part to happen, moving forward, and continuing until he got to the end. It was finished, and nightfall was very close...the assistant was out already looking at the job he did, and walked around the whole building as soon as he finished. She noted a few mistakes, but overall gave a nod of approval. "Regardless of the minor mistakes, we just needed a first coat...we'll be hiring professionals to do the touch ups, but you handled majority of the work! Thank you, Uzumaki Daichi...."

Mission completed with 761 words

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