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1Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:35 pm

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Just as any other day, it was wet, rainy... and wet--the perfect Kirigakure weather. This land was adapted as its own biome to take in the hospitality of the rain. It not only fueled its terrain and environment, but its citizens and ninja as well. Dovy could recall more sun on the shore side, but the rain benefited him well. Most ninja from Kirigakure would also agree, especially since most of them on average are aligned to the suiton element. Dovy wouldn't rather be anywhere else other than the shore side, but avast, he stood at the training grounds awaiting under a tall tree, leaning on it ever so smoothly. His clothes were drenched, everything from his shirt and vest to his trousers. The blonde hair on his head slushed to the right and out of his heterochromic eyes. Surprisingly, it was an empty field. Nothing but lonely training dummies and unhindered puddles. Perhaps this was because it was later in the afternoon. Most ninja train in the morning, and the weather was rather intense. However, it fed Dovy's skin, and he remained standing under that lonely tree.

He was an experienced Genin, and he had already met the minimum requirements to be promoted to Chuunin, however, he did not wish to graduate with 'minimum' statistics, so he withheld his promotion and stayed as a Genin. He wished for more training--enough to make him the strongest raking Genin in Kirigakure. His pride fueled him to out best any Genin in strength, speed, leadership, and teamwork. Hypothetically, if the Chuunin Exams ever came around, he would make sure every Genin there knew that he was the best. Only then, when he reaches maximum intelligence and strength will he proceed onward to the next plateau. If he was ever to rule the seas, the simple minimum requirement would never cut it. This is why Dovy was here. He was awaiting for an arrival. Someone to potentially help Dovy get closer to this goal and exceed in strength.

Recently, Dovy posted a request for ninja to train with; he preferred someone of a higher rank. Why fight a Genin? If one expected to grow stronger, they would have to add more weights than they take on without struggle. Well, one shinobi responded to Dovy's request--Yuzu Ren, a Jounin. There wasn't much of a description of him, which was a good thing. A ninja must always be prepared for the unknown. At last, a challenger, and someone to learn from. Don't get him wrong, Genin can be strong too, but they are still so young and unexperienced. They have not seen the amount of kunai, shuriken, dirt, and blood that these elites have. It was this wisdom and intelligence that he wished to seek, however, his strength was his own responsibility.

Dovy stood underneath that tree patiently with his arms crossed. He knew that Ren would arrive soon at the coordinates to find him, and he felt exited to meet his acquaintance. None the less, he felt confident. Perhaps this day would either strengthen the boys humility, or simply feed in confidence and pride even more. Defeating him was unlikely, yet unimportant. It was about the lesson to be learned. Dovy remained under the drenched tree as rain water dripped off of the tip of his cutlass.

Training, Suiton S > SS: [553/9000]

Last edited by Dovy on Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:47 am; edited 1 time in total

2Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:33 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He woke up early this morning he was expecting a good day today but all he found was stepping in wet water. He was a bit lazy to put on his shoes today and looked around wearing a loose t-shirt and his shorts. The war had been tough and now was a time of peace as he looked through his mail. He had been promoted to the rank of a Jounin for his efforts in the Seven Bells War. Going through his mail he found something interesting a request to train with someone named Dovy, he decided to quickly get a messenger shinobi to deliver his reply as he felt he had nothing else to do. His swords were going to rust if he did not get some training done soon. He went inside to wash his hair brushed through it and then shook his head so it went back to its normal state. He took some time to brush his teeth then decided he would only take one sword with him Tsukiyo since it would be a waste to train with three swords against a genin.

He was finally ready packing in a few ninja tools except for two swords and his explosive tag which he thought was too much and began walking to the meeting location. He did not know whether he was late or early but he knew that he did not want to waste too much time as he took a small sigh. He noticed a boy standing underneath a tree with his arms crossed. He noticed the boy had a cutlass which was dripping and the tree was rather wet as he wondered why the boy did not come over to greet him already. He was surprised to notice the boy was not much bigger than him and might even be the same age as him not that it was important just that he hardly got to play with kids his age. He finally shook his head and waved to the kid resting against the tree and shouted a bit.
"Are you the genin Dovy?"

Training Words = 351
Chakra = 320/230

3Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:46 am

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Wet drops of water ran off of the tip of Dovy's nose as the sound of rainfall relaxed the boy. In a way, it phased him out for a bit. It was the sound of nature being reborn to complete its own cycle. It was his resource of hydration, and it was also his weapon, yet it fell from the sky ever so willingly just to be apart of this cycle. Though this was a lovely sound to put him in a trance, he still missed the sound of waves crashing onto the shore, or colliding into the soggy wood of a fisherman's ship. It was very different from home, the shore side. Perhaps a visit would be a good idea, however, it would have to be after his promotion to Chunnin. Right now he had many responsibilities, and at this rank he had very liberation. It was just one extra thing to motivate the boy. Everything he did was for returning to sail the seas again. It was to feel the warmth of the sun, the texture of his salty skin, and the sound of those colliding waves.

"Are you the genin Dovy?" A voice came from not too far. He noticed something strange and unexpected though. This was not the tone of an older man or woman, but almost the same pitch that Dovy himself had as a young child. Could this be a young girl? He turned his head to the direction of where the ninja shouted, and behold, he was no more than a child just like Dovy. He raised his eyebrow with skepticism. "He be a Jounin?" he thought to himself. All of this time he wished to be the strongest in his rank, yet, if this boy was truly a Jounin, he was practically never going to be the strongest out of his age group. A humble feeling began to set inside of Dovy, and he smiled. Surely, if this boy was able to advance in such ranks, Dovy could too. He was confident that he had met the right person that day.

He began to walk over to the boy. As he got closer, he notice that the young Jounin had his own blade--a Bukijutsu user. Dovy smiled to see this. It would surely make the training great to fight against another blade holder. More importantly, he was exited to see the technique that this boy had. "Ahoy! How be ye?" he asked as he well got into the proper social distance. "Aye, that's me! Dovy Hozuki. How about yerself? Are ye really a Jounin?" He asked while extending his hand out for a shake. He was exited to see this boy's strength and personality. Though he was a child like him, surely he could learn for his strength and experience.

Suiton S > SS: [1,021/9000]

4Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:50 pm

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He looked on and noticed a raised eyebrow which slightly annoyed Ren who nearly took that as an insult. After a while though this child Dovy began to smile which was a bit strange, especially since he was expecting some talkative cocky kid since he was asking training from high rank shinobi. The boy Dovy began to walk over to him and as he god closer he seemed to be eyeing his sword for a moment, but he figured he was probably imagining it. Then again the boy was smiling way too much and he wondered if all children smiled like this, after a while as he looked at him get closer and closer he began to wonder if this was a trap. Looking around for a bit right and left and up and down before noticing the boy was now really close and began talking.

"Ahoy! How be ye?" was the last thing he expected to hear as he began to stare in shock. For the first time in his life he thought he was stuck in some weird history lesson where pirates still sailed the seas, even though they did still sail the seas. However as weird as it sounded the boy finally introduced himself as Dovy from the Hozuki clan which he remembered had a habit of turning into puddles of water. He then picked up on the boys gesture to a handshake as well as his questioning if he was really a Jounin to which he sighed and looked to him. He did not want to smile back or shake his hand but he knew he had to be slightly polite and looked down to the side shyly then said. "I am Yuzu Ren, i became a Jounin because i was in the war" He had a sad look on his face having answered the question and at the same time ignored the option to shake hands. He was used to people ruffling his hair, to girls occassionally hugging him but never in his life had he ever shaked someone's hand unless he was planning to pull them in close and stab them.

His eyes were a bit more colourful than usual but his eyes seemed to be watery and it was then that he only noticed as he realised he was really stupid not to notice. "Do you want us to train in this rainy weather or you want to maybe go fight inside the gym over there?" He pointed towards a beaten down gym and he did not even wait to see the boys response to his reply and then proceded to continue with. " I don't care how we train just don't waste too much time talking okay" he then managed a smile that looked so sincere it seemed bad. Which would perhaps not be picked up by the fresh genin who had not suffered under the harshness of the war of Seven Bells. The death and disappearances of many peoples loved ones was not to be taken lightly and he began to think about how he had tried to train a member of the Hozuki clan before only for him to run away. Would this guy be the same or was he a true shinobi.

Training Words = 351 + 545 = 896

5Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Thu Mar 27, 2014 11:50 pm

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Dovy stood there awkward as can be with his arm out in the open. Ren left the impression of being extremely serious and anti-social to him. His face expressed it quite clearly the very second Dovy spoke to him. It was obvious that the boy was not quite a child at heart, and that his memory was shared among the other elite when it came to blood baths and sights of fallen comrades. It was very odd to see such a personality in such a young soul. "I am Yuzu Ren, i became a Jounin because i was in the war" He responded without eye-contact, yet he did not appear unconfident. The war he spoke of was that against Seven Bells. Dovy recognized the reference well, for he too fought in the war. It happened shortly after his graduation of the academy, so as a rookie, he wasn't quite given as many tasks. He was assigned mostly C Rank and one B rank missions, and they were all more challenging than the average Kirigakure missions, so who knew what the boy's colorful blue eyes witnessed as an elite ninja. It would make the boy's attitude very justified. Still, without any handshake, Dovy simply pulled his hand back and scratched his butt. Perhaps it was a good thing that Ren didn't shake his hand--he was never good when it came to personal hygiene anyways.

"Do you want us to train in this rainy weather or you want to maybe go fight inside the gym over there?" Ren said straight to the point. It looked like he didn't really care for small talk; however, it was a good question. Dovy panned his head to see the beat up and worn down gymnasium. He raised both of his eyebrows in surprise, though just as he was about to open his mouth, he was interrupted. " I don't care how we train just don't waste too much time talking okay" Ren followed. Dovy looked at him confused. "Thats... a gym?" he asked rhetorically. Had he known this earlier, he wouldn't have waited in the pouring cold rain. "Crikes, what a downer..." he thought to himself in disappointment. Deep down he was hoping that the two would have a lot in common. They did meet a similar age demographic ya' know. Regardless, he did come to train, and at least the two agreed to meet that consensus.

"Alright mate! Let's head o'er the gym then, eh?" he said to him. Dovy proceeded to walk over to the building, assuming that Ren would follow him. He opened the doors and stepped inside. The room was quite spacious, and the walls added resonance and echoes to all sounds. "WOOOOooooo!" Dovy yelled playfully to hear the sound waves bounce off of the walls. It was interesting how that worked. He took off his shirt, squeezed out the water that was soaked in it, and he threw it into a corner to the side. His torso revealed multiple bruises, bumps and cuts that were healing into strong calluses. Following this, he sat down on the floor and removed his shoes and socks. Those things were way too soggy, and now he was only left with his trousers. While on the ground he began to stretch out his calve muscles and hamstrings, warming up and taking care of his body before the long training session. "I be ready when ye be mate!" he said to Ren. Perhaps he could get the boy to loosen up a bit. While the two were no longer on the battlefield, they could surely use some time to have a bit of fun.

Suiton S > SS: [1,628/9000]

6Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Fri Mar 28, 2014 2:24 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The young Dovy finally looked towards the beaten and worn down gym as Ren wondered why he did not check his surroundings a bit better instead of waiting in the rain. Not that it mattered much but the rain was not much of a bother, he had to fight in the bloody rain during the war and this was nothing compared to that. He was wondering why the boy always raised his eyebrows ,it was like he had some eye disease or maybe he was misreading things again. He told the boythat he only cared about the training which is what he was trained to say at the academy. It seemed Dovy looked at him with a confused look and asked a really stupid question. Not even giving a response to that his eyebrow raised slightly out of annoyance.

He picked up on this and looked away as he learnt that now having not learnt much about socialising he sometimes had the habit of picking up other peoples habits for a short while. This was his subconscious way of trying to fit in when surrounded by strangers which is also why he hardly acts like a child. He spent most of his time with his grandmother and when she died he had few to no friends aside from his sensei who he had to fight to the death as part of some severe training during the Seven Bells war. He was a mix of the old ways of the bloody mist and the new ways of the more safer and modern teachings as well. He lost so many people during the war and although he was a genin on the first day, after many deaths and his innate talent he became a Chuunin after his first day. Although talented he was not really as strong as his rank at the time having been promoted half way through the war with the disappearance of a special jounin he was put in as a replacement and as the war had begun to draw to an end his performance in a few high ranking missions that all nearly killed him. He was granted the reward of the title of Jounin due to the large number of missions he performed as well as the number of people he helped along the way. His promotion was also due to his ability to work well with shinobi from outside his own country as he proved by working with members of Konoha, Suna, Kumo and the currently shunned Iwa. He not only worked well with them he managed to be polite on most occasions as well as being loved by the medical department who saw him everyday during the war.

After spacing out for some time he noticed that the young Dovy was now entering the gym and he slowly began to follow behind him. The young boy just opened the doors and stepped inside not worried that he might be ambushed and as soon as he went inside he made a sound he never heard before. "WOOOOooooo!" as it echoed through the gym he wanted to ask him what signal call that was when he noticed Dovy was stripping right there. He was about to look away when he realised their clothes are wet, he had become a lot more relaxed since the war ended and as he looked on as the soaked shirt was thrown into the corner he looked at Dovy's upper body. He had so many bumps, bruises and cuts which seemed strange he kept observing since that was what he always did. He watched him sit down and remove his shoes and socks then looked down at his own feet and wondered why he did not bring his with. He blushed a little bit showing that he was not completely emotionless or cold but just somewhat damaged by the war and the hardships in his life.

He decided to lift off his small shirt revealing his upper body which had no signs of bruises or scars to speak of. The medical staff worked hard to remove all the damage that he received in the war. The day when the war ended he was in the hospital for close to a week. In that time they decided to not just heal him but remove the burns and scars which fortunately were not as difficult as they would have been had the war still continued. His special treatment was not just cause of rank or because he was some cute child, he had previously protected a bunch of civilians while his mission was to only save a few he saved all of them and lost some one important in the process. He stretched a bit his sword laid down on the floor as he also sat down with his legs crossed, he began to get bored while Dovy began stretching his muscles something Ren hardly had to do since he was naturally stretched out from the way in which he sleeps. Also his regular training was the other reason behind that. He yawned a bit then leaned back and lied down on his wet shirt then spread out his legs and arms then finally sighed. Dovy told him that he would be ready to train anytime and he was more relaxed now.
" Is training suppose to be like this? everyone always just wants to train hard and fight"

This was the first time he had chosen to actually rest a bit before starting a training session, he was a bit confused and nervous while appearing calm and relaxed which were complete opposites. He thought about what the boy said then replied to that after some awkward silence. " If you want to train i should give you a handicap since you still just a kid right?" This was something he actually did often not realising how weird that sounds coming from another kid. He meant no insult as he was basically just wanting to help train without hurting him and he began to think a warm up might be a good idea as well. They could train in using ninjutsu and he did have a jutsu he needed to master still so doing low level ninjutsu as warm ups could help or they could spar so they can loosen up a bit and get their blood flowing. These thoughts were things he heard while in the hospital and on the battle field. The war did not let go of its grip on him as he waited patiently for how Dovy would respond.

Training Words = 896+1098 = 1994
Chakra = 320/320

7Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:10 pm

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

The gymnasium was nicer in appearance inside rather than outside. It looked clean, as if it was still maintained and kept up with. Perhaps it was used for many generations before his own, even during the times of the bloody mist. It was a touchy subject in history class, and the teachers taught it in such a way that made it sound more taboo to discuss about like politics or religion. Its interesting how society changes overtime. Dovy wondered what the generation after his would bring to the ninja world as he stretched and continued to observe the inside of the old building. The overall size was 30 meters by 20 meters, the average size of a high school basketball gym. The floors were all glossy wooden paneling, and the walls were made of thick, white concrete. The ceiling arched like a dome, creating the feeling of having a spacious environment. Lights dangled and a few flickered from above, and only about 90% of them were actually on. The only sounds to exist within the building other than the two boys themselves came from the buzzing of the lights and the raindrops smacking the rooftop. There were no seats, no rafts or bleachers, just a wide rectangular open space made for training. In one corner there was a bag with what seemed to be filled with weighted balls perhaps used in core exercises, and in another corner was a weightlifting bench. It had various plates, bars, and other weights spread around it. Lastly, close to the entrance laid a used fighting dummy that was missing one of its arm, revealing plush and stuffing in its decapitated joint.

Dovy's nostrils flared to the smell of old wood and dust. Though it appeared fair in quality, it still reeked of old age. "Is training suppose to be like this? everyone always just wants to train hard and fight" Ren asked. He returned his attention to the other, noticing that he wasn't even stretching! "Ye know ye could hert ye muscles er somthin', right? Ye might wanna warm up." He said as he leaned over his leg to reach his foot. "I mean, Isn't training whatever ye want it to be? All that really matters ta me is that I leave stronger than before... I don't really care much about what every one else be doin'." he continued. Finally, he could feel his body warmed up and stretched out. He knew that his body would thank him afterwards. It was a great feeling, almost as if his body was breathing through every muscle fiber in his arms, legs, chest and back. He leaped up quickly and hopped in place to get his heart rate going just a tad' bit. They were mostly just tippy toe leaps to get a good feel for this wooden floor without his shoes on. They weren't as slippery as he thought they would be, considering how glossy and shiny it looked. Most of the loss of grip to the floor was because his feet were just wet from being outside.

After a silent pause Ren spoke up and asked, "If you want to train i should give you a handicap since you still just a kid right?" Dovy stopped jumping and looked at the boy for a moment. His eyes blinked fast twice as he was trying to process what Ren just said. Was he not a kid? Could this be some older man who managed to take the form of a younger body? In the ninja world just about anything was possible, so it wasn't a weird thought to have. Dovy looked at him, and he laughed. "Haha, you're funny!" he said with a smile. He did indeed actually take it as a joke, even if this was intentional. "Sure, since yer stronger than me, lets limit our ninjutsu ta genin rank. I also wanted ta practice fighting with me cutlass, so maybe we can try that out farst." he responded. Carefully, he pulled out his wet cutlass and wiped it on his trousers. "Let's get to it, eh!" Dovy said, and he held his blade accordingly. His left foot was placed in front of his right, and his posture matched that of a renaissance fencing swordsmanship style. His left hand was placed behind his back, close to his other weapons and items for easy access, and his right hand held the blade in front of him, pointed at Ren with focus. His eyes locked with Ren's as he waited for him to take out his blade as well. Either this would be a linear duel to test each others Bukijutsu technique, or it would advance to an avant garde flurry of events. He waited for Ren to make the first move. Though he was very likely to lose, he was ready to learn from him.

Suiton S > SS: [2,437/9000]

8Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:32 pm

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Finally Dovy looked at Ren and laughed telling him he was funny. After a moment he then proceded to answer him and said that they should fight without using techniques beyond the level of a genin. With that in mind Ren began to think about the last time he had to put a handicap on himself and thought this handicap would not be enough but at the very least he would not need to worry about killing him so with that out of the way he sat up and nodded. "That should be okay and i want to also get a proper warm up too so i got just the technique for you". He stretched his arms a bit then shaked his shirt which was not quite dry but he did not feel comfortable staying topless for no reason. He watched as Dovy moved his left foot in front with his strange stance, and took out his cutlass which was not his first time seeing one but it looked strange every time he saw it. He stood up slowly as he yawned a bit then blinked a few times before shaking his head to get his hair dry. He watched how the cutlass was in front of him in his right hand as he kept his left hand behind him. Was Dovy planning to use his sword as a shield and attack with a variety of unknown projectiles. He looked and noticed how intensely Dovy's eyes were looking at him as he slowly performed a jutsu as two more Ren's appeared.

As a genin Ren had not always been the best but in the academy he passed on top of his class. He had learnt the water clone technique at a young age and had used it to find time to sleep between classes. As well as so he could do all his academy work faster. Only a select few new that he had learnt the technique already, but he had not mastered it as even the slightest touch would make it fall apart. It was only a bit later in the last year at the academy that he mastered it even using it to cheat during the one test. While he could not receive the chakra of water clones back he could at the very least get the knowledge so during the exam he had two water clones study two sections of the exam diligently. After some time when at least a third of the exam time passed in which he answered all he knew at the time. The first clone fell apart as he learnt what he needed to do next. He repeated this again after the next third of the time and had actually passed with 98% losing 2% due to being sleepy and not answering the final question. He also used water clones to make up for the fact that he was not very strong at all as he could not carry much but by having more of him he could. He had other specialties and with this he saw the water clone technique as genin level even though it was atleast chuunin level technique.

The one Ren took the sword up and then pointed it towards Dovy and said. "You can fight me first while i rest". It was not clear which Ren was the real one anymore as the two remaining Ren's started walking away then stopped about ten meters away from them. The clone or original who was fighting him looked extremely focused and his hair began to shake to the side as he held his sword at his center. His stance gave minimal openings with maximum variations. With a high stance you are left with downward slashes, while a side stance only allows for attacks from one side of the opponent. He then finally said. "Be careful i will attack you if you do not make the first move". This was seemingly a threat but in truth it was a warning since he had a technique for this situation already prepared. This battle was more complex than it appeared on the surface.

Training Words = 1994 + 693 = 2687
Chakra = 241/320
Clone Chakra = 32/32
Clone Chakra2 = 32/32

C-Rank Jutsu Mizu Bunshin(Water Clone)

9Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:02 pm

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Dovy held his stance nice and strong as Ren replied to him. "That should be okay and i want to also get a proper warm up too so i got just the technique for you." He said, and Dovy's curiosity wondered what he meant. Could it be some kind of technique to enhance Bukijutsu? Whatever it would be, Dovy probably never heard of such a thing. He had yet to discover many other jutsu, clans and weaponry. Just about every jutsu was something new to him, so he literally had no idea what to expect. Ren stretched his arms and flapped his damp shirt to expel the remaining drops of water soaked into it. He appeared to put it back on. Dovy didn't know why, I mean, wouldn't it be uncomfortable sticking to your body and all? Oh well, he let him do his thing. Ren even yawned as if he had just woke up. Perhaps he was bored already? Honestly, Dovy had no idea of what kind of impression to have on this kid. He was indeed rather odd. Unlike before he appeared more relaxed rather than skeptical and serious.

Even the though the two were just standing around, Dovy was trying to think of what strategies to go for. Should he aim high, low, or perhaps fight dirty like he was raised to on the ship? He didn't worry of hurting Ren, since he was a Jounin after all, so not only would it be difficult to actually hit him, but his rusty blade wouldn't cut very far into him if it he did manage to land a direct hit. Probably just about two or three inches, not even strong enough to slide through bone. Dovy really wanted a custom blade of his own instead of this cheap thing, yet he knew he was no where near close enough to wield such weaponry yet. Patience and hard work would have to guide the boy to meet that goal. Until then, he would simply have to rely on his own technique first. Indeed, he had two different kinds of fighting styles when it came to swordsmanship. One was a gentleman's approach, taught to him by his uncle, one of the finest sword smiths in the shore side. It was the basic form of dueling supported by foot work, aim, and timing. The other was a ruthless approach. The fighting style was that of a criminal, a true pirate who could care less about rules. Handed down to him from his father and his crew mates, it was more of an improvised style than anything else, yet deadly in the mind of a professional killer. Dovy already agreed to himself not to use such a tactic and stick with his fencing style though out the duration of the training session.

Avast, Ren created a set of clones right before Dovy's eyes! Never had he seen such a technique, but he may have recalled hearing a thing or two about it. The water clones, not an uncommon technique spread out amongst kirigakure ninja, and for once, he finally got to see them for himself. "You can fight me first while i rest." one of them said a blade was pointed right at Dovy. As Ren walked back, the young pirate-lad could immediately see what he was doing. It was almost humorous actually, yet totally justified. Let's not forget, he is a Jounin after all, so the clones shouldn't be underestimated either. Dovy gave his attention to the clone in front of him as a way to show agreement with the exercise. "Be careful i will attack you if you do not make the first move." the clone taunted. Dovy smirked as he analyzed his stance. "Aye, Aye." he said and quickly followed with a lunge that aimed more toward the right--or from Ren's perspective, his left side. However, it wasn't a normal stab with his blade, because it stopped halfway like a fake stab. Very quickly, hoping to throw off the clone he followed the trick stab to aim at his side, or ribcage. It was one fluid movement with impressive speed for a Genin ninja, yet most likely not enough to eliminate the clone. However, it was still the first move to finally start everything off.

Suiton S > SS: [3,150/9000]

10Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Sat Mar 29, 2014 1:24 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

"Aye, Aye." were the first words to come out of his mouth, deep deep and really deep down inside Ren nearly laughed, but that was not enough to make him lose focus as he charged forward with a lunge Ren chose to keep his sword in the center. Watching the thrust of the cutlass aimed to his apparent left side he waited for the blade to get closer. He was a bit disappointed at the straight forward attack as he stopped half way, Ren finding it really tempting not to just knock the sword out of his hands right then and there. Watching the follow up attack from the side he took a single back step and swung to the side from which Dovy's blade was coming from and parried the blade and spoke to him. "When facing someone stronger than you a straight forward attack is stupid". He held his blade to the same side in which the exchange was parried as he continued speaking. "If you were fighting another genin that might have worked but, if i just attacked to counter your stab by evading that even with the change in your strike me stabbing as well would be faster even if i was a genin. I could also have tried to parry the stab so if you changed your strike i would have cut you open since your sword would not be defending you anymore after it moves. I remember my teacher taught me about it too. Wish i did not have to remember it though anyways try again, and do not stop your attack unless you defending yourself. Tricks like that will not work on trained swordsman unless you a lot faster then them."

He took a sigh then changed his stance to a more casual stance yawning a bit then moving his sword to a lowered position. The look in his eyes now was more serious and even cold giving the impression that he might kill Dovy if he makes a wrong move. Meanwhile the real Ren was taking a nap while still keeping the water clones up. The technique had become so natural to him that he did not even need to be awake for this, meanwhile the other clone let him rest his head on his lap while he rubbed his hair then looked to the other clone who was fighting Dovy. Not that it really mattered but the clone was observing from a distance to determine how talented Dovy might be and the next technique would decide just that.

The deathly glare made by the clone to Dovy was mainly there to test his will as well as to keep focus so that he does not use too much force in his next blow. The air began to have a strange air to it as his focus was not just on himself or Dovy but on his weapon as well. Would Dovy use a proper attack or would he need to call a doctor for this. Either way it was time to begin the fight and the clone finally said. " Let us do this"

Training Words = 2687 + 523 = 3210
Chakra = 241/320
Clone Chakra = 32/32
Clone Chakra = 32/32

11Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:08 pm

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

The blade was inevitably parried. Yet, rather than an immediate counter, Ren's clone hinted Dovy some advice. "When facing someone stronger than you a straight forward attack is stupid" He said as he returned his blade to the center as before. "...I could also have tried to parry the stab so if you changed your strike i would have cut you open since your sword would not be defending you anymore after it moves. I remember my teacher taught me about it too." he continued. Dovy felt very ignorant at this point. Perhaps he had the technique to out best most Genin with his swordsmanship, but surely not any Chunnin or Jounin. Ren was right though, his parry was blocked to leave a huge opening for a slash through the inexperienced boy. "What else... am I to do? How do I attack me opponent while avoiding a counter?" he pondered to himself. Then it hit him. His eyes lit up as he somewhat began to finally understand the process of true sword fighting. It was not a linear battle in which a user strikes as much as possible and tries to hit the opponent--it was more dimensional, a game of chess. This fighting style was a game of timing, intuition, prediction, and fast problem solving. In time, Dovy understood that he would have to analyze his opponents strikes and parries according to stance. Right now, Ren held his blade in the center, so any stab would just about leave Dovy open for any easy counter. "...Tricks like that will not work on trained swordsman unless you a lot faster then them." Ren continued, and Dovy nodded to him, recognizing his experience and wisdom--even for his young age.

Ren appeared rather bored, sighing as if he expected more. Dovy tried to ignore this. He had a short temper for annoying this like this, but he knew he couldn't let Ren get into his head, so he returned into a similar stance as before. This time, however, his left hand was not behind his back. He let it roam freely by his side. Ren, on the other hand, lowered his blade. Dovy began to process some options in his head. First, a vertical strike to the head was not an option. His blade could easily be parried, leaving a huge opening for just about his whole body. This could be the case for stabs as well. He was trying to discover what would be the best strike, one that would make it difficult for Ren's wrists. However, if he did go for the best possible move, Ren would surely expect that, so he had to plan out his block afterwards. Unfortunately, Dovy's range of knowledge was short when it came to strikes, so he simply planned to return his blade to the center. It was a more versatile position to hold a blade anyways.

There was a feeling of tension, a feeing of danger. Ren was giving the boy a serious look to raise his caution, and he certainly did. By now, he surely expected Dovy to learn from his prior strike. This was his chance to try again. He gripped his blade and noticed that Ren was snoozing on the lap of his other clone, being petted like a puppy. It was a rather odd sight, but not enough to distract Dovy. His eyes locked and never left his opponents while keeping his blade in peripheral view. After a few seconds of tension the Clone finally said, "Let us do this." Without nodding, Dovy took in a quiet and slow breath to relax any tension in his body. He stepped his left foot back and kept the torso of his body away from the opponent. He stood sideways with his right shoulder facing Ren and his cutlass in front of him. On top of this, he kept his feet light and ready to move, just in case. This strike was simply to play a pawn, not to aimlessly swing a blade and hope for a hit. Without too much strength, but continuity and technique, Dovy released his first move. It was a strike to his opponents arm--the same one that held the blade. It was anything to get him out of the lowered attack stance. It was not a stab, but a swing. Hopefully he was fast enough to do this, otherwise what's the point? The Jounin would deem to be way to strong for Dovy to manage a training session with him. Hopefully the trainer would at least give him a chance to learn, even if it meant getting a couple of cuts here and there.

After this move, Dovy would return his blade back to center position and prepare any movement if needed. Perhaps in the next blow he would implement some kind of side stepping and exploration. This would be a sign to say if Dovy was actually learning anything or still far from it. If he did manage to hold himself up, then his enthusiasm for the training would skyrocket, anxious to see how much more he could learn within the next hour or so.

Suiton S > SS: [4008/9000]

12Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Sun Mar 30, 2014 3:11 pm

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Dovy did not nod in reply to the clone telling them to do this, he had stood there for quite some time and wondered when Dovy would attack. Dovy appeared to be taking in a slow breath which showed signs that Dovy was a bit tense. The clone watched as Dovy took a back step with his left foot and kept his torso of his body away from the the clone. Dovy stood sideways facing his right shoulder towards Ren with his cutlass in front of him. It was a bit more interesting as Dovy charged in to strike to his arm as if this mattered he nearly wanted to use the technique he mentioned earlier but held back and just ducked under the slash moving at the same speed as Dovy. He purposefully chose not to use his technique which would have cut their training short so to speak. The clone looked up to him as he watched Dovy return his blade to its center as if expecting an attack. Ren was woken up by his clone then spoke from there after the clone whispered what happened in his ear.

"That was better even if your opponent blocks or dodges returning to your stance was a good move. You should have done a combination attack though i was giving you an opening and swordsmanship is not just about using your sword. A friend of mine Kenji-sama had taught me that in a fight you will not find any swordsman who only uses his sword. You are pretty fast but a single attack is not going to work on me, you do not have insane strength to stop my parry or insane speed to stop me from dodging your slashes. Stabs are fast but can be knocked aside and slashes are unpredictable when used right. Try your attack again, but follow through this time do not pull back and " Ren looked to his clone then spoke. "Show him my sword technique"

The clone jumped back just a bit more than 10 meters from Dovy then lowered his sword again into the same stance. Both feet were firmly planted into the ground. "This is the very first technique i learnt", he raised the sword from the ground up with a forceful swing but the floor received several minor one and two inch cuts and scratches all the way until about an arms length away from him. "Mizukiri" This technique showed of one thing, his range with his sword could easily go beyond its length and still hurt someone 10 meters away from him. The lesson he wished to teach Dovy here was that if he does not have any techniques he will need to make up for that. "You do not have any sword techniques that i know, but you either give me a good combination or show me something impressive. If you had done that slash to my arm when i was a genin i probably would have used this technique on you straight away. I showed you this technique because you are so weak i do not need to surprise you to hit this. Think about your next move then we will continue and my clone does not have infinite chakra so as a tip he can use this technique two more times so, manage to get a solid hit on him while avoiding two more of those then you will get better."

The clone retook his stance placing the sword at his center once again, he issued a task to the young genin that was not impossible and would just require careful thought in order to deal with it. Meanwhile the other clone began stretching and Ren took a jog around the gym so long while his other clone stood as some sort of referee for the fight. Ren had a bit too much energy on him so the jogging really helped a lot.

Training Words = 3210 + 657 = 3867
Chakra = 241/320
Clone Fighting Dovy = 22/32
Clone Watching Fight = 32/32

D-Rank Mizukiri used

13Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:25 pm

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Dovy's blade swiftly cut through the open air as Ren quickly ducked underneath the attack. He not only proved to be smarter and more experienced, but faster as well. He quickly ended the momentum in his swing to return his cutlas back to square one, the center, in order to block any other attack or counter. Yet, there was a break, and no counter was done. "That was better even if your opponent blocks or dodges returning to your stance was a good move. You should have done a combination attack though i was giving you an opening and swordsmanship is not just about using your sword..." Ren said to him. It was an enlightening idea for the boy. It is true that Bukijutsu users are still ninja, and they should use that to their advantage. Though, like Ren mentioned, Dovy had no special Bukijutsu style ninjutsu to enhance his performance, so he would have to rely on his normative ninjutsu. "...Try your attack again, but follow through this time do not pull back." he said to Dovy, and the boy nodded back as a symbol of understanding. Just as instructed, he would try to create a combination attack composed of both Bukijutsu and Ninjutsu. Surely he had something in his arsenal.

"Show him my sword technique" said the original Ren to the clone. Dovy's eyebrow raised once more in curiosity. Did he mean a fighting style, or perhaps this is ninjutsu? It wasn't quick enough to decide on his own, because the clone would soon leap back about 10 meters away from Dovy. Just as before, Ren lowered his blade, but something was different this time. Dovy put all of his focus on that clone, wondering what was to come. "This is the very first technique i learnt" he said to him before lifting his blade above his head and sending a force down Dovy's way. He leaped to his right, "Wind Release: Stream!" he aimed a powerful release of wind at the ground as he jumped to dodge the attack and land 5 meters to the right of Ren. He slid slightly as his feet squeaked on the wooden flooring. Surprised, though it was surely not everything that Ren had in him. It was obvious that the strength of the technique was diminished for his own safety. He lifted himself up to stand upright. "You do not have any sword techniques that i know, but you either give me a good combination or show me something impressive..." Ren said to the underdog. Though he was able to dodge the attack, he couldn't come up with a unique combination.

"...Think about your next move then we will continue and my clone does not have infinite chakra so as a tip he can use this technique two more times so, manage to get a solid hit on him while avoiding two more of those then you will get better." he mentioned. This helped Dovy set a goal. Eliminate the two clones and finally face the original Ren. "Aright, let's go again." Dovy said as he tightly gripped his blade. As he slowly walked forward, closer to him, the clone held his blade in the center, and Dovy returned to his last stance with his shoulder facing the clone. He ignored the original Ren jogging and kept eye contact with his current opponent. Quickly he stepped forward within cutting range, and unleashed a vertical slash aiming at Ren's head. If he blocks it, then the boy's upper body would become exposed. After his slash, Dovy quickly brought his hand to his mouth, "Water Trumpet" a blast of water erupted and aimed at Ren's chest, hopefully able to disrupt him and push him back. Since his clan was so aligned with water, this blow would not be that of the average jet of water. It was stronger, and could potentially knock Ren back a few meters.

Quickly after this turn out of this event, Dovy would return his blade back to center position and prepare to block any counters if made. Leaping back 3 meters, Dovy made some distance between the two and then threw five shuriken at the direction of where Ren would be. He then returned his blade back to the center and awaited the turn out of the events and his opponent's next move. He was learning a lot today, and hopefully he would be able to leave a much more experienced shinobi.

Suiton S > SS: [4752/9000]


Suiton +1:


14Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:58 pm

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

It was a bit surprising seeing his own technique from his clone as he jogged around the gym. He nearly laughed as he saw overreact and use Fuuton in order to dodge his technique, even though his clone went out of range by a small bit. It was impressive that he at the very least respected him enough to dodge the technique and not assume it won't hit. He ended up five meters away as the clone looked to his side wondering why he did not trust him not to hit. The squeeking sound of Dovy's feet sliding was something the real Ren picked up as it had a slight echo screech effect. As he decided to focus, the real Ren stopped jogging and sat on a pillow he happened to find behind the one bag. He sat on it and decided to rest keeping within range to keep his clones from falling apart. He could see carefully that things were looking good from where he was watching and there might be hope for Dovy with rumors of the next Chuunin exams surfacing.

"Aright, let's go again." the enthusiasm in Dovy as he said that, tightening the grip on his blade as he walked slowly towards the clone as he took up the same stance he used before. The clone took note of the intense eye contact and figured Dovy was finally going to give a serious attack this time prompting him to give a serious reply since he could not use Mizukiri again right away. With a quick step in to reach cutting range Dovy made a vertical slash aiming at Ren's head. He decided not to go on the full defensive and followed with a vertical angled slash clashing their blades as he did not apply any extra momentum the slash would be even just preventing harm. A block right now did not seem the right thing to do now that he revealed just one technique, he had to make him learn step by step.

After his attack was met with an equal attack Dovy quickly put his hand by his mouth, which seemed strange if he did not recognise the jutsu. He quickly performed his own jutsu and moved from his location immediately as the mist gathered hiding the location of the clone while the other clone jumped to the side to avoid getting hit as he chose a new spectating location. The force of the jutsu was impressive and showed that the young Dovy may have a natural affinity for Water as well. Not being as reckless as the clone thought he would be as the clone spectator noticed that Dovy returned his blade to a centered position and prepared to block any potential attacks that may come from the mist. Leaping back a good three meters between them he threw five shuriken in the direction where the clone should be, however the clone evaded it and waited having very little chakra left to spare and now only possessing pure bukijutsu. However whether Dovy would figure this out would have to come with time as the clone watched him from within the safety of the mist. Dovy returned to his stance again showing that he learnt the true first lesson which was to always keep up your guard at all times.

During this time the real Ren had gotten closer and was about five meters behind Dovy having walked very silently during the exchange. The clone that was fighting waited inside the mist then taunted Dovy. "You going to wait outside for the mist to clear or are you going to make a plan and get me while I am still here?" The clone chose to stay in the mist where he had the advantage and began preparing a counter strike. This was not like the blocking evasion or clash, he was going to attack for real this time and with out any direct way to find the clone Dovy was being tested on his way to get passed the most basic jutsu in kirigakure. The hidden mist technique conceals ones presence and makes it near impossible to hit someone with out special sensory training or unique tracking abilities. With the stream jutsu exhausted earlier he would not put it passed Dovy to have another Fuuton technique to blow away the mist, in that case the clone had already decided to attack then and there. Regardless of what Dovy chose to do he would attack and end this part of the training.

Right now Dovy was being tested very strictly while he picked up on all the things Ren taught him, he had to pass this last trial on his own, as the second clone started doing warm ups indicating that this was only the beginning. The problem was very simple in that Dovy had to find a way passed the mist as well as manage to land a direct hit on the clone. Ren had approached Dovy from behind only so he could point out something after Dovy delt with his clone, who was forced to switch tactics in order to test Dovy once more. The second clone was watching intensely and then the real Ren remembered the times when he trained being beaten around and knocked all over the place. He also remembered the time when he had to learn to see through the mist, things were not as easy as people think it was. People underestimated him not knowing that he has held back a lot as sometimes you have to lose to win.

Training Words = 3867 + 935 = 4802
Chakra = 241/320
Clone Fighting Dovy = 2/32
Clone watching Dovy = 32/32

Jutsus used were Hidden Mist and KiriShiryoku(lets Ren see through mist)

15Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Sun Apr 06, 2014 4:05 pm

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Ren dodged the attacks without any effort needed. The Jounin would soon not only prove to be faster, but smarter too, and Dovy would end up in quite a pickle. His technique was growing at a fast pace, learning new things every minute with his new acquaintance. However, this time as the boy was enveloped into a sea of mist, he would have to learn something completely different. It was not so much on how to strike, or combine tactics as one, but how to overcome non-combative strategies--such as the mist. If anything, Dovy should already know a plethora of moves to brush away this tactic; however, his steam was the only move available to him, and he would have to wait before performing the wind technique. The inconvenience put him in a challenging environment. Three versus one. Not only did he have to worry about the two clones, but the actual Ren was probably within his presence. Dovy felt nervous, almost anticipating a beat down if he didn't think of something.

"You going to wait outside for the mist to clear or are you going to make a plan and get me while I am still here?" Ren's clone said. Though it was funny, Dovy felt rather taunted. His annoyance toward him built up as he couldn't even make out where the voice was coming from. The resonant gymnasium distorted his auditory perception. Dovy decided to remain silent and not answer. He still had no idea if any of them could see through the mist or not, but just to be safe, he decided not to take this simple bait. This moment was better for thinking and problem solving. His methods were pretty linear though, just like his Bukijutsu was an hour ago. Perhaps this was a new opportunity to think outside of the box in terms of defense. But what was he to do? His options were minimal, and he was incredibly outnumbered with opponents who had plenty of attacks at their disposal. Regardless, Dovy still had a goal in his mind. Ren was clearly way out of his league  in terms of strength, but Dovy knew that he could still prove himself greatly if he at least managed to take out the two clones. Perhaps another day he could take on three, and then four, and then someday last a fight with the actual Ren. This was simply the first step. He wasn't there to win, he was there to learn, and it was a humbling thought.

For the time being, while in the mist, Dovy knew he would have to wait a bit before clearing the mist, and until then, he would simply have to hold himself together. Avast, an interesting idea came to his mind. Dovy reached in his pouch to pull out some Makibishi, and he began to spread them around his circumference. They were small, four pointed sharp miniature weapons that aim a single tip upwards vertically. The opponent could step on them and have them pierce an about inch into their foot. This should at least do something to Ren, whether it slows him down, or even pierce his foot if he can't see through this mist. While holding his blade, his left hand reached into his pouch, close to a flash bomb and a smoke bomb. Should the opponent get close, he would be prepared to drop this tricky weaponry. He couldn't not do much else, so he wanted Ren to come to him. In fact, by staying so quiet, he practically dared him. It was okay though, because he was playing the right role as a ninja. Quiet, focused, and prepared to counter. Dovy stood in the mist and waited for his trainee to make a move.

Suiton S > SS: [5424/9000]


16Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Sun Apr 06, 2014 5:40 pm

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The young Dovy did not fall for the taunt, but he did something that seemed fairly decent tossing his small trap around him before Ren's clone spoke up. " You do know i can see exactly what you doing in the mist, nice trap though guess i should have put on my shoes for this fight." The clone stretching in the mist swinging the sword slowly no longer having a direct method to attack he sighed before walking slowly and fairly quietly towards Dovy. His breathing was also silent as he had chosen to focus getting closer inch by inch, it was not easy but he was now within about two meters of Dovy. He did not make out what was being kept in Dovy's hand but he knew getting that last one meter of range to land a strike would give away his location. As a clone he could just dive in for the kill and win by disregarding his own life which meant nothing, but the clone like Ren felt it was not only cheating but would also be too dangerous as right now he had to land his strike without killing the poor Dovy.

The second clone was watching all this nearly laughing while not bothering to look in the mist but remembering the locations of where they were. It seemed like the only one who was moving was the clone that was fighting Dovy and the clone moved over to the door and took a walk outside. With Dovy in the mist he would not even know that the one clone was sitting under the tree, enjoying the sun which seemed to have come out for some reason. The people were walking passed smiling while a few kids ran passed pointing at him, the people told the kids to stay away as they recognised Ren. He then proceeded to look up at the sky at the few passing clouds, one cloud looking like a bowl of noodles. I may need to make a hidden cloudy jutsu some time. The clone begins to yawn and rests against the tree waiting for his turn to begin.

The real Ren was a bit interested in why the clone was taking his time and then figured that the clone must be seeing something in the mist, so out of boredom and curiosity he activated his kiri shiryoku technique but used the full powered version which lasts a lot longer. He smiled and watched as the clone closed in on the poor unseeing Dovy, but he did think the idea to use traps on the ground was pretty well done. Dovy needed to gain more jutsu and probably a larger supply of gear to go with that. His Water Trumpet earlier was rather impressive, but basically it meant after Dovy used that technique he would end up being on the defensive. He was not sure Dovy would be suited to clones since it seemed Dovy was not that talented, or perhaps it was just that Ren had been so talented that he misread it. Either way he felt Dovy had a lot to learn still and that he may need to step up and allow his next clone to go all out on Dovy, while maintaining to keep his speed at the same level.

He began to think about it but realised that Dovy might have a good chance at defeating the first clone so he went to the door and looked outside. "Get ready, they nearly done you might have to go up. You may use the higher rank on him but just to be safe will give you permission to use Tsunakiri" As he said this the second clone got up and began walking inside as Ren stopped smiling and gave a serious look towards the mist, he realised he held back a bit too much so he would have the second clone fight a bit more seriously then the first clone.

Training Words = 4802 + 664 = 5466
Chakra = 221/320
CloneClone Fighting Dovy = 2/32
CloneClone watching Dovy = 32/32

A-Rank Kiri Shiryoku used by Ren

17Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:47 pm

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

The silence was broken by a few miscellaneous things. "You do know i can see exactly what you doing in the mist, nice trap though guess i should have put on my shoes for this fight." He heard through the air. Looks like he was indeed able to see through the thick water particles in the air. He now knew that all six eyes were locked on him, though he still continued to stand in silence. Dovy closed his eyes. There was no use for them right now, and he wanted to put more of his conscious focus into his other senses anyways. He listened to his surrounding, smelled the air, and tried hard to feel any vibrations through the wooden floor. With his eyes closed, he heard slight laughter that echoed through the air and the opening of the door to the gymnasium. Could one of them have left to go outside? The sound of rain drops falling onto the roof was absent, so it was possible that the skies cleared up. Dovy smelled nothing else but the gym's dust and his own body odor. Everything else was silent. He couldn't pick up anything to give away the clone's position, and he was in an extreme disadvantage.

"I've got to get outa here... wait. THATS IT! Just get out of here! duh!" Dovy thought to himself. Obviously, staying in the mist was pointless. It was his best bet, but how would he escape out of the clutches of the other two? They knew exactly where he was and could double team him at any moment. A distraction would be needed. Dovy had no time to come up with a strategy, he needed to act quickly. "Here goes nothin'!" he thought to wish himself luck. He pulled out from his back pocket a smoke bomb and pulled out its pin. As he threw it straight at the ground, a large puff of black smoke erupted out and surrounded Dovy, hiding him in pure darkness. He was about to test if Ren could see through more than just the mist he created. "Bushin no Jutsu." Five clones ran out and scattered in different direction. "Shunshin no Jutsu" Using the smoke to cover up his retreat, Dovy flicked himself to the nearest window and leaped out, hoping that his illusion would trick Ren and his clone with an act of distraction.

After he leaped out, he managed to leap his way up to the top of the dome-shaped roof. Though the surface was extremely wet, he managed to chakra walk his way up the building. Just as he expected, the skies were completely clear, and the rain was no more. He scanned his surroundings carefully, making sure he wasn't followed on his way up, and there he was. One of Ren's clones was simply enjoying himself underneath a shaded tree. "What kind of training is this...? He thought to himself with a raised eyebrow. Keeping quiet, he walked over the the edge of the roof and could hear them talk to each other. "Get ready, they nearly done you might have to go up. You may use the higher rank on him but just to be safe will give you permission to use Tsunakiri" one of them said to the other. Dovy reached in his bag and pulled out a kunai which he threw into the tree that Ren was sitting under, lodging the blade a couple of feet above his head. "OY! What be this yappin' of Tsunakiri?" he asked as he stood on top of the building. "Don't tell me yer done already? Hiding under the nice tree, eh?" he continued with a smirk. Dovy was curious to see where this training session would go. Perhaps Ren might be done for the day. He would be okay with his. After all, he did learn a lot for the time he had to train with the young Jounin ninja. Dovy awaited a response.

Suiton S > SS: [6086/9000]


Chakra - 115/150:

18Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:38 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The clone was a bit shocked and slightly annoyed when he noticed that Dovy had chosen to throw a smoke bomb and jump for the window, the smoke bomb delayed the movements while a bunch of other clones ran in random directions. The clone sighed and just began walking towards the door figuring if there were a bunch of clones there would be no reason to run to the window. Dovy was curious to see what was going on outside as the clone sighed and went towards the door where the Real Ren was.

The Uchiha was rubbing the hair of the small blonde boy and laughing while the young boy just sat and pouted. "Hey Yuzu, do not be like that. You did pretty well against my clone you actually beat him good". The young boy looked up to his friend then punched him hard in the gut, the other boy could defend but then he would hurt his friend so he took the pain. The young boy then spoke up to him then said, "You could have had your clone use the sharingan at least instead of playing around with me. Tora you a jerk, you know that" The young boy who had not quite become a shinobi yet was still upset at not being able to do more. The other boy then replied. "Yuzu, you still in the academy and you can already take on three of my clones at the same time, when you become a genin one day i am sure you will be able to take on all five clones. They do waste a lot of chakra though. " Ren looked down then finally spoke up, "I also know how to make clones too"

An awkward silence passed as they looked at each other after, then the older boy rubbed Ren softly on the head. " You actually a good boy, you can let people know that sometimes you know " The young Ren just blushed as he still loved having his head rubbed and his hair ruffled. He then finally spoke as well. " Wish i could use fire jutsu like you so i can copy you instead of you copying me the whole time ". Once again the conversation became a bit depressing as he decided to pick up Ren by the collar then carried him while hugging him slightly. " what you doing Tora?" He sighed then spoke again. "I know you sprained your ankle today, did you really think my sharingan would not notice that." Ren became silent as he was found out, he trained harder than anyone else and was more than just some lazy genius. Tora had a huge respect for his best friend even though they were ages apart and had different lives, they accepted each other the way they are and did not force each other to change. They did leave playful hints every now and then though not to mention the few games they played. After a deep sigh he finally said, "Ren, look after yourself a bit more you are my best friend", he blushed a lot as did Ren who never said anything for the rest of that day as it began to rain. Running with Ren in his arms jumping the trees nearly falling, not caring about the people who might find it a bit strange. They were friends and nothing and no one else mattered right now. Deep down Tora hoped Ren would make more friends as in time they would no longer see each other again.


A kunai flew through the air and just hit the top above the head of the other clone who just raised a slight eyebrow of annoyance having already gripped the sword tightly choosing not to strike since the kunai did not aim for him. The clone stood up and just looked towards Dovy then put his sword on his back as Ren and the other clone walked outside. The real Ren sighed then immediately jumped and ran up the building to where Dovy was and stopped with his sword drawn to Dovy's neck. " You failed that fight, I thought you would do a bit better ", it was not clear yet what Ren meant, but knowing that he would hate to have to figure it out himself he got straight to the point. " I have faced people who use Fuuton, my clone took his time on purpose to give you a chance to use your technique again in order to win the fight. You can not afford to miss those openings or you will end up dead." The blade did not move away from Dovy's neck and this was to emphasize how serious his mistake was. "Everything you did was okay and you got better each time, but if you miss openings like that you could end up getting people killed. I would like to know more about you though for next time." What he meant to say was he had a bit of fun, but his training would not let him say it. If Dovy had the same teachers Ren had he would have gotten a beating right now, and not just a sword held to his neck.

"I got something i want you to do, this should be easy for warm ups i used to do them a lot. I am not very strong so i did not train like others did. I have no idea when the Chuunin Exams are happening or whether you would like for us to do this again. I want you to train hard until we get to train again since i might have a mission tomorrow. You should try and learn a few more jutsu, your water trumpet was nice and you had a good wind jutsu. I do not know if you have enough chakra to use the water clone jutsu, but you could learn the water prison technique or even learn more wind jutsu to get you around. It might not help against me, but it would help if you can find some cool ways to use it. I wish i could use wind but all i have is water and lightning. You might also want to do a few more missions to gain experience too."

He kept talking for a good five minutes describing methods to train his agility better, some jutsus he should learn and how important missions are. "Sorry, hope i covered everything i remember my lectures were like a few hours and came with a free beating as well. Good luck Dovy and " he charged a bit of lightning through his body before speaking again. " I hope you can catch up to me, would be nice to fight someone my own age for a change" He then waved dropping a flash bomb blinding Dovy as he was now long gone using the Shunshin no jutsu. He had not only trained Dovy but encouraged him to become stronger so he could fight him. He either saw great potential or just wanted a friend. Regardless Dovy would have to train hard as it seemed they would be destined to fight once again.

Training Words = 5466 + 1195 = 6661
Training Jutsu Suiton Suishoha = 2000/2000
Training Jutsu Raiton Suteki Shoten = 2000/2000
Training Jutsu Purazuma Boru(Plasma Barrier) = 2000/2000
Training Jutsu Kiri Bunshin = 661/2000

Exit Thread

19Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Empty Re: Pride and Humility [Training/Invite] Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:24 pm

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Surprisingly, Ren and all of his Rens appeared to match an expression of annoyance and disappointment. It was as if what Dovy did what incorrect. The one who may have been the real Ren leaped his way up to the top of the building where Dovy stood, and drew a sword to his neck. Though Dovy was not afraid of the intimate spacing between his neck and the sharp steel, his immediate response was to draw his kunai out with his left hand and hold it to Ren's neck as well. Surely it didn't matter, since this could very well be a clone anyways. It felt as if they were done here. The fighting tension deflated and a recap was about to ensue. "You failed that fight, I thought you would do a bit better." Ren said to him. Dovy's expression was blank, but he felt confused. In his opinion he would definitely disagree. "I didn't know the fight was over mate." he responded back to him while keeping his kunai in place. It was not much of an act of fleeing from battle, but repositioning the fighting ground. After all, one of the clones was slacking off under a tree. Had the fight ensued, Dovy could have actually left an embarrassing scratch on the zoned-out clone. Still, it looked like Ren was ready wrap this training exhibition up for the day. Perhaps he was in a hurry for something else on this clear day.

Ren continued to explain to him, "I have faced people who use Fuuton, my clone took his time on purpose to give you a chance to use your technique again in order to win the fight. You can not afford to miss those openings or you will end up dead." Dovy now understood. But still, he couldn't say much. His sensory skills were still below par, yet he did have some more jutsu prepared. Steam, however, was the only Fuuton jutsu in his arsenal. Perhaps it was time to learn more. Sensory techniques should be added to his list of jutsu as well. After all, if that fight were to be real, Dovy would've been dead anyways. "Everything you did was okay and you got better each time, but if you miss openings like that you could end up getting people killed. I would like to know more about you though for next time." Ren added, and Dovy smiled. Surely he would love to train once again with Ren, and he was thankful to learn something new that day. "I see, next time I won't miss an oppenin' if I get me one. The hard part is jus' knowing when ye get one." he explained. Something like this will probably only develop through time and hard training. For a bukijutsu user, it is always that last second that makes all of the difference. To see who is just that much faster to find an opening to take out his or her opponent. "Thanks, I learned a lot today!" Dovy added with a smile, ironically, since he still had his kunai up to Ren's neck.

Dovy lowered his kunai and put it up into his pocket as a sign that the training was officially over now. "I got something i want you to do, this should be easy for warm ups i used to do them a lot. I am not very strong so i did not train like others did. I have no idea when the Chuunin Exams are happening or whether you would like for us to do this again..." Ren mentioned. "Chuunin Exams?... Heh, yeah. Probably not fer a bit. But maybe I'll challenge ye then, once I'm a Chuunin!" Dovy responded with optimism. That might be the key, to rank up and have a more experienced mind. Dovy learned that he definitely had the potential, it was just the battle experience that he was missing. It was something that Ren was able to provide him through out the training they had today. "...I want you to train hard until we get to train again since i might have a mission tomorrow. You should try and learn a few more jutsu, your water trumpet was nice and you had a good wind jutsu. I do not know if you have enough chakra to use the water clone jutsu, but you could learn the water prison technique or even learn more wind jutsu to get you around..." He was right. In fact, Dovy would decide to spend that day brainstorming some ideas for Fuuton ninjutsu, specifically ones to enhance his Bukijutsu techniques.

The conversation continued on, sharing and discussing different things with each other. Most were some advice on learning ninjutsu and how to incorporate them with other bukijutsu techniques. "Sorry, hope i covered everything i remember my lectures were like a few hours and came with a free beating as well. Good luck Dovy and..." he said with a pause as he backed up a bit. Some lightning clacked through his body a bit which spooked Dovy. It was strongest weakness as a Hozuki, but Ren was a safe distance from him. "I hope you can catch up to me, would be nice to fight someone my own age for a change." Ren said as his final statement. Dovy smiled back politely and responded, "Of course! Expect it mate, someday we'll go all out. I'll be lookin' forward to fighting ye again." he said with a thumbs up. Ren waved goodbye and flash bombed his away from the scenery, leaving the clones to splash on the floor like wet rags. Dovy rubbed his eyes and opened them to the sight of a nice day. He looked up to the skies and noticed the clouds above his head moving freely, and then an idea sparked in his mind. "Hehe, I've got me an idea." he said to himself and leaped off of the dome shaped roof. It was going to be an interesting week.

~~Exit Thread~~

Fuuton B > A: [3,000/3000]
Fuuton A > S: [4,000/4000]
Word Count: [7,086]

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